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Critical Issues in Dental Education

The Face of a Child: Childrens Oral Health

and Dental Education
Wendy E. Mouradian, M.D., M.S.
Abstract: Dental care is the most common unmet health care need of children. Those at increased risk for problems with oral
health and access to care are from poor or minority families, lack health insurance, or have special health care needs. These
factors place more than 52 percent of children at risk for untreated oral disease. Measures of access and parental report indicate
unmet oral health needs, but do not provide guidance as to the nature of childrens oral health needs. Childrens oral health needs
can be predicted from their developmental changes and position in the life span, their dependency and environmental context, and
current demographic changes. Specific gaps in education include training of general dentists to care for infants and young
children and those with special health care needs, as well as training of pediatric providers and other professionals caring for
children in oral health promotion and disease prevention. Educational focus on the technical aspects of dentistry leaves little time
for important interdisciplinary health and/or social issues. It will not be possible to address these training gaps without further
integration of dentistry with medicine and other health professions. Childrens oral health care is the shared moral responsibility
of dental and other professionals working with children, parents, and society. Academic dental centers hold in trust the training of
oral health professionals for society and have a special responsibility to train future professionals to meet childrens needs.
Leadership in this area is urgently needed.
Dr. Mouradian is Head, Office of Outreach and Professional Development, Comprehensive Center for Oral Health Research and
Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Pediatric Dentistry, Health Services (Public Health), University of Washington
Childrens Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Seattle, WA. She was Chair of The Face of a Child: Surgeon Generals
Conference on Children and Oral Health. Direct correspondence and requests for reprints to her at Childrens Hospital and
Regional Medical Center, 4800 Sand Point Way NE, P.O. Box 5371, CH-47, Seattle, WA 98105; [email protected].
Key words: children, oral health, access to care, dental education
Submitted for publication 5/10/01; accepted 6/20/01

he recent Oral Health in America: A Report

of the Surgeon General1 and The Face of the
Child: Surgeon Generals Workshop and Conference on Children and Oral Health,2 call attention
to disparities in childrens oral health and access to
care. Dental care is the most prevalent unmet health
care need of children.3 Children from poor and/or
minority families and those who lack health insurance are at increased risk for unmet dental needs;4,5
together these amount to 52 percent of children.6 In
addition, children with special health care needs are
at increased risk for unmet dental needs.7, 8 Childrens
unmet oral health needs raise profound questions
about the education of health professionals, including dentists, physicians, and other providers of care
for children and families. This article will review key
aspects of childrens oral health and call for changes
in dental professional education to respond to unmet
needs. Given the shortage of dental professionals
trained to care for young children, professional re-

September 2002 Journal of Dental Education

sponsibility for childrens oral health should be shared

with primary care medical practitioners. Greater integration of dentistry with medicine and other health
and social systems serving children and families is
needed to accomplish these objectives.

Childrens Oral Health

Problems and Their
Oral and craniofacial conditions are common
in childhood: dental caries is the most common
chronic disease of childhood,9-11 and cleft lip and palate is one of the most common birth defects.12 Many
other genetic syndromes, developmental disabilities,
and chronic diseases of childhood have oral/craniofacial components.12 Oral and craniofacial injuries


are common and are a frequent site for child abuse

injuries.13,14 Periodontal disease and pre-cancerous
lesions are found in youth who smoke or use spit
Oral health encompasses all the immunologic,
sensory, neuromuscular, and structural functions of
the mouth and craniofacial complex. It influences
and is related to nutrition and growth, pulmonary
health, speech production, communication, self-image, and social functioning.17-21 Oral health includes
the interrelationship with all aspects of the childs
developmental processes, genetic potential, and environmental circumstances.
Oral and craniofacial conditions have a significant impact on childrens overall health and well-being. Dental problems result in an estimated 52 million hours lost from school,21 and many costly
emergency room visits and hospital-based medical
and surgical treatments.22 Untreated caries can interfere with growth,17 and provides a reservoir of infection for systemic spread. The treatment of dental
problems accounts for approximately 20-30 percent
of family health expenditures for children,23,24 and
20 percent of an estimated overall health insurance
package for children.25 This does not include the
treatment of more costly craniofacial conditions, often tracked as medical expenditures. Oral and craniofacial conditions have substantial long-term impact
on psychosocial, health, and economic outcomes.4,20
Many oral and craniofacial disorders can be
prevented.1 The risk of some craniofacial birth defects can be diminished with attention to risk factors
such as maternal folic acid intake, alcohol, and tobacco use. Cost-effective strategies exist to prevent
caries, and there are also preventive strategies for oral
and craniofacial injuries and tobacco use.
Despite the availability of preventive measures,
the incidence of cariesabout 50 percent in midchildhoodhas not changed in recent years.10,11 Disparities in oral health exist in children from low-income and minority families.4, 5 Dental care is the most
common unmet health need among children with
special health care needs.7 This group is disproportionately represented among the ranks of the poor,
which compounds their risk of problems with oral
disease and access to care. Profound disparities have
been demonstrated in some ethnic groups, such as
Hispanic and American Indian/Alaskan Native populations.10


Childrens Unmet Oral

Health Needs and Access to
Dental Care
Given childrens inability to articulate their
needs, it is not always easy to determine if they are
being met. Measuring utilization of dental services
is one way of assessing if childrens oral health needs
are being met. Utilization of dental care can be defined simply as a visit to the dentist, regardless of
the type of care provided, as in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS).26 This survey found
that 43 percent of children had a dental visit in 1996
(with disparities by income and ethnicity). Using a
more stringent professional standard of two dental
visits/year,27 even fewer children have adequate access. Alternatively, dental care can be inferred from
the number of children who have a preventive oral
health visitas surveyed in the Inspector Generals
Reportwhich found that only one in five children
served by Medicaid had a single preventive visit in
one year.28
Childrens oral health needs can also be measured directly as a professionally discovered need
related to untreated caries. The recent large National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES
III: 1988-1994) revealed much untreated disease,
including profound disparities by race and income.5
Childrens oral health needs can also be inferred from
parental report of an unmet dental health needas
in the National Health Interview Survey (19931996)which found dental needs to be the most
common of all unmet health care needs. 3
From any of these viewpoints, childrens oral
health needs are not being met in the United States.
The reasons cited for childrens inadequate access to
dental care are many and have been considered elsewhere.4,28-30 One reason we have not made more
progress in eradicating common oral diseases in
childhood may be a narrow interpretation of their
needs that fails to consider the broader social, developmental, and environmental context of childrens

Journal of Dental Education Volume 65, No. 9

Beyond Access: Fundamental

Needs of Children and the
Health Care System
A more accurate and detailed view of childrens
oral health needs can be inferred from a child specific definition of medical necessity that draws upon
the characteristics of children that distinguish their
health care needs from those of adults,.31,32 Such an
approach provides more specific guidance to those
responsible for training health professionals who will
work with children. Health care needed by children
is care necessary to: 1) promote normal growth, development, and overall health; 2) prevent disease and
secondary disabilities; and 3) treat existing acute and
chronic health conditions. Of note, a similar childspecific standard of medical necessity is already
present in federal statute in the Medicaid Early and
Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment
(EPSDT) benefit, a model of comprehensive health
care that applies to dental as well as medical care,
but is only inconsistently enforced.33 Unfortunately,
definitions of medical necessity may be used by insurers to ration health services, rather than to provide guidance on health interventions important to
the childs overall health and development.34

The Five Characteristics of

Children and Implications for
Oral Health Care and
Professional Training
Childrens unique characteristics that predict
what they need from health care systems include their
position at the beginning of the lifespan; their constant developmental changes; their dependency on
parents and other adults; the differential epidemiology of their health conditions; and current demographic patterns.31,32

1. Children are at the Beginning of

the Life Span.
The pathogens responsible for caries are passed
from mother to infant in the first two years of life.35
Thus oral health promotion and disease prevention,
September 2002 Journal of Dental Education

including development of good dietary and oral

health habits, must begin early. At the point of cavitation, caries experience is irreversible and cumulative, and prevention is both preferable and possible.
Oral health promotion also refers to the need
for community action and societal policies that consider health implications in other sectors (for example, community water fluoridation, feeding practices in day cares, etc.). Childrens health represents
an investment in the future and must be optimized
by adequate health care and societal policies as well
as individual behaviors.
Implications for oral health care. Children need
early oral health care that emphasizes preventive care,
early intervention, health counseling, and anticipatory guidance. This care must start early and involve
parents, even in the prenatal or early postnatal time
period when parents are receptive to health information, and in order to intervene with transmission of
pathogenic bacteria.
Implications for dental professional training.
Dental professionals must be comfortable examining infants and young children; sensitive to the needs
and issues of parents and able to exercise optimum
means of counseling them; and cognizant of co-existing medical, social, and developmental factors, including pregnancy risk factors. This applies to general as well as pediatric dentists, since the former
provide the majority of pediatric dental care. Reaching children early requires collaboration with colleagues in pediatrics, obstetrics, nursing, and others
in the larger health and social system interacting with
children (for example, WIC providers; day care, Head
Start, and school personnel, etc.).
Oral health promotion also requires that dental
professionals be knowledgeable about public health
and social determinants of health outcomes. There
is a need for dental faculty who can model interdisciplinary interactions, community level activism, and
public health advocacy. Course work in public health
and societal considerations should support clinical

2. Childrens Development
Interacts with Oral Health.
Children are always changing. Developmental
processes include physical growth and maturation,
social, cognitive, and emotional development, learning, and achievement of independence.36 These developmental processes are vulnerable to untreated


diseases, including oral and craniofacial disease. Interventions must be timely in order to avoid impact
in critical stages of development. Because of their
developmental changes, children may be more subject to positive and negative influences in their environmentincluding fluorides, lead ingestion, medication side effects, and psychosocial influences.
Moreover, childhood is not a homogenous period:
infancy, childhood, and adolescence are dramatically
different periods.
Implications for oral health care. Developmental factors interact with most aspects of childrens
oral health. For example, toddlers with untreated oral
disease and pain may not grow normally; adequate
early nutrition is critical for normal brain growth.
Children with pain from dental disease may be unable to concentrate in school. Timely treatment is
necessary to avoid further impact on the childs development. Certain interventions for children with
craniofacial anomalies, such as cleft lip and palate,
must occur with key changes in physical development to maximize outcomes (for example, alveolar
bone grafting). Other children with complex craniofacial conditions or trauma must receive critical psychosocial services in a timely fashion to support
healthy emotional growth. Research on children is
more complex, because of the need for longitudinal
studies and the difficulty in distinguishing the effects of development from the effects of an intervention. This has slowed the development of an evidence
base in many areas of childrens oral and craniofacial care.
Implications for dental professional training.
Providers of pediatric oral health care must be knowledgeable about key aspects of child health and development, including nutrition and growth and their
interaction with oral disease. They must be able to
match their clinical approaches to the childs developmental stage, and assess the childs capacity for
understanding information and cooperating with care.
Medical and dental professionals need awareness of
childrens vulnerability to positive and negative social influences that affect their oral health (for example, media messages that promote consumption
of high sugar foods or use of tobacco; the presence
of soda machines in schools; etc.). Something that is
not an issue at one age may develop later. Dental
providers must collaborate with other health, social,
and education professionals to address childrens
health needs at critical stages.


3. Childrens Dependency and

Incompetency in Medical Decision
Making Require Partnership with
Parents and Other Special
Children are dependent on their parents for
protection, care, and nurturance. They depend upon
their parents to understand and act upon oral health
recommendations, to access oral health services, to
make medical decisions for them, and to advocate
for them in health and social systems. Parents interpret their childs needs and (usually) make decisions
that reflect the childs best interests. Parents have both
the moral and legal authority to act on their childrens
behalf, and they are generally the experts on their
Parental oral disease, attitudes, and past experiences with dental care have a direct impact on their
own and their developing childs oral health. Disease
transmission, the practice of oral home care, and
development of healthy attitudes towards oral health
are all impacted by family factors. Utilization of care
can also be influenced by differences in culture and
Larger societal policies also have an influence on
parents abilities to promote their childrens health and
include such important factors as flexible work
policies, changes in Medicaid eligibility, availability of
public transportation to health centers, exclusion of
oral health from medical coverage, and lack of an
employer base for dental insurance.
Implications for oral health care. Health care
for children cannot be designed without understanding their vulnerability and essential link to parents.
Health professionals, educators, and researchers must
partner with parents in all activities related to
childrens health, from clinical care to community
programs to policy planning.
Childrens dependency and vulnerability also
create a positive obligation of health systems to ensure that children have access to needed care, regardless of their parents social and economic difficulties. This leads to the need for wrap-around
services, such as provision of transportation, case
management, and other outreach services, which are
explicit in the Medicaid EPSDT benefit.33 Parents
and older children also need specific health education and counseling.

Journal of Dental Education Volume 65, No. 9

Implications for dental professional training.

It is critical that dental trainees learn how to approach
parents with sensitivity and respect cultural differences while communicating positive health messages.
With good communication skills, providers can encourage parents efforts towards improving their
childrens oral health and avoid the use of negative
or judgmental language. Negative approaches interfere with the development of a good relationship,
and decrease ones ability to influence parental behavior. Professionals should be aware of social circumstances that support or interfere with parents
ability to promote their childrens health and should
develop the ability to work as part of interdisciplinary teams with other health providers (social workers, primary care practitioners, etc.) to address complex family circumstances.
Health care must be geared to the best interests of the child.37 Accordingly, health professionals must also monitor parental decisions for their children, to ensure they are in the range of acceptable
choices and do not result in significant harm to the
child. Health professionals also have an obligation
to screen for child abuse and neglect. Most child
abuse injuries occur in the oral and craniofacial area,
but such injuries are underreported in the dental setting.13,14 All providers working with children should
be aware of the ethical and legal dimensions of pediatric care and their obligations as providers. They
should know how to contact appropriate social agencies when abuse/neglect is suspected.37
As the child matures, there is a moral obligation to involve them in decisions about their care as
age and ability allowespecially for decisions that
may be elective (such as in certain orthodontic and
craniofacial interventions).

4. The Differing Epidemiology of

Childhood Disease Calls for
Specialists and Team Care.
Chronic disease of adulthood consists of common disorders (cardiovascular disease, hypertension,
stroke, arthritis, cancer, etc.). By contrast, the spectrum of chronic disease of childhood includes a multitude of diverse conditions that are relatively rare

(with the exception of asthma). About 18 percent of

all children have a special health care need.*7,38 Ongoing medical conditions or associated treatment
regimens can interact with and complicate oral health
issues. A child with impaired immunity, for example,
may be more susceptible to systemic complications
of oral disease, and a child on medications producing xerostomia or with a sugar base may be more
susceptible to caries. Children with special health care
needs (CSHCN) have increased difficulties with access, and dental care is their most frequent unmet
health need. The trend towards increasing survival
of CSHCN will only increase the numbers of children seeking care with more complex oral health
Implications for oral health care and professional training. Childrens unique disease patterns
call for pediatric specialists who can work with generalists to ensure that children receive appropriate
care. In addition to access to routine dental care, these
children need dental specialists (such as pediatric
dentists) who are trained in diseases of childhood,
child development, and their interaction with oral
disease, and who can work as members of the health
teams these children require. At the same time, general dentists must be knowledgeable about the oral
manifestations of systemic conditions, the systemic
impact of oral conditions, and the impact of medications and other therapies on oral health, so they can
provide the simpler care for these children.
For all CSHCN, the complex interactions of
health, development, and environmental influences
lead to the need for coordinated, interdisciplinary
team care.39 Such team care should include the full
integration of oral health professionals, as in craniofacial teams.40 Collaboration with other health professionals including pharmacists (who can address
oral consequences of medications) can lead to better
oral health care for CSHCN.

5. Children are Disproportionately

Disadvantaged in Our Society.
As a group, children are more likely to be disadvantaged by poverty or minority status, and many
others lack health insurance. Taken together, children
at risk for unmet dental needs amount to a shocking

* The federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau defines children and adolescents with special health care needs (CSHCN) as
those who have or are at increased risk for a chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional conditions and who also
require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required by children generally. McPherson M, et al. A new
definition of children with special health care needs. Pediatrics, 1998; 102: 137-40.

September 2002 Journal of Dental Education


52 percent of the population of children. Given the

high birth rates among minority populations and the
increasing survival of CSHCN, this proportion is not
likely to diminish in the future.
Implications for oral health care and professional training. The dental delivery system (a feefor-service system) has not met the needs of a substantial portion of children, as is borne out by the
high prevalence of unmet dental needs among children;3 the large number of children without any dental insurance1; the poor access to care and the low
dental provider participation rates in Medicaid;28 and
the high disease rates among low-income and minority children.5 Such a system that rations dental
care by ability to pay and personal choice disadvantages children, who are overrepresented among the
poor, and are not in control of their own access to
health care.41
Dental trainees must be given a sense of the
unmet oral health needs of vulnerable pediatric populations, and the health professionals role in addressing these unmet needs. They must understand the
Table 1. Responding to the oral health needs of
children, families, and diverse populations: critical
areas requiring emphasis in undergraduate dental
Behavioral and social determinants of health outcomes
Child health/development and examination of infants
and young children
Child abuse/neglect
Collaboration with physicians and other health professionals
Cultural competency
Dental public health issues, including fluoridation and
other public policies
Ethical and legal issues in the care of children
Family-centered care
Experience in interdisciplinary and interprofessional
health care teams
Health promotion (for example, tobacco prevention/
cessation, nutrition)
Injury prevention
Oral-systemic health linkages and systemic health
Pediatric dentistry
Professional ethics and advocacy beyond the clinic
Research exposure including health services research
Science of caries transmission and medical management
of caries
Scientific advances in other oral/craniofacial areas
Service learning opportunities for experience with target
Unmet oral health needs of children
Working with parents

complex interplay of medical, economic, and social

determinants of childrens health outcomes, including the need for wrap-around services and collaboration with other health and social professionals.
These concerns call for increased attention in the dental curriculum to cultural competency, and social determinants of health, and experience working with
vulnerable populations including children from poor
and minority families and CSHCN. Increased recruitment of dental trainees from diverse populations will
help dental schools understand the nature of needed
care in these populations, and will generate dental
professionals who will be more likely to return to
serve those populations.
In summary, the rationale behind child-specific
definitions of medical necessity leads to changes
needed in dental and other health professional education. Dental providers must understand the characteristics of children and their implications for
childrens oral health care. They must be prepared to
work with parents and other health and social systems serving children, and to advocate for societal
and policy changes that can advance childrens oral
health. This will require an increased educational
emphasis on interdisciplinary care, social determinants of health, and cultural competency. These recommendations are summarized in Table 1.

An Ethical Mandate to
Provide Oral Health Care for
Embedded in this rationale for a child-specific
definition of medical necessity are also important
moral considerations. As a matter of justice, children should receive needed oral health care (as part
of basic health care), because of the importance of
such care to their overall opportunities in life. For
example, poor oral health can lead to high absenteeism and hinder childrens achievement in school;21
poor children experience nearly twelve times as many
restricted activity days from dental disease as children from higher income families.4 Since access to
oral health care is one important determinant of oral

+ Some of the arguments in this section are drawn from papers presented at Ethics and Oral Health, a conference held in preparation for the Surgeon Generals Workshop and Conference. Full papers appear in the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Do
children get their fair share of health and dental care? Kopelman L. M., ed. April 2001; 26 (2).


Journal of Dental Education Volume 65, No. 9

Table 2. Twenty-one competencies for the twenty-first

century from the Pew Health Professions Commission
1. Embrace a personal ethic of social responsibility and
2. Exhibit ethical behavior in all professional activities.
3. Provide evidence-based, clinically competent care.
4. Incorporate the multiple determinants of health in
clinical care.
5. Apply knowledge of the new sciences.
6. Demonstrate critical thinking, reflection, and problemsolving skills.
7. Understand the role of primary care.
8. Rigorously practice preventive health care.
9. Integrate population-based care and service into
10. Improve access to health care for those with unmet
health needs.
11. Practice relationship-centered care with individuals
and families.
12. Provide culturally sensitive care to a diverse society.
13. Partner with communities in health care decisions.
14. Use communication and information technology
effectively and appropriately.
15. Work in interdisciplinary teams.
16. Ensure care that balances individual professional,
system, and societal needs.
17. Practice leadership.
18. Take responsibility for quality of care and health
outcomes at all levels.
19. Contribute to the continuous improvement of the
health care system.
20. Advocate for public policy that promotes and
protects the health of the public.
21. Continue to learn and to help others to learn.
*Competencies emphasized in this discussion of
childrens oral health are bolded. From Recreating Health
Professional Practice for a New Century (Chapter IV): the
fourth report of the Pew Health Professions Commission,
Dec. 1998. Executive summary.

health outcomes, all children should have access to

this care. The existence of cost-effective preventive
measures further supports the need to provide such
Childrens vulnerability places a moral obligation upon adults to see that childrens needs are met.
The obligation to help extends beyond parents and
includes all those who see the needs of children
health professionals, teachers, policy makers, and the
public.44 Although society grants parents the responsibility for their childs health care, it also has an obligation to ensure that care reaches the child. The
fact that children are both dependent upon others and
disadvantaged by poverty leads to the need for special provisions to ensure children receive needed care.
The importance of children to the future of society
increases the societal obligation to protect childrens

September 2002 Journal of Dental Education

Ethical Obligations of
Dentists and other health professionals providing pediatric care have an obligation to help ensure
access to oral health care for children.41 Dental professionals and pediatric practitioners are in the best
position to know what children require in the way of
oral health care; that special knowledge creates a
special obligation to speak out on behalf of childrens
unmet health needs. Dentists and physicians also have
an obligation to act in the public good in a general
sense, in view of the large public contribution to the
funding of medical and dental education,43 and the
professions implicit contract to serve the public
good.44-46 Finally, as the American Dental Association Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct articulates, considerations of justice require dentists to participate in efforts to improve access to oral health
care for all.47 Ethics is a required part of the dental
curriculum, but the content of such courses may focus on professional ethics in the dental office, and
not examine larger issues of professional responsibilities and social justice. A personal ethic of social
responsibility and service as well as ethical behavior
in professional activities is emphasized in the health
professional competencies for the twenty-first century proposed by the Pew Health Professions Commission. Competencies that are essential to improving oral health care for children are highlighted in
bold in Table 2.

The Role of the Academic

Dental Center
The academic dental center also shares in the
obligation to address childrens oral health for other
important reasons. First is the obligation to train the
next generation of dental professionals. Academic
dental centers hold in trust, for society, the resources
that provide education for future dental professionals. Such professionals must be trained to meet the
health needs of society, including disadvantaged children. Second, they represent a large investment of
public dollars and have some obligation to serve the
interests of the public in their training, research, and


service missions and to advance social justice agendas.48 Third, academic dental centers can and should
play a role as effective leaders and as agents for
change in the dental and larger health community.49
In particular, they can play roles by developing responsive community outreach services, research, and
training programs,50 and promoting integration with
medical and other health services to better meet the
oral health needs of vulnerable populations.

A Model of Shared
Responsibility for Childrens
Oral Health
Currently, no profession is adequately addressing the need for oral health care early in the life span
when preventive interventions can produce the greatest long-term benefits and cost savings. Children are
seen by primary care medical providers in early years,
but they have limited training in oral health.51 Most
general dentists lack training to provide oral care for
infants and young children, and access to pediatric
dentists is severely limited by their small numbers
(3,500 nationwide). Even dramatic changes in dental professional educationand an increase in the
numbers of pediatric dentists trainedwill not
change this situation in the short run. Increasing
Medicaid dental reimbursements may help to a degree, but will not increase dentists comfort with
younger children and infants. Expanding the role and
function of allied dental health professionals could
also help the situation, but there are substantial political and legal barriers to such changes. However,
these models are being explored again.52,53 Continuing education and university-community partnerships
can help address this gap in some communities.54

Table 3. Strategies for addressing the shortage of oral

health professionals for vulnerable populations
Increase diversity of workforce
Make better use of allied dental professionals; expand
Review dental school selection criteria for students
interested in addressing societal issues
Train more pediatric dentists for work with complex
Train primary care medical practitioners in oral health
promotion and disease prevention
Train other professionals working with children in oral
health concerns


Primary care medical practitioners (pediatricians, family physicians, nurse practitioners, obstetricians, etc.) should help share responsibility for
childrens oral health by becoming more involved in
early oral health promotion and disease prevention.
Pediatric practitioners already emphasize disease
prevention, early identification of problems, and ageappropriate anticipatory guidance in regular wellchild visits. The primary care medical provider role
could include counseling on caries prevention, assessment and referral for oral health problems, and
provision of simple caries control treatments such as
fluoride varnishes in high-risk populations. A recent
study demonstrated that pediatricians can acquire
some of these skills with relative proficiency after a
brief course of instruction.55 In addition, physicians
have a relatively high participation rate in Medicaid
(>65 percent for pediatricians, AAP News, 2000),
which could offer substantial advantage with vulnerable populations. A core curriculum in oral health
for other professionals dealing with children (for
example, nurses, nutritionists, pharmacists, occupational/physical therapists, school teachers, etc.) could
increase the numbers of those prepared to help with
prevention and early recognition of oral disease.
It is still critical that general dentists receive
more training in the care of common oral health problems in young children so they can treat identified
dental disease. Given the scarcity of pediatric dental
resources, pediatric dentists should be freed up, when
possible, to care for more complex patients. Strategies for addressing the shortage of oral health professionals for children are summarized in Table 3.
The opportunity to share responsibility for
childrens oral health with primary care providers and
others working with children also leads to opportunities for joint ventures in target populations. The
same children are at increased risk for a whole host
of other health and social problems including, for
example, asthma, substance abuse, and low birth
weight. It is more efficientand possibly more efficaciousto approach target populations and common determinants of health jointly, rather than create a myriad of new programs for oral health alone.56
Such a strategy is also likely to be more effective in
advocating for policy change.

Journal of Dental Education Volume 65, No. 9

Integrating Oral Health into

Overall Health in Professional
Training/Service Delivery
These changes all require that dentistry become
more integrated into medicine and the rest of the
health system. Such integration is needed to promote
interdisciplinary collaborations in service, research,
and training. It may also lead to more equitable policies regarding dental coverage and reimbursement
issues, since dentistry will have more of a presence
generally. The direction of greater integration of dentistry with medicine and the rest of the health system has been predicted and recommended by previous analyses.57-59 Recommendations for dentistry and
specific competencies for health professionals of the
twenty-first century developed by the Pew Health
Professions Commission echo many of the themes
arising in this analysis of childrens oral health care
needs (Table 3).59

Conclusions and
The large unmet dental needs of children call
for substantial changes within dental education. Understanding the differential needs of children leads to
the conclusion that general dentists need:
training in oral health care of young children, including those CSHCN with simpler oral health
needs, and in family-centered care;
greater experience with interdisciplinary/inter-professional teams and ethnically diverse populations;
further exposure to ethics and public health issues
including social justice and multiple determinants
of health.
Strong moral arguments support the provision of
basic health care for all childrenincluding oral
health care. Focus must move beyond the patient in
the dental office if the oral health needs of all children are to be met.
At the same time, other professionals involved
with children, especially primary care medical practitioners, could play a greater role in childrens oral
health promotion and disease prevention, thus sharing responsibility for prevention of disease in the

September 2002 Journal of Dental Education

early years before significant health problems ensue. Allied dental professionals also have a role to
play in addressing the critical workforce shortage.
These measures will require greater integration of
dentistry with medicine and the rest of the health
care system. In addition, it is likely that policy level
changes will be needed to accomplish this.
It will be difficult to create needed change without rethinking the essential components of dental
education, including the structure, emphasis, and
length of training. Such a process will require significant leadership and innovation from the dental
academic community. This community has a critical
leadership role to play in view of the societal trust it
holds in the future training of all dental professionals. Looked at another way, if professional training
is not redirected to address the 80 percent of dental
needs that occur in the most vulnerable children,60
we must conclude that dentists are being trained to
treat only 20 percent of childrens dental problems.
This does not seem to be an equitable distribution of
societys investment in dental education, and it does
not serve the future of a significant number of children.

Support for this work came from the National
Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research Comprehensive Center for Oral Health Research, subcontract to Childrens Hospital # 952336. The opinions
expressed in this paper are those of the author and
do not represent the agencies or institutions supporting this work.

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