Thesis Ideas (List of Titles)
Thesis Ideas (List of Titles)
Thesis Ideas (List of Titles)
Alhaidar Salih
Jared Jestoni Obice - 55 thesis titles, contact him @ [email protected]
Ralph Luis Licud Lorilla - 41 thesis titles
PH Online Thesis or Project Helper - Origin of this list
1.3D Visualization of Conic Sections in XNA Game Programming Framework
2.A 3D Immersive Environment for Visualising Robot Sensor Data
3.A calibration system for a visual prosthesis
4.A collaborative web-based genome browser for large-scale epigenomic analysis
5.A Comparison of the Efficiency of an Atomic Component Operation versus Primiti
ve Operations for Building a Real-Time Collaborative Editing API
6.A covert channel based on weak memory
7.A DSpace Mobile Theme for San Diego State University
8.A Dynamic Database Approach for E-Commerce System Using WordPress
9.A Flexible Test Interface and Grading Service For an AJAX Based Course Managem
ent System
10.A Foundational model of the ARM11 Memory Management Unit
11.A Household Mobile Robot
12.A Journey through the Lattice
13.A Method for Minimizing Computing Core Costs in Cloud Infrastructures That Ho
st Location-Based Advertising Services
14.A Mobile Application to Aid Consumers in Accessing Cost Effectiveness in Thei
r Automobile
15.A Mobile Device-Controlled Blood Pressure Monitor
16.A Mobile Tool about Causes and Distribution of Dramatic Natural Phenomena
17.A new Operating System Design for the Argus Multiprocessor platform
18.A New RAID Linux Flash File System
19.A New Software Project Management Tool
20.A PhD Thesis Submission/Examination System for UNSW
21.A Preferential Voting System as a Collaboration Software Solution
22.A service oriented cross-platform approach to perform thermodynamic calculati
23.A System for Retrograde Analysis in Chess
24.A System for Verifying Modularity in Action Theories
25.A System to Assist with Teaching Allocation
26.A usability Analysis of Privacy-preserving mobile applications through crowd
27.A Voting Ballot Web Application as a Collaborative Support System
28.ACP Automated Course Portal through Email
29.Adaptive Content Replication in Peer to Peer Networks
30.Adaptive E-learning
31.Adaptive Low Bit Rate Video Streaming Over Wireless Networks
32.Adaptive Server Selection in Peer-to-Peer Networks
33.Advanced File Manager with Multiple Functions to Manipulate Files with Differ
ent Formats
34.Advertisement Management System
35.Airline Reservation System
36.AJAX-based Process and Service Mashup
37.Allocation problems in practice
38.An AJAX Based Technical Forum for Thermodynamics Community
39.An AJAX-Based Event Calendar for a Course Management System
40.An Alternative Data Structure to Line Sweep Algorithm
41.An Android Application for Crime Analysis in San Diego
42.An Efficient Location Information Management System LIMS For Smartphone Appli
43.An Insight on a Mobile Friendly Web
44.An Intelligent Healthcare Data Management System for Mobile Environment
45.An Interactive Economic GIS Tool for Europe Using Map Objects for Java
nd Statistical Association
102.Brgy Certificate Issuance and Record Management System
103.Brgy Residents Information System PHP/MySQL
104.Building a Web Content Management System
105.Building Change Detection Based on Remote Sensed Images
106.Building Provably Secure Application
107.Burrows-Wheeler Aligner A Parallel Approach
108.Business Permit Issuance System
109.C-to-HDL Synthesis and Exploration for the ARGUS platform in FPGAs
110.Camera-Based Heart Rate Detector using Android
111.Car Registration License Plate Detection and Recognition System
112.Cascading Style Sheet Generator
113.Cashiering and Queuing System
114.Causal disease mutation identification in whole genome sequencing data
115.CEGAR testbed in Haskell
116.Cemetery Mapping and Information System
117.Chart feature facility packaged for map object java edition
118.CIBER Measurement Repository
119.Class Scheduling System
120.Class Time Table in Android
121.Classroom Management System
122.Click Modular Router on seL4
123.Client server based guidance system
124.Cloud Based File System on Mobile Device
125.Cloud-based computing for massively parallel single-cell transcriptomic anal
126.Cloud-in-Cloud Software Defined Data Center for the Next Generation of Cloud
127.Co-ordinating Multiple Cognitive Robotic Agents
128.CogenPro Migration from Java Desktop Application to Web Application
129.Cognitive vision
130.Collaborative Search of Universities for MS in the Southwestern US
131.Colonial History of Mexico A Bilingual GIS Application
132.Come and talk about topics of mutual interest
133.Comparative Analysis of Solutions to the Ramification Problem
134.Comparative Performance of Model checkers for epistemic logic
135.Comparative Study of Oracle Spatial and Postgres Spatial
136.Comparing performance of applications written in native SDK web phone framew
orks and HTML5
137.Comprehensive Web Application for CITER Center of Industrial Training and En
gineering Research
138.Computer Assisted Instruction any topic/subject PHP/MySQL Moodle
139.Computer Laboratory Time Management System
140.Computer-Aided Instruction with Voice Recognition system
141.Computerized Assessment of School Fees
142.Computerized detection of lung diseases using HRCT images
143.Computerized Faculty Evaluation System
144.Concurrency theory and distributed systems
145.Concurrent Programming Patterns for Scalable Network Platform Node js
146.Configurable Low-power FFT Processor Design and Implementation for Synthetic
Aperture Radar SAR Applications
147.Content Management System for Art Lab SDSU
148.Continuous Deployment for Big Data Analytics Applications
149.Controlling a mobile robot using speech
150.Conversational Agent
151.Conversational agents for health communication
152.Convert sdo_geometry objectS to esri shapefiles
153.Converting American Sign Language to voice using RBFNN
154.Coordinated Multi-Robot Security System Using Fuzzy Logic Decision Making
155.Coordinating teams of robots
206.E-Learning System
207.E-voting system
208.E-Voting System with SMS technology
209.Ecommerce site
PHP/MySQL Joomla Wordpress
210.EDSL for data serialisation and de-serialisation
211.EDSL for mobile graphic apps
212.Educational Android Quiz game for Computer Fundamentals - Android
213.Effective Cross-Kernel Communication
214.Electronic Ordering System
215.Electronic Police Clearance System
216.Email based FAQ web application
217.Embedded algorithms for a low power wearable fall detector
218.Employee Ranking System
219.Encultured Agents for teaching culture
220.Enhanced AutoCAD Grading Application Back End Component
221.Enhanced AUTOCAD Grading Application Front End Component
222.Enhanced Mapping Application for SDSU Study Abroad Program
223.Enhancement of MC68000 Simulator Macros to Support Floating Point Number
224.Enhancing the Autonomous Robotic Person Detection and Following Using Modifi
ed Hough Transform
225.Enrollment System PHP/MySQL
226.Entrance Examination
227.Evaluation of Expert Diagnosis for Lung Diseases
228.Evaluation of Heterogeneous Communication Architecture for MPSoCs in ARGUS
229.Evaluation of Mapping Techniques for Heterogeneous MPSoCs for ARGUS
230.Evaluation System Faculty & Staff
231.Event Planner with SMS and Social Sharer Android
232.Evolution of Cricket and Comparison to Baseball
233.Evolution of Democracy in Europe
234.Evolution of EGF domains
235.Evolution of Redox-regulation of Cys Residues in Proteins
236.Evolution of transglutaminases from papain-like cysteine proteases
237.Examination Scheduler
238.Execution Monitoring for Robots
239.Exploiting the weakest link in high-security systems
240.Exploring Structural Properties and Consensus Performance in Complex Network
241.Exploring the genotype/phenotype relationships in lamin A/C
242.Expressiveness of Distributed Systems
243.Face Detections
244.Face Recognition System
245.Facilitating Research with Learner Data in Online Speaking Test
246.Faculty Annual Report Maintenance Website
247.Faculty Information System
248.Fault Tolerance Platforms for Large-Scale Distributed Applications
249.Fault Tolerant Token Ring Network Design for SEU Recovery on Reconfigurable
250.Field Testing and Performance Evaluation of a Mobile-Platform-Based QR Code
Reader for Multilingual Public Information Display Applications
251.Fine Grained Location Using Mobile Augmented Reality
252.Finger Position Data Acquisition System for Cross-Modal Tactile/Visual Cogni
tion Studies
253.Fire and Smoke System with SMS notification
254.First person view system for a remote control aircraft
255.First-aid App for Android
256.Fish Information System
257.Fleet Monitoring via GPS GPRS/GSM using Huawei Modem
258.Flood Monitoring with GPRS TEch using Google Earth API
259.Formal modelling verification and analysis of wireless mesh networks
260.FPGA implementation of ASIP Processors
651.Visitor Log Monitoring System
652.Visualization of the Deformation of Planet Due to Tidal Forces Using XNA Pro
gramming Framework
653.Voice Command with bluetooth using Direct Object Speech library
654.Voice Revolution Anrdoid Game
655.Voice Search for Locations using Google Maps
656.Voting System
657.Voting System with Mobile Application
658.Water Billing System PHP/MySQL
659.Weather Forecast Application using Android
660.Weather tracking System Powered by Google Earth APIs and Davis Weather Instr
661.Web Application Development for San Diego Cricket Club
662.Web Content Management System for Wildland Urban Interface Fires Research
663.Web Page Analysis
664.Web Services Security Analysis and Management Tool
665.Web-Based Geographic Information Support System for International Student Tu
tor-Mentor Program
667.Website for Freeway Evolution in San Diego County
668.Weight Build-Up & LOPA Sketch-Up Optimization Tool
669.When & how to use gestures Connecting our bodies & minds to computers
670.When and how to use animation Connecting human minds to computers
671.Wiki Contributions to Software Engineering
672.Wireless network coding extension for IEEE 802 11
673.Wireless Projects
674.World History Maps A GIS Based Teaching Tool
675.XPENSTRAK Expense Tracker Mobile Application for iPhone
676.YouTube and Beyond Exploring the unknown
***It is very much appreciated if you could add more to this list.
If the list is not sufficient, you can try combining ideas from different titles
If it is still not enough, you can observe and look around you for processes tha
t can be improved or automated.
How to come up with your thesis' advantage and disadvantages:
1. Brainstorm and list the things that you observed from the current system (pur
ely manual, semi-automated, or existing automated system), and then list the thi
ngs that you can visualize on the proposed system.
2. Compare these two lists. There are high chances that some processes on the cu
rrent system has an equivalent process in the proposed system which are much mor
e easier to execute. You list these things as advantages.
3. There are also processes in the proposed system that are do not exist in the
current system (Additional processes), you can list these as your disadvantages.