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A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 78331 "Declaring A Low Police Priority Related To
Medical Marijuana Consistent With Oakland Municipal Code Section 5.80 And Semite
Bill 420; And Rescinding Resolution No. 72516 Declaring Investigation And Arrest Of
Individuals Involved With Medical Marijuana A Low Priority Policy" To Add, In
Accordance With Measure Z, A Voter Initiative Entitled "Oakland Cannabis Regulation
and Revenue Ordinance," That Private Adult Cannabis Offenses Shall Be The City's
Lowest Law Enforcement Priority
WHEREAS, on March 12, 1996, the Oakland City Council passed Resolution No. 72516
C.M.S. supporting the activities of the Oakland Cannabis Buyer's Club and declaring that the
investigation and arrest of individuals involved with the medical use and distribution,
processing, cultivation and purchasing of marijuana shall be a low priority for the City of
Oakland; and
WHEREAS, the Compassionate Use Act was approved by the voters in November of
1996 and enacted without establishing guidelines or protocols for local jurisdictions; and
WHEREAS, lacking guidelines or protocols from the State, the Oakland City Council,
adopted Ordinance No. 12076 C.M.S. on July 28,1998 establishing a City of Oakland Medical
Marijuana Distribution Program, and
WHEREAS, the California State Legislature recently adopted SB 420 to clarify the
scope of the application of the Compassionate Use Act, establish protocols and promote uniform
and consistent application among all local jurisdictions in the state to enhance the access of
patients and caregivers to medical marijuana; and
WHEREAS, Senate Bill 420 allows cities and local governing bodies to develop laws
and regulations consistent with state law; and
WHEREAS, the Oakland City Council desires to amend its medical cannabis policies to
clearly define which individuals, collectives, and/or dispensaries involved with the medical use
of marijuana are subject to the City of Oakland's low police priority policy consistent with the
provisions of SB 420 and Oakland Municipal Code Section 5.80; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Oakland City Council hereby rescinds Resolution No. 72516
C.M.S. for the sole purpose of defining which individuals, collectives or dispensaries involved
with the medical use of marijuana are subject to the City's low police priority policy consistent
with Oakland Municipal Code Section 5.80 and Senate Bill 420 and continues its support of the
Oakland Cannabis Buyers Club; and be it further
Redlined Version
RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby declares_that it shall be the policy of the City
of Oakland that the detention, investigation and arrest and any other law enforcement activities
of the following are a low priority for the City of Oakland:
(1) qualified patients who possess, purchase, cultivate and/or cultivate and/or use no
more than the maximum amounts of medical cannabis specified in City policy;
(2) primary care givers of qualified patients who purchase, possess, cultivate for and/or
provide to such qualified patients no more than the maximum amounts of medical cannabis
specified in City policy;
(3) medical cannabis collectives that meet the requirements of Senate Bill 420; and
Oakland Municipal Code ("OMC") Chapter 5.80 and are comprise of no more than
three qualified patients and their primary care givers;
(4) a dispensary as defined in OMC Chapter 5.80, entitled "An Ordinance Amending
Title V of the Oakland Municipal Code Entitled Business Licenses and Regulations to
Include Chapter 5.80 Pertaining to Cannabis Dispensary Permitting", that hold a
current, valid permit issued by the City and is operating in compliance with such
permit and other entities authorized by OMC Chapter 5.80 such as hospitals and
research facilities; and
(5) entities authorized pursuant to OMC Chapter 8.46.030; and be it further
RESOLVED, that notwithstanding any other provision of this resolution, in
accordance with Measure Z, a voter initiative entitled "Oakland Cannabis Regulation and
Revenue Ordinance", which the Oakland electorate passed on November 2, 2004 and which
initiative became effective on December 7,2004, private adult cannabis (marijuana)
offenses are the City's lowest law enforcement priority; and be it further
RESOLVED, private adult cannabis offenses do not include the use, salea
distribution, preparation and/or cultivation in settings that are not private, including but
not limited to markets, stores, cabarets, establishments selling alcoholic beverages, cafes
and restaurants, retail outlets, stores and other commercial establishments; nor do private
adult cannabis offenses include use, sale, distribution, preparation and/or cultivation on
City owned or leased property whether or not the property is rented or leased by private
parties for a private purpose such as a party, meeting or other activity; and be it further
RESOLVED, no activities related to cannabis other than those described in this
resolution shall be a low priority for the City of Oakland; and be it further
RESOLVED, that no use that purports to have distributed marijuana prior to the
enactment of Chapter 5,80 shall be deemed to have been legally established use under the
provisions of the Oakland Planning Code and such use shall not be entitled to claim legal
nonconforming status
Redlined Version
DEC 2 0 2005
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