Change of Measure For Brownian Motion

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Project 10


Change of measure for Brownian motion

Let {Bt : 0 t 1} be a Brownian motion with respect to a (standard)
ltration {Ft } on (, F, P). Write U for its quadratic variation process, Ut = t.
For each R, the process

qt = exp Bt 12 2 t
for 0 t 1
is a nonnegative martingale, with Pqt = Pq0 = 1. Dene a new probability
measure Q on F1 by specifying q1 to be its density with respect to P. That is,
Q X = P(Xq1 )
at least for all bounded random variables X .
Show that Q is equivalent to P, in the sense that both measures have the
same collection N of negligible sets.
Show that Q X = P(Xqt ) if X is Ft -measurable. Explain why qt is a
Radon-Nikodym density for Q with respect to P when both measures are
restricted to Ft .
For xed s and t = s + , a xed F in Fs , and a bounded measurable f ,
show that

Q F f (Bt Bs ) = P(Fqs ) P f (Bt Bs ) exp (Bt Bs ) 12 2

= Q F
f (z) exp 12 (z )2 / dz

Deduce that, under Q , the process Bt t is a standard Brownian motion.


The Black-Scholes formula

Stock prices (in units so that S0 1) are sometimes modeled by a continuous
process driven by a Brownian motion, B, on [0, 1];
St = exp(( 1/2 2 )t + Bt )
for 0 t 1

= exp( Bt /2 t)
Bt = Bt + (/ )t
for constants > 0 (assumed known) and (unknown). That is,
St = (Bt , Ut )

I am ignoring ination. cf.

expression of value of stock as
a multiple of a bond price.

where (x, y) = exp( x + ( 1/2 2 )y).

Suppose Y = f (S), with f a C-measurable functional on C[0, 1]. How much

should one pay at time 0 in order to receive the amount Y at time 1?
Use the Ito formula to show that

St = 1 + S Bt + S Ut ,

In more traditional notation,

d St
= d Bt + dt.
Roughly speaking, the relative increments of S behave like the increments of
a Brownian motion with drift . The process S B is the locM20 [0, 1] part
of the semimartingale decomposition of S.
d St = St d Bt + St dt,

Statistics 603a: 11 November 2004


c David Pollard


Similarly, show that St = 1 + S 

Bt .
Show that Y can be written as a C-measurable functional of the 
B sample
Temporarily suppose that = 0, so that 
B is a standard Brownian motion.
(i) Use stochastic calculus to show that

Hint: What do you know about the increments of the process that takes
a constant value?
(ii) Suppose PY 2 < . Invoke results from Project 9 to show that there
exists a predictable H such that
Y = PY + H 
B1 = PY + K S1
where K :=
(iii) Interpret the last equality as an assertion that there exists an (idealized?)
hedging stategy that returns Y PY . Deduce that the arbitrage price
for Y equals PY in the special case where = 0.
Now consider the case where is unknown, possibly nonzero. Let Q be
the probability measure with density exp( B1 12 2 ) with respect to P,
where = / . Show that 
B is a standard Brownian motion under Q .
Assume that Q Y < . Show that there exists some predictable
process K (in some apppropriate L2 space) for which
Y = Q Y + K S1

almost surely [Q ].

I believe that the threat of the trading scheme that delivers a return K S1
now forces Q Y to be the amount one should pay at time 0 to receive the
amount Y at time 1. What do you think? Should the fact that K seems
to depend on the unknown invalidate the arbitrage argument?
Suppose Y actually depends only on the stock price at time 1, that is,
Y = f 1 (S1 ) for some measurable function f 1 . Show that

where W N (0, 1) under Q.
Q Y = Q f 1 exp( W 12 2 )
Deduce that Q Y does not depend on .
Specialize even further, to the case where f 1 (x) = (x C)+ , for some
constant C, to derive the famous Black-Scholes formula for the price of a
European option.


I should reread Harrison &

Pliska (1981).

Does K actually depend on ?

As I type this Project late at night, I nd myself in the embarrassing position of
not really understanding how the question is handled for a general Y . However,
when Y = f 1 (S1 ) there is another approach that avoids the difculty by
constructing an explicit strategy via the solution to a partial differental equation.
Look for a smooth function f (x, t) for which f (x, 1) = f 1 (x) and
2 x 2 f x x (x, t) + f t (x, t) = 0
Use Ito to show that
f (St , t) = f (1, 0) + Fx St

almost surely [P].

Show that, under Q , the stock price process is a martingale. Deduce that

f (St , t) = Q f (S1 , 1) | Ft = Q (Y | Ft )
Statistics 603a: 11 November 2004

c David Pollard


and, in particular, f (1, 0) = Q (Y | F0 ) = Q Y .

I hope I can sort through my confusion before the lecture. I will reread
the nal section of Chung & Williams (1990).


Change of measure for semimartingales

The key fact about the change from P to an equivalent measure Q is the
preservation of the semimartingale property. It is not at all an obvious fact.
For suppose that X is a P-semimartingale that has decomposition X 0 + M + A,
where M is a locally square integrable P-martingale and A FV0 . Under Q the
A process is still in FV0 , but we will have to subtract another FV0 process A
from M to make it a locally square integrable Q-martingale, leading to the
Q-semimartingale decomposition X = X 0 + (M A ) + (A + A ).
To establish these facts in the general case I would need some theory about
processes with jumpsthings like the Doob-Meyer decomposition. Using only
tools developed in the course, I can show you how to treat a special case.
Consider only a process M locM20 ([0, 1], P) with continuous sample paths.
Here I have added the P to emphasize that the martingale properties hold
under the P distribution. Suppose that P and Q are equivalent measures, with
q1 := dQ/dP and dP/dQ = p1 = 1/q1 . Assume that the cadlag versions
of the P-martingale qt := P(q1 | Ft ) and the Q-martingale pt := Q( p1 | Ft )
actually have continuous sample paths.
Show that p = Q( p1 | F ) for each [0, 1]-valued stopping time .
Explain why we can assume pt qt 1. More specically, explain why
pt can be thought of as the density of P with respect to Q when both
measures are restricted to Ft .

k := 1 inf{t : pt k or pt 1/k} inf{t : |Mt | k}.
Without loss of generality, we may also assume that Mk M20 ([0, 1], P) .
Show that pM locM20 ([0, 1], Q). Hint: For s < t and F Fs show that

QF ptk Mtk psk Msk = QF ptk Mtk psk Msk {k > s}

Argue that F{k > s} Fsk then deduce

 that the right-hand side of the
last equality equals PF Mtk Msk {k > s} = 0.
Use the fact that q and M are both in locM20 ([0, 1], P) to explain
why the process Y := q M V , where V := [q, M] FV0 , is also
in locM20 ([0, 1], P). Hint: First explain why Ytk = q Mtk + M qtk .
Explain why both Y and V have continuous sample paths.
Explain why pY locM20 ([0, 1], Q).
Explain why [ p, V ] 0. Hint: V is a FV0 process with continuous
sample paths.
Deduce that pt Vt = p Vt + V pt .
Deduce that M p V V p locM20 ([0, 1], Q).

Statistics 603a: 11 November 2004

c David Pollard


Explain why V p locM20 ([0, 1], Q). Hint: p is a Q-martingale.

Explain why A := p V is in FV0 .
Conclude that M A locM20 ([0, 1], Q).
You should check that this recipe works for the Brownian motion example
in Section 1.


Things I could show if I had more time

(Actually I would also need some facts about processes with jumps.)
(i) Every local-martingale is a semimartingale.
(ii) Suppose P and Q are equivalent probability measures. If X is a
P-semimartingale then it is also a Q-semimartingale. Moreover, for
H locHBdd , the stochastic integral H X when calculated using the
methods from Project 7 under P is the same as the stochastic integral
when calculated under Q. The last assertion can be proved using the
characterization of the stochastic integral given in Project 7.
Chung, K. L. & Williams, R. J. (1990), Introduction to Stochastic Integration,
Birkhauser, Boston.
Harrison, J. M. & Pliska, S. R. (1981), Martingales and stochastic integrals
in the theory of continuous trading, Stochastic Processes and their
Applications 11, 215260.

Statistics 603a: 11 November 2004

c David Pollard

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