Call of Duty Cheats
Call of Duty Cheats
Call of Duty Cheats
Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Cheat mode
After completing Mission 2: New World in the campaign, you can enter the safehou
se at any time. In the safehouse is a data terminal (looks like a big computer s
creen). Access the terminal and highlight the secret button in the top left corn
er (the blue and white logo to the left of the "Data Vault" that looks like an "
S"), then hold L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 and press Square + Triangle to display a hidden
code entry menu. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding
cheat function. Note: These codes do not disable trophies from being earned. Th
e cheat menu can also be displayed at any options menu.
Result Code
Extra Fabrication Kits [Note] MANIFEST
Unlock Nightmares mode DREAMLAND
Note: This code can only be used once. You will be given a random number of Fabr
ication Kits. The code also cannot be reversed.
Secret Dead Ops Arcade 2 game
After completing Mission 2: New World in the campaign, you can enter the safehou
se at any time. In the safehouse is a data terminal (looks like a big computer s
creen). Access the terminal and press the secret button in the top left corner (
the blue and white logo to the left of the "Data Vault" that looks like an "S")
to start Dead Ops Arcade 2. After the intro sequence finishes, you will get the
"Silverback In Black" trophy.
Nightmares mode
Successfully complete all missions in Campaign mode to unlock Nightmares mode, w
hich is a bonus single player and co-op campaign with an alternate story and zom
All collectibles locations
Search the indicated locations to find all 56 collectibles and get the "Curator"
trophy. You will also get the "Walking Encyclopedia" trophy for finding all col
lectibles in one mission. There are a total of 11 missions. Each collectible loo
ks different and they come in many forms and shapes (e.g. intel, helmets, weapon
s, flowers, necklaces, robot parts, etc.). They usually get marked by a white ic
on when you are getting really close. There is a collectible tracker in mission
selection that displays how many collectibles you have found in each mission. Ad
ditionally, you can pause the game anytime and see a little collectible tracker
in the bottom right corner. The pause menu shows them in the order in which they
can be collected, making it very easy to find what is missing. You can also rep
lay missions at any time to find the missing items.
Mission 1: Black Ops
1. Infiltrate the Security Station: Immediately after the mission begins, you mu
st crouch under some broken plane wheels. In the next room, on a computer desk,
is the first collectible.
2. Infiltrate the Security Station: In the room where you have to hack the camer
a control, turn around from the camera control panel to see it in a corner.
3. Go to the Interrogation Room: You will come to a bunker where you have to bre
ach the door to the interrogation room. After breaching the door, check the corn
er to your left.
4. Go to the Extraction Point: In the hangar where you have to shoot a VTOL's ro
ckets to destroy two armored vehicles, after destroying the vehicles, search ins
Mission 4: Provocation
17. Get to Cloud Mountain: Immediately after the mission begins, jump down and g
o into the garage on the right side to find a collectible (golden brass knuckles
18. Get to Cloud Mountain: In the same area as the previous collectible, search
on the right side of the market square (outside). It will get marked when you ar
e nearby.
19. Get to Cloud Mountain: Move to the next waypoint and you will come to a vill
age with a turret and watch tower. On the upper floor of the building on the lef
t side is a collectible (slave collar).
20. Get to Bald Mountain: When you get to the area with all the containers, take
the path on the right side. Go around the corner to see a red container you can
walk through. Climb this red container. There is a blue container on top with a
collectible (golden vase).
21. Locate 54i Servers: When you go up the tower to find the 54i Server, you wil
l be going through one museum room. There are many rock formations in this room
and also an ammo crate. In one of the display cases is a collectible (mineral).
22. Go to the Far Super Tree: When you have to navigate between the big platform
s that look like trees, you can find a collectible (necklace) on the lower deck
of the second tree on the left side. Use ziplines to get there (before going to
the burning tree with the objective marker).
Mission 5: Hypocenter
23. Go to the Facility Entrance: At the very start of the mission, go down the h
ill and to the yellow tent on the right to find a collectible inside.
24. Hack the Datapad: After fighting the big robot, you must hack a door to ente
r the facility. Once you are in the facility, you can find a collectible (contam
ination kit) at the end of the left hallway.
25. Descend in to the Core: As you approach the bottom of the tower, you will be
ambushed by some robots. They will break through windows and attack you. In the
same area is a little office building. Inside, on a table, is a collectible (ma
rketing material).
26. Go to the Signal Source: After jumping through the pitch-black area, you ent
er a room with a mobile armory and an ammo crate. There is a blue eagle sign on
the wall and your teammates talk about this sign. After the conversation, a door
will open. Search the office on the left to find a collectible.
27. Go to the Server Room: After seeing a cutscene, you will be in a laboratory
with skeletons of test subjects in front of you. Search in the right corner of t
he room to find a collectible.
28. Go to the Server Room: After leaving the flooded room where you are attacked
by robots, you will find an ammo crate in the hallway. Next to this ammo crate
is a room with a beeping TV screen. Under the TV screen is a collectible (Protot
ype DNI Implant).
Mission 6: Vengeance
29. Go to the Safehouse: Turn around when the mission begins and look behind the
42. Pursue Sarah Hall: When you get to the part with the german soldiers attacki
ng you, look for a big wooden house. A soldier will shoot you from the window of
the upper floor. Go up there to find a collectible.
43. Pursue Sarah Hall: In the same area as the last collectible, move towards th
e next waypoint until you have to go into a building through a broken wall. Befo
re going inside, turn to your left to see a little building. Go inside to find a
44. Pursue Sarah Hall: In the area where you encounter the German Tiger Tank, se
arch the destroyed building on the right side by the street. In a dark room is a
collectible on a cupboard.
Mission 9: Sand Castle
45. Land on the Mobile Refinery: Both collectibles of this mission are on the re
finery platform (beginning of the mission). You can land in two different locati
ons with your VTOL. In each one you must destroy a communications system. The fi
rst collectible is on the platform that has the communications panel on a roofto
p. You must defend your teammate from this rooftop. In the same building that yo
u are defending is a collectible (postcard) on the first floor, on a desk. It is
hard to see. If you land on the other platform first, you must get the collecti
bles in reversed order.
46. Go to the Communications Array: This is on the refinery platform with the se
cond communications panel. When you exit your VTOL, go to the left side to find
find a collectible (drillbit part) on the ground.
Mission 10: Lotus Towers
47. Go to the Security Station: A couple of minutes after the mission begins, yo
u will have to use an elevator to get to a shopping mall with many civilians and
enemies. In the first shop on the left side is a collectible. It is hanging on
the wall.
48. Breach the Air Vent: The collectible is in the room after breaching the air
vent, in a locker on the left.
49. Go to Taylor's Holding Cell: In the area where you get attacked by the ASP (
big robot with turrets and rocket launcher), look in the office upstairs to find
a collectible (statue) on a table.
50. Go to Tower Two: After pushing a container with your teammate to get outside
, you will have to jump across some rubble to get to the other side. There are m
any robots spawning in this area. You will come to a section with some oriental
market stalls. Follow your teammate until you have to climb up a structure at th
e end of the area with the market stalls. Then, turn around and look on the roof
top behind you to find a collectible (piece of carpet). Do this before wall-runn
ing with your teammate, as it will trigger a cutscene and bring you to a new are
51. Hack the Console, Go to the Mobile Shop: You will come to a burning area whe
re many robots attack you. As you go up the hill, you will see the wreck of one
of the large elevators you saw earlier in the mission. In this wreck is a collec
tible (golden lantern).
52. Bring down the VTOL Leviathan: During the Boss fight against the VTOL, on th
e rooftop, to the right of where you start, is a collectible in a destroyed buil
To unlock the Cyberpunk Body for the Prophet specialist, you must twice rapidly
kill (within approximately 3.5 seconds) 2 enemies shortly after using Glitch. Th
is is normally a very difficult challenge. To easily complete it, play in Hardpo
int or Safeguard. Use the Overclock and Fast Hands perks and carry at least one
frag grenade. Wait for a few enemies to crowd into a smaller area, then cook a g
renade. Throw it at the enemies shortly before it explodes, then immediately use
Glitch. You should be able to quickly complete this challenge using this method
Recommended Supply Drop in Multiplayer
It is better to buy Common Supply Drops for 10 Cryptokeys each instead of Rare S
upply Drops for 30 Cryptokeys. Even though you are guaranteed at least one Rare
items from a Rare Supply Drop, over time you will get more Rare, Legendary, and
Epic items from Common Supply Drops, in addition to getting 9 items from three C
ommon Supply Drops for 30 Cryptokeys as opposed to only 3 items from one Rare Su
pply Drop for the same cost.
Mannequin Zombies Easter Egg in "Nuk3town" map
First, download the bonus "Nuk3town" DLC map. Then, start a Multiplayer Custom G
ame, alone or with another player, in the "Nuk3town" map. Once the game begins,
shoot all the heads off the mannequins around the map in under two minutes. If d
one correctly, the mannequins will disappear briefly and then reappear as zombie
s. The zombies will chase you and keep spawning. If you die, you will keep respa
wning. If you fail, you can quit the game, restart, and try again.
Weapon camouflage
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding weapon camo
6 Speed Camo: Get 65 headshots with a single weapon in Multiplayer mode.
Arctic Camo: Get 100 kills with a single weapon in Campaign mode.
Ardent Camo: After getting 100 headshots with a single weapon, get 10 "Long Shot
" medals with the same weapon in Multiplayer mode.
Ash Camo: Get 10 headshots with a single weapon in Multiplayer mode.
Battle Camo: After getting 100 headshots with a single weapon, get 2 rapid kills
5 times with both kills coming from the same weapon in Multiplayer mode.
Black Market Camos (various): Progress through Multiplayer mode to earn Cryptoke
ys to buy Common and Rare Supply Drops from the Black Market, which sometimes co
ntain Common, Rare, and Legendary camos.
Black Ops 3 Camo: Pre-order bonus.
Bliss Camo: After getting 100 headshots with a single weapon, get 50 kills with
the same weapon with an optic sight and five other attachments in Multiplayer mo
Burnt Camo: After getting 100 headshots with a single weapon, get 50 kills with
the same weapon without any attachments equipped in Multiplayer mode.
Chameleon Camo: After getting 100 headshots with a single weapon, get 5 kills wi
thout dying 5 times with all kills coming from the same weapon in Multiplayer mo
Contagious Camo: Get 100 kills with a single weapon in Zombies mode.
Cyborg Camo: Pre-order bonus from Juggernog, Hardened, and Digital Deluxe Editio
Dante Camo: Get 40 headshots with a single weapon in Multiplayer mode.
Dark Matter Camo (animated): Unlock Diamond camo for all weapons in the game.
Diamond Camo: Unlock the Gold camo for all weapons in a specific class (e.g. Ass
ault Rifle) in Multiplayer mode.
Fear Camo: Get 300 kills with a single weapon in Zombies mode.
Flectarn Camo: Get 15 headshots with a single weapon in Multiplayer mode.
Gold Camo: Unlock all other available camos for a weapon in Multiplayer mode.
Heat Stroke Camo: Get 20 headshots with a single weapon in Multiplayer mode.
Huntsman Camo: Get 400 kills with a single weapon in Campaign mode.
Integar Camo: Get 50 headshots with a single weapon in Multiplayer mode.
Jungle Camo: Get 200 kills with a single weapon in Campaign mode.
Jungle Tech Camo: Get 5 headshots with a single weapon in Multiplayer mode.
Policia Camo: Get 100 headshots with a single weapon in Multiplayer mode.
Red Hex Camo: Get 1,000 kills with a single weapon in Zombies mode.
Snow Job Camo: Get 30 headshots with a single weapon in Multiplayer mode.
Take Out Camo: Hardee's and Carl's Junior promotion.
True Vet Camo: Reach Prestige 1 in Black Ops 2, Ghosts, or Advanced Warfare.
Weaponized 115 Camo: DLC bonus included with Juggernog, Hardened, and Digital De
luxe Edition.
WMD Camo: Get 600 kills with a single weapon in Zombies mode.
Woodlums Camo: Get 650 kills with a single weapon in Campaign mode.
All Dark Ops challenges
The Dark Ops challenges are hidden challenges in Multiplayer and Zombies mode. T
hey are not revealed until they have been completed. When a Dark Ops challenge i
s completed, you will earn a special Calling Card. If you want to try to complet
e all Dark Ops challenges, it is recommended to complete the "Fresh Start" Dark
Ops challenge first, as it requires you to do a "Fresh Start" stats reset after
you enter Prestige mode. The "Fresh Start" resets everything in Multiplayer exce
pt items obtained from the Black Market. Thus, if you have completed other Dark
Ops challenges before completing the "Fresh Start" Dark Ops challenge, you will
lose all progress made with the other Dark Ops challenges.
1. Obtained: Earn the Dark Matter camo by getting Diamond camo on all weapons in
the game.
2. 100 Percenter: Complete 100% of all multiplayer challenges.
3. Trick Shot: Destroy an HC-XD with a Combat Axe.
4. Dr. Lung: Kill an enemy underwater when you are both close to drowning.
5. Relentless Killer: Earn a Relentless medal (20 kills without dying).
6. Brutal Killer: Earn a Brutal medal (25 kills without dying).
7. Nuclear Killer: Earn a Nuclear medal (30 kills without dying).
8. Nuked Out: Earn a Nuclear medal in FFA without using scorestreak rewards.
9. Finish The Job: Kill an enemy that survived damage from 5 teammates in the sa
me life.
10. Calamity: Kill an entire enemy team of 6 or more players in a very short tim
e with a Specialist weapon.
11. Frenzy Killer: Earn a Frenzy Kill medal (5 rapid kills).
12. Super Killer: Earn a Super Kill medal (6 rapid kills).
13. Mega Killer: Earn a Mega Kill medal (7 rapid kills).
14. Ultra Killer: Earn a Ultra Kill medal (8 rapid kills).
15. Chain Killer: Earn a Kill Chain medal (9 or more rapid kills).
16. Fresh Start: Perform a "Fresh Start" stats reset.
1. Deresurrectionist: Reach Deressurectionist (Level 35).
2. Apocalypse Averted: In Shadows Of Evil, help the others.
Multiplayer unlockables
Reach the indicated level in Multiplayer mode to unlock the corresponding bonus.
Note: At Level 1, you will already have Ruin Specialist, Outrider Specialist, P
rophet Specialist, Battery Specialist, UAV Scorestreak, Hellstorm Scorestreak, T
alon Scorestreak, Kuda SMG, VMP SMG, KN-44 Assault Rifle, XR-2 Assault Rifle, KR
M-262 Shotgun, 205 Brecci Shotgun, BRM LMG, Dingo LMG, Locus Sniper Rifle, Drako
n Sniper Rifle, MR6 Pistol, XM-53 Launcher, Frag Lethal, Concussion Tactical, Af
terburner Perk 1, Sixth Sense Perk 1, Blind Eye Perk 1, Fast Hands Perk 2, Ante
Up Perk 2, Hard Wired Perk 2, Gung-Ho Perk 3, Blast Suppressor Perk 3, and Aware
ness Perk 3.
HVK-30 Assault Rifle
Smoke Screen Tactical
Weevil SMG
Flak Jacket Perk 1
Semtex Lethal
Gorgon SMG, Perk 1 Greed Wildcard
Tracker Perk 2
HC-XD Scorestreak
Haymaker 12 Shotgun, Perk 2 Greed Wildcard
EMP Tactical
Care Package Scorestreak
BlackCell Launcher, Perk 3 Greed Wildcard
Tactical Mask Perk 3
R.A.P.S. Scorestreak
ICR-1 Assault Rifle, Primary Gunfighter 1 Wildcard
Trip Mine Lethal
Dart Scorestreak
Vesper SMG, Overkill Wildcard
Overclock Perk 1
Lightning Strike Scorestreak
Seraph Specialist, RK5 Pistol
Trophy System Tactical
G.I. Unit Scorestreak
P-06 Sniper Rifle, Secondary Gunfighter Wildcard
Tactician Wildcard, Cold Blooded Perk 2
Counter-UAV Scorestreak
Nomad Specialist, Man-O-War Assault Rifle, Primary Gunfighter 2 Wildcard
Thermite Lethal
Cerberus Scorestreak
Pharo SMG, Danger Close Wildcard,
Engineer Perk 3
Power Core Scorestreak
Reaper Specialist, 48 Dredge LMG, Primary Gunfighter 3 Wildcard
Shock Charge Tactical
Guardian Scorestreak
Argus Shotgun
Ghost Perk 1
Wraith Scorestreak
Spectre Specialist, Combat Knife Special
Combat Axe Lethal
Rolling Thunder Scorestreak
Sheiva Assault Rifle
Scavenger Perk 2
Hardened Sentry Scorestreak
Firebreak Specialist, Razorback SMG
Flashbang Tactical
H.A.T.R. Scorestreak
L-CAR 9 Pistol, Cerberus Scorestreak
Dead Silence Perk 3
Mothership Scorestreak
SVG-100 Sniper Rifle
C4 Lethal
Black Hat Tactical
M8A7 Assault Rifle
Multiplayer perks
The following is a list of all perks and their effects:
Perk 1
Afterburner: Reduce recharge time for Thrusters.
Blind Eye: Undetectable by enemy air support.
Sixth Sense: Display mini-map indicator with the direction of nearby enemies.
Overclock: Earn Specialist Weapon or Specialist Ability faster.
Flak Jacket: Take less damage from enemy explosives and flames.
Ghost: Avoid detection by enemy UAV while moving, planting, and defusing bombs;
or while controlling scorestreaks.
Perk 2
Fast Hands: Swap weapons faster and aim faster after sprinting. Can also reset t
he fuse when throwing back frag grenades.
Ante Up: Spawn with starting bonus to scorestreak meter.
Hard Wired: Immune to Counter-UAV, Power Core, EMP Grenade, and Smoke Screen. Ca
nnot trigger Trip Mines, Shock Charges, or C4. Reduce digital imprint against en
emy Tracker and Sixth Sense Perks.
Tracker: See a digital imprint of enemy footsteps.
Cold Blooded: Cannot be targeted by ground-based AI scorestreaks and immune to T
hermal Optics.
Scavenger: Replenish ammunition and equipment from enemies killed by non-explosi
ve weapons.
Perk 3
Gung-Ho: Hip-fire your weapon, deploy equipment, and throw grenades while sprint
Blast Suppressor: No mini-map signature when thrust jumping. Thruster sound is s
Awareness: Enemy movements are easier to hear.
Engineer: Show enemy equipment and scorestreaks. Re-roll and booby trap Care Pac
Tactical Mask: Reduce the effects of Flashbangs, Concussions, and Shock Charges.
Dead Silence: Move silently.
Skipping rounds in Shadows Of Evil
Use the following trick to advance to rounds 5, 10, or 15 without killing any zo
mbies. When starting, you will spawn in a narrow alleyway. From this position, f
ace the junction and look at the walkway above to find the Shadow Man. Hit the S
hadow Man five times with your default weapon or any other wall weapon to advanc
e to round 5 with some points scored. You can shoot him five more times to advan
ce to round 10 with more points. Shoot him five more times to advance to round 1
5, and get even more points. However, after shooting him 15 times, he will disap
All rituals and Pack-A-Punch machine in Shadows Of Evil
Complete all rituals in the Shadows Of Evil map in Zombie mode to unlock the Pac
k-A-Punch machine for upgrading weapons. You can complete this solo and by the e
nd of round 5 or 6. There are five collectible items you must find (Summoning Ke
y, Golden Fountain Pen, Badge, Championship Belt, and Hair Piece). These items a
re used to start the five rituals. To get "The Beginning Of The End" trophy, you
only need to do the first four rituals. The fifth and final ritual unlocks the
Pack-A-Punch machine. You have to do all of this in one playthrough. You will al
so get the "From The Shadows" trophy along the way. When doing it solo, the orde
r of the rituals does not matter, but in co-op it is important to note that you
can only hold one collectible at a time (not all five at once). This means in co
-op you must do a ritual before you can pick up the next collectible.
Building Rocket Shield in Shadows Of Evil
To build the Rocket Shield, you must find three parts. Each part is in a differe
nt district -- one in the Canal District, one in the Footlight District, and one
in the Waterfront District. You only need to open the first gate to each of the
se districts, then use the demon form to activate the power and unlock the stair
s. The exact location of the parts slightly varies on each playthrough, but they
will always be in the same district in the upstairs area. They always look the
same; go to the locations in the video and run around the area until you see a b
utton prompt to pick up the object. Once you have collected all three parts, ope
n the second gate in the Waterfront District to find a workbench where you must
assemble the shield (only takes a few seconds). You can activate the burst with
R2. To get the "Strike!" trophy, wait for a large group of 10+ zombies, then use
the burst to kill them.
Getting Widow's Wine perk in Shadows Of Evil
To get the Widow's Wine, you must open a portal in the Canal District. Transform
into the demon to break open a door in the Canal. Behind the door is the portal
that leads to a new area. Widow's Wine is actually a perk, not just a grenade.
After leaving the portal, kill the ghosts and activate the power to the Widow's
Wine machine. You can then buy the perk; it costs 4,000 points. It allows you to
throw special grenades that damage and slow enemies. When you are being attacke
d, it automatically freezes the zombies and damages them over time until they di
e. The perk is limited to a few uses per round. Knifing enemies also has a chanc
e of ensnaring them for a while. To get "The Spider And The Fly" trophy, you can
either throw a Widow's Wine grenade yourself or just let a large group of zombi
es attack you. Odds are you will get trapped by zombies in high level rounds, an
d the perk will automatically get activated and you will get the trophy. The zom
bies get damaged over time and will die automatically without you doing anything
Summoning Civil Protector and Fuse locations in Shadows Of Evil
To summon the Civil Protector, you first must find three fuses and activate the
fuse box. Each fuse is in a different district -- one in the Canal District, one
in the Footlight District, and one in the Waterfront District. They are all on
the upper floor, and you must open two gates in each district to reach them. The
y glow blue. Their exact location slightly varies on each playthrough, but they
are always in the same area, on the upper floor. Go through the portal in Canal
District to reach the fuse box. Once it is active, you can summon the Civil Prot
ector. There are four districts, and it must be activated in each one to get the
"Beat CoP" trophy. Each activation costs 2,000 points. You can only have one ac
tive at a time. Wait for the robot to explode (takes 2-3 rounds), then you can a
ctivate the next. It will probably take you until round 13 to activate them all.
In Co-Op mode, you must summon all four Civil Protectors by yourself. It does n
ot count if another player summons him, but it also does not void the trophy eit
her, as you can simply reactivate the box later and summon him yourself.
Gobblegum flavors in Shadows Of Evil
Gobblegum is obtained from a vending machine and provides temporary boosts. Gobb
legum vending machines can be found in each of the three districts and require p
oints. However, the machines will not always work and will dispense flavors rand
omly. Before starting a match, you can customize the Gobblegum flavors which wil
l appear by selecing the "Gobblegum Packs" option. As you level up, you will unl
ock additional flavors. The following is a list of all available flavors and the
ir effects:
Aftertaste: Retain perks when downed.
Alchemical Antithesis: 1 ammo for every 10 points.
Always Done Swiftly: Similar to quickdraw.
Danger Closest: No explosive damage.
Dead Of Nuclear Winter: Nuke power-up spawn.
Ephemeral Enhancement: Upgrade current weapon.
Firing On All Cylinders: Shoot while running.
Immolation Liquidation: Fire Sale power-up spawn.
Impatient: Unknown.
I'm Feelin' Lucky: Spawn with random power-up.
In Plain Sight: No threat for 10 seconds.
Killing Time: Freeze enemies for 20 seconds.
s area. The trick is to use the mobile armory to switch loadouts. Get a kill wit
h the primary and secondary weapons you have equipped. Then, go back to the mobi
le armory and switch weapons. Repeat this until you have 5 kills within 30 secon
ds to get the "Gun Game" trophy. There is also a checkpoint right in front of th
e mobile armory. Use it to retry if you fail to get the trophy.
Easy "Hold Still!" trophy
First, you must buy the "Blinding Swarm" cyber core upgrade in the safehouse. It
is part of the Chaos skill tree. Then, unleash the swarm near a large group of
human enemies and quickly kill them while they are stunned by the swarm. A good
place to do this is early in Mission 4: Provocation. After killing the enemies i
n the first big area, you will come by a mobile armory and civilians/prisoners w
ill come running down some stairs. There is a large group of enemies standing cl
ose together. Unleash the swarm and pick them off one by one while they are stun
ned. Kill yourself to restart the checkpoint if you do not get the "Hold Still!"
Easy "In Their Sleep" trophy
In Mission 3: In Darkness, the first group of enemies are perfect to kill 5 stun
ned enemies in under 3 seconds. Set the difficulty to Recruit, and make sure you
have some flashbangs in your loadout. Then, wait until 5+ enemies are close tog
ether (there are more than enough enemies in this section), and throw the flashb
ang at them. Kill them as quickly as possible to get the "In Their Sleep" trophy
. Use a machine gun or semi-automatic shotgun from close range. This only works
on human enemies, not robots.
Easy "Maximum Firepower" trophy
To take control of an ASP, you must first buy the "Remote Hijack" skill in the s
afehouse. It is part of the Control Core skill tree. At the end of Mission 7: Ri
se & Fall, you will have to fight some large robots -- the so called "ASP". The
first one you must destroy cannot be hacked. After that a smaller ASP is dropped
off by a helicopter. Use the Remote Hijack ability on it. It takes a few second
s to hack it. Once you are in control of the machine, you will get the "Maximum
Firepower" trophy.
Easy "Parasite-Seeing" trophy
The parasites always spawn in Round 5. They are yellow insects flying around and
shooting at you. Go to the train station in Round 5 and ride the train (costs 5
00 points to activate). While you are on the train, you must kill five parasites
to get the "Parasite-Seeing" trophy.
Easy "Sorry, We're DEAD" trophy
There are four stores in the Junction District starting area after opening the f
irst gate. Kill ten zombies in any of them to get the "Sorry, We're DEAD" trophy
. You can shoot them or use the knife. The ten kills do not have to be from one
store -- they count across all stores. Always repair the barricades so you have
more time to kill the zombies before they leave the store. Run from store to sto
re and look if there is a zombie. You should get the trophy in round 6 or 7, as
the spawns are a bit random.
Easy "The Beginning Of The End" trophy
Use the "Skipping rounds in Shadows Of Evil" trick to skip to round 15. You will
start round 15 with 16,500 points, which is more than enough points to open eve
rything if you have four players. Keep a zombie alive at the end of the first wa
ve, then complete the first four rituals to get "The Beginning Of The End" troph
y on the first wave.
Easy "Throwing Flak" trophy
The earliest opportunity to get the "Throwing Flak" trophy is in Mission 2: New
World, when you have to chase down the suspect. You must cook a frag grenade and
throw it at the Talons just a moment before it explodes. Talons almost always f
ly in swarms of three or more. It also counts when you throw the grenade on the
ground and the Talons are flying over it. The trophy description is a bit mislea
ding, as the grenade does not have to explode in mid-air.
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
Platinum (Platinum): Awarded when all other trophies have been unlocked.
Disavowed (Silver): Complete Black Ops on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
A Second Chance (Silver): Complete New World on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
High Tide (Silver): Complete In Darkness on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
Belly of the Beast (Silver): Complete Provocation on Hardened, Veteran, or Reali
Into the Abyss (Silver): Complete Hypocenter on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
Blood for Blood (Silver): Complete Vengeance on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
Friends and Foes (Silver): Complete Rise and Fall on Hardened, Veteran, or Reali
Understanding Madness (Silver): Complete Demon Within on Hardened, Veteran, or R
Fly, Swim, Shoot (Silver): Complete Sand Castle on Hardened, Veteran, or Realist
200 Stories of Sheer Adventure! (Silver): Complete Lotus Towers on Hardened, Vet
eran, or Realistic.
Full Circle (Silver): Complete Campaign on Hardened, Veteran, or Realistic.
Hold Still! (Bronze): Kill 6 enemies affected by one Blinding Swarm or Firefly S
Rolling Heavy (Bronze): Kill 5 enemies using one burst of Unstoppable Force.
Sting like a Talon (Bronze): In Campaign, kill 20 enemies while flying the same
Decimator (Bronze): In Campaign, kill 10 enemies in under 3 seconds.
Curator (Silver): Discover all of the collectibles in the Campaign.
Gun Game (Bronze): In Campaign, kill 5 enemies with 5 different guns in under 30
Personal Decorator (Gold): Earn all Decorations.
Doing Camo Right (Bronze): In Campaign, unlock all camos for any weapon.
Maximum Firepower (Bronze): Take control of an ASP.
Walking Encyclopedia (Bronze): Discover all of the collectibles in any Mission.
Crackshot (Bronze): In Campaign, kill 5 enemies from over 100m away.
Can't Hide (Bronze): In Campaign, kill an enemy through a wall or obstruction.
Biff! Bap! KaPow! (Bronze): Kill three enemies in a melee combo.
Inertial Distance (Bronze): In Campaign, wall run over 250 meters.
For real this time (Bronze): Earn a Gold Rating in the training simulator.
Foe To Friend (Bronze): Use an enemy combat robot to kill 10 enemies.
Throwing Flak (Bronze): Kill 3 Talons with a single mid-air grenade detonation.
Unlocked Potential (Bronze): Fully upgrade a Cybernetics Core.
Lock, Stock, And Then Some (Bronze): In Campaign, unlock all attachments for any
In Their Sleep (Bronze): In Campaign, kill 5 stunned enemies in under 3 seconds.
The Beginning of the End (Silver): In Shadows of Evil, complete all Rituals.
From the Shadows (Bronze): In Shadows of Evil, spot the Shadowman fives times in
one game.
Not out of Gobblegum! (Bronze): In Shadows of Evil, purchase and chew every type
of GobbleGum in your Pack.
Sorry, we're DEAD (Bronze): In Shadows of Evil, kill 10 zombies that are inside
of a store in one game.
Strike! (Bronze): In Shadows of Evil, use the rocket shield attack to kill at le
ast 10 zombies in one burst.
Beat CoP (Bronze): In Shadows of Evil, summon the Civil Protector in every distr
ict in a single game.
The Spider and the Fly (Bronze): In Shadows of Evil, kill 10 zombies ensnared by
a Widow's Wine grenade.
Margwa Party (Bronze): In Shadows of Evil, kill 2 Margwas in a single round.
Parasite-Seeing (Bronze): In Shadows of Evil, kill 5 Parasites while riding on t
he train.
Welcome to the Club (Bronze): Reach Sergeant (Level 10) in Multiplayer while pla
ying online.
Battle Tested (Bronze): Reach Commander (Level 55) in Multiplayer while playing
Tactical Specialist (Bronze): Get 5 Medals based on a Specialist Ability in a si
ngle game.
Deadly Specialist (Bronze): Get a Specialist-based medal that requires 3 or more
rapid kills while using any Specialist Weapon.
Additionally, there are three secret trophies:
No One Will Believe
Another Side of the
Silverback In Black
Avengening in Dead