Romans 12
Romans 12
Romans 12
10 Winter 2009/10
Phil Lumpkin
Dont think too highly of yourself
Graig Fancher
Let love be without hypocrisy
Carol Fertig
Abhor what is evil
Steven Baxley
Be devoted to one another
In love
Aaron Lumpkin
Contribute to the needs of
the saints
Phil Lumpkin
Bless those who persecute you
Craig Sweet
Rejoice with those who rejoice
Russ Ward
Never payback evil for evil
Jonathan Rodriguez
will. We demonstrate to the world the better way, that which is good, acceptable and
The articles in this issue examine Pauls
practical guidance in Romans chapter 12
about how to transform our lives.
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Let love be
without hypocrisy
Carol Fertig
Love is so basic in Christian doctrine that
Paul does not even urge his readers to love
each other as he had in other letters. When
Paul begins to give a short paradigm for living
as a sacrifice to God, he lists love first. It is
not that he has to reiterate that we must
love. That is already abundantly clear from
the admonitions of Jesus in the Sermon on
the Mount and had been taught over and
over by the apostles. It is a given that love is
what the Christian does; it is who a Christian
is one who loves. The admonition is to let
love be without hypocrisy (NAS) or genuine
(ESV). It is the character of the love we give
as our living sacrifice that is encouraged in
this first of the proverb-like sayings.
The love practiced by Christians must be
deep and unfeigned. It must be a living
thing. Paul prayed that the Philippians love
may abound yet more and more. Phil 1:9
This is more than just tender feelings; it is an
all-consuming motivation for life and action.
Listen as Jesus tells the lawyer in Luke 10:27:
. . . You shall love the Lord your God with all
your heart and with all your soul and with all
your strength and with all your mind, and
your neighbor as yourself. Everything we
do is to be wrapped up in love; there is absolutely no room left for self interest, artificial
motivation, deceitful practices. This is the
kind of love Jesus instructed His disciples to
have when he told them to . . . love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are
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Be devoted to one
another in love
Aaron Lumpkin
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Contribute to the
needs of the saints
Phil Lumpkin
All those who had believed were
together, and had all things in common;
and they began selling their property
and possessions, and were sharing them
with all, as anyone might have need.
Acts 2:44-45 The generosity exhibited
by the first Christians is a compelling
early example of saints seizing the op-
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should be to persecution.
There is another aspect of bless those
who persecute you that can be inferred.
Jesus tells us in Matt 5:10 that Blessed
What if someone hurts or persecutes someare those who have been persecuted for the
one you love or care about? How is a parent
sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingto react to someone who hurts their child?
dom of heaven. If we are doing what we
How does a husband or wife react to someshould be doing by leading our lives after
one who hurts their spouse? Do we take this
Christ, then we will be persecuted for it.
personally? Sure we do. When someone we
However, Paul (Rom 12:14) is referring to
are close to is treated poorly or sinfully, the
our reaction when we are persecuted; not
first instinct is to protect. We want to dewhen/if we are persecuted. Bless those
fend the one we love. This is where blessing
who persecute you. What a challenge! The
the one who persecutes even gets harder.
natural reaction is to lash out at those who
The protective instinct makes us want the
hurt us. It is not easy to stop and think, I
other person to suffer for the pain
should bless them. The most
they have caused our loved one.
difficult response is to think
about good things for those who Not returning evil Which is easier; to bless someone
who hurts us or to bless someone
have hurt us. But, that is exactly
who has hurt someone close to
what Paul is telling us we must
for insult, but
us? We experience more control
giving a blessing when something happens to us.
In addition, Paul reemphasizes
When someone close to us is
this blessing by showing another
hurt, it is different. We want to
aspect of this blessing; that we
1 Pet 3:9a
take that hurt away and bear it
bless and do not curse. Often we
ourselves. This could make us
might not take revenge because we
want for the person doing the
justify in our mind that God will
hurting to suffer even more. Whether direct
punish them (Rom 12:19). Paul tells us to
or indirect persecution, Paul is commanding
bless and not wish ill upon the person who is
us to bless and not curse.
persecuting us. This includes the thought
If we are to bless, what are some of the
that God will punish someone. We should
ways that we can bless? First and probably
be looking at their soul and not what punishthe easiest is to pray for the other individual.
ment they deserve. God does not want anyWe should not pray that they suffer, but
one to perish but all to come to repentance
pray that they will understand their actions
(2 Pet 3:9). We should want that too. We
and repent from them. We should pray that
should want to show that Christ is in us no
Christ can dwell in them in order from them
matter what happens so that others will see
to see what we have and why we are at
that in us and know that we are Christians.
peace within our souls. We should pray that
Is it possible to show hatred to another per(Continued on page 16)
son and still claim to be Christ like? John tells
us if we show hatred we are a liar (1 Jn 4:20).
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Never payback
evil for evil
Jonathan Rodriguez
Romans 12:17-20
Never pay back evil for evil to anyone
Respect what is right in the sight of all men.
If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at
peace with all men Never take your own re-
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Romans 12
Aileen Fancher
Right Living