Campus Connect Foundation Program 4.0

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The key takeaways are that the Infosys Foundation Program aims to prepare engineering students to be industry-ready by teaching skills in areas like Object Oriented Programming, Relational Database Management Systems, and Software Engineering. It provides courseware, training materials, and hands-on learning opportunities to partner colleges.

The objectives of the Infosys Foundation Program are to teach skills in three focus areas - Object Oriented Programming using Java, Relational Database Management Systems, and Software Engineering and Introduction to UI and Web Technologies. It aims to provide both conceptual and practical learning opportunities to students.

The components of the Foundation Program are Conclaves, Road Shows, Faculty Enablement Programs, Sabbaticals, Foundation Programs, Industry Electives, Soft Skills training, Sponsored Events and Seminars. The current version, FP 4.0, focuses on the three areas with more hands-on learning and practice-based assignments.


Foundation Program 4.0

Program Overview



Campus Connect aims at evolving a model

through which Infosys and engineering
institutions can partner for competitiveness,
enhance the pool of highly capable talent for
growth requirements in Information Technology
(IT) space. It is aimed at creating an effective
means of backward integration into the supply
chain by going into the college campuses from
where the IT industry gets the people for its
growth. The nation-wide program focuses on
preparing industry-ready IT professionals by
aligning and enhancing the engineering student
competencies with the needs of the industry.
Infosys, in this Campus Connect program,
shares with academia its mature technology
training methods, courseware, student project
samples and other such learning resources that
have been developed, practiced and perfected
over the last 15 years.
The Campus Connect program has several
program components weaved together to
create synergy for effective, fast-paced
learning. Namely - Conclaves, Road Shows,
Faculty Enablement Programs (FEP),
Sabbaticals, Foundation Programs, Industry
Electives, Soft Skills Capsule Roll-out,
Sponsored Events and Seminars.

At a Glance
1. Foundation Program (FP) Rollout is a core
offering under Campus Connect.
2. Campus Connect shares the FP courseware
with colleges to enable them make
students Industry-Ready.
3. The current version of FP is FP4.0 released
to Partnered colleges with effect from Oct
4. The duration of FP 4.0 Rollout is 65 contact
(typically classroom) hours with 55 lab
hours for Hands-on.

Whats new in FP4.0?

1. Three Focus Areas Object Oriented
Programming using Java, Relational
Database Management Systems, Software
Engineering and Introduction to UI and
Web Technologies.
2. More Practical aspect in the above 3 Focus

Key Features of FP 4.0

Maximum alignment with current FP at

Mysore training so that all concepts are
covered with more of Hands-on
FP 4.0 has 65 hours of theory and 55
hours of Hands on, which emphasizes the
focus on hands-on exposure to students
Provision of Conceptual and Practicebased Assignments with respective
Session plan for each of the Focus Areas.
Besides the Hands-on focus, new topics
such as Software Engineering and
Introduction to Web Technology in addition
to OOP using Java and RDBMS are
Assessment is aligned to new model with
a combination of Objective and Hands-on
exam at the end of respective focus areas.
This will enhance the practical knowledge
of students to make them industry-ready

Rationale for the Program

The core of the Campus Connect program is
the Foundation Program Roll-out at the college
premises. Foundation Program Courseware
represents the Intellectual Property and
experience of Infosys in training thousands of
entry level engineers from heterogeneous
backgrounds and disciplines to deliver worldclass projects to global customers. The
purpose of the FP Courseware is to provide a

unique set of teaching aids, consolidated

training material to the college faculty to help
them make students Industry-Ready.
This courseware has been used by Infosys to
train entry level engineers. This is typically
delivered as classroom sessions coupled with
The Program announcement is launched to
communicate the latest version of Foundation
Program Rollout and to provide quick
understanding on new courseware, rollout
process and assessment methodologies.

Program Description
The enhancements on the Foundation Program
offerings and processes are based on the
changes in the Foundation Program at Infosys
Global Education Center and the feedback and
inputs received from the Campus Connect
Partner Colleges.
The new Foundation program is
comprised of three focus areas namely,


1. Focus area 1: Object Oriented

Programming (OOP) using Java: This
course includes problem solving through
Implementation using Data Structures. It
also gives OOP paradigm using basic
Java as programming language
2. Focus area 2: Relational Database
Management Systems (RDBMS): This
course introduces the basic concepts and
terminology of RDBMS, explains database
design using Entity Relationship (ER)
modelling and Normalization, SQL
3. Focus area 3: Software Engineering and
Technologies (SE & IUWT):
This course introduces basic Software
Engineering life cycle models such as
Waterfall, Spiral, Prototype and Agile
methodology and basic web technologies

using Html, CSS and Java scripting

Hands-on Component
Hands-on is the key component of Foundation
Program 4.0. The objective is to expose
students to practical development and best
practices to be followed in coding, query tuning
and software engineering process. Students
will have to work for 55 hours in all the three
focus areas. Students will develop the
enterprise application using Object oriented
approach in focus area-1, develop optimized
queries in focus area-2 and create simple UI
using html/JavaScript in focus area-3. This will
enhance their practical knowledge using open
source IDEs such as Eclipse/ Net beans.

Program Deliverables and

Batch Planning Information
Plan a Batch
With the release of Foundation Program 4.0,
the FP batch data is fully managed using
( Log on to
the Campus Connect Portal with College SPoC
credentials and select option Foundation
Program FP Inbox. Upload the batch details
using the Plan a batch screen. College SPoC
provides Batch Overview, Course Details,
Important Course Dates, and Student Details to
complete the batch planning data. Every new
batch submitted on the Campus Connect portal
goes through an approval process. Infosys DC
SPoC approves / resends the batch by
carefully evaluating the batch plan. A unique
batch identifier gets generated for every
approved batch. This batch identifier is used
for the purpose of tracking and closure of FP
batches. Hence it is required that College
SPoC uploads the FP batch details on Campus
Connect Portal.

FP 4.0 Processes
A typical process of executing the Foundation Program 4.0 is depicted in the below diagram:

Duration of FP4.0

FP Focus Area
Focus area-1: Object oriented

Theory Hours

Hands-on Hours





17 (7 + 10)



Programming using Java


Focus area-2: Relational Database

Management Systems

Software Engineering and Introduction to

UI and Web Technolgies

Batch Commencement
The Campus Connect SPoC at Partner College
submits the Foundation Program plan on portal
for approval. After the Foundation program
batch plan is created and approved for
execution and the student selection is
completed, the college is all set to start the first
component of the Foundation Program i.e. PreTest.
This activity is to be conducted before the first
course of FP rollout. Campus Connect partner
college is to arrange this pre-test for the FP
batch students. The expected mode of
deploying pre-test is ONLINE. The objective of
this Pre-Test is to

By taking this pre-test, the students will be

able to understand the importance of the
Foundation Program.
a. Improve preparatory reading just
prior to the Foundation Program
b. Exercise learning experiences.
c. Gauge what they do not know
By arranging this pre-test, the colleges will
be able to
a. Enhanced students interest for Campus
Connect program and hence helps in
getting desired level of enrollment for
Foundation Program.

a. To gain insight into the practicality of the


b. Provide Comprehensive feedback to

students. This will help students and
faculty members in identifying gaps in
learning and competencies.

b. To provide understandings of relevance

importance of the each module in FP

c. Get a baseline of their students


c. To provide a feedback to students

The Pre-test should be based on the Foundation Program 4.0 course coverage. The Pre-Test should
be made up of objective type, multiple choice questions (MCQs). The breakup of the questions for PreTest should be as follows.

FP Course Name

Number of MCQs per Total Marks per

FP Course

FP Course

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) using Java



Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)



Software Engineering and Introduction to UI & Web




The multiple choice questions (MCQs) in the

Pre-test should be based on the CAMP
methodology. For details please refer to
CAMP Methodology section in this


Campus Connect team recommends

sharing of individuals Pre-Test results along
with course-wise analysis. Sharing the
question paper along with correct answers
helps students in reinforcing the objectives

of Pre-Test. By doing this, students will be

able to co-relate the pre-test question, its
appropriateness during the linked FP course
Note: Pre-test should not be used as a
means for student selection. The
performance in the pre-test should not be
used for student discontinuation in FP
batch. There is no weight-age for pre-test in
the final score.
FP Course Delivery

Technologies. The CAMP based question

papers should be sent to respective Infosys
DC SPoC for review before conducting the
assessments. Like Focus area-1 and 2 Retest, a Focus area-3 Retest and a doubt
clearing session are to be completed. The
Re-test option is available for every Focus
FP Re-test Criteria
FP Re-Test can be offered to the students
in following scenarios

After the pre-test is conducted, the actual

course deliveries can start as per the same
sequence listed in FP4.0 processes.

Students who have scored less

than 65% in the respective Focus
area Test can opt for Focus area

Students who have missed the test

due to genuine reasons. The faculty
members are to take the
responsibility of evaluating the
genuineness in such cases.

Hands-on Assignments
Along with ONLINE assessments during the
Foundation Program, students are expected
to complete the assignments for these
courses. The FP faculties are to share these
assignments with students which can be
downloaded from CC portal.
Focus area-1 Test
The FIRST ONLINE assessment is to be
conducted for the batch after completing the
courses OOP using Java. The CAMP
based question papers should be sent to
respective Infosys DC SPoC for review
before conducting the assessments. The
Re-test option is available for each FP Test.
See the FP Re-test criteria. A doubt clearing
session is to be arranged before the Focus
area-2 Course Delivery.
Focus area-2 Test
This test is based on the course Relational
Database Management Systems (RDBMS).
The CAMP based question papers should
be sent to respective Infosys DC SPoC for
review before conducting the assessments.
Like Focus area-1 Re-test, a Focus area-2
Retest and a doubt clearing session are to
be completed. The Re-test option is
available for every Focus area.
Focus area-3 Test
This test is based on the course Software
Engineering and Introduction to UI & Web

Hands-on Exam Question Paper Generation

Focus Area-1: OOP using Java

Problem statement should be given in

terms of class diagrams along with
functionality implementation details

There should be minimum of three

classes using any of the Relationships
handled in that subject

Focus Area-2: RDBMS

Problem statement should be given

which contains Table structure with
sample Data to be inserted in Oracle

There should be 10 queries with

varying complexity ranging from 1 to 3
marks questions

Focus Area-3: IUWT

Problem statement should be given

which contains UI design template
along with screenshots

The problem statement can represent any

domain such as banking, education system,

and library or retail application. The same

domain can be used for all the three Hands-on

CAMP Methodology
The FP Test question papers are set based on
the CAMP model of assessment. CAMP stands
for Conceptual, Analytical, Memory Based and
Practice Based questions. The recommended
distribution of questions over the different
aspects of CAMP model should typically be:
C+M = 20-30% and A+P = 70-80%.

Doubt Clearing Sessions

Campus Connect team strongly recommends
conducting a Doubt Clearing session for
students after every Test. The objective of
conducting the Doubt Clearing Session is to
provide a forum to students to clarify doubts
about the course focus areas if any.

FP Certification
With Foundation Program 4.0 Campus
Connect has introduced certification criteria
for successful completion of the program.
Every student fulfilling ALL parameters
mentioned below is eligible to get FP

Foundation Program attendance

with minimum attendance required
for classroom sessions is 75%

ALL the tests, and assignments are


Students should score 65 and

above for total of 100 marks either
in Test or Re-test in all the Three
focus areas

Partner Colleges are to issue and keep

track of the issued certificates for the future
FP Closure
This is the end of FP batch execution and
should be immediately followed by FP closure
reports. The FP closure is to be done on
Campus Connect Portal.

FP Assessment
The table below gives overview of FP Assessment framework, assessment units, course coverage and
scope of the same.


Distribution of Marks for



of MCQ


Max Marks

Focus Area-1

OOP using


1 set




Focus Area-2



1 set




Focus Area-3


10+ 20

1 set






Suggested Activities
Partner College


3. Program Announcement for

a. Campus Connect Program
b. Faculty Development Program

1. Batch Plan submission on Campus

Connect Portal
2. Provision for Online Assessment
Platform for conducting the FP
3. Conducting Pre-Test in ONLINE mode

c. Campus Connect Portal


4. Planning for FP Tests by creating sets

of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
based on CAMP methodology.

1. What is covered in the Infosys

Foundation Program?

5. Completing FP Hands-on Tests

Question Set Review with Infosys
conducting these assessments.

Answer: The courses of the Infosys

Foundation Program cover the
following 3 Focus areas, which is the
basis for software development:

6. Doubt clearing sessions along with FP


Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

using Java

7. Lab hours allocations for executing the

Hands-on assignments

Relational Database Management

Systems (RDBMS)

8. Generating the student score records

and completing the closure report

Software Engineering and Introduction

to UI and Web Technologies

9. Issuing the FP completion certificates

to students

Program Governance
Infosys SPoC Infosys will need to coordinate
with associated regional colleges for rolling-out
this program. Infosys SPoC will be designated
person for the colleges.
College SPoC College Single Point of
Contact will be one of the core team members
of the respective colleges.

Reference Information
1. Campus
2. Campus Connect MoU document at
Partner college

2. Does attending this program entitle the

student for placement in Infosys?
Answer: No. Infosys placements are
recruitment process. Those students
who are already selected by Infosys
will gather more knowledge by
attending this program.
3. What are the eligibility criteria to attend
this program?
Answer: The program is aimed at the
final and pre-final year engineering
students. The exact eligibility criteria to
select students for the program are
decided by the partner college.
However Students recruited by Infosys
should complete this program when
offered by college.

4. Is the program open for students of

non-IT engineering branches?
Answer: Yes. Students from IT-related
as well as non-IT-related branches can
attend this program.
5. Is it compulsory for all the Infosys
selected students to attend this
Answer: Yes. All the students who
were offered an employment with
Infosys should attend the program.
6. If a student who is yet to be placed
attends this program, is it compulsory
for the student to join Infosys?
Answer: No. There is no such
7. Can students who are not selected by
Infosys attend the program?
Answer: Yes. They can attend the
8. What are the benefits of attending the
program for students?
Answer: Students, who complete the
qualifying criteria, receive an FP

References: Useful Websites

9. What if an Infosys selected student

does not complete the Foundation
Program in college?
Answer: All the students who were
offered an employment with Infosys
should complete the program.
10. What are the benefits for students to
attend the program?
Answer: Student experiences industryoriented subjects which are essential to
be eligible for IT industry, and also
receive a certificate on completing the
qualifying criteria.
11. Is the ONLINE assessment a
mandatory requirement for FP
Answer: Yes. College should conduct
the ONLINE assessment to complete
the FP Rollout.

Program Contact

Infosys Development Center


Infosys Point of Contact

Anoop Singh
Sahana Kumaraswamy
Srinagesh Chatarajupalli
Kamaljeet Kaur
Roy Antony Arnold George Charles
Kalpana Balaraman
Sudheer Reddy K.
Kavya Gopi
Vani K N
Anuj Madhusudan Jajoo
Hari S.

Email ID

[email protected]
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