Environmental Aging of Polymeri Insulators in Pakistan

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Procecdings of 2005 Inicmational Symposium on Electrical Insulating

Materrals. June 5-9, 2005, Kiiakyushu. Japan



Mohammad Amin Univ. of Engg. And Tech. Taxila, Pakistan
Polymeric materials in electric power
applications has increased rapidly. Special
intcrest has been paid on the use of polymeric
materials for high voltage outdoor insulators.
Some of the major advantages of the polymeric
insulators over the traditional ceramic ones are
their light weight and lower cost. They are easier
and cheaper to store, transport and install.
However, the polymeric materials are more
prone to deterioration and chemical alterations
which can seriously reduce the reliability and
life-time of the insulator in service. The features
of the weather, Chemical Pollutants and Others
that degrade polymers are ,
1. Heat, Light and Moisture.
2. Sulpherdioxide,Ozone.Oxygen.,

3. Wind/Dust/Microbiological
0rganism.Rain & precipitation.
The weather exposed part of the polymeric
Insulators should possess high hydrophobicity in
order to give maximum performance. Necessary
demands on materials for such usage are nonpolarity and an ability to withstand discharges in
wet, salty, acidic, tropical or arctic environment.
Difficult environmental conditions can, however,
causc a permanent or temporary loss of
hydrophobicity. Polymeric insulators are
designed for an assumed hydrophilic
state. This means that the benefits of using
polymeric material instead of porcelain and glass
are not utilized to their full potential. Properly
used, these materials can offer advantages such
as more compact design, reduced maintenance
and lower total operating costs.
Recently, polymeric materials. Such as
silicone rubber, EPDM, EP/silicone alloy
have become the materials of choice for
insulators, surge arrester housing, cable
terminations and bushings. Industry has
adapted from ceramic to polymeric
insulators when opportunity presented itself
in the form of light weight, aesethic and
hydrophobic materials, with
Because of these reasons many countries
like America Sweden Saudi Arabia Japan
etc. are now using composite insulators .In
Pakistan no composite insulators are being

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.By this research feasibility of use of composite

insulators in Indutrial /coastal/clean areas of
Pakistan under Energised and unenergised
will be studied according to
following Plan.

Field Research program

Three sites: (i) Coastal (ii) Industrial, and (iii)
Inland are being considered. At each site, we
plan to test (4)different types of insulators .
In addition, a few rectangular plats and
cylindrical samples will also be exposed at the
three sites for natural aging.

Exposures at a coastal site

Test voltage ;
10 kV
Source capacity : 2 kVA
Creepage distance : 50 mm / kV
Insulator type :4(these could be
of different design or of different
material formulations).
Insulating Plates:
2 (Rectangular 150x300~5mm).
2 (Cylindrical I x @ = 300x 26 mm).
Parameters to be recorded :
Leakage current (to see the effect of
electrical stress).
Un-energized aging (excluding electrical

ESDD / NSDD measurements.

Metrological parameters (data of the nearest
station to be utilized).
Un-energized exposure of insulating

Exposure at industrial site

Test voltage : 10 kV
Test source capacity : 2 kVA
Test creepage : 3 5 4 0 mm / kV
Insulator type @om different design
and or different material formulations).
Type and size of insulating plates :
a) Rectangular 150x300~5mm

b) Cylindrical Ix@ 300x26 mm

Parameters to be measured
Leakage current (to see the effect of
eIearical stress).

sites. However, the test creepage will be 25-30

mm / kV. The requirements of insulators and
insulating plates will be similar.
Laboratory Investigation

Un-energized aging (excluding electrical

ESDD I NSDD measurements.
Metrological parameters (data of the nearest
station to be utilized).
Un-energized exposure of insulating plats.

Test voltage : IO kV
Source capacity : 5 kVA
Insulators to be studied :
4 types x 3 of (SO mm / kV.

Exposure at Inland test site

Parameters to be measured :
Leakage Current
Artificial aging through different means.

4 types x 3 of

This test site will be located on the premises of

UET, Taxila. The test station will have a similar

design as given for industrial and coastal test

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(30m m / kV)

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