A Rapid Prototyping Environment For Microprocessor Based System-on-Chips and Its Application To The Development of A Network Processor
A Rapid Prototyping Environment For Microprocessor Based System-on-Chips and Its Application To The Development of A Network Processor
A Rapid Prototyping Environment For Microprocessor Based System-on-Chips and Its Application To The Development of A Network Processor
During the last decade the rapid advances in microelectronic circuit design led
to an increase in transistor count and clock speed. Todays deep submicron fabrication technologies enable design engineers to put an impressive number of
components like microprocessors and coprocessors on a single chip. These so
called system on chips (SOCs) lower the power consumption and the total fabrication cost of embedded systems while increasing performance and reliability.
The complexity of SOCs is outpacing the capabilities of modern design tools and
verification methodologies, resulting in long and expensive design cycles. To meet
the time-to-market requirements has become a formidable challenge for SOC design engineers. The use of rapid prototyping systems could ease this task [4, 3,
6]. Prototyping environments are normally based on a standard microprocessor,
surrounded by a large amount of memory and interfaces to the outside world.
Only the add-on hardware is realized on field programmable devices (FPGAs).
Improvements of the processor core itself or the interfaces are not possible. This
may be sufficient for a wide number of applications, but excludes the processor
core from the design space. In this paper we will present a new approach which
includes a configurable microprocessor core in the design space. In the next section we will introduce our rapid prototyping environment and the implemented
interfaces. In section 3, we describe the integration of an Ethernet controller
into our prototyping environment. Finally we will draw some conclusions and
describe the next steps.
Our rapid prototyping environment consists of three main parts: a FPGA board,
a microprocessor core with software support and an Amba AHB interface for
the core. The main distinction to other prototyping environments is the incorporation of the configurable microprocessor core. The core is described in the
hardware description language VHDL and can be used both as a black box or as
part of the design space by altering e.g. the architecture, the instruction set, or
the interface depending on the requirements of the currently developed system.
The FPGA board includes two Xilinx XC4085 re-programmable FPGAs,
256 KByte SRAM, 128 KByte EPROM, a LCD display, a keypad, and off-board
connectors for extension cards. The whole FPGA board has 6 layers and an area
of 130 x 350mm2 (Fig. 1). In this figure the memory subsystem is covered by
the keypad. The two FPGAs are connected via 196 wires with each other, 80 of
these wires can be observed by a logic analyzer. The microprocessor core and
the Amba interface are mapped to the left FPGA. The other FPGA is used for
the implementation of the application specific part, in this case for the Ethernet
controller. The right FPGA is directly connected to a connector with 96 pins.
This connector can be used for extension boards which can provide additional
hardware for the system on the FPGA board. In our case we put the physical
layer of the Ethernet on such an extension board.
The unmodified version of the microprocessor core is fully binary compatible
to the Motorola M-Core processor and can be programmed with a number of
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4. W. Hardt and W. Rosenstiel: Speed-Up Estimation for HW/SW-Systems, Proc. of
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5. IEEE: IEEE Standard 802.3: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
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uckert: Rapid Prototyping System f
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7. Motorola: M-Core Reference Manual (1998).
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