Reed, K, 2012
Reed, K, 2012
Reed, K, 2012
An earlier paper by Becker and Reed provided an in- depth review of the pharmacology of local anesthetics. This continuing education article will discuss the importance to the safe an d eective delivery of these drugs, including needle gauge,
traditional and alternative injection techniques, and methods to make injections
more comfortable to patients.
Key Words: Local anesthetics; Dentistry;Techniques; Needle gauge;Warming; Buffering; Novel devices.
anesthetic. More than 50% of medical emergencies occurring in dental offices happen during or immediately
following administration of a local anesthetic.2
An earlier paper by Becker and Reed 3 provided an indepth review of the pharmacology of these invaluable
drugs. In the present paper we will discuss issues of importance to the safe and effective delivery of these drugs,
including needle gauge, traditional and alternative injection techni ques, an d methods to make injections
more comfortable for patients (eg, warming, buffering,
novel delivery devices). In addition, we will look at the
future of local anesthesia in dentistry.
Gauge refers to the diameter of the lumen of the needle;
the smaller the number, the greater the diameter of the
lumen. A 30-gauge needle has a smaller internal diameter than a 25-gauge needle, for example.There is a trend
among dentists toward the use of smaller- diameter needles on the assumption that they are less traumatic to the
patient than larger- diameter needles. However, studies
ISSN 0003-3006/12
SSDI 0003-3006(12)
dating back to 1972 show this assumption to be unwarranted.4 ^9 Hamburg 4 reported that patients are unable
to differentiate among 23-, 25-, 27-, and 30-gauge needles. Fuller and colleagues 5 reported no significant differences in the perception of pain produced by 25-, 27-,
an d 30 -gauge needles during inferior alveolar nerve
blocks in adults. Lehtinen 6 compared 27- and 30-gauge
needles an d foun d that, although insertion of the 30gauge needle required significantly less force, the difference in pain perception was less remarkable.8 To prevent
acci dental intravascular injection, aspiration must be
performed before the deposition of any significant volume of local anesthetic. Trapp and Davies10 and Delgado-Molina and colleagues11 reported that no significant
differen ces exi ste d i n t he abi li ty to aspirate bloo d
through 25-, 27-, and 30-gauge dental needles. However, there is increased resistance to aspiration of blood
through a thinner needle (eg, 30-gauge) compared with
a larger- diameter needle (eg, 27- or 25-gauge). Needle
deflection along the axis of the bevel and breakage must
also be examined. The smaller the diameter of the needle, the more it deflects.Thirty-gauge needles deflect significantly, whereas 25-gauge needles essentially do not
deflect at all. Likewise, 25-gauge needles very rarely, if
ever, break during an intraoral injection, and 99% of the
needles that do break are 30-gauge needles.12
Posterior Superior Alveolar
The posterior superior alveolar ( PSA ) injection will
anesthetize the maxillary molars except for the mesiobuccal aspect of the first molar ( Figure 1).The periodontal ligament ( PDL ), bone, periosteum, and buccal soft
tissue adjacent to these teeth are also anesthetized.13
Clinically, the PSA injection is given with the insertion
point at the height of the buccal vestibule at a point just
distal to the malar process.The needle is inserted distally
and superiorly at approximately 45 degrees to the mesiodistal and buccolingual planes. The depth of insertion is approximately 15 mm, and following careful aspiration, 1.0 mL of solution is slowly deposited.14,15
buccal vestibule lateral to the maxillary second premolar. The needle tip should approximate the apex of the
tooth, which usually requires a penetration of about 5
mm. One milliliter of anesthetic solution should slowly
be introduced after careful aspiration.14^16 NOTE: In
many patients, the MSA nerve is absent. If this is the
case, the anterior superior alveolar ( ASA ) injection will
anesthetize the premolar region.
Greater Palatine
The greater palatine (GP ) injection will anesthetize the
tissues of the hard palate from its most distal aspect, anteriorly to the distal of the canine, an d laterally to the
midline13 ( Figure 4). The entrance to the greater palatine foramen may be palpated as a depression or soft
spot in the posterior area of the hard palate. It is usually
located halfway between the gingival margin an d the
midline of the palate, approximately opposite the distal
of the maxillary second molar.14^16 Anatomically, this is
generally 5 mm anterior to the junction of the hard and
soft palates. Penetration will occur through the epithelium, and the needle will appear to fall into a space of
less resistance.The needle should be inserted until bone
is contacted. The depth of penetration is variable, but
usually less than 5 mm is sufficient. After aspiration,
0.5 mL of anesthetic solution is very slowly deposited.
The nasopalatine ( NP ) injection will anesthetize the tissues of the palatal aspect of the premaxilla13 ( Figure 5).
The entrance to the nasopalatine foramen is at the incisive papilla, which may be visualized posterior to the
maxillary central incisors. The most comfortable way to
perform this injection is to first deposit 0.3 mL of local
anesthetic in the maxillary anterior midline. Then, with
the needle at a 90- degree angle to the soft tissue, the at-
Reed et al.
Inferior Alveolar
The inferior alveolar ( IA ) injection will anesthetize the
mandibular teeth from the third molar to the midline,
the buccal soft tissue from the premolars anteriorly,
the body of the man dible, the periosteum, the PDL,
and the skin and subcutaneous tissues of the chin and
longer under the periosteum. After careful aspiration,
1.5 mL of solution may be deposited. As the needle is
being removed, when it is approximately halfway out,
the lingual nerve is injected with the remaining solution, unless a buccal nerve block will be done. In that
case, a few drops of local anesthetic shoul d be reserved. Frequently, even without this last step, the lingual nerve will be anesthetized. This injection has the
highest frequency of positive aspiration of all intraoral
The lingual nerve block will anesthetize the lingual gingiva, floor of the mouth, and tongue from the third molar
anteriorly to the midline.13 This nerve may be anesthetized as described earlier or directly, by inserting the needle as in the IA to approximately 10 mm and injecting.
Second Division
The entire maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve is
anesthetized from either of 2 intraoral approaches, but
most frequently the second division ( V 2 ) is approached
via the GP canal ( Figure 8).TheV 2 block injection anesthetizes the maxillary teeth and periodontium, hard and
soft palates, sinuses, and portions of the nose, orbit, upper cheek, lower eyelid, and side of the face.13 The entrance to the foramen is located at the distolateral aspect
of the same depression felt during palpation before the
Reed et al.
just inferior to the insertion of the lateral pterygoid muscle. The injection is performed by having the patient
open the mouth as widely as possible to rotate and translate the condyle forward. The condyle is palpated with
the fingers of the nondominant hand while the cheek is
retracted with the thumb. Beginning from the contralateral canine, the needle is positioned so that a puncture
point is made approximately at the location of the distobuccal cusp of the maxillary second molar. A 25-gauge
long needle is inserted slowly to a depth of 25 to 30 mm;
the endpoint is inferior and lateral to the condylar head.
The injection must not be performed unless bone is contacted to ensure proper needle placement. After the
needle is withdrawn 1^2 mm, the clinician aspirates
and injects the contents of the cartridge. This injection
is unique among intraoral injections because the operator does not attempt to get as close as possible to the
nerve to be anesthetized. In fact, the needle tip should
be approximately 1.0 cm directly superior to the nerve,
in the superior aspect of the pterygomandibular space.
George A. E. Gow-Gates first published this technique
in 197318 ( Figure 9 ). S ignificant a dvantages of the
Gow-Gates technique over the IA nerve block include
its higher success rate, its lower incidence of positive aspiration, and the absence of problems with accessory
sensory innervation to the mandibular teeth. The GowGates injection anesthetizes the inferior alveolar, lingual, auriculotemporal, buccal (75% of the time), an d
mylohyoid nerves. The injection blocks the nerves at a
point that is proximal to their division into inferior alveolar, buccal, and lingual nerves. The needle endpoint is
the lateral aspect of the anterior portion of the condyle,
Periodontal Ligament
Thi s form of i njection, also known as the close dmouth mandibular block, anesthetizes the inferior alveolar, lingual, buccal, an d mylohyoi d nerves18 ( Figure 10). This injection is useful for patients with trismus because it is performed while the jaw is in the
physiologic rest position. A 25 -gauge long needle is
inserted parallel to the maxillary occlusal plane at the
height of the maxi llary buccal vestibu le. The bevel
should be oriented away from the bone of the mandibular ramus so that deflection occurs toward the ramus.
The depth of penetration is approximately half the
mesiodistal length of the ramus, which is about 25
mm in adults (measured from the maxillary tuberosity ). The depth of insertion will vary with the anteroposterior size of the patients ramus. The Vazirani-Akinosi injection is performed blindly because no bony
endpoint exists. However, in adult patients, a rule of
thumb is that the hub of the needle should be opposite the mesial aspect of the maxillary second molar.
After aspiration, the contents of the cartri dge can be
deposited slowly.
The PDL injection method of anesthetizing an individual tooth is utilized to avoid the undesirable consequences of regional block anesthesia. A 27-gauge short needle
with the bevel toward the tooth is inserted through the
gingival sulcus on the mesial of the tooth to be anesthetized and inserted as far apically as possible. Approximately 0.2 mL of anesthetic solution is deposited over a
minimum of 20 secon ds. Then the same technique is
performed on the distal of the tooth. This injection may
be uncomfortable if the rate of injection is too rapid or
the tissues are inflamed.The duration of pulpal anesthesia is extremely variable, so repeated PDL injections
may be necessary to complete a procedure.
Mental/ Incisive
The mental and incisive nerves are terminal branches
of the IA nerve. The mental nerve exits the mental foramen at or near the apices of the mandibular premolars. The incisive nerve continues anteriorly in the incisive canal. Both nerves will be anesthetized after a
successful man dibular nerve block, but this injection
technique can be useful when bilateral anesthesia is
desire d for proce dures on premolars an d anterior
teeth. The lingual tissues are not anesthetized with
this block. The initial technique for the mental and incisive nerve blocks is the same. A 25 - or 27-gauge
short needle is inserted at the mucobuccal fold at or
just anterior to the mental foramen, which is typically
located between the apices of the 2 premolars. The
bevel of the nee dle shoul d be oriente d toward the
bone an d the tissue penetrated to a depth of 5 to 6
mm. After aspiration, approximately one third to one
half of the cartridge (0.6^0.9 mL ) should be deposited. The difference between the mental nerve block
and the incisive nerve block is that the incisive nerve
block requires pressure to direct local anesthetic solution into the mental foramen. This can be accomplished by maintaining gentle pressure at the injection
site for approximately 2 minutes following deposition
of the solution.
When conventional block and infiltration injections are
ineffective, an intraosseous injection may be used to
anesthetize a single tooth or multiple teeth in one quadrant ( Figure 11). Originally, intraosseous anesthesia required the use of a round bur to provide entry into interseptal bone, which is still an acceptable technique. Once
the hole had been made, a needle would be inserted into
this hole and local anesthetic deposited. Now, specialized devices help to ease this injection technique. The
Stabi dent System ( Fairfax Dental In c ) compri ses a
slow- speed han dpiece- driven perforator an d a soli d
27-gauge wire with a beveled end that, when activated,
drills a small hole through the cortical plate. The anesthetic solution is delivered to cancellous bone through
the 27-gauge ultrashort injector needle placed into the
hole made by the perforator.The X-Tip ( Dentsply) anesthesia delivery system consists of an X-Tip that separates into 2 parts: a drill and a guide sleeve. The drill (a
special hollow needle) leads the gui de sleeve through
the cortical plate until it is separated and is then withdrawn.The remaining guide sleeve is designed to accept
a 27-gauge needle to inject anesthetic solution. The
guide sleeve is removed after the intraosseous injection
is complete.The site for this technique is 2 mm apical to
the intersection of lines drawn horizontally along the
gingival margins of the teeth and a vertical line through
the interdental papilla. The site should be distal to the
tooth to be treated, and care should be taken to avoi d
the area of the mental foramen.The amount of anesthetic injected ranges from one third to three quarters (0.6 to
1.2 mL ) of the cartridge. The onset of anesthesia is immediate, and pulpal anesthesia will last for 15^45 minutes.
For a variety of reasons, profound anesthesia during an
endodontic procedure may not be easily obtained. Once
the pulp has been exposed, anesthetic may be placed directly into the pulp. A 27-gauge short needle is inserted
into the pulp chamber and wedged firmly into the root
canal. A small volume (0.2 to 0.3 mL ) of local anesthetic
is injected. While this technique may prove uncomfortable for the patient, it invariably works to provide effective pain control. In most cases, the duration is adequate
to permit extirpation of the pulpal tissues.
The intraseptal injection can be a useful technique for
achieving osseous and soft tissue anesthesia and hemostasis for scaling and root planing and surgical flap procedures. A 27-gauge short needle is inserted at the center of the interdental papilla (about 2 mm apical to the
gingival margin) adjacent to the tooth to be treated.The
bevel should be oriented toward the apex of the tooth.
The needle should be at a 45- degree angle to the long
axis of the tooth and at a 90- degree angle to the gingiva.
The dentist should slowly inject a few drops of anesthetic as the needle enters the soft tissue and then advance
the needle until contact with bone is made.While gentle
pressure is applied to the syringe, the needle is pushed
slightly deeper (1 to 2 mm) into the interdental septum
and 0.2 to 0.4 mL of anesthetic is deposited over a minimum of 20 seconds. The duration of anesthesia is variable.This injection technique should not be used if there
are any signs of infection.
Reed et al.
The pH of local anesthetic solutions without vasoconstrictors is approximately 6.5. The addition of epinephrine (or levonordefrin) and the antioxidant sodium bisulfite lowers the pH into the range of 3.5 (lemon juice has a
pH of 3.4). In the cartridge, the local anesthetic solution
exists in 2 ionic forms: the tertiary form ( B) and the quaternary form ( BH).The lower the pH of the solution, the
greater the percentage of BH in the solution. For example, according to the Henderson-Hasselbach equation,
at a pH of 3.5, 99.994% of a lidocaine solution is BH.
This is of clinical significance in that it is the tertiary form
of the drug ( B) rather than the BH form that is lipid soluble and able to diffuse across the lipid-rich nerve membrane entering into the nerve, where it then picks up a
H, which converts it into the quaternary form of the
drug ( BH), which then enters into sodium channels
and blocks nerve conduction.3
When a small percentage of B is available, the speed of
onset of anesthesia would be considerably slowed were
it not for the bodys buffering capability. Once injected
into the tissues, the natural process of buffering occurs.
The normal pH of tissues is 7.4. A drug with a lower pH
(e.g. 3.5) that is injected into tissues will be buffered by
the body, an d the pH of the injected solution will be
slowly increased toward 7.4. As this process continues,
the percentage of B ions in the solution steadily increases. For example, at a pH of 6.5, 3.83% of lidocaine ions
are B, while at a pH of 7.4, this figure is 24.03%.
If the pH of the local anesthetic solution in the dental
cartridge could be increased to 7.4 prior to injection, the
speed of onset of the anesthetic should increase, as well
as the comfort to the patient during the injection. ( Local
anesthetics at a pH of 3.5 produce a burning sensation
as they are injected, and higher-pH solutions are rated
by patients as more comfortable.) A third advantage to
buffering the local anesthetic solution woul d be the
6,000-fold increase in the number of B molecules available to enter into the nerve, which would theoretically
provide a more profound anesthetic effect.
Sodium bicarbonate is a commonly used buffer in
medicine. It has been used in managing acidosis associated with medical conditions, such as prolonged cardiac
arrest. 25 Additionally, sodium bicarbonate is used by
surgeons administering local anesthetic into the skin to
assuage the pain commonly associated with the injec-
livering local anesthetic at a constant pressure and control le d vol um e, regar dless of the resi stan ce i n the
tissues. A clinical study indicated that 48 of 50 dentists
who volunteered to receive palatal injections with this
system experienced a significant decrease in the level of
discomfort, compared to the use of a traditional syringe
for the i dentical injection. The operators also experienced reduced stress levels during administration of the
palatal injection.30 This device is especially popular because of its efficacy in comfortably administering single
tooth anesthesia into the PDL space. An additional difference of this system is that, compared to traditional
methods of performing a PDL injection, which involve
high pressure and low volume, it is a high-volume, lowpressure technique that leads to increased patient comfort.
The Comfort Control Syringe. T h i s syr i n ge
( Dentsply) is an electronic preprogrammed anesthesia
delivery device that uses a 2-stage delivery rate.The rate
of injection varies based on the injection technique chosen. It begins with a slow rate; the flow then increases to
a preprogrammed technique-specific rate selected by
the dentist. The operation of this syringe (initiation and
termination of the injection, controlled aspiration and
flow rate) is controlled by a button on the handpiece. A
disposable cartridge sheath is required for each patient,
but a standard dental needle and anesthetic cartridge
can be used with this device.
Novel Devices
Where do we go next in the area of pain control in dentistry ? We now have the ability to make local anesthetics
work faster (buffering), to more rapidly reverse residual
soft tissue anesthesia ( phentolamine mesylate [Oraverse]),3 and to make injections more comfortable (eg,
buffering, computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery
systems such as The Wand and the Single-Tooth Anesthesia System).31
Reed et al.
articaine to lidocaine by buccal infiltration, lingual infiltration, or buccal and lingual infiltration in the mandibular incisor region.39,40 However, to date there are no
studies that demonstrate the superiority of articaine
over any other local anesthetic when used in any of the
mandibular blocks.
This paper is the second of a 2-part series on local anesthesia. Part 1 provided a review and update of essential
pharmacology for the various local anesthetic formulations in current use. Technical consi derations are addresse d i n thi s paper. We have di scu sse d i ssues of
importance to the safe and effective delivery of local anestheti cs, i n cl u di ng n ee dle gauge; tra dition al, a dvan ce d, an d altern ative i njection techn i q ues; an d
techniques, devices, and agents to make the local anesthetic injection more comfortable for patients. We have
examined current and future local anesthesia in dentistry, and it appears that the future is exciting and bright
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2. Malamed SF. Introduction. In: Malamed SF. Handbook
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3. Becker DE, Reed KL. Local Anesthetics: review of pharmacological considerations. Anesth. Prog. 2012;59:90^102.
4. Hamburg HL. Preliminary study of patient reaction to
needle gauge. N Y State DentJ. 1972;38:425^426.
5. Fuller NP, Menke RA, Meyers WJ. Perception of pain to
three different intraoral penetrations of needles. J Am Dent Assoc. 1979;99:822^824.
6. Lehtinen R. Penetration of 27- and 30-gauge needles.
IntJ Oral Surg. 1983;12:444^445.
7. Browbill JW,Walker PO, Bourcy BD, et al. Comparison of
inferior dental nerve block injections in child patients using
3 0 - ga u ge a n d 25 - ga u ge s h or t n e e d l e s. Anesth Prog
8. Lipp MD. Local Anesthesia in Dentistry. Chicago: Quintessence Publishing;1993:106.
9. Jeske AH, Blanton PL. Misconceptions involving dental
l o c a l a n e s t h e s i a. Pa r t 2 : P h ar m a c o l o g y. Te x D ent J.
10. Trapp LD, Davies RO. Aspiration as a function of hypodermic needle internal diameter in the in-vivo human upper
limb. Anesth Prog. 1980;27:49^51.
11. Delgado-Molina E,Tamarit-Borras M, Berini-Aytes L, et
al. Evaluation and comparison of 2 needle models in terms of
Reed et al.
The dentist
The sound of the dental handpiece
Root canal therapy
Periodontal surgery
Local anesthetic administration