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Review article

DOI: 10.5958/2319-5886.2015.00179.4
Open Access



Rashmi Pal , Virendra Singh Pal




Received: 25 May 2015

Revised: 2nd Aug 2015
Accepted: 12th Aug 2015
Author details: 1Assistant Professor,
Department of Anesthesiology, M.G.M.
Medical College Indore, Madhya Pradesh,
Associate Professor, Psychiatry, M.G.M.
Medical College Indore, Madhya Pradesh,
Corresponding author: Rashmi Pal,
Anesthesiology, M.G.M. Medical College
Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Email: [email protected]

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has always proved to be an effective mode

of therapy in the field of Psychiatry. Modified ECT is applied in the form of
electrical stimulus to the central nervous system; it is associated with acute
physiologic response leading to autonomic nervous system stimulation with
an initial parasympathetic stimulation followed by a more prominent
sympathetic response as well as post-ictal effects like confusion and
delirium. The factors governing the efficacy of Modified ECT are the
strength of electrical current applied and the duration of the seizure activity.
Modified ECT requires the use of general anesthesia and many of the
anesthetic drugs also have an effect on the duration of seizure and could
adversely affect the efficacy of the Modified ECT treatments. Therefore,
there has to be a delicate balance between achieving an adequate
anesthetic state and optimal duration of seizure activity.

Mivacurium, Propofol

Electroconvulsive therapy was first used to provoke
generalized epileptic seizures as treatment for
schizophrenia by Italian neurologist, lucio bini and ugo
cerletti on April 18, 1938 & was performed without
anesthesia for almost 30 years . Later came the period
of modified ECT- including the use of general
anesthesia & muscle relaxants, which led to its current
acceptance as a result of reduced physical & physiologic
trauma. The world health organization has now called for
a worldwide ban on unmodified ECT.
How does ECT work? ECT consists of programmed
electrical stimulation of the central nervous system to
initiate seizure activity. According to one theory, seizure
activity itself causes an alteration of the chemical
messengers in the brain known as neurotransmitters and
another theory proposes that ECT treatment adjusts the
stress hormone regulations in the brain, which may affect
energy sleep, appetite and mood. The electrical stimulus
results in generalized tonic activity for approximately 10
seconds followed by generalized clonic activity for
variable period lasting up to 120 seconds. The seizure
should ideally last for more than 15 seconds and less
than 120 seconds. Modified ECT is typically
administered as a series of treatments two to three times
a week for 6 to 12 treatments, in its acute phase
.Maintenance therapy can be performed at progressively
increasing intervals from once a week to once a month to
prevent relapses .
Indications: The National Institute of Clinical Excellence
(NICE) UK Guidelines 2009 recommend that the ECT
be considered for the patients who are suffering from 1. Acute, life threatening depression (high suicide risk
or very poor fluid intake)

Rashmi Pal et al.,


Drug resistant depression (failure to respond to two

medications given at adequate dose for adequate
period of time) or where treatment is limited by
unacceptable side effects. It may also be
appropriate to consider initiation of ECT early if a
patient has shown good response previously or it is
known that they only respond to ECT
3. Acute catatonia (where first line treatment with intra
muscular benzodiazepines has failed to produce
4. Mania, where treatment has failed to alleviate the
condition or is limited by side effects.
There are no absolute medical contra-indications to ECT
in current dates whereas relative contra-indications
include space occupying lesions of the brain , high
intracranial pressure , intracerebral bleeding , recent
cerebral infarction , recent myocardial infarction(<3
months) , retinal detachment, pheochromocytoma,
untreated cerebral aneurysm, unstable major fractures or
cervical , uncontrolled cardiac failure or severe valvular
disease, deep venus thrombosis, pulmonary conditions
like COPD, asthma or pneumonia, adolescents and
children and anesthetic risk rated as ASA level 4 or 5 or
a significant medical illness risk outweighs potential
benefit .
Anesthetic management: The essential elements of
anesthesia for Modified ECT include rapid loss of
consciousness, effective attenuation of the hyper
dynamic response to the electrical stimulus, avoidance of
gross movements, minimal interference with seizure
activity and prompt recovery of spontaneous ventilation
and consciousness.

Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(4):890-895

Pre ECT evaluation: Pre ECT evaluation is a

collaborative approach between the psychiatrist,
anesthetist and medical consultants and should include
[4, 5,6,7,8,9,10]

A thorough psychiatric history and examination

including history of response to other treatments
A medical history and examination with special
attention to cardiovascular, pulmonary, neurological
and musculo skeletal systems
A history of dental problems and examination for loose
or missing teeth.
A history of personal and family experiences with
A cognitive assessment (at minimum, evaluation of
orientation and memory)
A minimum battery of laboratory test includes
complete blood count, serum chemistry, renal function,
and an electrocardiogram and urine analysis.
Additional test identified during preliminary evaluation
are as follows:
Chest radiograph (especially with cardiovascular and
pulmonary disease or history of smoking)
guided by history and
Neurological /neuropsychological tests guided by
history and examination
Spinal radiograph (especially with known or suspected
spinal disease)
Consultation with medical specialties such as
cardiology, neurology, neurosurgery or endocrinology
as requested by special medical conditions.
Informed consent: Patients have the right to be fully
informed about the proposed Modified ECT treatments,
unless they lack capacity which is determined by the
attending psychiatrist. Patients have the right to consent
to Modified ECT treatment or to refuse treatment. If a
patient, determined to have capacity refuses Modified
ECT treatment, Modified ECT treatment would not be
sought through court authorization, court authorization
would be sought only in cases where the patient is
determined to lack capacity . Prior to Modified ECT
treatment, informed consent for Modified ECT must be
obtained from the patients(18 years & older)or if the
patient is under 18 years, from the parents or the legal
guardian except when it has been determined that the
patient lacks capacity to consent
Anesthetic implications of psychotropic drugs: The
management of the patients on psychoactive
medications in the perioperative period is based on the
individual clinicians experience. Challenges for the
anesthetists arise from the nature of the psychiatric
condition itself, interaction of psychoactive and
anesthetic drugs.
Tri cyclic anti depressants: May cause sedation and
reduce the seizure threshold so anticholinergics should
be avoided in such cases. One of the most significant
interaction for the aneshtesists is to be aware of the
potentiating effect of indirectly acting sympathomimetics
(ephedrine and metaraminol) by TCAs .These should be
avoided if possible and directly acting sympathomimetics
used cautiously to prevent hypertensive crisis

Rashmi Pal et al.,

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: Considering

more serious withdrawal symptoms and risks associated
with remaining on an SSRI being low, it is better to
continue these drugs throughout the peri- operative
Mono-amine oxidase inhibitors: The metabolism of
indirectly acting sympathomimetics is inhibited by MAOIS
resulting in the potentiation of their action. Traditionally,
irreversible MAOIS have been stopped two weeks before
operation; however omitting the dose of moclobemide (a
reversible MAOI) on the day of surgery is acceptable in
elective cases. Patients can be switched from an
irreversible MAOI to moclobemide to avoid a prolonged
period of discontinuation .
Mood stabilizers: Lithium should be stopped at least
24hr before the anesthesia .Valproate is associated with
platelet- dysfunction. Carbamazepine being an Inducer
of hepatic-cytochrome P450 can reduce the effects of
other drugs metabolized by that system.
Antipsychotics: Antipsychotics, when discontinued are
associated with a high relapse rate since they block
dopamine receptors in limbic systems and their side
effects are due to blockade of dopamine receptors
histamine, alpha 1 adrenergic & cholinergic receptors.
Anxiolytics: Signs of withdrawal from benzodiazepines
should be monitored particularly in patients who remain
fasted for long periods
Regional and local anesthetics: May lead to
hypertensive crisis due to adrenaline in patients
receiving TCAs and MAOIS.
General Anesthesia for Modified ECT: A standard
general anesthesia for Modified ECT should be the one
which meets the optimum clinical response which is
predicted by the degree to which the electrical stimulus
exceeds the seizure threshold . So earlier the stimulus
exceeds the seizure threshold, quicker will be the
generation of seizure activity leading to seizure duration
of sufficient length, which is the final determining factor.
So the efficacy of ECT in alleviating acute depression is
dependent on the duration of the induced seizure
EEG seizure activity lasting from 25 to 50 sec. is alleged
to produce the optimal antidepressant response.
Because many of the anesthetic drugs used for ECT
have anticonvulsant properties, they would be expected
to decrease the duration of ECT induced seizure activity
in a dose dependent manner. Use of larger than
necessary dosages of general anesthetics will shorten
the duration of ECT induced seizure activity and could
adversely affect the efficacy of the ECT treatments
therefore there is a delicate balance between achieving
an adequate anesthetic state and an optimal duration of
seizure activity. The type of anesthetic used has a
significant impact on efficacy of the treatment
. The
goal of ECT is to produce an EEG seizure that lasts long
enough to elicit an optimal anti depressant effect . The
ideal anesthetic agent should have a rapid onset of
action and short recovery time. The pharmacokinetic
properties of the anesthetic agent determine the duration
of therapy. The main concerning factor with these agents
is their anti-convulsant properties; therefore the effects
on seizure duration, strength of the stimulus charge and
recovery time after each treatment are important. All of

Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(4):890-895

these factors must be taken into consideration while

Induction agents: According to American Psychiatric
Association, Methohexital remains the most widely used
general anesthetic for ECT and is considered the gold
standard. Although there are data to suggest that
outcome are no different between methohexital and
propofol despite the decreased seizure duration with
propofol. With respect to recovery of cognitive function
after ECT, propofol and etomidate offered no advantage
over methohexital
. Therefore, unless there is a
specific contraindication to barbiturates (e.g. - acute
intermittent porphyria) methohexital should be the
anesthetic of choice. It is effective and has established
safety record and low cost. When thiopentone was
compared with methohexital, it showed a frequency of
increased sinus bradycardia, premature ventricular
. Etomidate reduces seizure threshold
and is associated with longer seizure duration and may
be helpful in patient with short seizure times (<20
seconds) despite a maximal electrical stimulus
Ketamine is an anesthetic agent with analgesic
properties that are less desirable due to its ability to
increase intracranial pressure. Benzodiazepines should
be ruled out as an option because of their noticeable
anticonvulsant activity. Although sevoflurane can be
used to produce an adequate anesthetic state for ECT,
being a volatile agent it is more time consuming and
possesses no advantage over other IV anesthetics
except for women requiring ECT in the late stages of
pregnancy when it may reduce post ECT uterine
Muscle relaxants: Although it is not essential to have
complete muscle paralysis, muscle relaxants are the
indispensable drugs for modified ECT, if not used will
result in vigorous physical restrained during the seizure
and severe myalgia after the procedure.
As ECT is a short duration procedure, succinyl choline
0.5mg/kg is the agent of choice due to its rapid onset
and short duration. In patients with a history of post ECT
agitation related to increased levels of plasma lactate,
increasing the dose of succinylcholine up to 1.5mg/kg
may decrease the emergence delirium .
Even small doses of this rapid and short acting muscle
relaxants can produce side effects(e.g.- myalgias,
hyperthermia and hyperkalemia ) in at risk patients with
susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia , neuroleptic
malignant syndrome (NMS), catatonic schizophrenia and
organophosphate poisoning
. Therefore an ultra
short acting non depolarizing muscle relaxant would be
armamentarium. Mivacurium is the drug most often
administered as an alternative to succinylcholine during
compared to succinylcholine (0.5mg/kg), succinylcholine
was found to be more effective in preventing muscular
contractions during ECT . In a patient with a history of
NMS, only a full intubating dose of mivacurium (0.2mg/kg
I.V) was effective for ECT
. But a full intubating dose
of mivacurium can be associated with a clinically
significant histamine release and occasional hypotension

Rashmi Pal et al.,

and requires the use of anti-cholinesterase drugs to

reverse residual paralysis after ECT. Rapacuronium is a
newer amino steroid muscle relaxant with a rapid onset
and short duration of action. It is associated with
bronchospasm. Other non-depolarizing muscle relaxants
like atracurium (0.3-0.5 mg/kg) or rocuronium (0.6
mg/kg) can be safely used, though sufficient time must
be allowed for the onset of the drug and airway,
management must be anticipated while waiting for the
effects to wear off.
Drugs used to control cardiovascular response: Anti-cholinergic drugs are used to block parasympathetic
responses, whereas acute sympathetic responses are
attenuated with B-blockers, calcium channel blockers,
alpha2-agonists and direct acting vasodilators. Rapid
short acting opioid analgesics also posses sympatholytic
affect and have recently been investigated as adjuvants
during ECT.
Anti-cholinergics; Glycopyrrolate does not cross bloodbrain barrier and is preferred over atropine as it reduces
oral secretions and bradycardia without producing postECT side effects.
B-blockers: Esmolol (short acting B1-receptor blocker)
1.0 mg/kg more effectively attenuates the blood pressure
response than labetolol (0.3 mg/kg). However Labetolol
is controversial about reducing seizure duration
To minimize this labetolol can be administered
immediately before or after the electrical stimulation is
Calcium-channel blockers: Nicardipine (1.25-2.5 mg/kg
i/v) in combination with Labetolol (10 mg/kg) more
effectively reduces ECT induced hemodynamic
response. Nicardipine in a bolus dose of more than 5 mg
i/v was accompanied by a reflex increase in heart rate.
Small dose of nicardipine did not alter the ECT induced
seizure duration
. Nifidipine has to be given
sublingually 20 min before ECT.
Alpha-2 Agonists/Antagonists: Clonidine ( alpha-2
agonist/antagonist) when given orally in a dose of .05-0.3
mg , 60-90 min before induction of anesthesia produced
a dose related decrease in mean arterial pressure but
not in heart rate immediately before the electrical
stimulus was applied , but no significant effect after the
stimulus. Dexmedetomidine (an alpha -2 agonist) despite
having no effect on seizure duration does not appear to
control the acute hemodynamic response.
Direct vasodilators: Nitroglycerine (NTG) in a dose of
3g/kg i/v effectively reduces hyperdynamic response
without having any effect on seizure duration. It should
be considered for ECT patients who are at a high risk of
developing myocardial ischemia. It partially inhibits the
increase in cerebral blood flow velocity associated with
Ganglion blockers: Trimethaphan in bolus doses of 5,
10 &15 mg also controls the hyperdynamic response
during ECT without altering the duration of seizure.
Local anesthetics: Lidocaine (1.0 mg/kg) is not effective
and it produces dose-related decrease in the duration of
both motor and EEG activity.
Opioid analgesics: Alfentanil , a short acting opioid
analgesic , in a dose of 25 g/kg i/v has been found to
increase the seizure duration by 45% when combined

Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(4):890-895

with methohexital (0.5 mg/kg) in comparison to standard

dose of methohexital 0.75 mg/kg alone
. Fentanyl
does not attenuate the hyperdynamic response post[33]
ECT. Remifentanil also prolongs the seizure duration
Therefore increased seizure duration associated with the
short acting opioid analgesic alfentanil and remifentanil
appears to be related to a reduction in the intravenous
anesthetic dosage requirements. In ECT patients with
borderline seizure times, adjunctive use of a potent rapid
and short acting opiod analgesic could be very
Standard general anesthetic technique: Although
patients are required to fast overnight for solid food, clear
liquids are allowed for taking oral medications up to 1
hour before the procedure. Patients with cardiovascular
disease should be encouraged to take all chronic
antihypertensive medications before ECT. To prevent
post-ECT myalgias patients can be pre-medicated with
enteric-coated aspirin (650 mg orally) or acetaminophen
(650mg orally). In younger patients at risk for severe
ECT induced myalgias, headaches or both Ketorolac 30
mg i/v can also be administered before the induction of
anesthesia. Finally, to minimize the pain on injection of
methohexital and propofol, lidocaine 0.5-1.0 ml can be
injected in i/v catheter immediately before administering
the induction drug. Patient is oxygenated for 3 minutes.
Adequate neuromuscular blockade is achieved;
satisfactory ventilation with oxygen is ensured using a
face mask with a standard circle or a simple bag-maskvalve system. A bite block is placed routinely before
electrical stimulus is delivered. Since, ECT procedure
lasts only a few minutes, tracheal intubation is not
recommended except in very specific situations (e.g.
Late pregnancy, emergency treatments with full stomach
precautions, hiatal hernia and oesophgeal reflux).Rapid
sequence induction and endotracheal intubation with
cricoids pressure is a reasonable approach in such
cases. Adequate ventilation is ensured because hypoxia
and hypercarbia decrease seizure duration
. Manual
ventilation is commenced during the clonic phase to
avoid oxygen-desaturation and should be maintained
until adequate spontaneous ventilation resumes.
Peripheral seizure is monitored by electromyogram and
electroencephalogram. Central seizure duration may
outlast peripheral clonic manifestations. A blood
pressure cuff inflated on a limb to isolate it prior to
neuromuscular block administration can assist in
monitoring of peripheral seizure. During the recovery
period, the most common side effects are confusion,
administration of 5-hydroxy tryptamine-1 agonist,
sumatriptan may be used to treat headache. Nausea,
vomiting and dizziness are infrequent complications after
ECT. Standard non-invasive hemodynamic variables and
oxygen saturation should be monitored for 15-30
succinylcholine and adding a small dose of methohexital
(10mg i/v) at the end of the seizure may reduce the
incidence of post-ECT agitation.
Special cases:

Rashmi Pal et al.,

Patients with cerebral aneurysm: Because ECT

provokes abrupt changes in both systemic and cerebral
hemodynamics, the cerebrovascular changes increase
wall stress in aneurysm leading to enlargement or
rupture, arterial cannulation is required to control blood
. Administration of sodium-nitroprusside 30
g/min i/v in combination with atenolol 50 mg orally
effectively controlled the cardiovascular changes
associated with ECT
Intracranial mass Patients with subdural hemorrhage
and lesion: In such patients intracranial pressure should
be reduced by pre-treatment with steroids and diuretics
and by hyperventilation before applying the electrical
Use of dose-titration method of ECT with
unilateral electrode placement away from the site of the
lesion minimizes the risk of adverse neurologic outcomes
Patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease:
recommended in patients with coronary artery disease
In patients with atrial fibrillation, considering high risk of
embolization anticoagulation therapy should be started
before ECT. In cases with pre-existing bradycardia (or
sick sinus syndrome) pre-treatment with atropine is
strongly recommended, especially in patients with
myasthenia gravis who are receiving pyridostigmine.
Patients with NMS: It shares some clinical similarities to
malignant hyperthermia. Well known triggering drugs
(e.g Succinylcholine and sevoflurane should be
avoided). Non-depolarizing muscle-relaxants (e.g. mivacurium) have been successfully used in place of
Patients with inadequate seizure activity: Etomidate is
the drug of choice in patients experiencing inadequate
seizure activity when a maximal electrical stimulus is
. Aminophylline
has been reported to
lengthen the seizure duration. Theophylline 100-200 mg
infused approximately 30 min before the ECT treatment
prolonged the seizure duration. Caffeine is also reported
for the same.
Pregnant patients: ECT is considered safe and
effective for the mother and fetus in the treatment of
major depressive disorder during pregnancy
in late pregnancy should lie on their left side during ECT
to ensure adequate blood flow to the fetus.
Hyperventilation is to be avoided
. In addition to
securing patients trachea with endotracheal tube , after
a rapid sequence induction with cricoids pressure,
consideration should be given to prophylactic use of
tocolytic therapy in cases of premature labor or uterine
contractions. In later stages of pregnancy, use of
sevoflurane as an alternative to methohexital may
reduce the risk of uterine contractions.
ECT in elderly: As seizure threshold may rise with
increasing age and effective seizures may be hard to
induce. Geriatric, patients may be at a higher risk for
persistent confusion and greater memory deficits during
and after ECT

Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(4):890-895

As, despite many advancements in pharmacologic

management of psychiatric illnesses, electroconvulsive
therapy still remains the effective mode of treatment in
many drug resistant cases. An effective treatment
results, only when an adequate seizure of a minimum of
30 seconds duration results. This can be achieved only
with a thorough knowledge and understanding of
anesthetic drugs, their interactions with many other
concurrent psychotropic drugs and various other special
conditions often encountered in such patients. So, the
electroconvulsive therapy can never be ignored.
Conflict of interest: None











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Rashmi Pal et al.,

Int J Med Res Health Sci. 2015;4(4):890-895

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