UV Performance Qualification
UV Performance Qualification
UV Performance Qualification
Performance Verification of
UV-visible Spectrophotometers
Technical Note
Agilent Technologies
Innovating the HP Way
Regulatory requirements The statement intended and It is worthwhile noting that the
anticipated operating ranges is American Standard Testing
There are many regulatory critical when considering an Methods (ASTM) and the National
requirements that govern the use OQ/PV strategy. For example, if Institute of Standards and
of UV-visible spectrophotometers. the intended purpose is to mea- Technology (NIST) make similar
The following sections review the sure absorbance in the UV region statements. For example, the
most important of these. (as is the case for most pharma- ASTM states that the wavelengths
ceutical analyses), it is not appro- used for calibration should, if pos-
priate to verify photometric accu- sible, bracket the analytical wave-
Good laboratory practice and racy in the visible range—it must length and NIST comments on the
good manufacturing practice be done in the UV region and use of their various standards.
preferably at several wavelengths.
Good laboratory practice (GLP)
and good manufacturing practice
Similarly, it is not appropriate to
(GMP) requirements concerning
verify wavelength accuracy at the
the validation of instruments can
656.1 nm deuterium line because
be summarized as:
this is not a reliable indicator of
wavelength accuracy in the UV
“Documented verification that region. Further, as the vast majori-
the system or subsystem per- ty of samples to be measured in
forms as intended throughout the pharmaceutical laboratory are
representative or anticipated solutions contained in cuvettes, it
operating ranges.” 1 can be argued that the use of solid
or emission standards is inappro-
In reference to spectroscopy, the priate, because these standards
following is suggested: have different optical characteris-
tics from the samples that will be
“Where appropriate, periodic analyzed.
performance checks should be
carried out (for example, …
the resolution, alignment and
wavelength accuracy of spec-
trophotometers, etc.).” 2
United States Pharmacopeia3 The latter contains a cross-refer- The NIST4 provides a range of
ence: solid and liquid standards for
The regulatory requirements for determining wavelength accuracy,
UV-visible spectrophotometers are “For further details regarding photometric accuracy and stray
defined in the United States checks on both wavelength and light. The most important are sum-
Pharmacopeia (USP) XIII, Section photometric scales of a spec- marized in table 1.
851 on “Spectrophotometry and trophotometer, reference may
Light Scattering.” It states: be made to the following publi-
cations of the National
“Check the instrument for Institute of Science and
accuracy of calibration. … The Technology …”
wavelength scale may be cali-
brated also by means of suit-
able glass filters, which have
useful absorption bands
through the visible and ultravi-
olet regions. Standard glasses SRM# Type NIST Description
containing didymium (a mix- 930 Neutral density glass filters This SRM is for the verification and calibration
ture of praseodymium and of the transmittance and absorbance scales of
visible absorption spectrometers.
neodymium) have been widely
used. Glass containing holmi- 931 Cobalt and nickel solution in This SRM is for the verification and calibration
um is considered superior. nitric/perchloric acid mixture of the absorbance scales of ultraviolet and visible
absorption spectrometers having narrow band
For checking the photometric
935 Potassium dichromate solid for This SRM is for the verification and calibration
scale, a number of standard preparation of test solution of the transmittance and absorbance scales of
inorganic glass filters as well ultraviolet absorption spectrometers.
as standard solutions of
2031 Metal-on-quartz This SRM is for the verification and calibration
known transmittance such as of the transmittance and absorbance scales of
potassium chromate or potas- ultraviolet and visible absorption spectrometers.
sium dichromate are avail-
2034 Holmium oxide solution in This SRM is for use in the verification and
able.” perchloric acid calibration of the wavelength scale of ultraviolet
and visible absorption spectrometers having
nominal spectral bandwidths not exceeding 3 nm.
2032 Potassium iodide solid for This SRM is for use in the assessment of
preparation of test solution heterochromic stray radiant energy (stray light) in
ultraviolet absorption spectrophotometers.
Table 1
NIST standards
European Pharmacopoeia5
Control of wavelengths—Verify the wavelength scale using the
The European Pharmacopoeia absorption maxima of holmium perchlorate solution R, the line of
(EP) is based on the requirements a hydrogen or deuterium discharge lamp or the lines of a mercury
of national pharmacopoeias such vapor arc shown below. The permitted tolerance is ± 1 nm for the
as the British Pharmacopoeia (BP) UV range and ± 3 nm for the visible range.
and the Deutsche Arzneimittel-
buch (DAB) in Germany, and is 241.15 nm (Ho) 404.66 nm (Hg)
253.7 nm (Hg) 435.83 nm (Hg)
very specific in its requirements 287.15 nm (Ho) 486.0 nm (Db)
for UV-visible spectrophotome- 302.25 nm (Hg) 486.1 nm (Hb)
ters. The EP requirements are 313.16 nm (Hg) 536.3 nm (Ho)
334.15 nm (Hg) 546.07 nm (Hg)
described in the following sec- 361.5 nm (Ho) 576.96 nm (Hg)
tions. 365.48 nm (Hg) 579.07 nm (Hg)
Note that the British Control of absorbance—Check the absorbance using a solution of
Pharmacopoeia states that the potassium dichromate R at the wavelengths indicated in the follow-
ratio should “… be not less than ing table, which gives for each wavelength the exact values of the
1.5 unless otherwise specified in specific absorbance and the permitted limits. The tolerance for the
the monograph” and this is often absorbance is ± 0.001.
taken as a de facto minimum per-
formance specification for phar-
maceutical applications. Wavelength (nm) A (1 percent, 1 cm) Maximum Tolerance
Cost High, because each stan- Can be low, because High, because each standard
dard must be individually chemical costs are must be individually calibra-
calibrated and then recali- minimal and no calibra- ted and then recalibrated at
brated at intervals. tion is required. Can also intervals.
be prepared in bulk.
Table 5
Comparison of practical aspects of different standard types
A practical solution:
Standard Blank Test
liquid standards in ampules
40 g/l holmium oxide in 10 % perchloric acid Wavelength accuracy
10 % perchloric acid
The problems associated with the
preparation and use of liquid stan- 60 mg/l potassium dichromate in 0.01 N sulfuric acid Photometric accuracy
0.01 N sulfuric acid
dards have been virtually eliminat-
ed by making them available as 50 g/l sodium nitrite in water Water Stray light at 340 nm
prepared solutions in sealed
10 g/l sodium iodide in water Water Stray light at 220 nm
ampules. To use them it is only
necessary to break open the 12 g/l potassium chloride in water Water Stray light at 200 nm
ampule, pour in the curette and
0.02 % v/v toluene in hexane Hexane Resolution
measure. The contents of the stan-
dards kit and the purpose of each Table 6
standard are summarized in Contents of liquid standards kit from Agilent Technologies
table 6.
The only additional requirement is Additional test recommenda- In practice users have developed
water as blank for the non-critical tions their own strategies for perform-
stray-light tests, all other refer- ing system suitability. For exam-
ence solvents are included. The To ensure continued proper opera- ple:
advantages of these standards are tion between OQ/PV testing, and
that they: to ensure suitability of the system • Measure and calibrate using
for the specific analyses being per- one standard with a concentra-
• save time because no prepara- formed, the following additional tion equal to 100 percent of the
tion is required tests are recommended. expected component concen-
tration. Then measure and
• eliminate false OQ/PV failures Instrument selftest quantify the standard and the
due to errors in preparation The Agilent ChemStation software standard diluted by a factor
for UV-visible spectroscopy of 2. The results of both sam-
• are inexpensive compared to includes a set of self-test routines ples should be within a speci-
other calibration standards that check proper electronic and fied percentage of the known
optical operation of the spec- concentration. Remeasuring
trophotometer as well as wave- the standard demonstrates the
• include a certificate of analysis
length accuracy checks with the quality of the initial measure-
for traceability, and
two lines at 486.1 and 656.0 nm ment.
United States Pharmacopeia
XXIII/National Formulary XVIII,
“Spectrophotometry and light-
scattering,” General Chapter 851,
page 1830, 1996, The United
States Pharmacopoeia
Convention, Inc., Rockville, MD,
Agilent Technologies
Innovating the HP Way