Copyright Policy Template
Copyright Policy Template
Copyright Policy Template
requires all of our employees to fulfill our moral and legal obligations
with respect to our use of the copyright protected materials of others. To
that end, and in fulfillment of our commitment to protect the principles
of copyright in general, employees of [Company] should seek permission
to use copyrighted works whenever appropriate and, when unsure
whether permission is required, seek advice from the Copyright Officer
identified below.
B. [Company] acknowledges that copyright infringement is a violation of
the law and may impose civil and/or criminal liability on the individual
infringer, as well as on the infringers employer. Therefore, every
employee is required to comply with copyright law and adhere to this
copyright policy. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
Copyright laws are generally not straightforward and they have many gray
areas. The goal of this policy is to provide [Companys] employees (whether
on a permanent, temporary or contract basis) consultants, and agents with
a uniform approach to addressing complex copyright issues. [Company]
has designated [Name, Title] as the Copyright Officer to administer our
organization's copyright policy. [Name] will oversee periodic updates to the
policy, as well as updates resulting from related changes in policy or law.
The aim of this policy is to provide practical advice and procedures, but it is
not a substitute for legal advice. Proper legal advice should be obtained
whenever necessary. Questions regarding this policy and other topics such
as fair use should be directed to [Name], Copyright Officer. [Name] can also
assist you in obtaining advice from a lawyer if needed.
share creative works by granting them exclusive rights to control how their
works may be used. Among the exclusive rights granted to those authors are
the rights to reproduce, distribute, publicly perform and publicly display a
work. These rights provide copyright holders control over the use of their
creations, and an ability to benefit, monetarily and otherwise, from the
exploitation of their works. Copyright also protects the right to make a
derivative work, such as a movie from a book;
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The U.S. is a member of two major copyright treaties, the Berne Convention
and the Universal Copyright Convention. As such, when [Company] uses a
copyright-protected work from almost any other country, U.S. copyright law
applies to the use of that work, assuming the use takes place in the United
States. Similarly, the copyright laws of other participating countries apply to
the use of U.S. works in those countries. While these treaties establish
certain conventions that render the laws of participating countries consistent
to some degree, there are differences in each countrys law and [Companys]
Copyright Officer should be consulted if there are questions regarding the use
of materials by employees or others outside the U.S. Licensing intermediaries
such as Copyright Clearance Center offer agreements that allow the use of
materials from other countries as well as the use of materials across borders,
which can simplify the permission process a great deal.
Copyright and Digital Works
Any non-digital content that is protected by copyright is also protected in a
digital form. For example, print books are protected by copyright law, as are
electronic books. A print letter is
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Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 978-750-8400 Fax 978-646-8600
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Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 978-750-8400 Fax 978-646-8600
Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 978-750-8400 Fax 978-646-8600
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If [Company] does not work with Copyright Clearance Center, you must contact
the copyright holder directly. As mentioned, locating the copyright holder may
take some time, as well as some investigative and creative work.
Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 978-750-8400 Fax 978-646-8600
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Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 978-750-8400 Fax 978-646-8600