Course Outline Fall 2010, Group E.

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WED &Thursday:5.00PM-6:30PM

COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course will address major perspectives relevant to the
effective management in an organization.

COURSESTRUCTURE:The course will consist of lectures presentations,guest

speakers and discussions based on day to day knowledge of managerial

• QUIZ:5%

This is a 3 credit hour course.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: T0 Provide a conceptual and theoretical knowledge

about the important functions and activities of management. To develop critical
ways of thinking (analysis and synthesis) for evaluating and applying a variety of
concepts and techniques in managerial decision making situations through case
discussions and other experiential assignments. To facilitate students to become
an active creator of their own knowledge base by becoming a learner through
direct observations of examples of managerial behavior in daily life.To facilitate
students to become an active creator of their own knowledge base by becoming
a learner through direct observations of examples of managerial behavior in daily

ACADEMIC HONESTY: Work submitted for credit i.e monthly test and term
paper should be the work of the class member alone with the exception of the
group assignments. For individual assignments class members may consult
library materials,web resources and other informational resources.

Tentative schedule of topics: dates and assignments may vary to accommodate class
Course Outline
Topics No. of Weeks
PART I – Introduction to Management

1. The Changing Paradigm of Management

 The definition of Management
 The Four Management Functions
 Organizational Performance
2. Foundations of Management Understanding
 Historical Forces Shaping Management
 Classic Perspective
 Humanistic Perspective
 Management Sciences Perspective

Part II – The Environment of Management

3. The Environment & Corporate Culture

 The External Environment
 The Organization-Environment Relationship
 The Internal Environment Corporate Culture
 Environment & Culture

PART III - Planning

4. Strategy Formulation And Implementation

 Thinking Strategically
 The Strategic Management Process
 Formulation Business-Level Strategy

5. Organizational Goal Setting & Planning

• The importance of Goals & Planning
• Goals In Organizations
• Planning Types & Models
• Organization Responsibility for Planning

PART IV - Organizing

6. Fundamentals Of Organizing
 Organizing The Vertical Structure
 Departmentalization

7. Human Resource Management

 Strategic Goals Of HRM
 Environmental Influences On HRM
 Attracting An Effective Workforce
 Developing An Effective Workforce

PART V – Leading

8. Leadership in Organizations
 The Nature of Leadership
 Leadership versus Management
 Leadership Traits
 Autocratic versus Democratic Leaders
 Behavioral Approaches
 Contingency Approaches
 New Leadership Approaches

PART VI - Controlling

9. Importance of Control
 Organizational Control
 What is TQM?
 New Financial Control Systems
 New Workplace and Control

Text Books
The recommended books are comprehensive, scholarly; stimulating, entertaining
and relevant for anyone who wishes to better understand the dynamics of
management and introduce the new paradigm in a way that is interesting and
valuable to students.

• Main Reference Book:

Management Fourth Edition
By, Richard L. Daft

• Supplementary Reference Books:

Management Eighth Edition
By, Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter

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