CargoMax USB Pro 2 Manual
CargoMax USB Pro 2 Manual
CargoMax USB Pro 2 Manual
Sign Convention
Stowage Factor
Drafts Page
Trimming Page
Trim by Draft
Trim by Cargo
Passage Consumptions
Sag Effect
Hatch Breakdown
Report Page
Hydrostatic Graphs
File Structure
System Requirements
It is a self-contained system that can be used on any PC which has Microsoft Excel
installed. It is portable and transportable, containing over 5000 ships.
There is also a version for Windows Tablets which provides the convenience of
calculations on the run.
The ship data page is the default page. It comprises of the ship name, ship data, hatch
data (LCGs cubic capacities & tanktop limits) and draft mark distances. There are six
blue buttons on the right of every page. These buttons include ship data, drafts,
trimming, hatches, report and hydrostatics and are used to navigate around the program.
Click on these buttons to open the required page. Other buttons on this page are;
Change to a different ship in the database or work area.
Load and save your work.
Used to find a sister hull form with the same hydrostatics.
Sign convention
There are two sections the one on the left shows all ships in the Ships Data
folder and the one on the right shows ships in the work folder. There are over
5000 ships in the database so to find a ship select the first letter of the name of
the ship at the top then scroll down to your vessel. You can either load it from
the main database or move a copy of it to the work folder and use it from there.
This is recommended. The work area is only designed to save up to 40 surveys
so keep this area clean. Once finished with a vessel you can delete it from the
work area using the button at the bottom right to keep it clean. This will not
delete the vessel from the database. If you have created a new ship and want to
add it to the database you can move it back to the database with the lower Move
arrow. All files are saved to and from the key so are portable and can be used on
any host PC running excel.
Stowage Factor
The stowage factor page will tell you how much cargo will fit based on the cubic
capacities on the data page. It is particularly useful for volumetric cargoes like coal
which can fill the space. The units are given in ft3/tonne and also converted to m3/tonne.
Enter the stowage factor in the yellow cell and check to see how much cargo will fit in
each hatch. Hit the Return button to go back to the data page.
When planning the cargo distribution it is advisable not to load the trimming holds more
than 97% full. This is in case the shore scale is more than the draft survey figure thereby
leaving more cargo for trimming. Most loading facilities calibrate their belt error to be
higher than the draft survey as a means of having a small safety margin during the
Drafts Page
Enter drafts, density and weights in the yellow cells for the appropriate survey. There
are 4 areas of draft entry. Use the Int1 & Int2 sections for trimming. Make sure the data
you have entered is consistent with the ships condition. i.e. check the feedback below
the drafts to make sure it is correct. The trim, hog/sag and list are all key indicators.
Before going to the trimming page ensure that the interim survey drafts, density and
variables have been entered correctly. The known weights entered in the Int1 can
quickly be brought through to Int2 & Final using the
Trimming Page
The trimming page can be used after the interim survey drafts and known weights have
been entered. This can be from either INT 1 or INT 2. Ensure that figures in these
sections are complete and correct before trimming. On this page you can select from:
Trim by Draft, Trim by Cargo or Passage consumption. Each of these are
discussed in the following pages. The trimming calculations are done using the
hydrostatic data and simultaneous equations. Ensure the hydrostatics are complete and
that you checked the graphs for them.
You will generally be trimming in two hatches. To select or de-select the hatches simply
click on them. If only one hatch is selected there will be calculation errors. If you wish
to load in more than 2 hatches, you can do so by entering the required amount in each
hatch. This can be done as a trial and error type calculation until the required drafts
are achieved. Use this method if topping up volume limited hatches, or to load max/min
ranges for different grades.
When trimming, the drafts calculated will include the deflection of the vessel as it was
at the interim survey. It is up to your professional judgement to allow for any changes to
the vessels deflection during the trimming pours.
Trim by Draft
Use Trim by Draft to load to your desired maximum midship draft. Enter this draft
and required trim in the yellow cells and select the 2 trimming hatches so that they are
highlighted in green. Use the buttons to the right of the trim to select by stern or by
head. The resultant trimming pours and expected drafts are calculated automatically.
To load to the summer draft, with an allowance for dock water density, click on the
loadline button
. Red overloading warnings will appear if the summer draft is
exceeded. This warning does not however take dock water allowance into account.
Trim by Cargo
Use Trim by Cargo to load to a particular cargo figure. Enter this cargo figure and
required trim in the yellow cells and select the 2 trimming hatches so that they are
highlighted in green. Use the buttons to the right of the trim to select by stern or by
head. The resultant trimming pours and expected drafts (at perpendiculars and marks)
are calculated automatically. Red overloading warnings will appear if the summer draft
is exceeded. This warning does not however take dock water allowance into account.
Passage Consumption
This area is used to calculate the bodily rise and change of trim during the passage. Use
this section for loadings that are restricted by arrival draft limits. Enter the LCGs of
fuel and fresh water tanks that will be used enroute. Enter the required data in the
yellow cells to calculate the required departure draft and trim at the loading port. The
departure draft and trim are given in the green cells at the bottom. Always double check
with the ships loadicator to confirm these figures.
Sag Effect
Hatch Breakdown
To enter the survey and cargo times click on the CHANGE DATES button. The Hatch
Breakdown calculation can be done at the interim survey or at the final survey. It may
be useful to conduct it at the interim survey to monitor different grade max/min ranges.
Tanktop limits can be monitored here to ensure limits are not exceeded. To do the
breakdown calculation enter the shore scale grades and values in the yellow cells and hit
the appropriate calculation button. You can print this calculation using the printer button
Report Page
The draught survey report page displays all the important information used and
calculated in the survey. The yellow cells at the top are used to describe the voyage.
When the survey is complete you can print the survey report using the
button at the
top. This report is a good place to check your manual calculations at each step through
the process.
Hydrostatics Page
This page holds the ships hydrostatics data for Displacement, TPC, LCF and
MTC These values are entered in the yellow cells at 20 centimetre draft intervals. The
CargoMax program will interpolate between the appropriate values.
The graph can be used to identify and significant errors in the hydrostatics data. An
abnormal spike in a graph is an indication that there is an error. To swap between
graphs click on the buttons bellow the graph.
By default the hydro range will be from 2.0m to 20m but if you are on a deeper vessel
you can hit the Big Ship button to allow hydros from 6m to 24m to be entered.
If moulded tables are used you can enter the keel thickness in (m) at the top left. e.g.
0.022 will be entered for a keel thickness of 22mm.
Hydrostatics Graphs
This is the graph for displacement vrs draught and shows up as linear
This is the graph for LCF vrs draught and shows a smooth curve.
Hydrostatics Graphs
Always check the Change in Displacement (LCF, TPC & MTC) as these will highlight
small errors. By placing the curser over the first spike you can see which draft may be in
error. The LCF, TPC and MTC curves may be not be smooth depending on the tables
however it will still highlight possible errors in the hydrostatics for you to check.
Remember that if you start with incorrect data then you will get incorrect calculations.
Hence you should always check the hydrostatics before using them.
Also double check the results by performing a manual calculation to ensure you have
confidence in the results.
File Structure
Your USB key has a set file structure. Do not change this structure or your key may not
work. If you have other files you would like to store on the key it would be best to put
them in the Documents folder or create your own folder.
The Ships Data and Work folder are used by CargoMax to load and save ships. The
Archive folder is used to archive ships. The Distance Data folder is used by the
Navigation program to load and save your distance tables.
System Requirements
CARGOMAX USB PRO 2 utilises the power of Microsoft Excel for its functionality.
Thus it requires that Macros are enabled. To do this, open Excel and go to the Tools
menu and select Macro Security. We recommend you set the level to Medium or Low.
On the Medium setting you will be asked if you want to enable macros when you start
CargoMax You must Enable them. On the Low setting CargoMax will run
Different regions use different notation for the decimal. For example; some countries
use the comma (,) for the decimal. The date format also varies from country to country.
For example in some countries 12/01/2006 could mean Jan 12, 2006 or Dec 01, 2006.
CargoMax will only work if your computers region is set to English (Australia) or
equivalent. This fixes the decimal and date format issues noted above. To check and
change your computers region go Start Control Panel Regional & Language
Options, and select English (Australian) from the pull down list.
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