Μετρητης υδατανθρακων
Μετρητης υδατανθρακων
Μετρητης υδατανθρακων
such as regular
soda and fruit
Sweet condiments
such as barbeque
sauce, relish and
Carb Counting
Being more aware of the carbohydrates you eat, or counting the carbs in your meals, can help you match
your medication or activity levels to the food you eat. This can help you to better control your blood glucose.
One serving of carbohydrate is measured as 15 grams.
A food that contains 15 grams of carbohydrate is called one carb serving.
For example, one slice of bread, a small piece of fruit, or a ear of corn each have around 15 grams of carb.
Each of these equals one carb serving.
Carb Counting
30 grams of carb
1 cup serving
30 grams of carb
2 oz. roll
30 grams of carb
2/3 cup
This sugar-free
pudding contains
8 grams of carb per
cup serving:
For example:
One carb serving of
cooked pasta is
1/3 cup, which
equals 15 grams of
If you eat 1 cup of cooked
pasta, your portion is actually
3 carb servings, totaling
45 grams of carb.
Total carbohydrates
per serving are here
If you are trying to lose weight, your doctor may ask you to use
the lower number in these ranges for your carb counts by meal.