M A - M Sc-Maths
M A - M Sc-Maths
M A - M Sc-Maths
M.A./ M.Sc. (Previous) Examination 2016
M.A./M.Sc. (Final) Examination 2017
Field of Specialization
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Dr. R.K.Yadav
M.Sc., Ph.D.
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dr. R.K.Gupta
M.Sc., Ph.D.
M.Sc., Ph.D.
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
M.Sc. Ph.D.
Applied Mathematics
M.Sc., B.Ed.
Operations Research
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General Information for Students
The examination for the degree of Master of Science will consist of two examinations: (i) The
Previous Examination, and (ii) The Final Examination.
The subject of examination shall be one of the following:
Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Electronics, Chemistry, Zoology, Geology, Botany and Home
The examination will be through theory papers/practicals. Pass marks for the previous and final
examination are 36% of the aggregate marks in all the theory papers and practicals and not less
than 25% marks in an individual theory paper. A candidate is required to pass in the written and
the practical examinations separately.
Successful candidates will be placed in the following division on the basis of the total marks
obtained in previous and final examinations taken together.
First division 60%; Second division 48% and Third division 36%. No student will be permitted
to register himself/herself simultaneously for more than one post-graduate course.
1. For all regular candidates in the faculties of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, Science,
Law and Commerce the minimum attendance requirement should be that a candidate
should have attended atleast 70% of the lectures delivered and tutorials held taken
together from the date of her/his admission.
2. The shortage of attendance upto the limits specified below may be condoned.
Upto 3% of the total (a) Lectures delivered and tutorials held (taken together),
and (b) Practicals or Practicals and Sessionals subject-wise condonable by the
Dean/Director/Principal on the recommendation of the Department concerned.
Upto 6% including (i) above by the Syndicate on the recommendation of the
Upto 5% attendance in all subjects/papers/practicals and sessionals (taken
together) by the Vice-Chancellor in special cases, on the recommendation of the
3. The N.C.C. cadets sent out to parades and camps and such students who are deputed by
the University to take part in games, athletics or cultural activities may, for purpose of
attendance, be treated as present for the days of their absence in connection with the
aforesaid activities and that period shall be added to their total attendance subject to the
maximum of 20 days.
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4. Advantage of fraction while calculating the attendance, shall be given to the candidate.
M.A./ M.Sc. (Previous / Final)
I Algebra
II Analysis
III Differential Equations and
IV Special Functions and
Integral Transforms
V Analytical Dynamics and
Numerical Analysis
M.Sc. (Final)
I Complex Analysis and Topology
II Differential Geometry and
Tensor Analysis
III Functional Analysis
IV and V (i) to (x)*
Exam Hours
6 (each)
100 (each)
1. Magnetofluid Dynamics
2. Linear Operators in Hilbert Space
3. Laminar Viscous Flow Theory
1. Generalized Functions
2. Fundamental of Operations Research
3. Integral Equations and Boundary Value
4. Advanced Numerical Analysis
5. Probability and Statistical Distributions
Not more than 33% of the total admitted students of M.A./M.Sc. (Final) Mathematics will be
allowed in any elective paper.
Selection of these elective papers will be strictly on merit, obtained in M.A./M.Sc. (Previous)
Mathematics Examinations.
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M.A./M.Sc.(Previous) Mathematics
Examination 2016
Note: Each theory paper is divided in three parts i.e. Section A, Section B and Section C
Section A: Will consist of 10 compulsory questions. There will be two questions from each unit
and answer of each question shall be limited up to 30 words. Each question will carry 2.
Section B: Will consist of 10 questions. Two questions from each unit will be set and students
will answer one question from each Unit. Answer of each question shall be limited up to 250
words. Each question will carry 7.
Section C: Will consist of total 05 questions one from each unit. Students will answer any 03
questions and answer of each question shall be limited up to 500 words. Each question will carry
Paper I
Duration of Paper : 3:00 hours
Max. Marks: 100
Unit 1: Groups: Law of isomorphism. Direct products of groups. Theorems related to
composition series. Jordan-Holder theorem. Definition of P-Group H-Conjugate Cauchys
theorems for finite Abelian and finite group. Sylows theorems for abelian groups, solvable
Unit 2: Rings and Fields of Extension: Theorems on endomorphism of an abelian group. Direct
product of rings. Polynomials rings, Factorisation in integral domain. Theorems related to finite
and infinite extension of field. Minimal, Polynomials, Splitting field. Theorems on roots and
coefficients of polynomial separable and inseparable extensions.
Unit 3: Canonical Forms: Jordan Matrix, Jordan canonical form, Some decomposition theorems.
Jordan normal forms. Definition and examples of linear algebra. Linear transformations. Kernel
and range space of a linear mapping, Rank and nullity, Singular and non-singular mapping or
transformations. Invariance and Reducibility.
Unit 4: Galois Theory: Monomorphism and their Linear Independence. Arten theorem on
automorphism, Normal extensions and Fundamental theorem of Galois theory, Radical extensions
and solvability by Radicals. Constructions by Ruler and Compass Ring with Chain conditions.
Hilberts Bases theorem. Artinian rings.
Unit 5: Linear transformations and system of linear equations. Quotient transformations. Inner
product. Inner product spaces. Algebra of linear operators. Matrix representation of linear
operators. Dual spaces. Unitary and normal operators. Matrices of linear transformations with
respect of different bases.
Surjeet Singh and Qazi Zammeruddin: Modern Algebra
Aggarwal, R.S.: Modern Algebra
Shanti Narain: Abstract Algebra; S. Chand & Co., New Delhi
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Unit 1: Real Sequences and convergence: Definition, limit point, bounds and properties
of real sequences. Limit inferior and limit supirior of sequences. Bolzano Weierstrars
theorem for sequences, convergent and non-convergent sequences. Cauchys general
principle of convergence. Cauchy sequence, various theorems on limit of sequences.
Monotonic sequence and its convergence. Cantors set, Continuity and Discontinuity of
functions of two and more variables, types of discontinuity.
Unit 2: Jacobians, Uniform Convergence of sequences and series of functions. Various
tests for uniform convergence. Weierstrasss M Test. Uniform convergence and
Uniform convergence and integration.
Uniform convergence and
Unit 3: Definitions of measure, Lebesgue outer measure, Measure of sets, Nonmeasurable sets, Exterior and interior measure of sets and their simple properties,
Measurable functions. Definition of Lebesgue Integral of a bounded measurable
function, Comparison of Lebesgue and Riemann Integral.
Unit 4: Lebesgue theorem of bounded convergence, Egoroffs theorem. Lebesgue
Integral of unbounded function, Elementary properties of Integrals, Definition and simple
properties of function of bounded variation and absolutely continuous functions.
Definition of Reimann-Stieltjes Integral.
Unit 5: The Lebesgue set, Integration by parts, The second mean value theorem, The
Lebesgue class Lp, Schwarzs inequality, Holders inequality, Holders inequality for
sums, Minkowskis inequality. Integration of a function of Lp, mean convergence for the
function of the class Lp.
Shanti Narayan: Mathematical Analysis;S. Chand & Co., New Delhi.
Royden, H.L.: Real Analysis;MacMillan Publishing Co., New York
H.K. Pathak: Real Analysis; Shiksha Sahitya Prakashan; Meerut.
Malik, S.C. and Arora, S.: Mathematical Analysis. New Age India Int. (P) Ltd., New
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Jain, P.K. and Gupta, V.P. Lebsegue Measure and Integration, New Age Int. (P) Ltd.,
New Delhi.
Paper III
Unit 1 : Classification of second order partial differential equations, solutions of Laplace, Wave
and Heat conduction equations, Fourier series with application to simple boundary value
problems on wave and heat conduction equations.
Unit 2 : Kinematics of fluids in motion, Lagranges and Eulers methods, Stream lines and path
lines, Velocity potential. Vorticity vector, Equation of continuity in orthogonal curvilinear,
Cartesian, spherical polar and cylindrical coordinates, Boundary surface condition.
Unit 3 : Eulers equations of motion, Bernoullis equation, Impulsive motion, Two dimensional
motion, complex potential. Motion of a circular cylinder in perfect liquid and motion of liquid
past through a circular cylinder.
Unit 4 : Source, sinks and doublet; and their images in two dimensions. Motion of Sphere in
perfect liquid and Motion of liquid past sphere. Milne Thomson circle theorem. Theorem of
Unit 5 : Viscosity, Navier-stokes, equations of motion for viscous incompressible flow.
Dynamical similarity, Dimensional analysis. P-Buckimgham theorem. Physical importance of
non-dimensional parameters. Renolds number, Prandtl number. Mach number, Froude Number,
Nusselt number. Some exact solutions of N-S. equations, Plane Couette flow. Plane Poisseulle
flow, Generalized plane Couette flow, Haigan-Poisseulle flow through circular pipe.
Chaturvedi, J.C. and Ray, M.: Differential Equations; Ram nath Kedar Nath & Co. Agra.
Bansal, J.L. and Dharmi, H.S.: Differential Equations Vol. II, An Elementary Treatise
Differential Equations; Jaipur Publishing House, Jaipur
Arnold, V.I.: Ordinary Differential Equations, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1981
Scheter, M.: Modern Methods in Partial Differential Equations, Wiley Eastern, Delhi, 1985.
Bansi Lal: Theoretical Hydrodynamics; jaipur Publishing House, Jaipur.
Milne-Thomson: Theoretical Hydrodynamics
Ray, M.: A Text Book of Fluid Dynamics; S. Chand & Co., New Delhi.
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Saxena, R.K. and Gokhroo, D.C.; Special Functions, Jaipur Publishing House.
Paper - V
Analytical Dynamics and Numerical Analysis
Unit 1 : Motion in two dimensions under impulsive forces. Conservation of linear and angular
momentum under finite and impulsive forces.
Unit 2 : Lagranges equations for finite as well as impulsive forces. Normal co-ordinates and
normal modes of vibration. Motion in three dimensions. Eulers dynamical equation for the
motion of a rigid body and problems related to no external forces.
Unit 3 : Calculus of variations; Linear functionals, Minimal functional theorem, general variation
of a functional. Euler-Lagrange equation, Various fundamental problems including isoperimetric
problems of calculus of variations. Variational Methods of solving Boundary value problems in
ordinary and partial differential equations.
Unit 4 : Hamiltons canonical equations of motion. Hamiltons principle and principle of least
action canonical transformations. Poisson brackets and their properties. General equations of
motion in terms of Poisson brackets. Lagranges brackets and their properties.
Unit 5 : Various methods of solving ordinary differential equations, Eulers method, Picards
method, Runge-Kutta method. Milnes method. Methods of solution of partial differential
equations. Iteration methods.
Loney, S.L.: An Elementary Treatise on the Dynamics of a Particle and Rigid Bodies, Cambridge
University Press.
Ray,M.: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies, Students Friends and Co.
Smart, E.H.: Advanced Dynamics, Vol.II, Macmillan
Gupta, P.P.: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies II, Jaiprakash Nath, Agra
Soarborough, James, B.: Numerical Analysis
Freeman, H.: Finite Differences and Mathemaics for Acturial Students
Richardson,H.C.: Calculus of Finite Differences
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2. Mathews, J.H.: Howell, R.W. Complex analysis, Jones and Bartlet, India (2011).
3. Chouhan, J.P. Complex Analysis, (2006), Kedar Nath Ram Nath.
4. H.K. Pathak: Complex Analysis; Shiksha Sahitya, Prakashan, Meerut (2011).
5. B.D. Gupta: Topology; Kedar Nath Ram Nath; Delhi; Meerut.
6. Colin Adams and Robert Franzosa: Introduction to Topology; Dorling Kindersley
India Pvt. Ltd., Pearson Prentice Hall (2009), Delhi.
Paper II
Differential Geometry and Tensor Analysis
Duration of Paper : 3 Hours
Max.Marks: 100
Unit 1: Curves in Space: Definition of unit tangent vector, tangent line, Normal line and Normal
plane. Contact of a curve and a surface. Equation of osculating plane. Fundamental unit vectors,
equations of fundamental planes. Curvature, Torsion and skew curvature vectors. Serret-Frenet
formulae and their applications.
Unit 2: Definition and properties of the osculating circle and osculating spheres. Bertrand curves
and their properties. Involute and evolute of space curves. Envelope of family of surfaces.
Ruled surfaces: Definition and properties of developable and skew surfaces.
Unit 3: Parametric representation of a surface. First and Second fundamental forms and
magnitudes of various surfaces. Orthogonal trajectories. Definition and Differential equation of
lines of curvature (Excluding theorms). Definition and equation of curvature and torsion of
asymptotic lines. Beltrami-Enneper Theorem. Fundamental equations of Surface Theory: Gauss
equations, Gauss Characteristic equations, Weingarten equations and Mainardi-Codazai
Unit 4 : Geodesics: General differential equation of various standard surfaces. Notations and
definitions of contravariant and covariant tensors of first and second order. Mixed tensors, higher
order tensors. Contraction and Quotient law for tensors. Symmetric and skew symmetric tensors.
Metric [Fundamental] tensor, conjugate metric tensors. Definitions and properties of first and
second kind of Christoffels symbols.
Unit 5 : Laws of transformation of Christoffels symbols. Covariant derivatives of contravariant
and covariant tensors of first and second orders. Laws of covariant differentiation. Riccis
Theorem. Definition and properties of Riemann-Christoffels tensor. Definition and properties
of covariant curvature tensor. Contraction of Riemann-Christoffel Tensor-Ricci tensor.
Bansal, J.l. and Sharma, P.R.: Differential Geometry: Jaipur Publishing House (2004).
Thorpe, J.A.: Introduction to Differential Geometry, Springer-verlag.
Slemberg, S.: Lectures on Differential Geometry, P.H.I. (1964).
Docarmo, M.: Differential Geometry of Curves and surfaces, P.H.I. (1976).
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Duration of Paper : 3 Hours
Unit 1: Metric Spaces: Definition and Examples of Metric Spaces, Open and Closed Sets,
Neighbourhoods Interior, Limit and isolated points, subspace of a metric space, product spaces.
Completeness: Convergent sequences, complete spaces, Dense Sets and Separable spaces, Baires
Category theorem. Compactness: Compact Spaces and Sets, Sequential compactness, HeineBorel theorem, Equivalence of compactness and sequential compactness, continuous mappings.
Unit 2: Normed spaces and their properties. Banach Spaces. Quotient spaces of Banach Space,
Finite dimensional normed spaces and subspaces, Linear operators, Linear Operators and
functionals on finite dimensional spaces, Normed Spaces of Operators Dual space: Space B
(x,y), Completeness theorem.
Unit 3: Fundamental Theorems for Normed and Banach Spaces: Zorns lemma, Hahn-Banach
theorem, Hahn-Banach theorem for complex vector spaces and normed spaces, Reflexive
operator, Definitions of strong and weak convergences, Lemma for weak convergence, Lemma
for weak convergence for the space lp, strong and weak convergence theorem, Open mapping
theorem, Closed graph theorem, Convergence of sequences of operators and functionals.
Unit 4: Inner spaces; Hilbert Spaces: Definitions of Inner Product space, Orthogonality,
Euclidean Space Rn, unitary space Cn, Space L2 [a,b], Hilbert sequence space l2, space lp and
space C[a,b]; Properties of inner product spaces, Orthonormal sets and sequences, Representation
of functionals on Hilbert spaces, Hilbert-Adjoint operator.
Unit 5: Spectral theory of Linear Operators in Normed spaces and of Bounded Self-Adjoint
Linear Operators: Definitions: Eigenvalues, Eigevectors, eigenspaces, spectrum and, resolvent set
of a matrix; Theorems: Eigenvalues of an operator, closed spectrum theorem, representation
theorem. Hilbert Adjoint operator, Eigenvalue and eigenvector theorem, Norm Theorem,
Theorem on product of positive operators, monotone sequence, positive square root, projection,
product of projections.
1. Kreyszig, E. Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications, John Wiley & Sons (1978).
2.Somasundaram, D.A. First Course in Functional Analysis, Narosa Publishing House, Delhi
3.Taylor, A.E. Introduction to Functional; Analysis, John Wiley & Sons (1958).
4.Choudhary, B. and Nanda, S. Functional Analysis with Applications, Wiley Eastern Limited,
Delhi (1989).
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5.Rudin, W. Functional Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill Publ. Co. Ltd., Delhi (1977).
6.Jain, P.K. and Ahmad, Khalil, Metric Spaces, Narosa Publishing House (1996).
7.Copson, E.T. Metric Spaces, Universal Book Stal, Delhi (1989).
8.Berberian, S. Introduction to Hilbert Space, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1961).
9.Edwards, R.E. Functional Analysis Theory and Applications, Dover Publications, Inc. (1995).
Duration of Paper : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Duration of Paper : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Unit 1: Linear spaces. The scalar product, Hilbert space, Linear manifolds and subspaces. The
distance from a point to a subspace, Projection of a vector on a subspace. Orthogonalization of a
sequence of vectors Complete orthonormal systems. The space L2 and complete orthonormal
system in L12 .
Unit 2: Linear functionals. The theories of F Riesz. A criterion for the closure in H of given
system of vectors. A Lemma concerning convex functionals Bounded linear operators. Bilinear
functions. The general form of a Bilinear functional adjoint operators. Weak convergence in H
weak compactness.
Unit 3: A criterion for the boundedness of an operator, Linear operators in a separable space.
Complete continuous operators. A criterion for complete continuity of an operator. Sequence of
bounded Linear Operators. Definition of a projection operator. Properties of projection
operators. Operations involving projection operators, Monotone sequences of projection
Unit 4: The aperture of two linear manifolds. Unitary operators Isometric operators. The
Fourier-Plan-Cherel operator. Closed operators. The general definition of an adjoint operator.
Eigen vectors. Invariant subspaces and reducibility of linear operators. Symmetric operators.
Isometric and unitary operators.
Unit 5: The concept of the spectrum. The resolvent conjugation operators. The graph of an
operator. Matrix representation of unbounded symmetric operators. The operation of
multiplication by the independent variable
Akhiezer, N.I. and Glazman, I.M.: Theory of Linear Operation in Hilberts Space.
Translated from the Russian by Merlyind Nestell, Vingar Pub. Co., New York.
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Duration of Paper : 3 Hours
Unit 1: Fluid, Continuum hypothesis. Constitutive equation for Newtonian fluids, Navier-stokes
equations for viscous compressible flow. Vorticity and Circulation, Equation to energy. Some
exact Solutions; Flow between two concentric rotating cylinders, stagnation in two dimensional
flow. Flow due to a plane wall suddenly set in motion (Stokes first problem). Flow due to an
oscillating plane wall (Stokes first problem).
Unit 2: Temperature distributions in Couette flow, Plane Poissuille flow and Haigen-Poissuille
flow in a circular pipe. Theory of very slow motion: Stokes equation of very slow motion.
Stokes flow past a sphere, stokes stream function. Oseen equations. Lubrication theory.
Unit 3: Laminar Boundary layers. Two dimensional incompressible boundary layer equations.
The boundary layer on a flat plate (Blasuis-Topfer-solution). Similar Solutions of boundary layer
equations. Wedge flow, Flow in a convergent channel. Flow in the wake of flat plate. Two
dimensional Plane jet flow. Prandtl-Mises transformation and its application to plane jet flow.
Unit 4: Boundary layer separation. Boundary layer on a symmetrically placed cylinder (Blasius
series solution) Gortler new series method. Axially symmetrical boundary layer. Manglers
transformation. Three dimensional boundary layers; boundary layer on yawed cylinder. Nonsteady boundary layer formation (i) after impulsive start of motion (two dimensional case) and
(ii) in accelerated motion.
Unit 5: Karman momentum and kinetic energy integral equations. The Von karman and K
Pohlhausens approximate method for boundary layer over a flat plate.
Thermal boundary layers in two dimensional incompressible flow, Croccos integrals. Forced
convection in a laminar boundary layer on a flat plate. Free convection from a heated vertical
Schliching H.: Boundary Layer Theory, McGraw Hill.
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Pai, S.I.: Viscous Flow Theory, Vol.I, Laminar Flow, D.Van Nostrand Company, New York,
Bamal, J.L.: Viscous Fluid Dynamics, Oxford and IBH, 2004.
Duration of Paper : 3 Hours
Max.Marks: 100
Unit 1: Resume of Lie Theory: Local Lie groups. Examples. Local Transformation Group,
Examples of Local Transformation group, Examples Representations and Realizations of Lie
Unit 3: Lie theory and Bessel Functions: The representations Q(w,m0). Recursion relations for
the Matrix Elements. Realizations of (w,mo) in two variables, Weisners Method for Bessel
Functions. The reat Euclidean group E3.
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Text Books: Willard Miller, Jr. Lie, Theory and Special Functions, Chapter I to 4, - Academic
Press, New York and London, 1968.
Group A
Unit 2: Two and more spair model, Lotka-Voltarra equations, Pary predator models,
Unit 3: Biofluid dynamics, Blood flow in large and small blood vessels. Flow in
capillaries, Application of Poinsots law, Sedimentation of red blood cells.
Rubinov, S.L. : Introduction to Mathematical Biology.
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Duration of Paper : 3 Hours
Unit 1: Definition and simple properties of generalized functions, Functional and generalized
Unit 2: Differentiation and integration of generalized functions, Regularization of functions of
algebraic singularities.
Unit 3: Associated functions, Convolution of generalized functions, Elementary solutions of
differential equations with constant coefficient.
Unit 4: Fourier Transforms of generalized functions. Fourier transform of test function, Fourier
transforms of generalized functions of one and several variables. Fourier transform and
differential equations.
Unit 5: Particular type of generalized functions: Generalized functions concentrated on smooth
monifolds of lower dimension. Generalized functions associated with Quadratic form.
Homogeneous functions Arbitrary functions raised to a power.
Gellifand, I.M. and Shilvo, G.C.: Generalized functions, Vol. I. Acad. Press. 1964.
Fredman, A.: Generalized Functions and Partial Differential Equations,
Prentice Hall. Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., U.S.A., 1963.
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Duration of Paper : 3 Hours
Unit 1: Basic concepts of probability. Conditional probability, Bayes theorem; Basic concepts of
Poisson, exponential distributions, Definition, scope and objectives of O.R., Different types of
O.R. Models, basic ideas of convex sets. Linear programming problems-Simplex Method, two
phase method, Duality.
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Kanti Swaroop, Gupta, Man Mohan: Operations Research, Sultan Chand and Sons.
Goel and Mittal: Operations Research, Pragati Prakashan
Mittal, K.V.: Optimizadon Methods in O.R. and S. Analysis
Sharma, S.D.: Operations Research
Loomba, N.P.: Linear Programming
Satty, T.L.: Mathematical Methods of Operations Research.
Duration of Paper : 3 Hours
Unit 1: General concepts of integral equation. Linear integral equations of the first and
second kind of Fredholm and Volterra types. Solution by successive substitution and
successive approximations. Solution of integral equation by Resolvent Kernel.
Unit 2: Singular Integral equation. Solution of Abels integral equation. General form of
Abel Singular integral equation. Weakly Singular Kernel. Hilbert Schmidt theory by
symmetric kernels. Riesz Fischer theorem. Hilbert Schmidt theorem. Hilberts
Unit 3: Schmidts solution of the non-homogeneous fredholm integral equation of
second kind. Homogeneous Fredholm integral equations. Eigen values and Eigen
functions. Fredholm integral equations with degenerate kernels.
Unit 4: Classical Fredholm theory and Boundary Value Problems: Fredholms equation
as limit of a finite system of linear equations. Fredholms two fundamental relations.
Hadamards theorem. Fredholm Fundamental theorems.
Greens function for Ordinary differential equation. Application of Integral transform in
Boundary Value Problems. Applications of Integral Equation.
Unit 5: Integral transform method: Some special types of integral equations. Application
of Laplace Transform to determine the solution of Volterra integral equation with
convolution type kernels. Application of Fourier transform to determine the solutions of
singular integral equations. Integro-differential equation.
Books Recommended:
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Pundir, S.K. and Pundir, R. Integral equations and Boundary Value Problems, Pragati
Prakashan, Meerut (U.P.)
Chandramouli, A.B.: Integral Equations with Boundary Value Problems, Shiksha Sahitya
Prakashan, Meerut (U.P.)
Duration of Paper : 3 Hours
Unit 1 : Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations: Newton-Raphson method for real
multiple roots, for complex roots and for system of non-linear equations; Synthetic Division,
Birge-Vieta, Bairstow and Graefres root squaring methods for polynomial equations.
Unit 2 : Solution of simultaneous Linear Equations and Eigen Value Problems: Direct methods:
Gauss-elimination, Gauss-Jordan, Cholesky and Partition method. Iterative Methods: Jacobi
iteration, Gauss-seidel iteration and Successive Relaxation method.
Eigen value Problems: power method, Jacobi Method and Givins Method for finding Eigen
values of a matrix.
Unit 3 : Curve fitting and Function Approximation: Least square Method, Fitting a straight line,
Second Degree Polynomials, Exponential Curves. And Logarithmic Curves. Uniform minimax
polynomial approximation, Chebyshev approximations, Chebyshev Expansion, Chebyshev
Polynomials. Economization of Power Series.
Unit 4 : Solution of Boundary Value Problem: Finite Difference method. Finite Difference
scheme for Linear and Non-Linear Boundary Value Problems. Shooting method. Numerical
Solution of boundary value problems of the type y f ( x y ), y f ( x , y , y ) and
y f ( x, y ).
Unit 5 : Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: Finite difference Approximation to
partial derivatives. Solution of Laplace and poisson equations, Solution of one and twoPage 21 of 23
dimensional heat and wave equation by the method of separation of variables. Derivation of
Crank-Nicolson method for Parabolic Partial Differential Equation
Books Recommended:
Jain, M.K.,Iyenger, SRK, Jain R.K.:: Numerical Methods for Scientists & Engineering
Computations, Wiley Eastern Ltd.,
Jain, M.K. : Numerical Solution of Differential Equations, New Age International.
Shastry, S.S.: Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, Prentice Hall India Pvt., Ltd.,
Grewal, B.S. : Numerical Methods in Engineering & Science, Khanna Publishers.
Collatz, L.: Numerical Solution of Differential Equations, Tata McGraw-Hill.
D.S. Chouhan: Numerical Methods, JPH.
(Only for Non-Statistics students of B.Sc.Final)
Duration of Paper : 3 Hours
Max.Marks: 100
Unit 1: Probability, Random Variables & their probability distribution: Probability: Random
Experiment, Statistical Regularity, Algebra of events. Classical, relative frequency and axiomatic
approaches of probability. Additive law and Bools inequalities. Conditional probability.
Stochastic independence of events. Multiplicative law of probability and Bayes Theorem.
Random Variable (R.V.): Discrete RV. Probability mass function (p.m.f.). continuous r.v.
probability density functions (p.d.f). Cumulative distribution function (c.d.f). and its properties.
Two dimensional Random Variable. Joint, marginal and conditional, p.m.f., p.d.f. and c.d.f.
Independence of random variable.
Unit 2: Expectation of Random Variable and function of r.v. Theorems on Expectation and
inequalities, Moments: Factorial moments, Moments about a point A, Raw moments and Central
moments. Measurers of Central tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Measures of Skewness and
Kurtosis. Moment generating function (m.g.f.), Cumalant generating function (c.g.f.) and
characteristic function (c.f.) of random variables. Product moments and Joint m.g.f. of random
variables. Convergence of sequence of random variables; Convergence in law (or in
distribution), convergence in probability. Convergence in rth moment.
Unit 3: Discrete Distribution. Discrete Uniform distribution. Bernoulli distribution Binomial
distribution. Hypergeometric distribution. Poisson distribution. Geometrical distribution.
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Negative Binomial Distribution,the Power series distribution. The properties and interrelation of
these distribution.
Unit 4:Continuous distributions: Continuous uniform distribution, exponential distribution,
Gamma distribution, Beta I and II kind distributions, Cauchy distribution, Normal distribution
and Double exponential distribution.
Probability distribution of functions of random variables: Moment generating, cumulative
distribution and transformation techniques to find distribution of function of random variables.
Unit 5: Truncated distributions, Compound (or composite) distributions and Sampling
Truncated distribution: Definition of Truncated distribution, Truncated Binomial, Poisson and
Normal distributions.
Compound distributions: Definition, practical situation and applications of compound
Sampling distributions: Random sample, parameter and statistic, standard error, Sampling
Distribution of sample mean x and variance s2 from normal population. Chi-square, t and F
Methods of estimation of parameters: Method of Maximum Likelihood, Method of Moments and
Method of Least squares.
01. Mathematical Statistics By Parimal Mukhopadhyay (Books and Allied (P.) Ltd.,
02. An Introduction to Probability and Statistics By Vijay K. Rophtgi & A.K. Mod. Ehsanes
03. Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics By S.C.Gupta and V.K. Kapoor
(Sultan Chand & Sons).
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