The Importance of Prayer in Biology
The Importance of Prayer in Biology
The Importance of Prayer in Biology
Interestingly, for the millions of people enrolled in yoga classes, the Islamic form of prayer has provided
Muslims for fourteen centuries with some of yogas same (and even superior) benefits. This simple form of
yoga offers physical, mental, and spiritual benefits five times a day as Muslims assume certain positions
while reciting Quran and athkar (remembrances).
The Muslim prayer has five positions, and they all have a corresponding relationship with our spiritual and
mental well being, according to modern scientific research.
The Takbir and Al Qiyyam (mountain pose in Yoga)
found to improve posture, balance, and self-awareness. Normalizes blood pressure, breathing, thus providing
many benefits to asthma heart patients.
The Sujud
activates the persons spiritual connection with the universe around them and their enthusiasm for spiritual
pursuits. This nerve pathway is also correlated to the health of the brain, nervous system, and pineal gland.
Controls basic human survival instincts and provides essential grounding. This helps to develop levelheaded
and positive thinking along with a highly motivated view of life, and maintains the health of the lymph and
skeletal systems, the prostate, bladder, and the adrenal glands.