Why Research Is of Value
Why Research Is of Value
Why Research Is of Value
There are four ways of knowing. Let us look at each one of them.
a. Sensory experience
Normally we, see, hear, and smell taste touch. We gather a lot of data through our
senses. However, sensory knowledge is undependable and in some cases incomplete.
the data we take through our sense do not account for all (or even most) of what we
seem to feel is the range of human knowing. For us to obtain reliable knowledge,
therefore, we cannot rely on our senses alone, but must check what we think we know
with other sources.
The opinion of other is another source of knowledge. We can share our sensations
with others and also check on the accuracy and authenticity of these sensations. The
problem with such common knowledge is that it can be wrong. A majority vote in a
meeting is no guarantee of the truth. Two groups of eyewitnesses to an accident may
disagree as to which driver was on the wrong. Hence we would require considering
additional ways to obtain reliable knowledge.
c .Expert opinion
Some people can consider experts in their field because they know a great deal about
what we are interested in finding out. However experts like everybody else can be
mistaken. For all their study and training, what experts know is still based on
primarily on what they have learned from reading and thinking, from listening to and
observing others, and from their own experience. No expert, however, has studied or
experienced all there is to know in a given field, and thus even an expert can never be
totally sure.
d. Logic
We also get to know by logic. That is by our intellect- the capability we have to
reason things out. This allows us to use sensory data to develop a new kind of
knowledge. For example,
Note that the first statement (called the major premise) we need only from our
experience about the majority of individuals. We have never experienced anyone who
was not mortal, so we state that all human beings are mortal.
The second statement (called the minor premise) is based entirely on sensory
experience. If we come in contact with Juma and classify him as human beings we
then can deduce that the third statement (called the conclusion) must be true. Logics
tell us it is. As long as the first two statements are true the third statement must be
The scientific method essentially involves the testing of ideas in the public arena.
Almost all human beings are capable of making connections- of seeing relationship
and associations. These connections are called “facts”. Facts are items of knowledge
about the world in which we live. In many cases we guess or speculate about the
world around us. To be sure that our guesses or speculation s are true, we need to
0[rigorously test to see if they hold up under more controlled conditions. To
investigate our speculations, we can observe carefully and systematically.
However such investigations do not constitutes science unless they are made public.
This means that all aspects of the investigations are described in sufficient details so
that the study can be repeated by any who question the results. This basically boils
down to five distinct steps.
Types of research
The term “research” can mean any sort of “careful, systematic, patient study and
investigation in some field of knowledge, undertaken to discover or establish facts
and principles”. In scientific research, however, the emphasis is on obtaining evidence
to support or refute proposed facts or principles. There are many methodologies that
fit this definition. Let us now look at the various types of research.
a. Experimental research
This is the most conclusive of scientific methods. The researcher has two groups: the
experimental group and the control group. The researcher actually establishes
different treatments and then studies their effects; results of this type are likely to lead
to the clear-cut interpretations. In this type of research we have the control group and
the experimental group. The researcher will administer some treatment to the
experimental group while denying the control group, and then he/she sees the effect.
b. Correlation Research
This is a type of research that is done to determine relationships among two or more
variables and to explore their implications for cause and effect. Correlation research
seeks to investigate whether one or more relationships of some type exist. For
example: wealth and family background; wealth and education. In this approach no
manipulation or intervention on the part of the researcher other than that required
administering the instrument(s) necessary to collect the data desired.
In general, this type of research would be undertaken when one wants to look for and
describe relationships that may exist among naturally occurring phenomena, without
trying in any way to alter theses phenomena.
To test this issue using a causal-comparative design, the teacher might compare two
groups of students who already belong to one or the other type of family to see if they
However, interpretations of this type of research are limited because the researcher
cannot say conclusively whether a particular factor is a cause or a result of the
behaviour(s) observed. In our example above, the teacher could not be certain
1. Any perceived difference in achievement between the two groups was due to
the differences in home situation.
2. The parents’ status was due to the difference in achievement between the two
groups (though this seems likely).
d. Survey research
This is a type of research used to obtain data that can help determine specific
characteristics of a group. A descriptive survey involves asking questions (often in the
form of a questionnaire) of a large group of individuals either by mail, by telephone or
in person. When answers to a set of question are solicited in person, the research is
called an Interview.
1. Ensuring that the questions to be answered are clear and not misleading
The main advantage of survey research is that it has the potential to provide us with a
lot of information obtained from quite a large sample of individuals.
e. Content Analysis research
While most such studies involve an analysis of written documents, some is conducted
using films, folk songs, ancient pottery etc. The method is applicable to any material
that does not come pre-organized for the researcher’s purpose. The major task of the
researcher is to locate appropriate materials and then find a way to analyze them.
f. Qualitative Research
g. Historical research