Mar 2010

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Volume 15 Issue 3 MARCH 25, 2010

following them we are his disciples. There is
certainly truth here and Jesus is indeed an
example. Yet he is more than a law-giver.
Gabriel Fackre, tells the story of one man
laboring under the burden of a religion whose
only word was “follow Jesus”. He said: “I don’t
need good advice. I need good news!”. Indeed
we do, and that is what the word gospel means,
good news. Without the good news it is only a
burden. We know it is more than a burden, is
In the order for Holy Communion, the Eucharist, sheer gift—grace! Yes, Jesus is an example, but
we often are invited to proclaim the mystery of he is much more.
faith: Others see Jesus as substitute and savior. “Christ
Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will has died for your sins!” “Believe in the Lord
come again. As I write these words, we are Jesus and you will be saved!” Here they find the
approaching the fifth Sunday in Lent, March 21 gospel at the foot of the cross, more than in
and the following Sunday March 28 is Galilee. Here we use the word atonement: at-
Palm/Passion Sunday, the gateway to Holy Week one-ment! The problem is our rebellion against
and Easter. All these days and dates remind us of God, rather than the need for knowledge of the
the great and abiding mystery of the Christian good. Guilt will be punished, eternally. Dr.
faith: that Jesus of Nazareth, teacher and friend is Fackre in his book, Christian Basics, describes it
much more. The one, who walked the highways this way: “Jesus Christ took the sentence of
and byways of what we now call the Holy Land, death we deserve. He could take our place
was crucified under Pontius Pilate that we know, because he was a human being. And because
more or less from history. The act of the Roman he was divine at the same time, his suffering
state would seem to have ended that life, but not had eternal value; substituting for the eternal
so. As the creed says: “on the third day he rose punishment we
from the dead.” This is an item of faith for the were due. As a
Christian. In fact the faith stands or falls on this result, God
proclamation: Christ is risen. Theologians have accepted Jesus’
sought over the centuries to understand the death as payment
meaning of the resurrection: physical, spiritual for our crime. We
etc., but to seek to explain the unexplainable is a are saved on
difficult task. This then becomes an item of faith; Calvary from the
a great mystery which is at the core of who we are wrath of God.”
and what we are called to do. This way of thinking
Before the mystery of Christ is risen comes the about the death of Jesus is very powerful. It has
mystery of Christ has died. The mystery is not had great influence in the history of the
that he died. We know that. The mystery is the Christian Church. It thrives in movements of
meaning of that death and here, down through the mass evangelism. This view has come in
ages, various explanations have been set forth. different forms over the years: a sentence
Some see Jesus as example and teacher, the one imposed by a judge on the accused; a sacrifice
whose teachings we need to follow and in
offered up to the Deity; a paying of a price. Of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday prepare
course the cross is at the heart of the Gospel. We us for the glad good news that “Christ is
are saved by faith in Christ’s work on Calvary, but risen”, which we hear on Easter Day.
this view often moves beyond that simple
statement. One person who had been taught that
Palm/Passion Sunday: March 28
the blood of Jesus satisfied the justice of God said:
We will gather to
“I love Jesus, but I hate God.” If we think of
Jesus down here on the cross and God “up there” commemorate the triumphal
punishing Jesus, what does this say about God? entry by receiving palms, and
Paul tells us though in 2 Corinthians5:19 that “In hearing the story of the first
Christ God was reconciling the world……” Palm Sunday, after which the
God wasn’t up in heaven with Jesus down on the choir and the children will
cross, he was right there in Jesus. Jesus is truly process into the sanctuary as
divine as well as truly human. God is bound up we sing “All Glory, Laud and Honor.” The
with all that is experienced by Jesus on the cross. center of the service will be choral anthems
The divine heart breaks on Calvary. Yes, Jesus did appropriate as we begin Holy Week, 2010.
take the punishment for us and it is a tough love
we are speaking of. Jesus suffering though is also
the pain of God.
Maundy Thursday: April 1, 7:30 PM
There are more understandings on the meaning of As we do each year, we gather in the
the death of Jesus and I’ll talk about them at sanctuary to celebrate the Lord’s Supper and
another time. As we move through the great then move into the service of Tenebrae,
mysteries of the faith during these coming days, which consists of readings which move us
we are reminded that God was in Christ toward the death of Jesus. After each
reconciling the world to himself and that is not reading a candle is extinguished until the
only a great mystery, but great and good news. sanctuary is completely dark. The service
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! concludes in silence as we contemplate the
great mystery of the cross.
See you at worship,
John Good Friday: April 2, Noon
Each year the Perinton Pastoral Association
sponsors and Ecumenical Way of the Cross,
modeled on the stations of the cross. We
SUNDAY WORSHIP begin here in our sanctuary and then move
throughout the village stopping at various
locations for a reading and prayer. This
walk allows us to follow in the footsteps of
our Lord on Good Friday.

Good Friday: April 2, 7:30 PM

Holy week commemorates the final week in On this most holy night we gather in the
Jesus’ earthly life. It begins with his quiet of our sanctuary for a time of prayer in
triumphal entry into the holy city, Jerusalem, preparation for the quiet of Saturday and the
on Palm Sunday, moves to the last supper joy of Easter Day.
with his disciples in the upper room on
Maundy Thursday, to his death on the cross Easter Day begins the season of Easter,
on Good Friday and his rest in the tomb on seven weeks of celebration of the great
Saturday. This week and the services on center of our life as Christians, the
resurrection of Jesus from the dead. The
darkness and death of Good Friday now gives
way to the light and life of Easter Day. We BOARDS AND COMMITTEES
join in the UPDATES
celebration of
the Eucharist, MEMBERSHIP
not just a
remembrance of WELCOME TO OUR NEW
the Last Supper MEMBERS!
in the upper John and Jennifer Giorgi joined our church
room, but as a family on March 7, 2010. They are joining by
letter of transfer from Hope UCC, Rockledge,
foretaste of the
Florida. John is a software engineer and
great banquet at Jennifer is a stay-home mother with son,
the end of history in the Kingdom of God. Andrew. John will be completing his Master’s
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Degree from RIT in Product Development in
February, 2011 and enjoys golf and all
Philadelpia sports teams. Jennifer likes to read,
scrapbook and is a MOPS member, creating
Lessons: their newsletter. She is also the Board President
Acts 10:34-43 for St. Luke’s Hill Nursery School. Jennifer has
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 also agreed to serve on our Board of Christian
I Corinthians 15:19-26 Education. Welcome!!
John 20:1-18
“Weep No More”

Worship During the Easter Season

Second Sunday of Easter: April 11, 2010 MISSIONS CORNER
Acts 5:27-32 With Lent well underway, the Board of
Psalm 150 Missions has been busy implementing our
Revelation 1:4-8 Community Service Projects. As many you may
John 20:19-31 know by now we made commitments to three
City of Rochester organizations which are trying
Third Sunday of Easter: April 18, 2010 to “Break The Cycle of Violence,” our theme
Acts 9:1-6 for this year. Our first commitment was to
Determined Divas, a group devoted to helping
Psalm 30
teenage girls find positive alternatives to
Revelation 5:11-14 violence. Over the course of three weeks our
John 21:1-19 congregation donated over 20 boxes of personal
Dr. Tim Dwyer guest preacher hygiene products which the Divas are going to
use as rewards for attending workshops. Two
Fourth Sunday of Easter: April 25, 2010 weeks ago, a group of us from Missions had the
Acts 9:36-43 opportunity to visit a Divas’ meeting and we
Psalm 23 were very impressed with their mission and
Revelation 7:9-17 commitment. Bev Jackson, the Director of
John 10:22-30 Determined Divas, was overwhelmed with our
generosity. We thank Nan Notar and Karen
Hamill for all their hard work in making this
donation so successful and to all who took the United Church of Christ. In the United
time to donate personal hygiene products. Church of Christ each local church makes its
own decisions, but we are in covenant with one
Our second commitment was to the Lewis Street another in the larger church, on the association,
YMCA which serves as a beacon of hope to conference and national levels.
residents in the Lewis Street area who are seeking Our Church’s Wider Mission is our support of
a trusted service for daycare and after-school care the denomination of which we are a part both on
for their children. James Smith, Director, has the conference and on the national level. Each
asked us to contribute our services by re-finishing congregation decides how much of its member’s
three cubbies for children’s outerwear. Chick financial support the congregation will
Gray, Jim Franzen, and Tom Kinton have been contribute to Our Church’s Wider Mission. In
gracious enough to each take one of these cubbies turn, each Conference, the regional setting of the
for re-finishing. We hope to return them for church, decides how much of its’ congregations’
service soon. financial support it will contribute to Our
Church’s Wider Mission for the funding of
Our last group is the Rochester Youth For Christ national ministries.
(RYFC). RYFC used to be located in Brighton Briefly put, OCWM keeps the United Church
until it moved a few years ago to One Favor Street of Christ in business. It funds Sunday School
(near the Inner Loop) so that the organization can lessons for kids….irrigation pipes in the
better meet the needs of youth in crisis. RYFC desert…Military chaplains in Iraq and
serves over 1,000 youngsters through a variety of Afghanistan…refugee resettlement……staff
outreach programs. RYFC constantly feeds these who work with local church’s in pastoral
youth in a cramped kitchen that is in dire need of searches and in other ways……youth work on
renovation. This is one of the projects that a group the conference and national levels……materials
of us is tackling this week. We will also be to introduce and interpret the work of the
replacing a drop ceiling and hanging a door. It denomination….and much more. It pays the
should also be noted that our youth group spent salaries of men and women; both ordained and
their “30 Hours of Famine” doing community lay who work with local churches.
service work for RYFC this month. Our thanks go OCWM is composed of both basic and special
out to our youth group for this service. support. National Basic support provides for the
funding of the core programs of the UCC
Our pastor John Cedarleaf, reminds us constantly national ministries. Conference basic support
to “Remember The Poor.” We would like to think provides for the funding of core programs of the
that these projects help all of us live up to that New York Conference of the United Church of
admonition. Christ.
Special support provides funding for specific
Speaking of Pastor John, he is contributing this mission opportunities. There are four special
month’s article on one of the major organizations mission offerings of the United Church of
that the Board of Missions and Outreach supports Christ: One Great Hour of Sharing,
- Our Church’s Wider Mission. Strengthen the Church, Neighbors in
Need and The Christmas Fund. At the
The Church, like the government likes the
alphabet. OGHS, GVA, OCWM. These are short
present time our congregation participates in
hand ways of describing some important things in One Great Hour of Sharing and The
the United Church of Christ. One Great Hour of Christmas Fund. We’ve already mentioned
Sharing is the all church offering (taken also by One Great Hour of Sharing, which we
many other denominations) and is the relief, have recently received. The Christmas
refugee and development fund of the United Fund offering (formerly Veterans of the Cross)
Church of Christ. The Genesee Valley is an important way of sharing our joy at God’s
Association is the gathering of churches of which renewing and life-giving grace. The offering,
we are a part in the New York Conference of the which is administered by the United Church
Board for Ministerial Assistance of the Pension First Church Scholarship Form (See Cathy
Boards on behalf of the UCC, is an expression of Kinton for copies) 2) School Activity Resume.
joy and gratitude to, and for, those who serve the 3) Essay- What it means to you to be a
church. Gifts to The Christmas Fund provide Christian. How have your experiences and
pension and health premium supplementation to involvement at First Church influenced your
low-income retirees, emergency assistance to the Christian growth
families of clergy and lay employees and 2010 Scholarship Criteria: 75% Essay, 25%
Christmas Gift Checks to hundreds of annuitants. Church-Youth Group
Our congregation gives $7000 per year to Participation/Involvement, 80 Minimum Grade
OCWM basic support. This financial commitment Pt Average
is a concrete way of making clear that we are in
covenant together as part of the United Church of

On behalf of the Board of Missions, we trust that Preschool & Elementary Students Learn
each and everyone have a very Happy Easter. About Easter
From now until Easter Sunday, our preschool
Submitted, and elementary students will continue learning
about Easter and the events leading up to Easter.
Ted Avgerinos They’ll also participate in a special “Walk
Chairperson Through Holy Week” presented by the Junior
High class during Christian education time on
March 28. On April 11, there will be a special
MORNING CIRCLE class on prayer for the children.
Morning Circle will meet on April 13 at 10 AM.
Michael Miller from Family Outing to Helmer Nature Center’s
Kittelberger Florist will Pancake Breakfast
demonstrate flower Save the date! On March 28, let’s travel to
arranging for us. All Helmer Nature Center after Sunday School
are welcome! to enjoy a pancake breakfast (or rather, a
pancake lunch).
10:00 am - 2:00 p.m. (We’ll leave from
church at approx. 11:30 a.m.)
Served in the Community Center
FAMILY NEWS 154 Pinegrove Avenue
Included in price: ALL THE PANCAKES
YOU CAN EAT with real maple syrup
Plus: Sausage, coffee, milk or orange juice
Each year the Board of Youth Ministry awards HNC Member Price $5.50
a $500 scholarship to a graduating High School Children 6 and under $5.50
student planning on attending college. If you Non-Members $7.00
would like to be considered for this scholarship
All proceeds benefit Helmer Nature Center
please submit the following information to Cathy
Kinton by May 1, 2010. Please read through the Programs.
required information. The scholarship will be
award on Graduation Sunday. There is a nominal charge for food, crafts
2010 Required Scholarship Information: 1) and some activities. Refreshments Menu
Includes: Hot Dogs, Maple Pulled Pork,
Soup Hot/Cold Beverages Desserts/Treats Confirmation Class to Lead Seder
On Mar. 28, our confirmands – Brianna
Sherry and Sarah Hoover – will lead a Seder
meal for their families. They’ll explain that
the Passover traditionally celebrates how
God led the Israelites to freedom from
slavery in Egypt, and how Christians
Children Invited to Decorate Our Living celebrate freedom of new life in Jesus
Cross on Easter Christ.
During the Easter worship service, all children
are invited to help put live flowers on our Senior High Continues to Study
wooden cross – transforming it into a “living Servanthood
cross!” This will occur during the Children’s During the remainder of March and into
Message time. April, our Senior High class will continue
its study, “Servant or Sucker.” They will
discuss how to serve the poor in both wise
and compassionate ways. They will also
NOTE: There is NO Sunday School and host our confirmands for a special visit, as
NO Children’s Chapel on Easter. There IS they prepare to join the Senior High class
nursery care available. next year.

Junior High to Present “A Walk Through

Holy Week”
The Junior High class is busy getting ready to NOTE: There will be NO church school
present a special “Walk through Holy Week” classes on April 4 (Easter Sunday), April
to our preschool and elementary students on 18 or 25 (Spring Break). Classes will
Palm Sunday, March 28. They will show the resume on May 2.
children how Jesus entered Jerusalem to palm-
waving crowds, his last supper with his
disciples, his anguish in the Garden of
Gethsemane, his trial before the Jewish
authorities and Pontius Pilate, his crucifixion NEWS FROM OUR YOUTH
and ultimately, his resurrection.

Confirmands Prepared Meal for Bethany SENIOR HIGH STUDENTS

Brianna Sherry and Sarah Hoover prepared
and served the Sunday evening meal for the Six senior high students fasted for 30 hours,
guests at Bethany House on March 7. worked on service projects and raised
Bethany House is a shelter for women and money for World Visions 30-Hour Famine
children. The delicious sloppy joes, salad, in February. The group was able to raise
potatoes and Oreo pies were enjoyed by all! $ 961 which brings their three year total to
over $ 4,000! World Vision, a Christian
relief and development organization is
dedicated to helping children and their
communities worldwide reach their full ADVENT HOUSE
potential by tackling the causues of poverty.
Our students worked at Rochester Youth for Advent House is our Fairport Community's
Christ, learned about hunger, disease and home for the terminally ill. Our ministry is to
provide holistic care to the dying and their
poverty in Ethiopia, and particpated in a “flash
families. We are currently in high need of
mob” at Eastview Mall with over 160 other
volunteers to help with care-giving and
local participants. housekeeping.

Advent House is volunteer staffed and donation

funded: therefore our community's support is
COMMUNITY AND VOLUNTEER crucial to continuing our ministry. Have you
OPPORTUNITIES thought about helping out at Advent House?
Please call Laurie Eisele, Volunteer
Coordinator, at 223-6112 or email
LIFESPAN VOLUNTEER DRIVERS [email protected] for more
NEEDED information.
Thank you!
Your elderly neighbors may need a ride to do
these simple, but necessary things…like a stop at
the pharmacy…a visit to the doctor…a trip to the
grocery store. Can you help? If you have a couple
of hours a week, or even a couple of hours a
month, consider being a volunteer driver. You can
select your geographic area and the times you
wish to drive. You will be provided with training,
and supplemental accident and liability insurance.
You may receive a discount on your automobile
insurance. As you drive through life, take someone
with you! To learn more about becoming a
volunteer driver, call Sr. Anne Guerin at 244-
8400, ext. 142, or email, aguerin@lifespan-
2010 Fairport Relay For Life
May 22 – 23, 2010
Perinton Community Center
Again this year our church will participate in
this American Cancer Society’s Fundraiser.
Last year’s “Step By Step” team is being joined
this year with a team comprised of members of
our youth group.
Starting Sundays in May, please stop by our
table in Fellowship Hall. We’d welcome new
members to our team or………….if you would
like to sponsor the Team or an individual on the
team, donations will be gladly accepted. We’ll
have all of the details on the event you’ll need.
Last year over 600 people participated in
Fairport’s 1st Relay For Life and over $80,000 was
raised for ACS. Fairport’s Relay was the #1
fundraising Relay in the Northeast. This overnight
event celebrates cancer survivors, remembers REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS
loved ones lost and helps the fight to cure cancer.
It is a community and family based activity. Barbara Cobb, Fairport Baptist Home
PLEASE CONSIDER helping us with this
event. For more details, please contact Nan Notar Barbara Eaton, Perinton Park Manor
at 377-0607 or Stacey Mulley at 388-8995. Please
help us reach our $100,000 goal. Charlotte Jackson, Fairport Baptist Home

Les Warren, Fairport Baptist Home


During your preparations for Easter, you may have
heard someone say, “All this work and it’ll all be over
so soon.” Sorry, but they’re wrong.

Easter as a celebration of the return of spring, the Easter

of the Easter Bunny and colored eggs and candy, fancy
hats and new spring clothes may be over by Easter
Monday, not to come around again until next year.

But the true Easter, the celebration of Christ’s

resurrection, is never over. Easter is the reminder and
the celebration of a continuing fact: Christ, who was
raised from death, is alive today, tomorrow and forever.
Daily he offers us and the whole world power to begin
new life now.

Easter isn’t over … ever!

Published in: May 2010, Newsletter Newsletter

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