Human Activity Monitoring With Wearable Sensors
Human Activity Monitoring With Wearable Sensors
Human Activity Monitoring With Wearable Sensors
I. Introduction
Assistive technology provides solutions to people with disabilities and aging population in performing tasks without
being helped by another person. Even if a person is not suffering from disabilities or aging, they still can benefit from
assistive technology tools and services. As a branch of assistive technology, ambient care systems are emerging. To aid
everyday life of people in need, ambient care systems contain
a network of objects used in peoples daily routines. Ambient care systems are capable of sensing the environment
through sensors and reacting to certain conditions reasoned
In this experimental study, an indoor activity monitoring system is designed and implemented to recognize the simple actions performed by a human subject and the transitions between these actions in real time. Two models are analyzed:
single sensor single classifier (SSSC) and multi sensor multi
classifiers( MSMC). In both models, sensor readings from a
tri-axial accelerometer built-in the TI Chronos watch is used
for data acquisition.
In the single sensor-single classifier (SSSC) model, the watch
is worn by the person on the left wrist for the walk action, and
worn to the left thigh for the sit, stand and lie actions. The resulting sensor data obtained in the form of unsigned integers
varying in the range [0,255] are converted to their 2s complement equivalents. The acceleration values in 2s complement form are classified by using naive Bayes classifier into
a simple action. Naive Bayes classifier has training and prediction phases. In the training phase, the training data are exposed to normal distribution to extract unique intervals of average posterior probability. These intervals create the pattern
for the specified action. Patterns for all simple actions are
recorded into a database. In the prediction phase, data sample of a composite action with unknown type is detected by
comparing the differentiated simple actions to the patterns in
the database to produce a posterior probability value. The action of which average posterior probability value is included
in one of the distinct intervals is marked as the corresponding
The multi sensor-multi classifier (MSMC) model includes
a data collection component composed of two acceleration
sensors built in TI Chronos watch worn on wrist and ankle
by the human subject. It also includes a composite data classification subsystem employing naive Bayes classifier first to
differentiate between activities. When naive Bayes classifier
reports that an action performed by a person is ambiguous
ie. may be recognized as more than one action, then the
data classification component uses Hidden Markov Model
(HMM) and Susan corner detector (SCD) in order to find
a single answer to what the action is. Data classification has
training and prediction phases. During the training phase, the
system processes the samples of the actions to be recognized,
generating patterns for those actions. In the prediction phase,
the system processes real time data, splitting the data into
chunks on the fly and inferring what action each chunk belongs to by evaluating the patterns obtained in training phase.
Real-time activities are modeled as simple and composite actions. Simple actions are walk, walk while hands in pocket,
stand, sit, lie and wheelchair driving. Any combination of
these actions are regarded as composite actions. The system is trained with simple actions whereas the real time data
processed during prediction phase are composed of composite actions. The presented work is also featured by its successful differentiation between different kinds of walk actions, namely walk, walk while hands in pocket and walk
on wheelchair.
The content of the following sections is as follows: In Section II related work is reviewed. In Sections III-A and
III-B, single sensor-single classifier and multi sensor-multiclassifier models are given. Section IV reveals the results of
the experiments and elaborates on the future work.
III. Methodology
We have established an experimental setup to analyze the
proposed SSSC and MSMC models. In both models TI
Chronos watch which contains a 3D accelerometer is used
for the data collection in training and prediction phases. The
watch communicates with the PC through an access point
(AP) over its RF interface operating SimpliciTI protocol
stack. Using multiple Chronos with a single AP brings synchronization problem which causes data loss. For the AP
to receive data from multiple Chronos in MSMC model,
we reprogrammed it. Sensor readings are transmitted from
Chronos to AP after all Chronos establish a connection with
the AP. A master-slave communication protocol is developed between AP and Chronos watches. As a result of this
scheme, while one Chronos transmits to AP, others do not
send any data. In addition, the received data are buffered.
Since Chronos sends twenty acceleration vectors per transmit, the size of the buffer which is the size of a chunk extracted from real time activity data includes twenty vectors.
The classification module of SSSC uses only naive Bayes
classifier whereas MSMC uses naive Bayes classifier as the
initial classifier but upon conflicting detection results, SCD
and HMM are used to resolve the conflict in real-time. The
classifiers naive Bayes and SCD evaluate standard deviation
and mean of training data under normal distribution to generate patterns for actions. The system is designed to monitor
daily activities of a human subject by recording the number
of repeated actions and transitions between actions. Training
of HMM proceeds with calculating the probability of moving to the next state by using the repeated actions and transition counts recorded in the database. In the prediction phase,
naive Bayes classifier processes the real time data to evaluate
the posterior probability value to be compared with the posterior probability of other actions. If the posterior probability
of the real time data corresponds to more than one action,
SCD compares the distance value of the real time data with
other actions. With the condition that SCD is unable to clas-
acceleration vs time
1) Training
2) Prediction
A collected data sample of an action whose type is unknown
is compared to all of the action patterns in the database, producing a posterior probability value. In posterior probability
calculation, normal probability density function values found
for the Z axis are used. To evaluate a normal probability density function value, the acceleration data obtained from the
collected data sample, the mean and standard deviation values related to the specified axis are used.
B. Multi sensor-multi classifier approach
MSMC model focuses on the detection of transitions. Detecting transition between activities can not always be done
with SSSC model. In the cases where SSSC model is insufficient to generate a unique class for an action, using multiple
sensors help generating such a unique class by enlarging the
feature space. Thus the use of multiple sensors decreases the
probability of an action overlapping with the unique features
of more than one action. Also, hybrid classifiers have the
potential to improve the detection success further.
Algorithm 2 Main classification module
for i <= N do
vectorCount 0
for j <= K do
for m <= S do
vectorCount vectorCount + 1
A[vectorCount] Ttr [m]
end for
end for
end for
Actions are classified according to the location of Chronos
watch yielding the signal of that action. One Chronos is worn
on right ankle whereas the other one is worn on right wrist
as in Figure 5(a) and 5(b). Plots of walking and wheelchair
driving are shown in Figure 6(a), Figure 6(b), Figure 7(a) and
acceleration vs time
Figure 7(b). The sensor on right ankle forms the foot oriented
detection subsystem and the sensor on the right wrist forms
hand oriented detection subsystem. System distinguishes
the Chronos watches according to first bit of dataset. Signals emitted from both Chronos are combined after separate
The main classification module is shown in Algorithm 2.
This algorithm computes the mean and standard deviation
of the training data along X, Y and Z axes.
In the prediction phase of naive Bayes classifier as shown
in Algorithm 4, a chunk from real time data is compared to
the unique intervals generated for each action. If a single
class is obtained for that chunk, detection becomes complete,
otherwise classification proceeds with HMM or SCD.
Training phase of naive Bayes classifier as given in Algorithm 3 calculates the posterior probability value, namely
pattern Pj for each sample taken for every action through
mean and standard deviation of the acceleration data
along X and Z axes since these are the dominant axes for the
actions within the scope of this work. Range[i,j] indicates
acceleration vs time
Interpretation of (1) is as follows: L(n|l, o) indicates probability that the next action is n, given that l is the last action
and o is the observation probability of last action. P (n|l)
shows the probability of obtaining n as the last action given
that last action is l. Finally, P (n|o) is the probability of obtaining n as the last action given that o is the observation
probability of last action. HMM checks transition probabilities from last action to every action. Transition probabilities
between actions are depicted in Table 2 where transition column indicates actions between which the transition occurs
Observation Probability
Action Name
Walk while hands in pocket
Wheelchair driving
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Author Biographies
Gamze Uslu received her BSc degree in
computer engineering from Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey in 2011. She is
a research assistant and currently pursuing
the MSc degree in computer engineering at
Yeditepe University. Her research interests
include activity monitoring, machine learning and body sensor networks.
Halil Ibrahim Dursunoglu received the
B.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering from
Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, in
2012. He works as manager in an international company. His research interests include wireless sensor networks and activity
Ozgur Altun received the B.Sc. degree in
Computer Engineering from Kocaeli University, Turkey, in 2010. He is currently pursuing the M.Sc. degree in Satellite Communication and Remote Sensing at Istanbul
Technical University. He works as a research assistant at Yeditepe University. His research interests
include wireless sensor networks, activity monitoring, wireless and satellite communication.