Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 Chapter 1
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 Chapter 1
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 Chapter 1
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
Chapter -1
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
1A rla Vysadeva begins by offering obeisances and defining the Absolute Truth
(o namo bhagavate vsudevya) This is explained in para 1 of purport
What does this indicate This directly indicates Lord Ka, son of Vasudeva and
Devak, as the primeval Lord
References for Ka as the Supreme Personality of Godhead - Sma-veda
Upaniad, Bhagavad-gt, Padma Pura, Brahma-sahit and Kasandarbha
Importance of name Vsudeva Vsudeva indicates . Devak.[purport]
o Vsudeva indicates the plenary portion of the Personality of Godhead, and all
the different forms of the Lord, being identical with Vsudeva, are indicated in
this text
o The name Vsudeva particularly indicates the divine son of Vasudeva and
Devak. r Ka is always meditated upon by the paramahasas, who are the
perfected ones among those in the renounced order of life
Lesson :- First proposition of rmad-Bhgavatam Ka is primeval Lord and thus
object of rla Vysadevs obeisances and meditation. He is so charming that His qualities
& pastimes attract us to His loving service in spiritual world
Link 1A to 1B: rmad-Bhgavatam begins with the definition of the ultimate source,
based on Vednta-stra 1.1.1 (janmdy asya yata). It is a bona fide commentary on the
Vednta-stra by the same author, rla Vysadeva.
ja nm dy asya yata (1B)
1B Definition of Absolute Truth (janmdy..yatah) Source of all and cause
of all causes (I meditate universes.[Translation])
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
Link 1B to 1C: Lord, being the primeval cause, is both the material cause and efficient
cause. Prakti which appears to be the material cause, is an energy of the Lord and is
thus non-different from the Lord. Thus Lord is the material cause through Prakti
Lord takes the form of time (which is efficient or indirect cause) to influence
Prakti (which is material or direct cause)
Thus lord is both, the direct (material) and the indirect (efficient) cause
a nva y d itarata crthev abhija svar (1C 1E)
1C Lord is fully cognizant (anvayd . abhija) Lord (Absolute Truth) is
directly and indirectly fully conscious (abhija)
Analogy :- Chief engineer of a complicated construction knows every nook and
corner of his construction (Para 7)
Everything created is an interaction of His material and spiritual energy (Para 7)
o Analogy :- Chemist manufacturing water but needs raw materials
o Analogy :- Whatever happens to the body quickly becomes knows to the
embodied, similarly creation is the body of the Absolute whole (Para 8)
Conclusion Since the complete whole or the Absolute Truth is the source of
everything, nothing can be independent of the body of the Absolute Truth.
(Para 8)
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
o Thus refutes the illusion of materialists that he is the only creator The
materialist wrongly .. intelligence (Para 8)
Link 1C to 1D Question: One may object that since the mahat-tattva and other elements
had not arisen, the Lord could not have a body which could perform actions, and thus
could not have done all the creation
Answer: Therefore this verse says that the Lord is independent (svar)
1D Lord is fully independent (svar)
Lord is conscious of every minute details but at the same time aloof and
o Analogy : Chief engineer of a complicated construction knows every nook
and corner of his construction but still he does not personally take part (para
He is simultaneously one and different (Para 7)
o Analogy : Gold mine and gold objects
1E No other living entity equals to the Supreme Lord - This is the importance of
two words abhija and svar (Para 9)
Only Lord is fully cognizant (as told in 1C) and fully independent (as told in 1D)
o Neither Brahm, nor brains like Einstein, nor Myvdis nor atheists like
Rvaa, etc can claim to be so(Para 9)
Lord is called asamaurdhva (no one is equal to or greater than Him) (Para 10)
o Creates just by glance
o Creates machines in duplicate male and female forms power to reproduce
o Thus refutes that God is no more expert than a watchmaker
o Supreme Lord is All perfect (confirmed by ruti-mantra)
Lesson: Surrender and become Mahtm (Para 11) After defining Ka as allperfect , all-attractive Supreme personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth & cause
of all causes, now rla Prabhupda recommends that every one surrender to Him
& become a great soul, a mahtm
Link 1E to 1F :- Question: One may object that in the creation of the universe, one
should understand that Lord Brahm has independent powers, for in the ruti, it is said,
Brahm was born before other creatures; he alone existed. Therefore Brahm should be
the object of worship.
Answer: the verse answers this objection in the second line, it is the Lord (satyam
param), who revealed (tene) the Vedas (Brahm ) knowledge of Himself to Brahm
(di-kavaye). Thus Brahm is dependent on the Lord.
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
tene bra hma hd ya di-ka vaye muhya nti yat sraya (1F 1H)
1F Brahmji is not the ultimate creator/object of worship Supreme intelligence
behind all creations is Absolute Godhead, Sri Ka (Para 9)
Ref Vedic lit. Brahm, who may be compared to sun, is not the ultimate creator
Ref. rmad-Bhgavatam 1.1.1 Brahm was taught by Supreme Lord
Ref Bhagavad-gt 9.10 Ka only superintends the creative energy (Prakriti) &
thus not Brahmji
Ref ruti/smti Absolute Whole is the source of creation, maintenance &
o Thus refutes material scientists who say Sun is the source of all, they cannot
explain the source
1G Question: One may object that it is well known that Brahm did not study the Vedas
from anyone.
Answer: That is true. He received it in his mind. (hdaye).
1H Question: Perhaps Brahm realized the truth of Vedas on his own (from within the
mind) just as a person sometimes gets a realization during sleep.
Answer: Brahm independently does not have the power to realize this knowledge,
for even the greatly learned sages and demigod are bewildered about this (muhyanti yat
Please note : Points1G and 1H have been taken from cryas commentaries to establish
the connections.
Link 1H to 1J :- 1A to 1F defines Absolute Truth in various aspects. Now, the
relationship between Relative and Absolute Truth is presented in 2nd half of the first verse
Relationship between Absolute truth and Relative Truths (1J 1N)
1J Absolute Truth is in the spiritual sky, not the material sky. In the material
sky everything is relative truth (para 6)
In material sky, everything is relative truth which implies, one truth depends on
something else
Absolute Truth Holds true in all phases of time
This cosmic creation results from interaction of the three modes of nature (yatra
The temporary manifestations are so created as to present an illusion of reality to
the bewildered mind of the conditioned soul, who appears in so many species of
life, including the higher demigods, like Brahm, Indra, Candra, and so on
(muhyanti yat sraya)
Analogy of shadow : The manifested cosmic creation appears as reality (am).
But reality, of which this is but a shadow, is in the spiritual world
In actuality, there is no reality in the manifested world. There appears to be
reality, however, because of the true reality which exists in the spiritual world
Analogy of Mirage : External manifested energy in the form of material existence
is only temporary and illusory like the mirage in the desert
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
Conclusion :
This rmad-Bhgavatam will gradually elevate the unbiased reader to the highest
perfectional stage of transcendence.
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
It will enable him to transcend the three modes of material activities: fruitive
actions, speculative philosophy, and worship of functional deities as inculcated
in Vedic verses.
vedya vsta vam atra vastu ivada tpa -trayonmlanam (2C 2D)
2C rmad-Bhgavatam aims at the substance or the root of all categories
(vstavam atra vastu) The highest truth .welfare of all.[Translation] (Para 4 & 5)
Lesson :- In the material conception, one falsely thinks himself the lord of all he
surveys, and therefore he is always troubled by the threefold miseries of life. But as soon
as one comes to know his real position as transcendental servant, he at once becomes
free from all miseries
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
Vedas which are compared to desire tree give regulated principles of knowledge
Regulated knowledge involves a gradual raising of the living entity to the
spiritual platform
Highest spiritual realization Supreme Personality of Godhead is reservoir of all
spiritual tastes or rasas
3C rla ukadeva Gosvm makes it even more sweet uka-mukhd amtadrava-sayutam - It emanated from the lips of r ukadeva Gosvm. Therefore this
fruit has become even more tasteful easily swallowed & perfected in all respects
3E Supreme Personality of Godhead is the fountainhead of all rasas (Ref. rutimantras) (Para 5)
Exchange of constitutional rasa with the Lord is the platform of actual happiness
(Para 6)
Rasas in material world perverted form and temporary (Para 6)
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
Proof ukadeva Gosvm even though liberated, was attracted (Ref. SB 2.1.9)
Conclusion Supreme Absolute Truth is not impersonal otherwise
transcendental rasa is not possible
3H Expert & thoughtful men relish rmad-Bhgavatam (Para 11 & 12)- muhur
aho rasik bhuvi bhvukh
Effect of proper reception - one can relish transcendental rasas distinctly from
perverted rasas
How to properly receive A sincere & serious person should carefully approach
o Approach in the footsteps of ukadeva Gosvm, gradually in the stages of
transcendental realization
o Need to understand from bonafide representative
o Avoid non-bonafide professional reciters
Section II
Text 4-8
Text 4 :- After the prelude the main topic of rmad-Bhgavatam starts now. (rmadBhgavatam, after its first recitation by rla ukadeva Gosvm, was repeated for the
second time at Naimiraya)
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
Lesson :- The devotees of Lord Viu offer all kinds of sacrifices for His pleasure. The
devotees are always attached to the service of the Lord, whereas fallen souls are attached
to the pleasures of material existence
Qualifications of Sta Gosvm (Text 5 to 8)
5 All the sages performed morning duties, offered vyssana to Sta Gosvm and
inquired with great respect
8 Further qualifications Submissive and thus endowed with all the favors from
spiritual master
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
Lesson :- The secret of success in spiritual life is in satisfying the spiritual master and
thereby getting his sincere blessings
Text 9-23
Link 8 to 9 after hearing last few verses, Sta Gosvm may agree to speak to all the
subjects he has learned, but sages demand in text 9 Only the Absolute and ultimate
9 Sages ask the first question to Sta Gosvm, the appointed crya.
Bhagavad-gt recommends the worship of an crya
cryas & Gosvms are always absorbed in the well-being of general public,
especially spiritual well-being,
o Spiritual well-being is automatically followed by material well-being
Link 9 to 10 - Sta Gosvm may say that OK I will present all the scriptures which I
have studied; you can ascertain the best of all of them
But sages present the condemned state of kali-yuga in text 10 and demands in text 11
that Sta Gosvm should select the essence of scriptures and present it
10 They describe the condemned state of affairs of the people in the age of kali
Less lifespan 4 habits which decrease the duration of life. (para1)
Lazy Even if long life people are lazy too To know about what he is, what supreme truth is, what the world is.
o To use human form to end hard material struggle
o To use human life to return BTG
Misguided - they are influenced by bad system of education.
o Even if they endeavor for spiritual realization, they become victim of
misguided teacher
Unlucky- victim of political creed and sense gratification diversions
Disturbed Even if they come to proper association, they are always disturbed
by various anxieties
Current distorted values in modern age.
o No proper ashrams no proper brahmacr rama or proper ghastharama. As a result no good vnaprasthas/
o No interest in spiritual values whole atmosphere is surcharged with
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
Link 12-13 Following verses explain the reason the sages present these questions and
the subject matter they are intending to hear
13A This verse sets the conditions for hearing the transcendental message of
Absolute truth, and thus sets the stage for upcoming fourth (text 17) and fifth (text 18)
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
Link 13 to 17: Before raising the fourth question in text 17, sages increases the listeners
enthusiasm by glorifying the potency of lords name, pastimes and paraphernalia.
13B Potency of transcendental message one is uplifted both by speaking them and
by hearing them (Translation13)
14 Glorifies the power of the holy name as non-different from the lord even feared
by fear personified [purport 14]
Lesson The transcendental name of Ka, even though uttered unconsciously or by
force of circumstances, can help one obtain freedom from the hurdle of birth and
15 Purifying potency of great devotees (who have taken shelter of lords lotus feet)
16 Simple method of hearing and glorifying the lord One conquers all the vices of
kali and establishes real peace and friendship.
Most condemned nature of kali-yuga - quarrelsome features
Who can get out of it Those engaged in pure devotional service
17 Sages present the fourth question Explain the adventures of Lord in relation to
the creation
Two types of creation Spiritual creation vs. material creation
Less intelligent men Attracted to material creations which are perverted shadows
of spiritual kingdom
o Analogy- compared to cinemas
More intelligent people are guided by sages towards spiritual creation.
Lord favors as incarnations to attract conditioned souls
o 2 types of conditioned souls- karmis and jnanis
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
18 Sages present the fifth question- Narrate the pastimes of lords incarnations
All auspicious (ubh) nature of these pastimes- Benefit those who are present
during such activities and those who hear such narrations
Link to 19 :- Sages who were tired of performing the sacrifices express a great relief at
a chance of hearing about Ka and expresses an insatiable appetite for such subject
matter in next verse(they will never get tired of hearing about Supreme Lord)
19 No satiation in transcendental subject matter
20 Again sages expresses their eagerness to know about the supreme Lord,
especially super human pastimes of Ka and Balarma, like lifting Govardhan Hill
First nine cantos explain the transcendental nature of the Lord and Tenth canto
describes His specific pastimes
Different process are designed according to different life spans in different yugas
Sages knowing the in competencies of Kali-yuga took up the recommended
Lord Caitanya Mahprabhu recommends all Indian to preach this message of
Bhagavad-gt and rmad-Bhgavatam
23 Sages present the sixth question Since r Ka, the Absolute Truth, the master
of all mystic powers, has departed for His own abode, please tell us to whom the
religious principles have now gone for shelter
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
10. Explain why rmad-Bhgavatam is described as the ripened fruit of all Vedic
11. Why is rla ukadeva Gosvm compared to the parrot?
1.1.4 1.1.23
1. List the qualities of a representative of Vysadeva. (5-8)
2. Spiritual wellbeing is automatically followed by what? (9)
3. List points from the sages analysis of the people in this age of Kali (10)
4. Vasudeva is the symbol of what? (12)
5. Why pure devotees more powerful than the waters of the Ganges? (15)
6. Explain the meaning of the titles Prabhupda and Viupda. (15)
7. How are those who are not conversant with the activities of the Lord and His
transcendental realm sometimes favored by the Lord? (17)
8. List the requests / questions of the sages to rla Sta Gosvm. (9-23)
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1
Important analogies
1.1.1: The modern scientist, for example, has created space satellites, and by
some arrangement or other, these satellites are thrown into outer space to fly
for some time at the control of the scientist who is far away. Similarly, all the
universes with innumerable stars and planets are controlled by the intelligence
of the Personality of Godhead.
1.1.1: In the desert mirage there is no actual water. There is only the
appearance of water. Real water is somewhere else. The manifested cosmic
creation appears as reality. But reality, of which this is but a shadow, is in the
spiritual world. Absolute Truth is in the spiritual sky, not the material sky.
1.1.1: The chief engineer of a complicated construction does not personally
take part in the construction, but he knows every nook and corner because
everything is done under his direction. He knows everything about the
construction, both directly and indirectly. Similarly, the Personality of
Godhead, who is the supreme engineer of this cosmic creation, knows every
nook and corner, although affairs are being carried out by demigods.
1.1.1: He is compared to a mine of gold, and the cosmic creations in so many
different forms are compared to objects made from the gold, such as gold
rings, necklaces and so on. The gold ring and the gold necklace are
qualitatively one with the gold in the mine, but quantitatively the gold in the
mine is different.
1.1.4: Detached branches and leaves dry up gradually despite all watering
attempts. Similarly, human society, when it is detached from the Personality of
Godhead like detached branches and leaves, is not capable of being watered,
and one attempting to do so is simply wasting his energy and resources.
1.1.17: The material creations are manifested for some time as perverted
shadows of the spiritual kingdom and can be likened to cinemas. They attract
people of less intelligent caliber who are attracted by false things
Bhakti Vaibhava
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 1