Jay Naidoo Was Gandhis South African Struggle Inspire by Race Class or Nation
Jay Naidoo Was Gandhis South African Struggle Inspire by Race Class or Nation
Jay Naidoo Was Gandhis South African Struggle Inspire by Race Class or Nation
- - .---- .
R.A. Huttenback[l]
Gandhi came to South Africa in 1893 and left in 1914. He led, during
most of the twenty-one year span, strugles against the Natal Government, the Transvaal Government and the Union Government. What
irpas[be guiding principle, the driving force behind this fight? Was it a
civil rights struggle, a case of championing the cause of the Indians,
Colc~uredsand Africans against the racist politics of an all-white administration? Was it a class strugegle in the interests of the Indian trading class or, alternatively, of the Indian labouring class? Or was it a
nntionalist struggle in the cause of India and the Indian nation?
During his South African sojourn, Gandhi never questioned the right
01the whites to rule and regulate the destiny of South Africa. In July
1909he acknowledged that the Indians recogni7cd that thewhite population 'should remain predominant in South Africaq[2].He also, perhaps in a naive way, endorsed non-miscegenation when he noted, in a
political retort, that he too was committed to race purity, but protested
that purity of race should not be the privilege of only one sector of the
He accepted white superiority but rejected black equality. Tn February1904 he complainedto the Johannesburgmedical health officer:
'Why, of all places in Johannesburg, the Indian Location should be
chosen for dumping down all the Kaffirs of the town passes my comprehension'. He urged that the Town Council 'withdraw the Kaffirs'
and lamented that the 'mixing' was unfair and an undue tax on the Indians' patience[4]. He complained when he and fellow passive resisters were classed, while in prison, with the AfricansfS]. He was critical
of the whites' ignorant and - careless use oithe term 'Coolie', yet his
own use of the term Kufir was no less ignorant and no less careless.
When in March ~ Wthe
J Coloured community circulated a petition,
addressed to the King, in which they complained of not having the franchise in the Transvaat and in the Orange River Colony, he wrote, justifying the Indians non-identity with the petition: 'We consider that it
was a wise policy, on the part of the British Indians throughout South
Africa, to have kept themseIvcs apart and distinct from the other Coloured communities in this country'. He admitted that the Co-loureda
and the Indians had common grievances but their respective claims, he
insisted, hadvery little in comrnon(6J.He also protested when the Natal
Government wanted to open Durban's Higher Grade Indian School to
Coloured children[7].
In 1406 some Zulu under a minor chief, Barnbatta, smarting undcr
an increased poll tau, protested. The white NataEans designated and
then treated their discontent as a 'rebellion'. The Colonial forces wcrc
mobilized and sent out to chastise the malcontented Zulu. Gandhi,
considering he was a British subject and a Natal citizen, was moved to
demonstrate his loyalty in a practical way: he offered to organise a
stretcher-bearer corps, as he had done during the Anglo-Boer War.
But during the voluntary service the cold-steel spite of the colonial
forces, their relentless tracking down of lhcir foe and their triggerhappy readiness to kill turned his stomach. Loyalty to the Empire, however, made him hold his tongue. He admitted later that he bore the
Zulu no grudge; that they had not. after aI1, harmed the Indians. Hc
also admitted that he had doubts about the 'rebellion' itself. But he upheld his conviction that the British Empire was there to serve mankind
and that loyalty prevented him from wishing it ill. His decision was
therefore not influenced by the legitimacy or otherwise of the 'rebellion'[8J.This statement, however, was made in 1927 - two decades and
more alter the event. In 1906 his choice was less ambiguous:
What is our duty during these calamitous times in the coiony? It is
not for us to say whether thc revolt of the Kaffirs is justified or not.
We are in Natal by virtue of British power. Our very existence depends upon it. It is therefore our duty to render whatever heip we
can [9].
The division between Indian and African was, in his eyes, not antagonistic yet both precise and proper. In a 1% letter he referred to
,,! (his question cleady and succfnctIy: 'We may entertain no aversion
,+ f<ailirs, but we cannot ignore 'the fact that there is no common
tat and many had businesses, or were linked with businesses, in Mauritius and India.
Most of the indentured Indians came from Madras, spoke Tamil
and were Hindus; most of the passenger Indians came from Gujarat,
spoke Gujatati and were Muslims.
The ex-indentured labourers, who did not re-indenture and who did
not return to India, took up small-scde cuitivation, became fishermen,
hawkers, waiters, small traders and - if they were educated -POlicemen, teachers, court interpreters and (exceptionalIy) lawyers. But
whatever trading success they attained, commerce always remained
marginal and was, distinctly and clearly, the preserve of the passenger
The passenger Indians came to trade and not to settle. They had no
identification crisis; they looked upon India as their country and did
not, during the whole of Gandhi's stay in South Africa, cease to regard
it as such. The ex-indentured Indians, in their majority, came to South
Africa in the hope of starting out again - came,in brief, as settlers. By
1908 one of their spokesmen could claim that he was colonial-born and
by implication not an 'Indian'[l6].
Gandhi aIways insisted that the Indians in South Africa, though
divided by caste, language, region and religion (not to mention class
and history), were united in their common bond to India. Being an Indian himself he could hardly help being aware of the many divisions
and the few but fundamental distinctions which made one Indian differ from the other, but he insisted, over and over again, that the Indians
were one:
and just as naturally endorsed Cecil John Rhodes' anti-democ l a t i ~formula of equal rights for all civiIjzed men. In 1895 he wrote: 'I
am confident that the Indians [and he was, of course, referring to the
passenger Indians] have no wish to see ignorant Indians who cannot
F ~ ~ ~ ibeb expected
to understand the value of a vote being placed on
[he Voters' List'[l9].
In 1mS he wrote that the Asiatic question was primarily a trade
qucstion[20J.Earlier, when a handful of colonial-born Indians (the socalled 'New Elite') dared to question the unrepresentative nature of
the Natal Indian Congress, he wodd scold them, charge them with
being ungrateful and admonish them for ignoring everything that Cong e s s had done for them. Emphases in Congress, he conceded, were
on trader interests (the dissidents thought traders and trader interests
too evidently monopolised the proceedings of Congress) but this he
considered inevitabIe and just:
If he Indian traders today loom Iarge at the Congress meetings, it
is because they are the most in danger; and if they were neglected
or allowed themselves to be neglected, who wilI sufkr? Certainly
the whole Indian community; for throughout the world it is the commercial class that supplies the sinews of war and even common sense
to the community or nation to which it belongsI211.
Two years later, in 1909,during the Passive Resistance Campaign, he
~ h anticipated
goodwill and political reward which was supposedt o accrue from the sacrifice made, in the main, by the labourers, was
tined not lor the vindication of all the Indians but for the exclusive
jication of the traders. In this respect Gandhi championed the
~ t of
s the Natal traders.
' All commentators, Gandhi included, agree that the meeting which
look place at the Empire Theatre, Fordsburg, Johannesburg on Tues,lay, 11 September 1% marked the beginning of the Passive Resist.~ncemovement[31]. Gandhi recorded that 'the business of the meeting
was conducted in Hindi or Gujarati', and that 'credit' for organi7ing it
was due to the Hamidia Islamic Society. a Johannesburg Muslim hen-.,-Icnt
society that was established in July 1906. The Hamidia Islamic
Socicty and the British Indian Association (a body formed in 1903)
lverc dominated by the Transvaal traders. The leaders of both organisalilons were often one and the same peoplc[32]. The moving spirit of
r he meeting was not Gandhi but Hajee Habib (or Sheth Haji Habib),
whom Gandhi described as 'a very old experienced resident of South
Africa'[?3J. Habib, more significantly, was also the brother of Dada
>AIXiulla. Dada Abdulla's extensive Natal-based busincss was one of
lilt biggest Indian commercial enterprises in South AfricaI34J.flabib
led; Gandhi, with some hesitation, followed. This is evident from the
translation of Habib's contribution:
I solemnly declare that I will never get myself registered again and
will be the first to go to goal. (Applause) I recommend the same
course to you all. Are you all prepared to take the oath? (The Assembly stood up to a man and said, 'Yes, we will go to gaol!') Only
I>y so doing shall we succeed. We tried this method in the days of
the Boer Government also. Some 40 of our men were once arrested
for trading without licenses. I advised them to go to gaol and not
seek release on bail. Accordingly, they all remained there without
offeringbail. I immediately approached the British Agent, who approved our action and ultimately secured justice for us. Now that a
British Government is in power the time has come for us to go to
"aol, and go we wi11[35].
Gan dhi might have suggested the tactic of gaol-going[%], and he did,
at least, help draft the all-important gaol-going resolution, but the tactic of defiance, and of going to prison was - as Habib's address testifies - a manner of protest native to the Transvaal traders long before
Gandhi ever thought of the idea. So at this stage Gandhi did not lead
the Transvaal traders; the Transvaal traders led him.
The Passive Resistance Campaign 'fed on jail sentences'13J. By
January 1908 one hundred and fifty-live were incarcerated and by
March 1909, one hundred and eleven[38]. But jail sentences, though
on occasion harsh, could not compare with deportations and withholding of trading licenses. Once the Transvaal Government started applying these, the movement lost its momentum, slid into a staIemate
and reached the doldrums by early 1909[39]. But whether the movement was at a crest or in a trough, the volunteers were nearly always
from the ex-indentured community a community that in the Transvaal
was in a minority[40].
A few traders, notably Ahmed Mohammed Cachalia, a Surri
Memon, 'one of the rarest among the Mahomedans' (as Gandhi dcscribed him), understood and met the sacrifices that had been dcmanded[4lj. But the vast majority of Transvaal traders supported the
movement on the understanding that it would protect them against
legislation seeking to destroy their businesses. By October 1907 it
dawned on them that they stood a better chance of preserving their
businesses with Smuts's Acts than with Gandhi's protests[42]. Hajee
Habib, the moving spirit, the firebrand of the all-important meeting at
the Empire Theatre, temporarily and conveniently left the TransvaaI
in December 19071431.
As early as November 1907, Gandhi was condemning the Memons
- the spearhead of the Indian trading class in the country districts of
the Transvaal for having given up the fight[44]. By March 1909 he admitted that with the exception of the Tamils and a handful of Parsis, all
the other sections of the community had abandoned the stmggle[45].
By June 1909the leaders of the Transvaal traders, anxious to terminate
the crisis, forced his hand and persuaded him, in spite of his reluctance
he was convinced his time would be better spent in jail - to lead a deputation to the British Government in London146l. He and Hajee
Habib - a recent adherent to the actual struggle, for he had not himself been to prisoa[47], and the initiator of the deputation idea - sailed
for England on 21 June 1909.
The hvo-men deputation failed to obtain a meeting with Generals
Botha and Smuts, who were there finalising the impending Union of
South Africa. But they did meet with Lord AmpthilI (the former Governor of Madras), who volunteered service as a kind of shuttle diplomat. Fromhis intelligence it was clear that General Botha was unwilling
bridge; and it was also clear that even if he were, hi5 white dectorwould persuade him to think again. General Botha, Lord Ampthill
:,SSUTF~ them, was prepared to concede unspecified reforms but these
categorically excluded the repeal of the Asiatic Act and the arnendnrcnt of the Immigration Restriction Act. Stubborness on the part of
rhe Indians, the General had added, would onIy invite trouble and increase hardship for themselves.
Habib's response, which was brief and a far cry from the uncumand moving September 1% Empire Theatre address, was
revealing and unedifying:
Gandhi, as has been seen, was impatient with the educated, mainly cnlonial-born Indians - the spokesmen of the labouring class Indians.
who protested about the
Indian Congress
with trader grievances. As for the labourers themselves, Gandhi did
protest about the coercive f3 tax, an impossibly onerous measure dcsigned to force the labourers either into re-indenture or into repatriation; but there is no indication that he ever visited a sugar plantation.
a tea or coffee estate, a coal mine or any of the other places that housed
and emploved Indians in large nurnbers[541.
His attitude is perham nit difficult understand. for he believed
that whilc they were an asset to Natal's economy, they nevertheless 05'
their status, their appearance, their ignorance and their poverty gave
an un.: ..tering and disparaging impression of Indian; and he had implied as much when (in 1902) he observed that in a sense, the Indians
themselves were to blame for the feeling of hatred they engendered
among the colonials; for had theybeen followed or repreientcd 'by bet-
However, in 1905he stated that there was 'no remedy' and that the onlv
solution was reconciliation with the fact of the law[62]. Later, upon hi;
return from the first deputation to England (in 19M), he made a stop
at Verulam, an ex-indenture stronghold. The welcome committee
wanted to know if there was any prospect of the tax being repealed.
Gandhi replied that they had put up a stiff fight when the tau was imposed but that at present it was very difficult tn obtain any redress in
the matter[63]. Familiarity, habit andfait accompli were not the real
reasons why thc tax was not 'a plank in the platform' of the passive resistance campaign before 1913.Gandhi, with his lawyer's mind and with
his conviction that law was religion and religion was law, had persuaded
himself that the distinction between an indentured and an immigrant
Indian was clear and sharp: free Indian immigration was a matter of
Imperial policy; indentured labour was a matter of 'contract and bargain'[64].
The U tax had no place in the strugle before 1913 because the
problems of the indentured labourers, the ex-indentured labourers and
the tax were, as far as principle was concerned, peripheral to India's
relations with Britain. To Gandhi's way of thinking, the tax was not an
Empire issue. It only became one when it was not repealed - non-repeal was a breach of faith with Gokhde and, therefore, an insult to
India. He appealed to the Indian miners of Newcastle to come out on
strike not because they had been abused and exploited (he had admitted that he had no quarrel with the rnine-owners) but because
India's honour had been put at stake. H e told a group of strikers, during one stage of the march, that they had come out 'not as indentured
labourers but as servants of India'[65].
Pay and conditions were not Gandhi's concern; the inspiration behind his struggle, whatever it might have been, was not a pro-labour
Gan dhi's trust in this declaration, which he called 'the Magna Charta
of ttte Indians', and his faith in the British Empire ('Hardly ever have I
kn A n anybody to cherish such loyalty as I did lo the British Consti-tution') remained fast and fmed until 1919; that is, a full four years after
he had left South Africa[@]. In a 1908 speech he declared, 'The British Constitution taught us, it taught me when yet a child that every British 5iubject was to be treated on a footing of equality in the eye of the
law ~ 9 1 .
Flis years of study in England (1887-1891) reinforced his childhood
-victions. England was to him the centre of civilisation, the land of
ts, philosophers, intellectuals and statesmen - the land whose Emwas benevolent, altruistic, impartial and wlour-blind. These con01
,ice of Her then advisers, in whom the voters, by their votes, had
,cpnsed their full trust. India belong to England and England doer
-7t wish to lose her hold of India. Every act done by a Briton tolrds an Indian cannot but have some effect in moulding the final
lations between Britons and Indians[76].
t c he abandoned reference to the Proclamation,realising that not
The position of the Indian leaders is that they will tolerate no law
which does not put them on an equality with Europeans in regard
t-o restriction on imrnigation . ..They insist on equality in the terms
of law itself. It is true that this claim is not always put forward in SO
many words. It generally appears in the demand for admission of a
small number of educated Indians. It is agreed - and the argument
deserves consideration that a community such as the Asiatic com-
munity of the TsansvaaE requires the services and the moral in.
fluence of a certain number of educated men. It is on this argument
that Mr. Gandhi appeals for sympathy to the European communitv
here and to the people of England. But behind it is the claim which
he has never given up nor abated that tlrere n~iutbe notlzing i t 1 the
law wlziclz imposes on the immigration ofAsiatics reshiclions which
are not imposed on Europeans[83].
Gandhi was aware of Duncan's views and he acknowledged, while specifically referring to the article that contained the passage just cited,
that Duncan had 'truly analysed the struggle't841. Gandhi, of course,
had no intention of 'flooding' the white-dominated parts of the British
Empire with British Asiatics, what he wanted to safeguard was not the
principle of Indian immigration as such, but the principle of Empire
equality. This to him was neither quixotic nor foolish but quintessential; for he made an important, though subtle, distinction between theory and practice: 'theory should be sound, though one may fail to carry
it out in practice'. Safeguarding theory was obeying the law of higher
nature; departing from it in practice was giving in to the temptation OF
base human natuseI851. However negative a practice may be, it shouId
never, he protested, be enshrined in law.
To Gandhi, allowing in theory an educated brown Briton to enter
South Africa like a white Briton put India's relations with Britain on a
par, ensured reciprocily and engendered mutual respect[86J.It is with
this ideal in mind thal he wrote: 'We are not fighting on behalf of the
educated or the highly educated but for India's honour'[87].
Preserving 'India's honour' meant, in one sense, that his view of the
Empire and the status of India's part in that Empire stood fast; and this
preservation was paramount because he sincerely and ardently believed that the meeting of Englishmen and Indians was providential:
an advantage not only lor themselves but also for mankind[@].
It is difficult to understand the motives of Gandhi's actions in South
Africa without taking into account the development of Indian nationalism in India. To cover the subject adequately would, of course, be inappropriate here, but it suffices to note that some of the principal
events between 1885, when the Indian National Congress held its
first meeting, and 1914, when the First World War broke out, coincide
remarkably with the rise of Gandhi En South Africa. In 1891 TiEak, a
'left nationalist' in opposition to the more moderate 'Iiberal nationalists' like GokhaIe, openly opposed the British authorities and accuscd
;\ hb
1 1 3 E.A.
Walker (d.),
Camhndge h i s f n ofthe
British Emy'm, vol VITI, South Africa
( ~ , ,cd.
i Cmtrridge,
c,,V T / urise of South Afrira (bndon, 191h1930, repr. Cape Town, 1 %S), 5 vola.
"S .IS, I Dictionary ofSr~uth@ran h;ogrph., vol I. ed by WJ. & Kock ( C a p Town,
Behind that struggle for concrete rights lay the p e a t spirit which
asked for an abstract principle, and the fight which was undertaken
in 1906, although it was a fight against a particuiar law, was a fight
undertaken in order to cornhat the spirit that. . .was about. . . to
undermine the glorious British Constitution.
The choice, it went on to point out, was between 'two courses': either
he and his compatriots break with the British Empire or they fight to
preserve the ideal of the Constitution[93].
Gandhi's attachment to India was pious, his adherence to its nationalism was mystical and his commitment to itsimage as'motherland'
was devout. ? think of my love for the Motherland', he admitted, 'as an
aspect of my religion'[94]. T o him, serving India was equivalent to sening God. And since, as he often said, 'truth is God, or God is nothing
but truth'[951, fighting the good fight for India was equivalent to fighting the good fight for 'truth'. The fight that Gandhi led in South Af'rica was not a race or class strugle (nor even an individual or personal
struggle) but a national struggle - a struggle on behalf of truth, God
and India.
DSM,1U Dirfionary s$Sou#hAfiicon biagmphy, vot Ill, cd. by D.W.Krugcr and CJ. Bc,
E (
CavTown, 197).
5W Tears C.F.J. Muller (ed.), Five hrr ndred year.7: A /isfor)-of Sordh Africa (2nd rev. ed.
Pretnna, 1975).
1Ii.toq G.M. Theal, Histoff cfSouth Africa. I 1 vols (London, 1888- 19 19, rep. Cape Town,
1. Gandhi in Smlk W c a : British imperialism and the Indian question, (Ithaca and Lon.
don.. 197 1 ,.
). 177.
2. Collected waorks of Mahatma Gandhi. I-XU (New Dclhi, 1858- I W ) , (hereafter refto as CTV), 'Statement of the Tramvaal Indian ca$e', 16 July 1906, IX,2%. Zle also sai4
'We certainly appreciate the sentiment that the country being suitable for European scule.
mcnl it should be kept for them so far 2s it is consistent with the %I!-being of thc Empire
as a whole'. 'With what measure', Indian Opinion. I I June 1903, CW. EI,337.
Indian Opinion, 24 September 1903, CW,Q
3. 'The labour question in thc Tr-vaal',
4. 'Letter to Dr Porter', Indian Opinion, 9 April 1904, CW,TV, 1M)-I.
5. 'My experience in gaol[- I J', Indian Opinion, 7 March 1908, CW,VIII. 135.
6. 'The Coloured People's petition'. Indian Opinion, 24 March 1%. CW,V, 24 1-2.
7. 'Letter to Ministrr of Education', 5 September 1905, Indian Opinion, CW, V,
8. M.K. Gandhi, An autobiography or my experiments with truth, (Ahmedabad 1927, mprinted. 1972). 235.
9. 'The Natal rebellion' Indian Opinion, 14 April 1906, CW, V, 282.
10. Letter to W.T. Stead 16 Novcmber 1906. CW, VI. 168.
11. 'My wcond e x ~ r i e n c eIn goal[-III]', CW. D(. 149: see also 'The fwt-path bye-law',
Indian Opinion, IV, 105 and 'Letter to W.T. Stead', V1, 168.
17. 'My experience in gaol[-I]', Indian Opinion, 7 March 1908, CW,VIII, 135.
13. Maureen Swan. Gandhi: The South African experience (Johannesburg. 1985),
14. Maurcen Swan, Gandhi. chapter or=, 'Merchant? and migrants: social stratitication a d
politics', 1-37. Rut d ~ author
(in 'Ideology in organised Indian politics, 1891- 1948' in, The
olitics of race, class und Nationalism in twentieth rentrrry Sortth Africa. 182-204) rndifies
some of these categories and introduces furthcrdistinctions when she refers to 'lowermiddle
classes', 'emerging elite', 'big traders', 'petty traders' and 'the white-collar/pctiy-trader
elite' - the=, it seems. reveal theextreme fluidity andchallenge, not to say the incmsistcncies, of such sociological clratificatianr u definitions.
15. See Ii. Tinker, A new system of sfmwry (London, 1974).
16. See Maureen Swan, Gmdbi. 17. Later, when thc Transvaaf Gavcmment deported some
of these ex-indentured Indians because of h i t pawive rtsicfam, Gandhi would ask their
wives and children if they wanted to join their husbands and fathers in India ?heir indignant reply was: 'Ifow can we? We were brought to this country as children, and we do not ,
know anybody in India. We would rather perish here than go toIndia, which is aforeign land
o us.' 'letlor to G.K. Gokhale', CW,X. 232.
17. 'To Satyagrahis and other Indians', 13 October 1904 Indian Opinion, 17 October 198,
in South Afrca, (Ahmedabad, 1928, reprint ad. 1972). 93 and
18. M.K. G a n d ~ iSaryograhn
19. 'The Indian franchise'. I(< Decenther J895, CW, 1, 2734; see also 'Lord M i l r ~ on
r the
i a t i c question', l?zdianOpinion, l l June 1903, CU',111, 336.
20. 'Interview to The Trann~mlLeader', 21, 21 August 1908, Indian Opinion, 22 August
1908. CW,VUI, 468.
2 I . 'A mare's I K S ~ ' ,Indian Opinion, 26 January 1907, CW,VI,290- 1.
2. "k
Transvaal struggle', Indian Opinion, 2 Fcbruary 1909, CW,IX,184.
3. 'Thelndian offer' 19 October 1899, CW, 111, 1 13-4.
47. M a u m n Tayal observes (in 'Indian passive resistance in tie Transvaal', 261) that
IIahib's 'lightening switch from conciliation to resister had ,secured him a nomination as
delegate'. Gandhi's comment on Habib's 'switch' is generous as well a? telling: 'it was a
mawr of regrct for many Indians that Mr Hajee Ilabib, who had served the comnlunity over
many yeam, had shown himselfweak. Now that he is if1full form again, the community feels
happy'. 'Deputation'. Indian Opinion, 19 June 1909. CW,IX, 2.57.
41). Sa@agraha in South Africa, 209 (emphasis addcd).
49. Ihid, 2 10.
50. Ibid, 21 I.
51. rhid, m.
5 2 'Sarvodaya[-Vm]', Indian Opinion, 4 July 1908. CW. VIII, 337-39.
53. Marmcn Swan, Gandhi. 178 and 108.
54. [hid, 1 14.
55. 'Spcah at Calcutta meeting'. 19 January 1902,
56- See CW,I, 360; and AtrfohiograpI~~v,
I 1 4.
57. See Frene Ginwala, 'Class. cormciomness and control: Indian South Africans 18W
I % ' , PhD. thesis, Oxford. 1974. 1534.
58- Huttenback, G d t i in South Afiiro, 3 0 .
59. Saqagraha in Soufhqfricu, 246. h is suggested that Ganr&i suddenly in 191I: that i?
before the coming oiGokhale, bccarne conscious of the f 3 Tax being 'the marit pmxsingof
South African Indians' problems' (Maureen Swan, Gandhi, 215). but the evidence for {hia .
contention is - if not mi.splaced - rather tenuous.
60. ' l i e indenture tax'. Indian Opinion, 7 April 1906, CW, V,257-9. C7):X.
6 1. Saiyagraha in S o ~ r Africa,
62. 'Indentured Indians', Indian Opinion, 22 April 1905, CW,IV,417.
63. 'Reply to welcome addre%.at Verulam', 29 January I W , I n d i m Opinion, 5 January
1907, CW,W, 261.
64. 'An hqiatic policy', Indian Opinion, 19 May 1906, CW, V, 3 18. This was a reply to a
series of articles in the Rand Dai1,vMaiI by L.E. Neame, which was later expanded and pub
lished as The Asiafir danger in the c01onie.v (london, 1907).
65. 'The last satyagraha campaign: my expcrience', Golden number, Indian Opinion, 1914,
CW, X I , 5 12- 13.
66. '1,ord Ampthill'. Indian Opinion, 29 June 1907. CIV. VII. 62-3.
67. 'The Roclamation of IR58', I d i o n Opinim, 9 Juty 1903, CR'.
358. It should be
noted tha this adherence to the British Empire principle was not unique toGarwthi. Without
imprudence it would k fair to state that every nationalist in every British colony d h e d to
the same principle with the same degrcc of conviction. See. for example, tllc case of &
Kirnberley African elitc (conlemporarics of Gandhi) in B. Willan,'An African in K i n k r ley: Sol 'I: Plaatje. 1894- 1898' in Sltula Marks and R. Rathbone (4s.). lndruttidi.wli~n~nri
social change in Soulh Africa (London. 1982). 241-42.
128; and 14uttenback. Gandhi in Sor~tlrAfnca. 82.
68. Autobio~raph.~,
69. 'Speecll at m a s meeting', 23 August 1908, Indian Opinion, 29 August and 12 September 1908. CR: VQ 475.
70. Fixher. Thr [if4 ofMaha1ma GandIu, 4 1.
7 1. 'Thc Empire haq k e n built up a? it is on a foundation of justice a d equity. It ha- earned
a world-wide reputation for its anxiety ;vld ability to protect the weak against the strong. It
is the acts of peace and mercy. rather than those of war, that have made it what it is'. 'Tk
anti-Asiatic convention and the British Indian meeting'. Indian Opinion, 26 Novemkr 1904.
CR', rV,302.
it must also hE borne in mind that at the turn of the century two Indians: Dadabhai Naom
ji and Sir Manche j e e Bhownaggree. were able to win, and occupy seats in the British Parliament. See Huttenback, Gandhi in South Africa, VIU,
72. 'True imperialisnl', Indian Opinion, 2 July 1903, CW, In, 355. See also'lndia and Natal'.
'The Voice of India', 3 1 May 1902, CW, U1.252, wherc he s h k s : 'There can bz no true imperialism unless we have oneness, harmony and toleration among all classes of British sub
73. 'Tribute to Queen Victoria', The NalalAd~*er!iser,2 February 1901, CW,nI, 175.
74. See the illustration oppositc 184, in CU', 1U.
75. Quoted in 'Ihe tnemorial to Mr Chamberlain'. 6 April 1897. CW, 11, 282.
76. 'The Indian franchise', CW, I, 280.
77. 'Ihe second reading*,Indian Opinion, 17 May 1913, CW, XI, 72. Plaatjc in South hfrica. in 1917. referred to ttc 'wonderful serse of British justice'. See B. Willian~~olPlc&:
932. 2 13.
South Afncan n a t i o ~ l i s 1876-1
78. 'lxtter to J.C. Gibson', 6 January 1910, Indian Opinion, 10 Dccembcr 1910, CR'. X.
79. 'Gokhale's speech in Bombay', 14 December 1912, Indian Opinion, 25 January and
February 1913, CIV. XI, 586.
80. Letter to Gandhi, l l September 1909, CW, IX,588.
81. GarIdhi, in mfemng to Schmincr's offer, noted that though the Cape Politician was honet
to realiw - bcrauw he was convinced that
in hiIS opinions, he nevertklcs~w a unablc
ans were an inferior people - that it was insulting to allow six Miam to e n k r a5 a
ffmour. 'Deputation notcsf-m]', lndion Opinion, 18 September 1W. CW, DL.
92. L
to the Indian press. 12 Novcnibcr 1909, CU: IX,538-9. Perhaps thc clcarest
=npre=ion of this idea hy Gandhi is to be found in the speech he made in London on 1'2
Novcrnlxr IYO9. 'He must pause and zsk hin~,selfwhat was he meaning of the British
Constit L tio on. Did it not confer equality upon the different membeo of tlx: Empire
compriscd in the British Con$titution? He could understand that. Ile could consent to
remain ;asubject of an Empire baxed upon this principle, but, in the light of hisex:,he must declare it waq utterly impossible for him to give his allegiance to an
in which t~ waq not to be h a t e d , even in fheory. as an equal of any other
of that Empire. If he way to be treated as an inferior. then lie would never
> a position of equaIity. I-Ie might bc contcnt to be a member of an Empire in
e participated to the extent even of one per cent share, but if he was to bc merely
rhen tlle Empire had absolutely no rrleanil~gfor him. lhe k n n British srhjerr
nvrr: meaningless to him, and it was this effect of that lyjslation that l r would
rnptcss upon tta meeting, and which they had k n feeling for the last throe
liis legislation of the Colony of the Transvaal was cutting at the root of the British
and in resisting tlx: doctrine iniplied by such legislation, they had been rendering
c not only to British India but to the British Empirc'. 'Spoech at farewell meeting'.