How To Create A New SAP Client

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How to create a new SAP client

You have finished your SAP installation and want to use your SAP system as your users work area.
Before you are able to use it you have to create a client in your SAP system. It's part of SAP Basistasks to
create SAP client.

A SAP client is and independently accountable business unit. Each client is identified by a three-figure
number. In the standard system, SAP delivers the following pre-configured clients:

000 : for administration purposes and as a template for additional clients

001: for test purposes and as a template for additional clients.

066: for SAP Remote Services

Users and their configurations can only work in their configuration's assigned client. Creating your
ownclients is one of the first steps in customizing a SAP system.

A client is created in two steps:

1. Make the new client known to the SAP system, and make important basic settings.
2. Fills the client with data.
After that you can use your SAP client.

1. To make a new client from SAP Menu -> Tools -> Administration -> Administration
-> ClientAdministration or SAP Transaction code SCC4 - Client Maintenance.

SAP Client Maintenance - SCC4

2. It will bring you to initial screen of SAP Client Maintenance. Click New Entry to make new SAPClient,
choose Continue

Create new SAP Client

3. Enter your Client Data.

Client Option

4. Save and make sure your new client is created.

New SAP Client created

How to do SAP Local Client Copy

You have created a new SAP client and want to copy data from other client. You do local SAP clientcopy
for the following:
- to fill initial data (usually copy from 000)
- to do SAP System refresh (in your QA)

1. Login to your newly created/empty client as SAP* and Go to Tools -> Administration -> Administration
-> Client Administration -> Local Copy or Directly Go to transaction SCCL.

SAP Local Client Copy

2. Choose the copy profile

Profile for SAP Client Copy

3. Use Parallel Processing to speed up the process.

Use Parallel Processing

4. Enter the Parallel Processing Group

RFC Group

5. You can schedule in background or start immediately

Background server for Client Copy

6. Choose Background Server and click immediately

Choosing Background Server for Client Copy

7. Background Job scheduled

Scheduling Client Copy

8. Summary of your SAP Client Copy

Summary of your SAP Client Copy

9. SAP Client Copy is being processed and you can see the log from SCC3.

Log of Client Copy

10. Double click to see the progress.

Progress of SAP Client Copy

11. Make sure your client copy is successfully completed .

SAP Client copy successfully completed

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