Blackwater Transcript One
Blackwater Transcript One
Blackwater Transcript One
4 Plaintiff,
. Washington, D.C.
5 v. , October 22,2009
. 2:00 p.m.
6 PAUL SLOUGH, et al,
7 Defendant.
For the Defendant Mallon & McCool, LLC
2 Ball: By: Steven J. McCool, Esquire
1776 K Street, Northwest
3 Washington, D.C. 20006
For the Defendant Coffield Law Group, LLP
5 Liberty: By: William F. Coffield, IV, Esquire
1330 Connecticut Avenue, Northwest
6 Washington, D.C. 20036
4 A. Raymond Hulser.
17 assistance?
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21 A. 1990.
25 Q. ;Mr. Hulser, I'd like to have you turn your attention then
4 A. Yes.
5 Q. Would you tell -theCourt how you were first notified that
9 Attorney General, and from Sigal Mandelker who was at that time
13 Q. Had you had any experience prior to this case dealing with
14 Garrity issues?
17 well.
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18 Q. Did Mr. Campbell tell you generally what your role was
25 assignment, what were some of the first steps that you took?
3 case.
13 remove the case -- it was decided to remove the case from the
14 criminal division.
15 Q. And in doing so, did you find out -- strike that. When
16 that occurred, who did you find out you would be working with
18 Division?
21 section, and I also had contact briefly with Ken Wainstein, who
3 speed on what the issues would be, and help work through some
5 the FBI.
16 A. I did.
22 A. Yes.
25 A. Yes.
5 statements.
8 A. Yes.
9 Q. Shortly after starting work, did you have any contact with
11 A. I did.
16 identification.
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20 A. Yes.
22 A. Yes.
2 Department, and a copy of the memo that John Morton and I wrote
4 Security Division.
13 A. It is.
16 A. Yes.
18 A. Right.
20 Office?
21 A. Right.
24 for DOJ?
State Department's side, and the DOJ FBI side in order to make
11 incident like this, the assumption was they needed to get there
22 Q. Did you take any steps in these early days to address the
7 A. Yes.
8 Q, Now, it's an e-mail. Could you tell the Court what this
9 e-mail reflects?
13 shooting.
21 the embassy and in the RSO, who had been involved in reviewing
6 including both Main Justice and .the FBI, would you briefly
7 summarize for the Court who is on the clean team, and who is
16 clean team, and that the FBI would identify individuals who had
18 Q. Now, you described a minute ago that there was this memo
21 A. Right.
24 A. Yes, sir.
2 A. Right.
4 Mr. Morton?
6 had been involved for a bit longer than I had by the time we
7 sent this.
17 NSD to help coordinate the whole affair with the FBI, the State
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19 Q. Was that person assigned within the first day of when you
22 Q. And the next bullet after that, would you read that one?
23 A. The need to address basic questions about how the FBI team
address the issue that's set out there about how the FBI and
23 from them.
1 Okay?
2 A. Yes.
3 Q. Did you come to learn that the FBI actually did ultimately
5 A. Yes.
7 what are you doing here back in Washington as your role as the
9 under way?
10 A. One of the things we did while the FBI was there was, we
13 taint or filter attorney, any materials that the FBI might want
17 team?
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18 A. Yes.
21 Q. And with regards to how the FBI when they got to Baghdad
24 A. We spoke about requests that came from the FBI while they
5 Q. Did there come a time where you and Mr. Tampio decided to
11 A. Yes.
18 general advice that you would give to Mr. Mullaney for the FBI
21 were you telling Mr. Mullaney that the FBI should -- how they
25 the scene immediately after the shooting, and proceed that way
5 Exhibit 54 to DOJ-001500.
6 A. Yes.
9 A. It is.
10 Q. And could you read the last sentence of the third full
12 begins "unfortunately"?
18 A. It did.
22 protocol?
24 this exhibit.
1 54?
2 A. Yes.
4 A. Yes.
5 Q. And the two pages that follow that e-mail, which are Bates
8 Q. And if you would just explain how this works. You have
10 implemented?
12 making sure that the people in Baghdad had this in their hands
14 the RSO personnel fell within it. If they were on the tainted
17 them, they could have contact with the FBI, and they might be
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18 points of contact.
21 modified by the FBI if they found that there were some issues
2 A. I did not get involved with that. One of the things I did
3 through this process was to make sure Mr. Tampio understood the
8 that are listed under the first category for the RSO Baghdad
14 them, so that we could make sure that they were not in contact
18 not?
20 that there had been statements given before and after the sworn
1 A. It was categorical.
4 looks like the fourth and the fifth bullets. Do you see the
8 A. Yes.
13 can't say as I sit here today, that I know what body, what
14 government entity in Iraq was doing it, but I believe that the
16 Q. And did you come to learn that the Defense Department also
21 were you aware of any other U.S. government agency that was
24 investigation.
25 Q. Now, the bullet right below that, the one that begins, do
5 A. Yes.
6 Q. Now, was this your advice for DS and FBI as to how they
10 Team 23 members.
11 Q. Could you just describe briefly how you and Mr. Mott
18 voluminous DOD materials, find out how they had conducted their
23 to take out?
4 were being asked by the DOD person versus the DOS person or
5 not? ,
10 A. I did.
13 file?
19 Q. After the FBI had been on the ground for a little over a
23 investigation?
24 A. I did.
3 A. Since I had sat down with the people who were on the clean
5 why we had met and what I was conveying to them. This was
12 investigation?
19 determines that that was a reasonable view that they had, that
24 with Mr. Mullaney, but I'm fairly certain we talked about that.
25 Q. And, again this is early on, did you feel yourself that
1 you had complete command over what the interview process was
3 incident or not?
7 exposed to.
9 you read the second sentence of the first full paragraph that
20 A. Yes, sir.
22 refers to some work as you described just a moment ago that you
24 A. Yes.
2.5 Q. Could you read the highlighted sentence that begins "the
4 Q. What would have been your basis for knowing that at that
9 A. Yes.
10 Q. And could you read the sentence that begins "the FBI is
11 free."
13 RSO.
14 Q. To your knowledge, did the FBI then follow that advice and
17 Q. All right. In the e-mail you just read, one of the first
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18 things you talked about was this issue about media, people
23 media?
6 A. Yes.
8 Exhibit 55.
15 A. Yes.
18 A. Yes.
22 was about the shooting incident, and said it was another day he
1 A. Yes.
2 Q. And what was the purpose of you sending him that e-mail?
4 Times that I reviewed and passed on to him because they did not
6 Q. And then if you could please turn the page to the next
7 e-mail.
8 A. Yes.
15 compelled statement.
17 the taint filter process is set up, are you in direct contact
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21 Q. And did you have a view as far as how your guidance would
24 making sure that the directions were given, and that I would
4 just explain that, who is on the clean side who is on the dirty
5 side.
9 THE COURT: The clean team are the people who are
13 beginning Mr. Mullaney, then AUSA Kohl, and the other members
14 of the FBI team. The individuals who were looking at the taint
17 the FBI.
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20 filter team.
24 bit more. Apart from Mr. Mott, Mr. Hulser, did anyone else
1 Apart from Mr. Mott and Mr. Tampio, were there any
2 other attorneys assisting you with the taint review from the
4 A. No.
8 A. Yes.
11 A. Yes.
14 A. I told Mr. Mullaney and Mr. Roan that there was an article
17 it was a reminder.
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19 your reminder?
2 1 not to read these articles. Ken Kohl the AUSA in D.C. on the
5 Q. And did you come to learn about this request while they
8 had made.
9 Q. Okay. And what was your reaction to the, just the general
13 the individuals who had done the shooting might have given
21 on the tainted side of the house and make sure that the FBI and
24 concern you had about the FBI getting access to these prior
25 incident files?
1 A. Yes, I did.
3 have you turn your attention towards the back of it, the Bates
4 number is DOJ-001556.
5 A. Yes.
8 A. Yes.
10 reflect?
19 what the clean FBI team should avoid concerning the statements,
12 the RSO?
13 A. I did not.
16 FBI would be permitted to see and which ones they should avoid?
22 clean team stay away from all of the statements given by the
23 Team 23 members.
4 the earliest statements let's say, let's say the September 16th
16 please.
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20 2007, okay?
1 at this time.
6 concerning this exhibit, could you describe for the Court the
8 after the FBI gets back for that falllwinter of 2007? What
clean team, the FBI agents and the AUSAs that were
that Mr. Tampio advised me of, where the FBI, the investigative
18 them, literally blocking them out, redacting them out, and then
22 is marked as DOJ-001657.
23 A. Yes.
6 January 8, 2008.
10 e-mails, correct?
11 A. Yes.
7 DOJ-001655, and the next page, does that reflect some of your
9 A. Yes.
14 A. Yes.
1 Q. And then what would be you looking for when you got the
2 documents?
6 Q. And then just finish the process. What would you do once
9 categorical no, they can't have this document. And the other
13 portions that I thought the clean team should not have, and
19 A. Yes.
8 front ofyou?
9 A. I do.
11 you learned that the clean team, the investigating team, wanted
13 A. Yes.
14 Q. And what was your reaction to the notion that they could
19 for what kind of information they hoped to get from the RSO?
21 get information from anyone on the tainted side about what the
2 A. Yes.
5 A. They were asking to speak with the RSO and his deputy, and
6 my response back to Mr. Mullaney was, are you sure you need to
8 decide later that you absolutely must talk to them, and then
11 how much do you need to talk to them. And then I explain why I
12 had concerns about the statements that took place even before
16 A. Yes, I do.
19 Mr. Mullaney?
20 A. Yes.
23 recall that?
24 A. Yes.
7 A. Yes.
9 that reflect an e-mail from you to Mr. Tampio dated January 15,
10 2008?
18 A. Yes.
7 this point.
12 cross-examination.
16 morning.
22 memo in this case. And what that is, that's a memo prepared by
23 the prosecutors, Mr. Kohl and Mr. Malis, that goes to the very
14 cross-examine them.
17 the evidence and the taint issue, but in conversations with Mr.
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19 have not been able to get the document. And because they're
23 to.
3 dealing with the issue that Mr. Schertler raised concerning his
11 and their notes to see if there was any other Brady, but also
16 GarrityIKastigar issue.
22 prosecutors for how they're going to try their case and how
25 for .the defense to have that under the guise of the Kastigar
8 for that.
12 documents right now that have legal debates, and we're going to
14 Mr. Hulser and Mr. Kohl about what the law requires for Garrity
25 They are asking Mr. Hulser what his thought process was. They
2 Mr. ~ a l i and
s Mr. Kohl what their thought process was. And how
7 brief period, they never should have gotten hold of. This is
18 even when Mr. Kohl is asking and taking evidence in this case
19 that Mr. Hulser has said is tainted, and we'll see that
20 tomorrow --
25 issue?
2 think the only thing they're holding out on is what Mr. Hulser
3 was talking about today, which are the December 16th oral
10 memo where they lay out their evidence. They're not going to
15 16th--
17 September.
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25 are good to go, and Mr. Hulser says, no, these statements are
3 we've already been given some evidence of it, which falls right
8 can't give us, part of the work product and withhold the rest
12 is where the rubber meets the road, is, Mr. Hulser was
22 jury?
2 Mr. Murphy --
4 Kohl, when he says, no, this is good stuff, this is fine, this
14 be the judge of this evidence, and he says, stay away from it,
21 shouldn't get it. They're saying time and again, don't get the
23 the prosecutors are doing everything they can to get the oral
1 statements.
3 not only is he accessing this material that he's being told not
4 to, but that at some point he also, and we believe the evidence
7 that he's getting this stuff. And this is the kind of stuff
10 impeach Mr. Kohl based on what Mr. Hulser said by showing that
15 by the fact that the expert from DOJ who is put in by the real
17 don't. And Ken says, yes. And he says, don't. And Ken goes
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18 and does it. But Ken's words, even more so, as would be found
22 Mr. Hulser and did not take his expert advice about using
23 certain evidence, and then ask him what that evidence is,
1 very good impeachment with what we're going to hear and what we
2 have already heard from Mr. Hulser and what we've seen in the
10 the sense that the heavy weight witnesses are about to hit the
11 stand right now, the prosecutors who made the decisions, the
12 ones who knowingly walked into the mine field of taint. And
15 Mr. Hulser said, but we also think it's impeachment with what
17 own words, like this pros. memo, then he can deny it, and we
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19 ability to impeach.
1 everything. They have all the grand jury testimony, they have
2 the grand jury minutes about what Mr. Kohl said in front of the
3 grand jury.
11 differing legal opinion from Mr. Hulser, they have all that.
-21 this.
25 evidence.
3 what you've got and what you want, and considering that what
5 trial book, the thinking that's gone into the formation of the
10 I'd like to say, but discretion being the better part of valor,
14 302s of Mia Johnson and her Powerpoint, and I'd ask that they
19 received in evidence.)
22 (Proceedings concluded.)
Linda L. Russo, RPR
8 Virginia CCR No: 03 13 102
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