Change of Measure For Brownian Motion
Change of Measure For Brownian Motion
Change of Measure For Brownian Motion
Project 10
St = 1 + S Bt + S Ut ,
c David Pollard
almost surely [Q ].
I believe that the threat of the trading scheme that delivers a return K S1
now forces Q Y to be the amount one should pay at time 0 to receive the
amount Y at time 1. What do you think? Should the fact that K seems
to depend on the unknown invalidate the arbitrage argument?
Suppose Y actually depends only on the stock price at time 1, that is,
Y = f 1 (S1 ) for some measurable function f 1 . Show that
where W N (0, 1) under Q.
Q Y = Q f 1 exp( W 12 2 )
Deduce that Q Y does not depend on .
Specialize even further, to the case where f 1 (x) = (x C)+ , for some
constant C, to derive the famous Black-Scholes formula for the price of a
European option.
Show that, under Q , the stock price process is a martingale. Deduce that
f (St , t) = Q f (S1 , 1) | Ft = Q (Y | Ft )
Statistics 603a: 11 November 2004
c David Pollard
k := 1 inf{t : pt k or pt 1/k} inf{t : |Mt | k}.
Without loss of generality, we may also assume that Mk M20 ([0, 1], P) .
Show that pM locM20 ([0, 1], Q). Hint: For s < t and F Fs show that
QF ptk Mtk psk Msk = QF ptk Mtk psk Msk {k > s}
c David Pollard
c David Pollard