New ProWall Manual
New ProWall Manual
New ProWall Manual
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The ProWall software is designed to assist with the development of blast designs that
minimize slope damage. Blast plans can be developed, evaluated and compared to
achieve optimum explosives and cost performance. The software can be used to:
perform a complete drilling, loading and blasting cost evaluation of the design
Start ProWall by double clicking its icon. The initial worksheet that will open will
be the Design sheet.
To make ProWall easy to use there are buttons that perform specialized tasks.
The buttons on the Design sheet are shown below.
The function of each of these buttons will be covered in the description of each
Using the ProWall software (cont.)
The ProWall worksheets will allow you to enter values only in cells that are
outlined and have BLUE text. This will prevent you from changing a formula or
label cell by mistake. If you enter a value into a protected cell and press enter the
program will not accept the entry.
After you have entered your data, check the calculations by scrolling through
the worksheet using the scroll bar. If any cell displays #DIV/0 or Error then
one or more of the variable cells may not have numerical data in them. Be sure
not to enter text or blank spaces into cells that require number values. If any cell
shows ###### the value in the cell is too long to display. This can usually be
corrected by checking the variable cells for proper input or reducing the estimated
volume or mass to be shot.
At the bottom of the screen there are tabs for the other worksheets.
You can activate the worksheet by pressing its tab. Each worksheet will be
discussed in detail in the following sections.
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Explosive Worksheet
The Explosive worksheet is a database that allows you to enter the
characteristics of over 200 explosives. Once entered, this information can
then be used by the Design worksheet. By entering explosives into the
database you will save time and reduce entry mistakes when designing
Start the ProWall program and select the Explosive tab item from the bottom
of the screen. The Explosive worksheet will be opened and the screen will
look similar to the illustration shown here.
Explosive Worksheet
Instructions (cont.):
All of the ProWall worksheets share a common user interface for ease of
use. Included in the common features are action buttons and
data entry cells. The action buttons perform tasks automatically
The Explosive worksheet includes the following action buttons:
Clear All clears all of the explosive information from the database. When
the button is pressed the following dialog box is displayed:
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Update From Design updates the data entry fields with information from
the design sheet and plots the current design
Goto Design opens the Design worksheet
Plot Slope refreshes the slope graphic with the current design
The minimum catch bench width is calculated using the Modified Ritchie formula. In the
example shown above the minimum allowable bench width is 23 ft for a 40 ft bench
height. The Bench Height multiplier typically ranges from .16 to .20 depending on the
structural conditions of the rockmass and the anticipated blast damage. Higher Bench
Height multiplier values will increase the minimum allowable bench width. The width
factor normally ranges between 14 and 15 ft depending on the required carry capacity
of the bench.
Once the Minimum Bench Width has been calculated, enter the desired bench width
and face angle in the appropriate fields. The table will then be updated to show
calculated inter ramp angle for the given data as well as the resultant inter-ramp angle
for other bench face angles. In the example shown above the calculated inter-ramp
angle is 43.8 degrees. If a bench face angle of 70 degrees can be achieved, the
resultant inter-ramp angle would be 46.8 degrees.
Press the Plot Slope button to see a graphical representation of the current design.
ProWall v10.5 by Blast Dynamics, Inc.
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Design Worksheet
The Design worksheet allows you to easily develop relatively complex wall
control blast designs. Once the design is entered the worksheet calculates
the presplit, energy and powder factors for each row. In addition the total
required drill production is also calculated.
Start up:
Start the ProWall program and select the Design tab item from the
bottom of the screen. The worksheet will be opened and the screen will
look similar to the one shown here.
Clear All clears all of the explosive information from the database
Goto Database opens the blast design database
Imperial changes the entry parameters from metric to imperial units.
Note when the Imperial button is selected its label changes to Metric. To
change the parameters from imperial back to metric press the Metric
Plot Design plots and displays the current design.
Save saves the design to the data base.
Print All prints the design data, a plot of the design, the cost parameters
Design Worksheet
Start up (cont.):
The Design worksheet is divided into four main sections; slope design,
explosive loading, pattern design and summary data.
Each of these sections will be discussed in detail on the following pages.
To help with the learning process we will load a sample blast design into
the Design worksheet. Press the Goto Database button. The screen
should look similar to the one shown below.
Select the Sample Wall Design cell from the Operation column and press the
Plot Design button. The program will load the Sample Wall Design into the
Design worksheet and plot the design in the Design Plot worksheet. Your
screen should resemble the illustration shown below:
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Design Worksheet
Start up (cont.):
Press the Goto Design button to return to the Design worksheet. Your
screen should now look like the one shown below:
Design Worksheet
Design Parameters:
The Slope Design section of the Design worksheet is shown below:
batter or
bench face angle
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Design Worksheet
Design Parameters (cont.):
The slope angle is calculated from the bench height, catch bench width and
batter angle parameters. The information required by the rest of the Slope
Design parameters is as follows:
Blast Length (ft) enter the length of the wall to be shot (such as the
perimeter of the pit) or simply the length of an individual blast. This
number will be used to calculate the drilling, loading and explosive
requirements of the design and the associated costs.
Staggered Pattern (y or n) enter y if the drill pattern will be staggered
and n if the pattern is not staggered. Note: staggered patterns are
typically used.
staggered pattern
square pattern
Rock Density (g/cc) enter the rock density in grams per cubic
centimetre. This number is used to calculate the tonnes of material in the
Rock Structure enter fabric or structure of the rockmass (i.e. blocky,
open joints, massive, etc.). This information is used to help define the
zone that the blast will be used in. No actual calculations will be based on
this data.
Compressive Strength (psi) enter the rocks compressive strength in
pounds per square inch. This information is used to help document the
material that the blast will be used in. No actual calculations will be based
on this data.
Design Worksheet
Design Parameters (cont.):
Water Conditions enter the anticipated water conditions that the design
will be used in. No calculations will be based on this data.
Face Height - enter the height of the final bench face. For example, if
double benching is used the face height would be 80 ft.
Blast Adjacent To Catch Bench - enter y or n depending on if the design
will be used directly above the catch bench. If double benching is used
and the design is for the top flitch enter n.
The Explosives Loading section of the Design sheet is shown below:
Note that the design sheet can accommodate up to four rows of blastholes.
Each row can have a toe and a column charge. If only one charge is
placed in the hole then that charge should be entered into the column
charge section. Explosives that are in the explosive database can
automatically be loaded into the design sheet by pressing the GET button.
Be sure to enter the desired explosive charge diameter and weight so the
sheet can calculate the charge length.
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Design Worksheet
Design Parameters (cont.):
When continuous presplit explosives are used it is common practice to double over the
charge in the bottom of the hole to help define the toe of the bench. The Toe Charge
Calculations data entry box calculates the effective weight and diameter of the doubled
column charge.
Design Worksheet
Design Parameters (cont.):
The row designations are shown in the next illustration.
slope angle
batter angle
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Design Worksheet
Design Parameters (cont.):
The Pattern Design section of the Design worksheet is shown below.
Design Worksheet
Design Parameters (cont.):
In the Pattern Design section the following information is required or
Blasthole Diameter enter the blasthole diameter drilled.
TC Borehole Pressure this calculated value represents the borehole
pressure of the top charge.
CC Borehole Pressure this calculated value represents the borehole
pressure of the column charge. When presplit techniques are used the
borehole pressure should be below the compressive strength of the
Blasthole Angle (deg) enter the angle the blasthole is drilled in
degrees, 0 degress is vertical.
Drill Offset at Toe this calculated value represents the horizontal
distance from the collar of the blasthole to the bottom of the blasthole. It is
calculated using the hole angle and bench height.
Top Overbreak enter the amount of anticipated back break at the top of
the hole.
Bottom Overbreak enter the amount of anticipated over break at the
bottom of the hole.
Batter Angle this value represents the angle of the bench face based on
the angle of the blasthole and the top and bottom overbreak dimensions.
Offset From Slope the distance the inner buffer row is away from the
toe of the bench face
Often the Crest or Modified Production Row face burden is larger at the toe
that at the crest. This is typically the result of the overbreak from the previous
blast or the excavation technique used. However, this distance is critical to
the success of the blast design. The top and bottom face burdens must be
defined as part of the design process.
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Design Worksheet
Design Parameters (cont.):
Top Face Burden enter the distance from the collar of the Crest or
Modified Production Row and the crest.
Bottom Face Burden enter the distance from the bottom of the Crest or
Modified Production Row and the toe.
The distance between the free face (assuming a straight face) and the top and
bottom of the modified production row is shown in the face confinement box.
Design Worksheet
Design Parameters (cont.):
Airdeck air decks are commonly used to reduce the charge weight and
borehole pressure in the blasthole. Enter the length of the blasthole that is
unloaded and unstemmed.
The Air Deck Calculation can be used to calculate the effective deck
length and % charge reduction for various sizes of air decks. This is
helpful when the air deck diameter is less that the hole diameter.
Subdrill or Standoff for subdrill enter the distance that the blasthole is
drilled below floor level. If the blasthole is backfilled or not drilled to grade
enter the distance that the hole is above grade as a negative number.
Stemming the stemming length is calculated.
Scaled Depth of Burial this calculated value represents the relative
confinement of the column charge. If flyrock, venting or airblast is a
concern this value should typically be greater than 1.4.
Blasthole Length the blasthole length is calculated using the bench
height, blasthole angle and the subdrill or standoff dimension.
Presplit Factor the factor is calculated for the toe or presplit row only.
Normally presplit rows are loaded lightly to reduce damage to the wall.
When presplitting techniques are used the presplit factor should be around
.5 to prevent damage. Higher presplit factors may be required in
unfavorable conditions.
Powder Factor (lb/ton) the powder factor for each row is calculated
ProWall v10.5 by Blast Dynamics, Inc.
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Design Worksheet
Design Parameters (cont.):
Energy Factor (kcal/tonne) the energy factor for each row is calculated
In the Summary Data section of the Design worksheet the following
information is provided:
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The estimated displacement does not include the rolling of the material once
it hits the ground. This rolling can extend the edge of the muckpile to well
beyond the predicted range. The displacement prediction can be fine tuned
by quantifying the face burdens prior to blasting and measuring the
displacement range of the muckpile. By entering the actual field information
into the Design worksheet and plotting the design the displacement range
can be predicted more accurately.
If the material actually exceeded the predicted range then the Displacement
Correction value should be increased until the displacement measured and
the maximum predicted displacement match. This Displacement Correction
value can then be used to estimate the displacement of future designs.
Cost Worksheet
The Cost Worksheet allows the cost of the design to be calculated.
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Once the blast design has been entered and the design plot reviewed press
the Goto Cost button to open the Cost Worksheet. The screen will look
similar to the one shown below.
Cost Worksheet
Operation (cont.):
Enter the cost information for the design in the appropriate fields. Once the
design has been entered the Cost worksheet calculates the overall cost of
the design, the total cost per metre of wall and the total cost per tonne of rock.
In addition the costs for drilling, explosives and labor are broken down into
After the cost information has been entered press the Save button to save the
design and cost information in the database.
Timing Worksheet
The purpose of the timing worksheet is to plot the hole pattern of the design.
This plot can then be printed out to assist with the development of the
initiation sequence. No data entry is required for this worksheet.
Database Worksheet
The Database worksheet is used to store blast designs for future reference.
Blast designs in the database can be compared to other designs and reentered to evaluate the design.
The Database worksheet can be opened by pressing the Goto Database
buttons in the Design or Design Plot worksheets or by selecting the
Database tab at the bottom of the screen. When the worksheet is opened it
will look like the illustration on the following page.
Database Worksheet
Operation (cont.):
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Parameters Worksheet
To provide an illustration of the variables in the Design worksheet. There is
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the blast has only two rows enter the information into the Toe or Presplit Row
and the Crest or Modified Production Row. If the design has three rows fill in
the Inner Buffer Row data along with the two rows mentioned above.
Design Considerations
Efficient wall control blast design can be defined as achieving a safe and stable slope
for the lowest cost possible. Basically the time and effort spent in developing and
implementing efficient designs is insurance against future wall failures. The question is,
How much insurance do you need? The answer to this question is not always clear,
but is related to site factors that include:
From a production viewpoint the goal of wall control blasting is to make the transition
from a well fragmented rock mass to an undamaged slope in as short as distance as
possible. This can be quite challenging due to the many factors that influence wall
damage. To develop efficient designs one must have a basic understanding of wall
failure mechanisms as well as the limitations of the various wall control procedures. In
addition, it is imperative that the design be precisely implemented, evaluated and
refined on a continuous basis.
Factors That Influence Wall Stability
There are four major factors that control wall stability. They are:
slope design
blast design
Design Considerations
Factors That Influence Wall Stability:
The strength of the rockmass under shear, tensile and compressional loading will also
dictate the overall stability of the slope.
In most cases the final slope design is modified during the excavation process as the
site conditions become more understood. In addition, mine plan changes can alter the
slope design. The key slope design parameters are; overall height, bench height, batter
angle and berm width (which defines the overall slope) and top loading or surcharge.
Several blast design factors influence the stability of the wall including:
The last major factor that controls wall stability is the field implementation of the mine
plan. Even well conceived damage control programs will not perform properly if there is
no commitment to quality. Quality, in this case, refers to proper face clean-up, accurate
drilling and precise charging of the blastholes.
Design Considerations
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release of
load failure
shear failure
gas driven
crack extension
and tensile failure
crest damage
from excessive
Stress failure occurs when the stress intensity is greater than the strength of the rock.
Three generic types of blast induced breakage are compressional, tensile, and shear
stress failure. Compressional failure typically is caused immediately around the charge
when the rock is crushed by extremely high borehole pressures. During tensile failure
the rock is ripped apart by reflecting stress waves. Since rock masses are typically ten
times weaker in tension the damage envelope caused by tensile failure can be much
greater than compressional failure. Shear failure is controlled by the shear strength of
the rockmass, blast duration and blast induced vibration levels. It should be noted that
repetitive blasting can reduce the shear strength of the slope to the point of failure.
Another major cause of wall damage is gas driven crack extension and block heaving.
As the explosives adjacent to the slope detonate, high pressure gases wedge into
structural defects and cause them to expand. The damage done by this wedging action
is determined by the strength of the rock and the duration of the pressure pulse. Wedge
failure can occur as blocks of rock are isolated by intersecting cracks.
Design Considerations
Once the zones have been determined specific plans can be developed to address the
conditions of each blast site. The designs should be continuously refined based on the
analysis of each blasts performance. Ideally the initial blasts should be evaluated in
non-critical areas so the design can be refined to match the existing conditions.
There are basically three keys to achieving efficient wall control blast performance. In
sensitive zones, each of these keys must be in balance with the others to efficiently
protect the wall. These three keys are illustrated on the following page.
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Design Considerations
Wall Control Blast Design (cont.):
O p t im u m
B la s t
P e rfo rm a n c e
E n e rg y L e ve l
The distribution of the explosive energy will be based on the charge diameter and
blasthole pattern used. Excessive charge diameters can increase slope damage due to
uneven energy distribution. In many cases it is necessary to airdeck such holes to
improve the distribution of energy and reduce damage.
In wall control blasting the degree of confinement of the explosive energy adjacent to
the slope will play a major role in the amount of damage produced. The blast designer
should always provide the explosive energy with a path of least resistance away from
the wall.
The goal of wall control blasting is to make the transition from a well fragmented rock
mass to an undamaged slope in as short as distance as possible. This can be a difficult
process that can give blast designers the false notion that to limit blast damage the
explosive energy must be minimized, which can adversely effect excavator productivity.
In reality, the designer should be developing (for the most part) designs that direct the
explosive energy away from the wall while providing satisfactory fragmentation.
Four methods are generally used for wall control blasting. The methods are:
Design Considerations
Wall Control Blast Design (cont.):
Modified production blasting is most successful in competent rockmasses or on slopes
designed with a high factor of safety. The primary disadvantage of modified production
blasting is that the wall is not protected from crack dilation, gas penetration and block
heaving. In modified production blasting the energy level is decreased adjacent to the
wall to reduce overbreak.
This is often achieved by simply reducing the charge weight (30 to 60%) in the row
nearest the slope as shown here (included in the database as Modified Production Blast
Favorable Conditions).
However, most rock types require additional design modifications to minimize damage.
These modifications can include air decking, reducing the burden and spacing
dimensions (by 25%), minimizing subdrill and increasing the delay interval between the
last two rows of blastholes. These potential design changes are shown below (Modified
Production Blast, Unfavorable Conditions).
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Design Considerations
Wall Control Blast Design (cont.):
When modified production designs are used the excavator digs beyond the last row of
blastholes. As a result one of the key elements in the success of modified production
blasting is standoff of the last row of holes. The blasthole standoff is the distance from
the last row of holes to the final slope. This offset controls both the wall stability and
ease of excavation of the toe. The optimum standoff distance will depend on the
strength and structure of the rockmass and should be determined by carefully analyzing
blast performance.
The following guidelines are for initial modified production designs:
locate the modified production row 1 metre out from toe of the slope
reduce production charge weight by 50% in the last row
use air decks and minimize the stemming length in the last row
minimize subdrill when drilling adjacent to the next catch bench
reduce the burden and spacing of the last row by 25%
increase the timing between the last two rows of holes
These guidelines were developed for a wide range of rock type and structural
considerations. The performance of this initial modified production design should be
evaluated in terms of overbreak, diggability and cost. In some cases it may not be
necessary to apply all of the recommended design modifications to achieve good
While modified production blasting generally provides the best excavator productivity of
the wall control methods, it is unlikely that it will be suitable for all of the rock types and
structures within the excavation. In most modified production blasts the explosive
energy in the last rows of blastholes is overconfined and will damage weak or sensitive
The second method for wall control is trim blasting. Trim blasts are generally used for
rockmasses that are too sensitive for modified production blasting. Three types of blast
holes are used; trim, buffer and modified production holes. In order for trim blasting to
perform as designed a free face must be established to fragment and displace the rock
horizontally away from the wall. If the free face does not exist the explosive energys
path of least resistance will be uncontrolled and wall damage can be excessive. A
typical trim blast for favorable conditions is shown on the next page. This design is
included in the database as Trim Blast, Favorable Conditions.
Design Considerations
Wall Control Blast Design (cont.):
It is advisable to use air decking in at least the trim row to improve energy distribution
and reduce backbreak. Air decks may also be required in the other rows to compensate
for the reduced burden and spacing dimensions.
The graphic below shows the type of modifications that may be required for trim blasts
in unfavorable conditions.
air deck
reduced charge
in trim and
outer buffer rows
face angle
70 deg
no subdrill
unless the rock
is very hard
production burden
Page 36
Loading Density
The table on the previous page was used to develop the following trim blast design. If a
200 mm (7.87 inch) blasthole is used on a 15 m (49 ft) bench the trim row would contain
51 kg (113 lb.) of explosives and would have a burden of 3.8 m (12.5 ft) and a spacing
of 3.2 m (10.5 ft). Due to the relief provided by the free face trim blasting should
perform better than modified production blasting in unfavorable conditions. However,
since the trim row is detonated last gas penetration and crack extension may still cause
excessive damage. The next design option is presplit blasting.
Presplitting blasting consists of a row of lightly charged, closely spaced holes adjacent
to the final slope that is fired prior to the detonation of the other holes. This creates a
breakage plane to vent explosive gases and reduce crack propagation. A typical
presplit blast in favorable rock is shown here.
angle drillled
inner buffer
outer buffer
production row
15 - 30 deg
no subdrill on bench
unless rock is very hard
70 deg
face angle
In most rock types the presplit blasthole should be angled to achieve a more stable wall.
The angle selected should be based on the slope design, rock structure, drill type and
charging requirements of the blastholes.
The key factors that control the success of presplitting are:
drill accuracy
geological structure, hardness
presplit spacing
presplit charging
standoff distance of inner buffer row
face burden (horizontal relief)
bench width to height ratio (should be less than 2)
timing configuration
overall energy level
As conditions become more challenging the presplit design will have to be modified to
produce satisfactory results. In hard rock masses a short stab hole is often required
between the inner buffer and the presplit to achieve adequate fragmentation.
Subdrilling may be required to establish the proper bench grade when the rock is hard.
If the rockmass is highly structured and relatively weak, air decks may need to be used
in the buffer rows. The following illustration outlines some of the modifications required
for presplit blast design in unfavorable conditions.
"stab" hole
if required
inner buffer
20 deg angle
drillled presplit
outer buffer
production row
air decked
if required
70 deg
face angle
no subdrill on bench
unless rock is very hard
Page 38
compressive strength of the rock. This can be achieved by air decking or using a
charge diameter that is smaller than the blasthole diameter.
bulk deck
bulk decks
low density
Air decking is the least expensive method and is appropriate when the rockmass is
relatively massive. It typically consists of placing a small bulk charge in the bottom of
the hole and leaving the remaining hole open to achieve decoupling. As the rock
becomes more structured better explosive energy distribution is required. To improve
the energy distribution multiple small explosive decks, continuous small diameter
packaged explosive, or in some cases detonating cord can be used. While continuous
explosive is the most expensive option for presplitting it also provides the best
performance in unfavorable conditions. Unless airblast is a concern, the presplit holes
should be left open to reduce borehole pressures and protect the crest region of the
"stab" hole
if required
inner buffer
outer buffer
10 - 30 deg
drillled presplit
depending on
slope design
presplit charge
weight based on
the hole spacing
x hole length
divided by 2
air decked
if required
for average
70 deg
face angle
no subdrill on
bench unless
rock is very hard
shot with
outer buffer
row spacing
based = the
hole spacing
inner buffer
row spacing
based on 1/2
the production
angled double
free face at
initiation point
pattern for
Presplitting can be the most expensive and labor intensive of the wall control methods.
However, the long-term benefits can outweigh the costs if a maximum slope angle is
required. If the wall is so weak that even well designed presplit techniques cause
damage the next wall control consideration should be line drilling.
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Line drilling consists of a row of closely spaced holes drilled along the perimeter of the
excavation. These holes are left open and not loaded with explosives. The stress
waves of the blast create a plane of breakage between the holes. Typically, line drilling
is used in very soft material. In hard rock, the hole spacing required is so small that
presplitting becomes more cost efficient. Line drilling can be used in conjunction with
modified production or trim blast designs. The line drilled row is normally placed
between 50 and 100% of the normal production burden from the trim or production row.
Design Implementation
Wall control programs should be established and implemented in a consistent and long
term basis. Since it is difficult to analyze the cost/benefit relationship of controlled
blasting techniques they are often viewed as an expensive luxury. As a result, many
operations fail to implement procedures until the walls start to fail, which results in
higher overall costs.
Optimum blast performance can only be achieved with a group effort, as shown below.
Quality Control
train each group in the appropriate quality control procedures and their
role in achieving optimum blast performance
test for comprehension and conduct field audits to promote
consistency in design implementation
provide feedback forms for each operation to be used for blast
establish weekly planning meetings for representatives of each group
approve blast plans as a group
monitor each blast (video tape, seismograph)
maintain accurate blast records on a shot by shot basis
ground vibration levels
drill production requirements
ease of excavation
Overbreak can be defined as blast induced damage to the bench, crest and slope of the
wall. Often this damage can be observed by reviewing the video recording of the blast.
Ideally no surface swelling will exist beyond the pit limit and the blast will horizontally
displace material away from the wall at a rate that is two to three times greater that
vertical movement. The damage to the slope should also be determined by
documenting any crack extension and heaving beyond the designed excavation limit.
Excessive ground vibration levels can damage the structural integrity of the wall. It is
recommended that a vibration monitoring program be developed to evaluate the
intensity, frequency and duration of blast induced vibrations. This program should
include a number of seismographs to determine the relationship between distance and
the nature of the vibrations produced. If the slope is saturated with water it may be
appropriate to include pore pressure gauges to quantify the influence that blast
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There is no magic involved in developing efficient wall control designs, just careful
design development, implementation and refinement.
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