Lesson Plan English

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At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

1. Learn about the different markers that accompany embedded clauses.

2. Determine the embedded clause in the given sentences.
3. Formulate meaningful embedded sentences.

1. Visual aids
2. Manila papers
Source: Kto12 Grade 7 English book
Topic: Embedded clause.

Teachers Activity
Everybody stand up
Good morning class
Take your seats

Students Activity

Good morning sir.

Thank you sir.

I have here sentences class; I want everybody
to read the sentences.
Very good class.
Now, what have you noticed class?
What can you say about the structure of the
sentences class?

The words are long sir.
It is not simple sir.

Very good its not a simple sentence.

Our lesson for today class is about embedded
Embedded clause is a clause that is fixed


within a larger clause or sentence which is

called the matrix clause. The embedded clause
is usually found in the beginning or at the end
of the sentences.
Markers commonly accompany or introduce
embedded clauses. These markers may be that,
when, who, where, from, until, since, if, etc.
however, there are instances when a marker
does not precede an embedded clause. Such is
the case with gerunds (e. g swimming eating
and etc.)
Do you still remember the discussion about
kernels class? Basically, an embedded clause
presents a piece of information that is beyond
the idea that a kernel presents. Remember that
a kernel presents one idea at a time only.

Yes sir.
Kernels are simple sentences.

I have here some examples of embedded

1. Manila bay presents a magnificent
sunset experience that will last a
2. The place is often crowded in the early
morning and late afternoon when
people try to get a glimpse of its world
famous sunrise and sunset.
3. Photographers take pictures of people
sitting or walking along the bay area.
The underlined words are embedded clauses.
Notice that there are markers that accompany
or introduce that a sentence is an embedded
Get your notebook and identify the embedded


clause in the following sentences.

1. Manila bay is considered the finest
harbor in the Far East where the famous
battle of the Manila Bay was fought.
2. The Bay is also known as a stopover
for the Galleon trade which lasted for
244 years.
3. The first Filipinos were the IndoMalaya migrants who established their
first settlement along the bay and a
nearby river (now the Pasig River)
4. They named the place Manila or May
nila which means there is nila here
5. Nila is a waste plant that thrived in the
Are you done class?
Alright lets check.
In determining embedded clauses class, dont
forget the marker that determines an embedded
clause and bear in mind that not all the time
embedded clauses are found at the end of the
sentences, sometimes it is found in the
beginning of the sentence.

Get one half crosswise. Underline the
embedded clause and encircle the markers.
1. After John caught the fish, Kelly caught one
2. The prince and his knights rode into the
valley because the dragon had burned the

3. If Louise goes to the store, she will be late

for the movie.
4. I like to eat lunch outside when the sun is
5. The ball bounced into the hole where Casey
and Robert could not reach it.
6. Since his car broke down, Mr. Evans rides
the bus to work.
7. In Paris, the French boy played on the bridge
until his mother called him home.
8. While the family slept, the mouse ran
through the kitchen and ate the bread.
9. On his birthday Adam received a football,
which he traded for a baseball bat.
10. Unless you have another idea, we will play
Wills game this afternoon.
11. The long stretch of National highway, from
the US Embassy to a portion just before the
Coastal road to Cavite.
12. It is most picturesque in the afternoon
when the dying sun emits golden rays
and golden tones especially to the
towering hotels and office buildings
13-14. the renovated bay wall is now a
tourist-class promenade known as the bay
walk area where stylish benches are
propped up for frolicking and where people
roam around for the fresh air or jog in early
15. Being now a popular sightseeing
destination. It is among the top five tourist
spot in Manila Philippines.

Are you done class?

Very good.
Pas your papers.
Yes sir.

Make 10 embedded sentences, underline the
embedded clause and encircle the markers.
Good bye class.
Goodbye sir.

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:


Understand the different elements of speech choir and helpful tips.

Learn about the history of speech choir.
Read a part of a famous piece in the class applying the elements and tips.
Perform a speech choir.

1. Pictures
2. Visual aids
3. Manila paper
Source: Kto12 grade 8 English book
Topic: Speech choir

Teachers Activity
Everybody stand up

Students Activity

Good morning class

Take your seats

Good morning sir.

I have pictures here class, I want you to describe
the picture base on your own perception.
Very good class.
Its all about words.
Words class are very powerful, words can start a
war or on the other hand can motivate others to do
good. Words are used to express our emotions and

The picture shows words sir.

The picture is full of words sir.

Yes sir.

Our topic for today class is about speech choir, do
you know about speech choir class?
What is speech choir?
Very good class.
Speech choir class also means choral speaking.
The first plays put on by the Greeks featured
choruses of speakers.
Today, speech choir is a popular teaching as well
as a performing art.
It operates like a musical choir minus the music,
instead of singing, speech choirs perform spokenword pieces like poems.


Conventional Speech Choir -it is also called
-it does not require to use costumes, props, nor
-the choir just simply speaks or reads a literary
Dynamic Speech Choir -it is also called theatrical

Yes sir, speech choir is about speaking in a

large group.

Yes sir.

-it is the reverse of the conventional speech choir

Elements of a Speech Choir
The speech choir is typically the same size of a
singing choir having anywhere from 12 to 100
members or more. However, most schools and
competitions features choir of 25 to 40 members.
The group is typically are divided into groups
based on the members natural voices or speaking
Selections are typically poems or poetic passages,
such as from Greek dramas or Shakespeares
plays. The conductor gives some thought to the
passage, breaking into parts. Facial expressions
and intonation are also carefully planned so all the
members can practice in unison. Solo parts for
specific members can add dramatic effect.
Choreography of movement is not necessary
component for speech choir. Many successful
competition choirs recite their pieces while
standing in place with their hands at their sides,
attention directed solely at the conductor.
*However, in Greek tradition, speech choirs
marched from side to side in alternating patterns
called strophe and antistrophe.
Thus, movement is a part of the rich history of
speech choir and some conductors choose to
choreograph elaborate movement to accompany
their pieces.
As with any other performance art, thought should
be put into how the speech choir will dress.
Costumes can be as simple as matching outfits or
robes, such as a vocal choir would wear, or

elaborate theatrical garb.

*Plain uniforms allow the audience to concentrate
on facial expressions and allow the choir to recite
several very different pieces in one performance.
*Themed costume for a single piece can highlight
its meaning or help to differentiate between voice
Voice Quality
The ability to combine successfully the light,
medium, and dark voices in the choir. It is the
ability to communicate through voice, reactions to
thoughts or emotions.
Number of Voices
The ability to add or subtract whole sections,
banks, smaller groups, or solo speakers to increase
or diminish the power or richness of the sound to
better express the meaning.
Pitch refers to the variations of the voice on the
musical scale and is generally referred to as the
inflection. Children generally have little problem
with pitch because they use it naturally and freely.
Ability to use volume, force, or loudness as
emphasis in appropriate places to better express
feeling and meaning. A power build should be
related to the elements of a sentence and growing
Phrasing and rhythm
Ability to use phrasing and rhythm as
reinforcements for each other. Each much blend to
better express the meaning of the verse.

Tempo refers to the rate of speed at which a

reading progresses. The ability to balance the
rhythm of a piece and the tempo of performance.
Tempo should relate to the central beat of the
poem. If it is too fast or too slow.
The ability to successfully organize and position
the choir on stage or risers for the performance
effect. The ability to stage entrances and exits
which enhance the mood of the poem and the
performance. The ability to costume speakers in
a way which also enhances the performance as a

What are the things to be remembered in doing

speech choir?
Speech choir requires technical skills that must be
honed and remembered in both rehearsal and
performance. These are the following:
The most important part of any performing art,
from playing an instrument to acting in a play is
BREATHING. While we breathe involuntarily all
the time, many green performers forget to breathe
while on stage. Mark your speech choir piece like
a sheet of music, noting where it makes sense to
take a breath, so you dont interrupt the word flow
but have enough breath to make it through the line.
Breathing in performance links you with your
whole group, calms your nerves, and gives your
performance life.
2.Articulation and Diction
The audience wants to hear what you have to say.
If you dont articulate, all they will hear is a bunch
of mush. By practicing your articulation and
diction, your words will be clear and vibrant.
Strive to make every word lucid and colorful.

*Diction is a learned skill; articulate strongly in

rehearsal and in your everyday life. People will
notice how well you command language.

Connection to the group

A speech choir is a living organism made up on
individuals, never forget that. You are not
performing a monologue, you are a part of a group
performance. Onstage, the choir is your family.
Connecting with them will eliminate any stage
fright. If anything unexpected happens, the group
must respond and correct together.
The Text
The text is your guide; its what the audience came
to see and hear you perform. Performing the texts
requires you to know the text inside and out. Once
you know what you are saying, add color and
meaning to the words. Let the audience see what
you are saying. Let your personal reaction to the
words sprinkle meaning on the performance.
Now class, I have here some parts of a famous
piece. I want everybody to read. Apply the
elements and tips that I discussed a while ago.
Are you ready?
Okay read.

Yes sir.

Very good class.



Speech choir class is an old tradition that we

inherit from the Greeks. We must remember that
speech choir is a work of art. Blending voices,
actions and costume makes a speech choir
wonderful to watch.
1-2. what are the two types of speech choir?
Answer: conventional and dynamic.
3. Who are these individuals who first use speech
Answer: Greeks
4. It is called traditional.
Answer: conventional.
5. It is called theatrical.
Answer: dynamic.
6. The members of a speech choir is 25 to __
Answer: 40
7. Selections are typically poetic.
Answer: Piece
8-10.give the three voice classification in the choir.
Answer: light, medium and dark.
11-12. differentiate pitch from power.
Answer: power is the use of volume, force or
loudness while pitch refers to the variation on the
musical scale.
13. It refers to the rate of speed.
Answer: Tempo
14-15.in choreography what are the two alternating
patterns that the Greeks used?
Answer: Strophe and Antistrophe.
Okay pass your papers class.
Very good.
I want you to present a speech choir in the class.

Practice with your classmates and apply the

elements and tips that I discuss.
Good bye class.
Good bye sir.

The Resiliency of a Filipino

By William G. Bacani
B: Filipino is resilient
G: Since time immemorial, we are tested by countless calamities; volcanic eruptions, devastating
earthquakes and lahar flows, super typhoons, flash floods and landslides.
B: Victoriously, we surmounted these ordeals and pains, beyond imagination of the human race
G: Instant death of our loved ones, claimed by transportation mishaps and natural disasters.
Thousands also die in hunger and malnutrition.
All: Including ambushes and endless wars in Mindanao. They trampled our basic human rights,
such as the right to live
G (solo): I lost my loving husband, who didn't want to join Abu Sayyaf.
G (solo): I lost my only son, who opted to become a military man.
G: We lost our innocent children and women, we lost our homes and properties.
B: Survivors are Filipinos. The wrath of nature and cruel destiny may steal everything from us.
B (solo): Wealth, properties, and family
All: But the Filipinos never give up
B: For us we are continuously scourged by the test of time. The spirit to survive and to bounce
back remains undefeated
All: I'm as pliant as a bamboo for I'm a man of Earth

G: My hair may all be blown away by the winds

B: And my legs may be crippled by the smash of waves
All: But I will stand and pick up the shattered pieces of myself and continue to live
B: Resolute to survive, clothed with an inspiration to live, not only for my family but also for my
beloved country
All: Filipinos unite in the midst of crisis, regardless of socio-economic status, tradition and creed
G: The world has seen the magnanimous spirit of the Filipinos in crucial times.
All: The gap between the rich and the poor was narrowed.
Name: ___________________________________________
Directions: Underline the Embedded sentences and Encircle

Section: _________

Score: __

the markers.

1. After John caught the fish, Kelly caught one also.

2. The prince and his knights rode into the valley because the dragon had burned the village.
3. If Louise goes to the store, she will be late for the movie.
4. I like to eat lunch outside when the sun is shining.
5. The ball bounced into the hole where Casey and Robert could not reach it.
6. Since his car broke down, Mr. Evans rides the bus to work.
7. In Paris, the French boy played on the bridge until his mother called him home.
8. While the family slept, the mouse ran through the kitchen and ate the bread.
9. On his birthday Adam received a football, which he traded for a baseball bat.
10. Unless you have another idea, we will play Wills game this afternoon.
11. The long stretch of National highway, from the US Embassy to a portion just before the
Coastal road to Cavite.

12. It is most picturesque in the afternoon when the dying sun emits golden rays and golden
tones especially to the towering hotels and office buildings nearby.
13-14.The renovated bay wall is now a tourist-class promenade known as the bay walk area
where stylish benches are propped up for frolicking and where people roam around for the fresh
air or jog in early mornings.
15. Being now a popular sightseeing destination. It is among the top five tourist spot in Manila

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