Network Storage Guidelines
Network Storage Guidelines
Network Storage Guidelines
Do not store data in the top or root - folder. The root folder should only have sub-folders that
divide content by major categories, such as Documents, Projects, CourseMaterials, etc.
Each of these category folders, in turn, should be divided into sub-categories that will contain the
actual files. For example, folders under Documents could be FY05 Plans, Policies, etc.
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Revised: October 1, 2007 (3)
Subfolders under the Projects folder could be SmartClassroom, Video, etc. CourseMaterials
could be subdivided by course catalog number (CS214, CS215, etc.).
Related files under a sub-category can be stored in separate subfolders, appropriately identified.
For example, folders under the category CourseMaterials in the CS214 sub-folder could include
Textbook Notes, Tests, Articles, Multimedia, etc.
In general, a good organizational method stores files by specific tasks rather than by types of files. For
example, all files related to preparation for a specific fiscal year budget should be stored in the same
folder, called Budgets under the root folder Documents. This folder would include Word
documents, Excel spreadsheets, Powerpoint presentations, and any other files related to budgeting.
To extend the above example further, the Budgets folder could, in turn, be subdivided by fiscal years
(FY03, FY04, etc.), or each file name within the Budget folder could be prefixed with the fiscal year
(FY03 Budget Anaysis.xls, FY03 Budget Report.doc, FY03 Budget Request.doc, etc.). Both methods
are valid but prefixing a file name avoids excessive folder compartmentalization.
Keeping these guidelines in mind, IT recommends the following folder structure, starting at the virtual
drive level.
o Documents
This folder can be subdivided as follows:
Memos store memos not related to other projects and sub-categories here.
Budgets store all budgeting information and plans here. (use FYxx as a prefix to keep
files for the same year together.)
RFPs store RFPs not related to other projects and sub-categories here.
o Unit1
If a department is divided into functional units, create a folder for each. For example, IT has subfolders under this category for the Telecommunications Unit (Telecomm), Web Development
Unit (WebDev), Help Desk Unit (HelpDesk), etc. Each unit folder can then be subdivided by the
projects and tasks they perform:
Project1 store all documents related to a specific project in their own folder, named
appropriately. Prefixing the folder name with the fiscal year (e.g. FY03-Computer Lab,
FY03-Faculty Search) will automatically organize the folders by year when sorted by
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o etc.
As you can see, these folders represent functional groupings. Again, it is assumed that files of all types,
including images, audio and video (e.g. multimedia files), will be stored in the same project folder or
a sub-folder within the same project folder. However, generic folders for these type files are also
For more information on file naming and organization, see Tips to Organize Your PC Files in the
Windows section of our support page at:
Performance Considerations
DO NOT modify files directly on NS device. Instead, download a copy to your workstations hard
drive then open it and make your modifications. Doing so will eliminate the network connection and
network congestion as potential problems when working with and saving the document.
Note: Consider using SAVE AS and adding a version number or your initials to the file name
before you move the file back to the NS device. Doing so will preserve the original copy for
comparison later.
Related Documents
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