Bells Palsy and Homoeopaathy

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Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Hom)

Bell s Palsy and Homoeopathy



Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma M.D. (Homoeopathy)

Dr. Swati Vishnoi B.H.M.S.
Homoeo Cure & Research Institute
NH 74, Moradabad Road, Kashipur (Uttaranchal) INDIA
Pin- 244713 Ph. 05947- 260327, 9897618594
E. mail- [email protected]

Definition............................................................................................................... 1
Etymology.............................................................................................................. 1
Epidemiology......................................................................................................... 2
Anatomy................................................................................................................ 2
Pathophysiology..................................................................................................... 2
Central facial weakness...................................................................................... 2
Peripheral facial weakness.................................................................................2
Causes................................................................................................................... 3
Symptoms.............................................................................................................. 3
........................................................................................................................ 4
Differential diagnosis.......................................................................................... 5
Temporal presentation..................................................................................... 5
Extent of involvement..................................................................................... 5
Treatment.............................................................................................................. 5
Homoeopathic Treatment...................................................................................... 5
Bibliography........................................................................................................... 7

Bell's palsy is a condition of paralysis or weakness (Psora) of facial muscles of
one side due to swelling (Psora/ Sycosis), inflammation or damage (Psora/
Syphilis) to the seventh cranial nerve called facial nerve, causing that side of the
face to droop, and affect the sense of taste, lachrymation and salivation (Psora/


Bell s Palsy and Homoeopathy

In mid 19th centdescribed it.

Sir Charles Bell (17741842), the Scottish anatomist first


the condition can affect people of any age, commonly between the ages of
16 and 60.
Bells palsy is named after the Scottish anatomist Charles Bell, who was
the first to describe the condition.

Seventh cranial nerve or facial nerve passes through the stylomastoid foramen
and facial canal of temporal bone to enter into the parotid gland. It controls the
muscles of the neck, forehead and facial expressions, as well as perceived sound
volume. It has a mixed function, primarily motor, but also sensory and

Inflammation of geniculate ganglion, a group of fibres and sensory neurons,
leads to compression within this bony canal (Psora/ Sycosis). This can in turn
block the transmission of neural signals, resulting in ischemia and demyelination
(Psora/ Syphilis), causing facial paralysis or Bell's palsy.
A lesion may involve the facial nerve anywhere along its course, and based upon
specific signs and symptoms, the location of the pathology can be deduced. It
may cause two types of presentations central and peripheral facial weakness.

Central facial weakness

Due to bilateral supranuclear innervation of the upper facial musculature, a
central palsy spares forehead and brow motion. There may be preservation of
emotional or involuntary facial motion.

Peripheral facial weakness

It involves both upper and lower facial muscles. Preservation of emotional or
involuntary facial motion is not seen with a peripheral paralysis.


Bell s Palsy and Homoeopathy

Main causes are

Ear infection
Eye infection
Herpes simplex
Middle ear infection
Lyme disease
Herpes zoster virus, which causes chickenpox and shingles
Epstein-Barr virus


The symptoms usually appear rapidly, and notice them upon waking or
when trying to eat or drink. (Psora)
The symptoms commonly develop over hours or days. Men and women
are equally affected. (Psora)
Bells palsy is marked by a droopy appearance on one side of the face and
the inability to open or close the eye on the affected side. In rare cases,
Bells palsy may affect both sides of the face. (Psora/ Syphilis)

Other signs and symptoms of Bells palsy include

Weakness or complete paralysis of an entire side of the face (Psora/

Ptosis of eye lid (Psora/ Syphilis)
Drooling from the affected side of the mouth (Psora/ Syphilis)
Pain around the ear (Psora/ Sycosis / Syphilis)
Feeling of fullness or swelling to the affected side of the face (Psora/

Bell s Palsy and Homoeopathy

Impaired sensation of taste or hearing (Psora)

Inability to wrinkle forehead (Psora)
Contour of smile affected (Psora)
Facial weakness (Psora)
Facial muscle twitching (Psora/ Sycosis)
Dry eye and mouth (Psora)
Headache (Psora/ Sycosis / Syphilis)
Sensitivity to sound (Psora)

Bells palsy, as the symptoms can mimic other conditions such as stroke, Lyme
disease, and cranial tumour.


Etiological Category

Selected Specific Etiologies

Degenerative and compressive

Mobius' syndrome, absence of facial musculature


mitochondrial enzyme defects
and other metabolic errors
Movement disorders

Degenerative motor, sensory,

and autonomic disorders
Endogenous metabolic disorders
Exogenous acquired metabolic
disorders of the nervous system
Toxins and illicit drugs
Viral infections

Osteopetrosis, sclerosteosis, hyperostosis corticalis

generalisata, benign intracranial hypertension
Acute porphyria

Hemifacial spasm, Parkinson's disease, Gilles de la

Tourette's syndrome, facial dystonia
Meige's disease or Brueghel's syndrome, facial
contortion, bilateral
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Dystrophia myotonica

Diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism

Thalidomide, carbon monoxide, ethylene glycol, arsenic

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome


Herpes zoster, herpes simplex, influenza, coxsackie,

enterovirus, polio, mumps, mononucleosis
Otitis externa, otitis media, mastoiditis, syphilis,
tuberculosis, leprosy, Lyme disease, cat scratch disease,
mucormycosis, botulism, malaria
Stroke, internal carotid artery aneurysm

Primary neurological tumors

Pontine glioma, neuroma (acoustic, facial), meningioma,

hemangioma, cholesteatoma, glomus tumor

Nonviral infections


Bell s Palsy and Homoeopathy

paraneoplastic syndromes


Demyelinating disorders of the
central nervous system
Demyelinating disorders of the
peripheral nervous system

Leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, from salivary gland

(adenoid cystic), skin (melanoma), breast, lung, kidney,
Multiple sclerosis

Guillain-Barre syndrome


Bell's palsy, sarcoidosis, myasthenia gravis, Sjogren's

erythematosus, periarteritis nodosa
Facial laceration, face/mandible/temporal bone fracture,
birth trauma, barotrauma, lightning
Focal epilepsy, Ramsay Hunt syndrome


Cerebellopontine angle lesion



Parotid or facial cosmetie surgery, otological or

neurotological surgery, local anesthesia, arterial


Differential diagnosis

Physical examination to see the extent of the weakness in facial muscles.

This X-ray to rule out a stroke, tumor, or other serious neurological.
MRI or CT scan to rule out any edema, swelling, injury or tumor.

Clinical presentation may be as belowTemporal presentation

Sudden onset suggests an inflammatory or vascular etiology e.g., Bell's
palsy or stroke.
Slowly progressive palsy suggests a neoplastic process, especially if there
are episodes of facial twitching e.g., facial nerve neuroma.
Bell's palsy should improve within 6 months, whereas palsy caused by a
tumor does not heal away itself.
Palsy occurring immediately after trauma or surgery suggests transection
of the nerve, whereas a delayed onset usually implies edema of the nerve
which usually improves with time.
In Bells palsy, recurrence may be contralateral while recurrent episodes of
palsy on the same side, tumor may be the etiology.
Extent of involvement
It is important to assess the amount of facial palsy present initially, so that
changes over time can be known.
The exact areas of weakness should be noted, because sparing of
forehead motion or emotional facial expression suggests a central
etiology, whereas palsy of both the upper and lower face suggests a
peripheral lesion.
If only one or two distal branches of the facial nerve are affected, possible
etiologies include parotid gland tumors, facial surgery, or facial trauma.


Bell s Palsy and Homoeopathy

Bilateral involvement, which are called facial diplegia, can be found in

Lyme disease, Mobius' syndrome, Bell's palsy, and Guillain-Barre


Protecting the eye on the affected side from dryness during sleep.
Massage of affected muscles to reduce soreness.

Homoeopathic Treatment
Bells, palsy - Acon. aethi-m. Agar. All-c. alum. Am-p. Anac. anh. Apis Arn. ars.
bac. bapt. Bar-c. BELL. Cadm-s. carb-v. carc. CAUST. Cocc. Colch. con. crot-h.
Cupr. Cur. Dulc. form. GELS. Graph. hell. hep. hyos. hyper. IGN. iod. Kali-chl. Kali-i.
kali-m. kali-p. lach. lyc. merc-i-f. merc. mur-ac. naja NAT-M. nux-m. Nux-v. ol-an.
op. oxyurn-sc. peti. petr. Phos. phys. physal-al. phyt. Plat. plb. puls. ran-b. Rhus-t.
ruta sec. seneg. sep. sil. solid. spig. stram. stry. sulph. syph. zinc-p. Zinc-pic. zinc.
Clinical - bells, palsy - bathing, from graph.
Clinical - bells, palsy - chewing, difficult, with syph.
Clinical - bells, palsy - cold, from acon. Cadm-s. Caust. Dulc. ruta
Clinical - bells, palsy - distortion, of muscles, with graph.
Clinical - bells, palsy - eyes, close, cannot - eyes, closed, with apis
Clinical - bells, palsy - eyes, close, cannot cadm-s.
Clinical - bells, palsy - goitre, suppression, from iod.
Clinical - bells, palsy left All-c. cadm-s. Cur. form. graph. Nux-v. seneg. spig.
Clinical - bells, palsy - mouth, corners of, drop and saliva runs out agar. op. zinc.
Clinical - bells, palsy - mouth, opening, agg. caust.
Clinical - bells, palsy - one-sided Bar-c. bell. cadm-s. Caust. Cocc. Graph. Kali-chl.
kali-p. puls. sil. syph.
Clinical - bells, palsy - pain, after kali-chl. kali-m.
Clinical - bells, palsy - riding, in the wind, from acon. bell. Cadm-s. Caust. ign.
Clinical - bells, palsy right apis Arn. bell. Caust. hep. kali-chl. kali-p. Phos. plb.
Clinical - bells, palsy - swallowing, difficult cadm-s.
Clinical - bells, palsy - talking, difficult cadm-s. syph.
Clinical - bells, palsy - twitching, of muscles, with - eyelids, of, with syph.
Clinical - bells, palsy - twitching, of muscles, with agar. kali-m. syph.
Clinical - bells, palsy - urine, profuse, with all-c.
Clinical - bells, palsy - wet, after getting Caust.
Clinical - bells, palsy Acon. Agar. all-c. alum. Am-p. anac. anh. apis Arn. ars. bac.
bapt. Bar-c. Bell. Cadm-s. carb-v. carc. Caust. Cocc. colch. con. crot-h. Cupr. Cur.
Dulc. form. Gels. Graph. hell. hep. hyos. hyper. Ign. iod. Kali-chl. Kali-i. kali-m.
kali-p. lach. lyc. merc-i-f. merc. mur-ac. naja nat-m. nux-m. Nux-v. ol-an. op.
oxyurn-sc. peti. petr. phos. phys. physal-al. phyt. plat. plb. puls. ran-b. rhus-t.
ruta sec. seneg. sep. sil. solid. spig. stram. stry. sulph. syph. zinc-p. zinc-pic. zinc.
Eyes - PARALYSIS, eyes - optic nerve, amaurosis - transient, complicating motor
palsy plb.
Face - BELL'S, palsy - bathing, from graph.
Face - BELL'S, palsy - chewing, difficult, with syph.
Face - BELL'S, palsy - cold, from acon. Cadm-s. CAUST. Dulc. ruta

Bell s Palsy and Homoeopathy

Face - BELL'S, palsy - distortion, of muscles, with graph.

Face - BELL'S, palsy - eyes, close, cannot - closed, with apis
Face - BELL'S, palsy - eyes, close, cannot cadm-s.
Face - BELL'S, palsy - goitre, suppression, from iod.
Face - BELL'S, palsy left All-c. cadm-s. Cur. form. graph. Nux-v. seneg. spig.
Face - BELL'S, palsy - mouth, corners of, drop and saliva runs out agar. op. zinc.
Face - BELL'S, palsy - mouth, opening aggr. caust.
Face - BELL'S, palsy - one-sided Bar-c. cadm-s. CAUST. Cocc. Graph. Kali-chl. kalip. puls. sil. syph.
Face - BELL'S, palsy - pain, after kali-chl. kali-m.
Face - BELL'S, palsy - riding, in the wind, from acon. bell. Cadm-s. CAUST. ign.
Face - BELL'S, palsy right apis Arn. bell. Caust. hep. kali-chl. kali-p. Phos. plb. sil.
Face - BELL'S, palsy - swallowing, difficult cadm-s.
Face - BELL'S, palsy - talking, difficult cadm-s. syph.
Face - BELL'S, palsy - twitching, of muscles, with - eyelids, of, with syph.
Face - BELL'S, palsy - twitching, of muscles, with kali-m.
Face - BELL'S, palsy - urine, profuse, with all-c.
Face - BELL'S, palsy - wet, after getting CAUST.
FACE - Muscles; facial Paralysis Acon. aethi-m. alum. Am-p. bell. cadm-s. Caust.
cocc. cur. Dulc. form. Gels. Graph. hyper. Kali-chl. Kali-i. physal-al. Rhus-t. ruta
Seneg. zinc-pic.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - bathing, from graph.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - chewing, difficult, with syph.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - cold, from acon. Cadm-s. CAUST. Dulc. ruta
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - corners of mouth, drop and saliva runs out
agar. op. zinc.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - distortion, of muscles, with graph.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - eyes, close, cannot - eyes, closed, with apis
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - eyes, close, cannot cadm-s.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - goitre, suppression, from iod.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy left All-c. cadm-s. Cur. form. graph. Nux-v.
seneg. spig. sulph.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - mouth, opening aggr caust.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - one-sided Bar-c. cadm-s. CAUST. Cocc.
Graph. Kali-chl. kali-p. puls. sil. syph.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - pain, after kali-chl. kali-m.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - riding, in the wind, from acon. bell. Cadm-s.
CAUST. ign.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy right apis Arn. bell. Caust. hep. kali-chl.
kali-p. Phos. plb. sil.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - swallowing, difficult cadm-s. caust.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - talking, difficult cadm-s. syph.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - twitching, of muscles, with agar. kali-m.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - twitching, of muscles, with - eyelids, of,
with syph.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - urine, profuse, with all-c.
Face - PARALYSIS, facial, Bell's Palsy - wet, after getting CAUST.
Hearing - DEAFNESS, hearing loss of - palsy, complicating motor plb.
MIND - RECOGNIZE - does not - palsy, in ANAC.
Mind - RECOGNIZE, does not - palsy, in Anac.


Bell s Palsy and Homoeopathy

NERVOUS SYSTEM - Paralysis - In face acon. Am-p. bar-c. bell. caust. cur. gels.
graph. Kali-chl. nat-m. physal-al. rhus-t. Zinc-pic.
Vision - BLINDNESS, loss of vision - sudden - complicating motor palsy plb.

Trigeminal Neuralgia, Bells Palsy, and Other Cranial Nerve Disorders
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
Neurologic Causes of Weakness and Paralysis Harrison's Principles of
Internal Medicine
Trigeminal Neuralgia, Bell's Palsy, and Other Cranial Nerve Disorders
Harrison's Manual of Medicine, 18e
Chapter 233. Bell's Palsy The Color Atlas of Family Medicine, 2e
Eye Emergencies > BELL'S PALSY AND GENU VII BELL'S PALSY Tintinallis
Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 8e ... Genu VII Bell's palsy
is a stroke, masquerading as a peripheral seventh-nerve Bell's palsy...
Oral and Dental Emergencies > Bell's Palsy (Idiopathic Facial Nerve Palsy)
Tintinallis Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 8e ... Bell's palsy
is a peripheral unilateral weakness of the facial nerve of unknown etiology...
Viral & Rickettsial Infections > 6. Bell palsy Current Medical Diagnosis &
Treatment 2016 ... HSV-1 is a cause of Bell palsy. HSV-1 is a cause of Bell palsy. ...
The Nervous System > Repeated bell palsyMelkersson syndrome
DeGowins Diagnostic Examination, 10e ... This is a triad of scrotal tongue (lingua
plicata) with repeated attacks of Bell palsy...
Chapter 224. Postpartum Consultation for Common Complaints > Bell's
Palsy Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine ... Bell's palsy, facial nerve
palsy, is caused by compression or ischemia to the nerve. Bell's palsy...
Chapter 236. Eye Emergencies > Bells Palsy Tintinalli's Emergency
Medicine ... Bells palsy is a dysfunction of peripheral cranial nerve VII commonly
of viral origin...


Bell s Palsy and Homoeopathy

Chapter 70. Disorders of the Facial Nerve > Bell's Palsy CURRENT Diagnosis
& Treatment in OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery, 3e ... Figure 701. (A)
Prototypic case of Bell's palsy . This 28-year-old woman experienced...
Acute Peripheral Neurologic Disorders > BELL'S PALSY AND UNILATERAL
FACIAL PARALYSIS Tintinallis Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study
Guide, 8e ... Bell's palsy or idiopathic facial nerve palsy is the most common
cause of unilateral facial...
Chapter 47. Diseases of the Cranial Nerves > Bell's Palsy Adams & Victor's
Principles of Neurology, 10e ... The most common disease of the facial nerve is
Bell's palsy (incidence rate of 23 per 100,000...
Face and Jaw Emergencies > BELL'S PALSY Tintinallis Emergency Medicine:
A Comprehensive Study Guide, 8e ... Laboratory studies are not needed.
Symptoms of Bell's palsy include acute onset of unilateral upper...
Motor Disorders > BELL PALSY Clinical Neurology, 9e ... designated Bell
palsy. Its cause is unclear, but it occurs more commonly in pregnant women and
Trigeminal Neuralgia, Bell's Palsy, and Other Cranial Nerve Disorders > Bell's
Palsy Harrison's Manual of Medicine, 18e ... Bell's Palsy Protect the eye with
paper tape to depress the upper eyelid during sleep and prevent...
Neurological Disorders > Bell Palsy Williams Obstetrics, 24e ... Figure 60-4
Bell facial nerve palsy developing on the day of delivery after a cesarean...
Nervous System Disorders > BELL PALSY Current Medical Diagnosis &
Treatment 2015 ... ESSENTIALS OF DIAGNOSIS Sudden onset of lower motor
neuron facial palsy...
Infections: Bacterial & Spirochetal > C. Bell Palsy CURRENT Diagnosis &
Treatment: Pediatrics, 22e
Chapter 37. Neurologic Emergencies > Bell's Palsy CURRENT Diagnosis &
Treatment Emergency Medicine, 7e
Nervous System Disorders > BELL PALSY Current Medical Diagnosis &
Treatment 2016 ... ESSENTIALS OF DIAGNOSIS Sudden onset of lower motor
neuron facial palsy...

Bell s Palsy and Homoeopathy

Chapter 47. Diseases of the Cranial Nerves > Bilateral Facial Palsy Adams &
Victor's Principles of Neurology, 10e ... Bell's palsy may be bilateral, but only
rarely is the involvement on the two sides simultaneous...
Chapter 70. Disorders of the Facial Nerve > Acute Facial Palsies CURRENT
Diagnosis & Treatment in OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery, 3e
Chapter 70. Disorders of the Facial Nerve > Laboratory Findings CURRENT
Diagnosis & Treatment in OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery, 3e ... and are
largely unwarranted for most cases of Bell's palsy. For atypical cases though, one
should consider Lyme...
Chapter 70. Disorders of the Facial Nerve > Patient Evaluation CURRENT
Diagnosis & Treatment in OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery, 3e ... The
diagnosis of Bell's palsy is one of exclusion. Facial motor disturbance should...
Chapter 233. Bell's Palsy > Patient Story The Color Atlas of Family Medicine,
2e ... Figure 233-1 Bell's palsy with loss of brow furrowing and dropped angle of
the mouth...
Chapter 70. Disorders of the Facial Nerve > Incidence & Risk Factors
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment in OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery, 3e ...
of the true incidence of Bell's palsy is therefore complicated by this wide
distribution of specialists...
Chapter 233. Bell's Palsy > Epidemiology The Color Atlas of Family
Medicine, 2e ... ratios of 1.34 and 1.31, respectively. 2 Women who develop Bell's
palsy in pregnancy have a 5-fold...
Chapter 70. Disorders of the Facial Nerve > Immunologic Injury CURRENT
Diagnosis & Treatment in OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery, 3e ... Several
investigations have implicated immunologic injury as a potential cofactor in Bell's
Chapter 70. Disorders of the Facial Nerve > Pathogenesis CURRENT
Diagnosis & Treatment in OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery, 3e ... of the
intratemporal facial nerve suggest that Bell's palsy and herpes zoster oticus
most commonly result from...
Chapter 5. Ear, Nose, and Throat Conditions > Pearls The Atlas of
Emergency Medicine, 3e ... be known before a diagnosis can be made. If a
provisional diagnosis of Bell palsy is made...

Bell s Palsy and Homoeopathy

Chapter 70. Disorders of the Facial Nerve > Prognosis CURRENT Diagnosis
& Treatment in OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery, 3e ... Most series that
have assessed surgical decompression of the facial nerve in Bell's palsy have...
Chapter 37. Neurologic Emergencies > General Considerations CURRENT
Diagnosis & Treatment Emergency Medicine, 7e ... Bell's palsy is a common
condition of unknown cause (although some authorities suggest a link...
Nervous System Disorders > 9. Facial Neuropathy Current Medical
Diagnosis & Treatment 2015 ... (Bell palsy, see later) but may occur in patients
with HIV seropositivity, sarcoidosis, Lyme disease...
Encyclopedia Homoeopathica
Radar 10


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