A Note On Wittgensteins Notorious Paragraph About The Gödel Theorem by Juliet Floyd and Hilary Putnam
A Note On Wittgensteins Notorious Paragraph About The Gödel Theorem by Juliet Floyd and Hilary Putnam
A Note On Wittgensteins Notorious Paragraph About The Gödel Theorem by Juliet Floyd and Hilary Putnam
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*Floyd is grateful to Jan Harald Alnes, Akihiro Kanamori, and Rohit Parikh for
conversations on points related to the issues discussed in this paper.
1 Ludwig Wittgenstein, Remarkson theFoundations of Mathematics,G.H. von Wright,
R. Rhees, and G.E.M. Anscombe, eds.; Anscombe, trans. (Cambridge: MIT, 1978,
revised edition), i, Appendix iII, ?8.
2 So-called by Floyd in her "Prose versus Proof: Wittgenstein on G6del, Tarski and
Truth," PhilosophiaMathematica (forthcoming). Floyd gives a detailed reading of this
paragraph in "On Saying What You Really Want to Say: Wittgenstein, G6del and the
Trisection of the Angle," inJaakko Hintikka, ed., FromDedekindto Gddel:Essays on the
Developmentof the Foundations of Mathematics (Boston: Kluwer, 1995), pp. 373-425.
3 In introductory remarks to his 1931 paper, G6del did sketch an argument using
intuitive versions of the notions of truthand proof.But he was quite explicit that this
heuristic sketch plays no essential role in the proof he gives with "full precision" in
the body of the paper; see "On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia
Mathematica and Related Systems I," Kurt GMdel:CollectedWorks,VolumeI, Solomon
Feferman et alia, eds. (New York: Oxford, 1986), pp. 147-51, especially p. 147 note
6, p. 151 paragraph 2, p. 173 note 41.
4 See Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics, VII ?19: "My task is, not to talk
about (e.g.) G6del's proof, but to by-pass it."
5 A term introduced by Quine to refer to the model-theoretic fact that W-inconsistent systems have no model in which the "integers" of the model are (isomorphic
to) the natural numbers. See his "On w-inconsistency and the So-called Axiom of
Infinity," in SelectedLogic Papers (Cambridge: Harvard, 1995, enlarged edition), pp.
114-20; compare Set Theoryand Its Logic (Cambridge: Harvard, 1969, revised edition), pp. 305-06.
6"Critical Notice of Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics," Mind, LXVI
(1957): 549-53.
7 "Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics," in A. Ambrose and M. Lazerowitz,
eds., Ludwig Wittgenstein:Philosophyand Language (London: Allen and Unwin, 1972),
pp. 271-86.
ables fails to capture the concept of natural number, and the variables
must admit values which are not natural numbers. For if, in a system A,
all the sentences G(n) with n a natural number are provable, but the
universal sentence (n)G(n) is not, then there must be an interpretation
of A in which n takes values other than natural numbers for which G(n)
is not true (in fact in 1934, Th. Skolem had shown that this was the case,
independently of G6del's work) (ibid., p. 279).
Interestingly, Goodstein entirely missed the connection between this
"remarkable insight" and the claim we are discussing-which
may not
only be taken to be contained in Appendix I, ?8 of Remarks on the
Foundations of Mathematics, but also as constituting virtually the whole
of ?10 of the same Appendix!8 But, as is well known, the remarks on
G6del's theorem were written as notes for Wittgenstein himself, and
there was no reason for their author to state explicitly everything that
he knew in connection with them. The fact is that Wittgenstein did
remarkable insight"-that
"variables must necessarily take on values other than the natural numbers." (Indeed, this
must be the case whether PM is w-inconsistent or not; the point about
w-inconsistency is that, if PM is w-inconsistent, then there is no
interpretation under which PM's theorems come out true in which
the formal number variables take only the natural numbers as values.)
We know this not only from Goodstein, but also from remarks made
by Wittgenstein's student Alister Watson9 in a 1938 paper in Mind.
Watson explicitly states that his interpretation of the Godel incompleteness result "owes much to lengthy discussions with a number of
people, especially Mr. Turing and Dr. Wittgenstein" (ibid., p. 445). He
then gives an argument very similar to the one we sketched above
8 Remarkson the Foundations of Mathematics, i, Appendix iii, ?10: " 'But surely P
cannot be provable, for, supposing it were proved, then the proposition that it is not
provable would be proved'. But if this were now proved, or if I believed-perhaps
through an error-that I had proved it, why should I not let the proof stand and say
I must withdraw my interpretation 'unprovable'?"
Compare Goodstein's dismissal of Wittgenstein's remarks on G6del, "Critical
Notice of Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics," p. 551, and "Wittgenstein's
Philosophy of Mathematics," p. 279.
9 "Mathematics and Its Foundations," Mind, XLVII (1938): 440-51. According to
Andrew Hodges, Turing's biographer, discussions were held between Watson,
Turing, and Wittgenstein in the summer of 1937, when Turing returned for a
season to Cambridge between his years at Princeton-Alan Turing: TheEnigma (New
York: Touchstone, 1983), pp. 109, 136. The "notorious paragraph" of Remarkson the
Foundations of Mathematics,i, Appendix iII, ?8 was penned on September 23, 1937,
when Wittgenstein was in Norway (see the Wittgenstein papers, CD Rom, Oxford
University Press and the University of Bergen, 1998, Item 118 (Band XIV), pp.
106ff.). According to G.H. von Wright (correspondence with Floyd) Wittgenstein
Wittpraised Watson's paper very highly on more than one occasion-something
genstein did not very often do with colleagues' work.
than to discuss in detail the dispute (s) about (1) whether Wittgenstein "understood" the Godel theorem, and (2) whether his philosophical remarks about it have any value, we would be remiss if we did
not at least comment on the question of the bearing of the unappreciated point on at least the second of those disputes. (The reader who
has followed us this far should have no doubts about whether Wittgenstein understood the G6del theorem, and hence about the position to take with respect to the first dispute!)
The principal source of the question as to the cogency of Wittgenstein's discussion are the words in the notorious ?8: "'True in Russell's system' means, as was said: proved in Russell's system, and 'false
in Russell's system' means: the opposite has been proved in Russell's
system" (emphasis added). Is Wittgenstein not aware that arithmetical propositions have a meaning and truth value independentof what
system they are formalized in? Is he just identifying "truth" and
"provability"out of some misguided combination of formalist and
constructivist/finitist motives? And so on.
The answer is that one cannot simply ignore the direction (implicit
in the words we italicized) to look at what was said beforeabout 'true
in Russell's system'.
Just one paragraph before (?7), there appear the remarks which
clearly set the stage for the notorious remark:
7. "Butmay there not be true propositionswhich are written in this
symbolism,but are not provablein Russell'ssystem?"-'True propositions', hence propositionswhich are true in another system, i.e. can
rightlybe assertedin anothergame. Certainly;why should there not be
such propositions;or rather:why should not propositions-of physics,
e.g.-be writtenin Russell'ssymbolism?The questionis quite analogous
to: Can there be true propositionsin the languageof Euclid,which are
not provablein his system,but are true?-Why, there are even propositions which are provable in Euclid's system, but are false in another
system.Maynot trianglesbe-in another system-similar (verysimilar)
whichdo not haveequal angles?-"But that'sjust ajoke! For in that case
theyare not 'similar'to one anotherin the same sense!"-Of coursenot;
and a propositionwhichcannotbe provedin Russell'ssystemis "true"or
"false"in a differentsense from a propositionof PrincipiaMathematica.11
If one reads this paragraph with care, one will observe two things:
first, that Wittgenstein is telling us that we should look on PM as a
"system"in the sense in which a system of non-Euclidean geometry is
a "system" of geometry-a
can be true in one system and false in another. And, second, that this
paragraph does not deny that a proposition that cannot be proved in
Russell's system (Wittgenstein obviously means one that cannot be
decided, that is, proved or disproved) can, in somesense be "true"or
"false" (outside the system)-he only asserts that this is a "different
sense" from the sense in which it is true or false as a "proposition of
Principia Mathematica."We shall now comment on each of these
points in turn.
(1) Wittgenstein's targets in much of Part I of Remarkson the
Foundations of Mathematicsare Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell,
not as mathematical logicians but as philosophers of mathematics
and logic. These philosophers emphatically did not see themselves as
providing a mere notationinto which one could transcribe the propositions that mathematicians actually utter, write, and publish in
ordinary "mathematical prose," that is, in English or French or German or.... They saw themselves as providing a freestanding "ideal
language" or "concept-language," what W. V. Quine12 has called a
first-grade conceptual scheme, which in some sense supercedesordinary language. Moreover, in providing such a scheme, they saw
themselves as providing mathematics with a foundation. Ordinary
language might be necessary to "lead someone into" the ideal language, but the "elucidations" we offer for this purpose in ordinary
language are, so to speak, a ladder that we can throw away. Frege
explicitly argues that ordinary language sentences that we use to
explain the ideal notation do not and cannot capture the precise
content of the ideal notion.13 It would be utterly foreign to this spirit
to explain the truth of a formula of Principia Mathematicaby merely
writing down an English sentence, and saying this is what it means for
P to be true. To confess that this is what one has to do would be to
abandon the claim for the foundational status of a system such as
Principia Mathematicaentirely. (So that when Wittgenstein writes in
?8: "And by 'this interpretation' I understandthe translationinto this
English sentence,"he is already denying that this notion of an "interpretation" which can only be indicated in English by helpful "hints"'4
"Speaking of Objects," OntologicalRelativity and OtherEssays (New York: Columbia, 1969), p. 24.
13 For the case of what Frege takes to be his primitive or undefinable notions (for
example, function, concept), see his CollectedPapers on Mathematics,Logic, and Philosophy,Brian McGuinness, ed., Max Black et alia, trans. (New York: Blackwell, 1984),
pp. 193-94, 300, 302; Posthumous Writings,pp. 207, 214, 235; Grundgesetzeder Arithmetik,I (Hildesheim: Olms, 1966), Appendix 2, n. 1 (p. 240).
14 Compare Frege, "On Concept and Object," CollectedPapers, p. 194.
After the appearance of semantics with Alfred Tarski, one can add another
sense: holding in all models of the system. If we take this to mean all Henkin
models, then even in the case of a higher-order language like PM, this will coincide
with being a theorem. It is a further question, however, whether Tarski's modeltheoretical account of truth definitions for formalized languages exhibits a correct
analysis of our intuitive notion of truth.On the claim that Tarski analyzed the concept
of truth, see Floyd, "Prose versus Proof: Wittgenstein on G6del, Tarski and Truth";
and also Putnam, "A Comparison of Something with Something Else," in his Words
and Life (Cambridge: Harvard, 1994), pp. 330-50. So far as we know, Wittgenstein
never mentioned Tarski's work on truth definitions.
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