Updating The Definition of Internationalization - Jane Knight

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International Issues

Updating the Definition of

Jane Knight
Jane Knight is adjunct professor at the Comparative International Development Education Centre, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education,
University of Toronto. Address: 62 Wellesley Street West, Suite 1906,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2X3. E-mail: [email protected].

or over 20 years now, the definition of internationalization has been the subject of much discourse. Internationalization is not a new term. The term has been
used for centuries in political science and governmental
relations, but its popularity in the education sector has
really only soared since the early 1980s. Prior to this time,
international education was the favored term and still is
in some countries. In the 1990s, the discussion on using
the term international education centered on differentiating it from comparative education, global education,
and multicultural education. Today, in the first decade
of the 21st century, another set of related terms is emerging that includes transnational education, borderless education, and cross-border education.
The term borderless first appeared in Australian and
U.K. reports in 2000. Basically, the term refers to the
blurring of conceptual, disciplinary, and geographic
borders traditionally inherent to higher education. It is
interesting to juxtapose the term borderless education
with cross-border education. The former term
acknowledges the disappearance of borders while the
latter term actually emphasizes their existence. Both
approaches reflect the reality of today. In this period of
unprecedented growth in distance and e-learning
education, geographic borders seem to be of little
consequence. Yet, there is growing importance attached
to borders when the focus turns to regulatory
responsibility, especially related to quality assurance,
funding, and accreditation.
New Working Definition
It is interesting to look at the way in which definitions can shape policy and how practice can influence definitions and policy. Given the changes in the
rationales, providers, and the delivery methods of
cross-border higher education, it is important to revisit the question of definition and ensure that the
meaning reflects current changes and challenges. It
is increasingly clear that internationalization needs
to be understood at the national and sector level as
well as at the institutional level. Therefore, a new
definition is needed that encompasses both levels and
the dynamic relationship between them, as well as
reflecting the realities of today.

A challenging part of developing a definition is

taking into account its application to many different
countries, cultures, and education systems. This is no
easy task. At issue is not developing a universal
definition but rather ensuring that the meaning is
appropriate for a broad range of contexts and countries
of the world. Thus it is important that a definition does
not specify the rationales, benefits, outcomes, actors,
activities, or stakeholders of internationalization as these
elements vary across nations and from institution to
institution. The critical point is that the international
dimension relates to all aspects of education and the role
that it plays in society. With this in mind the following
working definition is proposed:
Internationalization at the national, sector, and
institutional levels is defined as the process of integrating an
international, intercultural, or global dimension into the
purpose, functions or delivery of postsecondary education.

The term borderless first appeared in

Australian and U.K. reports in 2000.
Basically, the term refers to the blurring
of conceptual, disciplinary, and geographic borders traditionally inherent to
higher education.

Key Concepts
The above specific terms and concepts were carefully
chosen for the proposed working definition of internationalization. The term process is deliberately used
to convey that internationalization is an ongoing and
continuing effort. The term process denotes an evolutionary or developmental quality to the concept.
Process is often thought of in terms of a tripartite
model of educationinput, process, and output.
However, the concepts of input and output were intentionally not used in the above definitioneven
though in todays environment accountability and
therefore outcomes are stressed. If internationalization is defined in terms of inputs, outputs, or benefits, it becomes less generic as it must reflect the
particular priorities of a country, an institution, or a
specific group of stakeholders.
International, intercultural, and global dimension are
three terms that are intentionally used as a triad.
International is used in the sense of relationships
between and among nations, cultures or countries.
But we know that internationalization is also about
relating to the diversity of cultures that exist within
countries, communities, and institutions, and so

intercultural is used to address this dimension.

Finally, global, a controversial and value-laden term
these days, is included to provide the sense of
worldwide scope. These three terms complement each
other and together depict the richness in the breadth
and depth of internationalization.

International, intercultural, and global

dimension are three terms that are intentionally used as a triad.

The concept of integration is specifically used to

denote the process of infusing or embedding the
international and intercultural dimension into policies
and programs to ensure that the international
dimension remains central, not marginal, and is
sustainable. The concepts of purpose, function, and
delivery have been carefully chosen and are meant to
be used together. Purpose refers to the overall role
and objectives that higher education has for a country
or the mission of an institution. Function refers to the
primary elements or tasks that characterize a national
postsecondary system or individual institution.
Usually these include teaching, research, and service
to society. Delivery is a narrower concept. It refers to
the offering of education courses and programs either
domestically or in other countries. This includes
delivery by traditional higher education institutions
but also by new providers such as multinational
companies that are often more interested in the global
delivery of their programs and services than the
international or intercultural dimension of a campus
or research and service functions.
One of the previous definitions that has been
widely used to describe internationalization is the
process of integrating an international or intercultural
dimension into the teaching, research, and service
functions of the institution. This definition does not
conflict with the updated definition: in fact the
opposite is true, the definitions are very
complementary. Because the new definition includes
the national and sector level and also the growing
number and diversity of new education providers and
delivery methods, the more generic terms of purpose,
function, and delivery are used instead of the specific
functional terms of teaching, research, and service.
By using the more general terms, the proposed
definition can be relevant for the sector level, the
institutional level, and the variety of providers in the
broad field of postsecondary education.

Internationalization and Globalization

The dynamic relationship between internationalization
of education and globalization is an important area of
study. In order to acknowledge, but not oversimplify
the complex and rather contentious topic of globalization, parameters need to be established to frame the discussion. For the purposes of this discussion a
nonideological definition of globalization is adopted: the
flow of technology, economy, knowledge, people, values, and ideas . . . across borders. Globalization affects
each country in a different way due to a nations individual history, traditions, culture and priorities. Globalization is positioned as a multifaceted phenomenon and
an important environmental factor that has multiple effects on education.
Globalization clearly presents new opportunities,
challenges, and risks. It is important to note, however,
that the discussion does not center on the globalization
of education. Rather, globalization is presented as a
process impacting internationalization. In short,
internationalization is changing the world of education
and globalization is changing the world of
internationalization. In fact, substantial efforts have been
made during this past decade to maintain the focus on
the internationalization of education and to avoid using
the term globalization of education. This has had mixed
results but some success has been achieved in ensuring
that the relationship between these two terms is
recognized, but that they are not seen to be synonymous
and are not used interchangeably.

Defending Academic Freedom

as a Human Right: An
Internationalist Perspective
Balakrishnan Rajagopal
Balakrishnan Rajagopal is the Ford International Assistant Professor of
Law and Development and director of the Program on Human Rights
and Justice, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. E-mail: [email protected].

efenders of academic freedom in the United States

have argued for it as a professional or constitutional
right of the individual or, less frequently, as an institutional right of the academy. Its practice has been quite
vigorous in this country, especially when compared with
its fate in closed political systems such as Chinas. Since
the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, however, perceptions of threats to academic freedom have changed.
Now, it seems, the war on terror has extended to

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