E-UTRA Base Station Transmit ON/OFF Power Measurement: Keysight Technologies

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Keysight Technologies

E-UTRA Base Station Transmit

ON/OFF Power Measurement

Application Note

The time domain division (TDD) mode of 3GPP LTE technology, known as LTE TDD
or TD-LTE, has been accepted by major operators and most cellular equipment
manufacturers. However, LTEs complex, evolved architecture introduces new
challenges in designing and testing network and user equipment. One of the
particular challenges for LTE TDD is strict timing and OFF power management
during signal transmission.
This application note describes the LTE TDD E-UTRA base station transmit ON/OFF
power measurementalso known as the power-versus-time measurement
as provided in the Keysight Technologies, Inc. N9082A LTE TDD measurement
application. The N9082A application runs on the following Keysight X-Series signal
analyzers: PXA (N9030A), MXA (N9020A), and EXA (N9010A). According to 3GPP
Technical Specification 36.1411, the LTE TDD transmit ON/OFF power measurement
requires that the spectrum analyzer used in this measurement have an extremely
high dynamic range and low noise floor. Meeting such a strict requirement is nearly
impossible for spectrum and signal analyzers on the market today. To overcome
this test challenge, two innovative techniques are used in the Keysight N9082A
measurement application: a two-sweep method and a noise correction (NC)/noise
floor extension (NFE) plus power limiter method2. A discussion of these methods

3Gpp Standard Requirements

In Section 6.4 of TS 36.1411, transition period and OFF power are defined and
specified as follows:
Transmitter OFF power is defined as the mean power measured over [70 us]
filtered with a square filter of bandwidth equal to the transmission bandwidth
configuration of the BS (BWConfig) centered on the assigned channel
frequency during the transmitter OFF period.
The transmitter transient period is the time period during which the transmitter
is changing from the OFF period to the ON period or vice versa. The transmitter
transient period is illustrated in Figure
The transmitter transient period shall be shorter than 17 us + [TT].
The transmitter OFF power spectral density shall be less than
85 dBm/MHz + [TT].
85 dBm/MHz +[TT]

OFF power
Max. transition period


17 us +[TT]


17 us +[TT]

Note: TT is the Test Tolerance

Transmitter output power

ON power level

Transmitter ON period
(DL subframe and DwPTS)

OFF power level

transient period

Transmitter OFF

Transmitter OFF

Figure 1. Illustration of the relations of transmitter ON period, transmitter OFF period and
transmitter transient period (From 36.141 1 Figure

Why the Transmit On/Off Power Test is Important for TDD Systems
Benefitting from the characteristics of TDD, such as DL and UL on the same
carrier frequency, the LTE TDD system can more easily accommodate new technologies such as beam forming and smart antennas and therefore achieve better
spectrum efficiency. However, this benefit is achieved at the price of requiring
strict burst timing and low OFF power to avoid interfering with other downlink
or uplink slots. Figure 2 gives an example of how a downlink slot interferes with
a uplink slot from a UE and a downlink slot from another E-UTRA base station.
The transmit ON/OFF power test helps RF engineers troubleshoot E-UTRA base
station power amplifier problems, including high OFF power and inappropriate
ramp up/down transient period resulting from power leakage during OFF time,
as well as wrong or inaccurate ON/OFF action.

Slow ramp down interference to adjacent slot















Off power interference to UL slot

Off power interference to adjacent DL slot

Figure 2. Illustration of OFF power and slow ramp down interference to adjacent slots

Challenges of the LTE TDD Transmit ON/OFF Power Test

The purpose of the LTE TDD transmit ON/OFF power test is to verify that the
E-UTRA base station transmit OFF power and transient period fall within the
limits of the minimum requirements. This test requires a spectrum analyzer
with the ability to measure very high ON power and extremely low OFF power
simultaneously to get the whole power-time mask. If you compare the requirements specified in TS 36.141 with even the best dynamic range and noise floor
available in a spectrum analyzer, you will find that the measurement cannot be
made by any existing spectrum analyzer on the market today.
Two factors that make this test so challenging will be discussed in detail below.
Note that TS 36.141 requires that the transmit ON/OFF power be performed
under the maximum transmit output power; i.e., 43 dBm. Therefore, all the
examples used in this document will consider this most extreme case.

Challenge 1: Dynamic range

The first challenge arises from the fact that the dynamic range of a spectrum
analyzer today is not sufficient to process the ON power and OFF power simultaneously, especially in the case of maximum output power. The maximum output
power of an E-UTRA base station could be up to 43 dBm/BW (BW is configured
as 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz and 20 MHz), and the OFF power
should be below 85 dBm/MHz, which requires that the spectrum analyzers
dynamic range be more than 126 dB (= 43 dBm/1.4 MHz - (85 dBm/MHz +
10 log(1.4 M/1 M))). However, the best dynamic range of any spectrum analyzer
on the market is only about 115 dB, which is much lower than the requirement.

Challenge 2: Noise floor

The second challenge occurs because the noise floor of a spectrum analyzer is
very close to the OFF power requirement if a high value external attenuator is
used. The OFF power requirement is 85 dBm/MHz, equivalent to 145 dBm/Hz.
To prevent damage to the spectrum analyzer, an external attenuator should be
used between the E-UTRA base station antenna port and the RF input port of the
spectrum analyzer to attenuate the 43 dBm high power signal. A 30 dBm CW
signal is a typical maximum allowable input power for the spectrum analyzer. In
the case of a LTE signal with a 10 dB peak-to-average ratio, the external attenuator value should be at least 20 dB to attenuate the 43 dBm signal to the safe
input power of the spectrum analyzer. With this attenuation, the OFF power of
the signal under test at the RF input port of the spectrum analyzer is attenuated
to 165 dBm/Hz (= 145 dBm/Hz - 20 dB). The OFF power from an E-UTRA base
station could be much lower than 85 dBm/MHz. However, the best noise floor
that can be achieved from a state-of-the-art spectrum analyzer is 165 dBm/Hz
to 169 dBm/Hz, which is not enough margin to measure the attenuated OFF
power level.

Solutions for the Challenges

Two-sweep method
In order to meet the high dynamic range requirement of the LTE TDD transmit
ON/OFF power measurement, the dynamic range of the spectrum analyzer
needs to be extended in some innovative way. The Keysight N9082A LTE TDD
measurement application uses what is called the two-sweep method to make
maximum use of 3rd order distortion and noise floor performance. Figure 3
illustrates the two-sweep method using a green trace line for the first sweep
and a red trace line for the second. This two-sweep method sets a threshold
power level to divide the power time trace into two parts: a higher power part
and a lower power part. The N9082A first sweeps the high power part with
high attenuation and preamplifier OFF settings to avoid distortion introduced
by spectrum analyzer front end saturation. The high attenuation setting raises
the noise level, as indicated by the dashed green line, which may bury the real
OFF power trace but which is not included in the first sweep. In the second
sweep, the N9082A gets the lower power part trace data (below the threshold)
by optimizing the settings for low level signal measurement with minimum
attenuation and preamplifier on. The minimum attenuation setting may saturate
the high level ON power part as indicated by the dashed red line, but this data
is not used as part of the second sweep. The parts of the traces indicated by
the solid color lines are stored and combined automatically by a measurement
algorithm into a single trace to implement the very high dynamic range power
time measurement.
Higher power part
(high attenuation,
preamp off)
First sweep trace
Second sweep trace
Threshold line

Off power

Lower power part

(minimum attenuation,
preamp on)


Transient period

Figure 3. The two-sweep method for LTE TDD ON/OFF power measurement in the
Keysight N9082A

NC or NFE plus power limiter

As we discussed in Challenge 2, a signal during the OFF time could reach
165 dBm/Hz for the 20 dB external attenuator case. There are two ways to
overcome this challenge: extend the noise floor of the spectrum analyzer or
reduce the external attenuator value. We will talk about both possible solutions
The noise floor performance of a spectrum analyzer is limited by the noise introduced by the spectrum analyzer itself. This spectrum analyzer native noise can
be the thermal noise of active components, the phase noise of an oscillator, and
so forth. This noise can be calculated by accurate calibration of the analyzer and
appropriate noise modeling, and then the noise can be subtracted from the system. The Keysight N9082A has adopted two techniquesnoise correction for
the PXA (N9030A), MXA (N9020A), and EXA (N9010A) and noise floor extension
for the PXA (N9030A)to perform the LTE TDD transmit ON/OFF power
measurement. Noise correction has been used widely in ACPR measurement for
several years. Noise floor extension is a technique introduced in Keysights high
performance PXA signal analyzer in 2009. NC or NFE can lower the spectrum
analyzer noise floor by about 4 to 6 dB for LTE TDD transmit ON/OFF power
measurement. With NFE or NC applied, the spectrum analyzer noise floor can be
lowered to 169 dBm/Hz, which is enough margin to measure the 165 dBm/Hz
OFF power signal. Figure 4 shows a setup of the LTE TDD transmit ON/OFF
power measurement. The signal power level changes shown at different test
points make it easy to understand how NC/NFE helps measure the OFF power.

Ext. trigger


43 dBm

20 dB attenuator

Keysight N9082A running on

20 dB Ext. attenuation compensated

E-UTRA Tx power time

23 dBm

ON power


Measured OFF power

165 dBm/Hz
169 dBm/Hz

Measured transient period

PXA/MXA noise floor at 2 GHz


20 dB Ext. att. compensated

NC/NFE extended noise floor

Figure 4. Test setup of LTE TDD ON/OFF power measurement with noise correction (NC)
or noise floor extension (NFE) techniques

As noted previously, sometimes a noise floor of 169 dBm/MHz does not

provide enough margin if the OFF power under test is lower than 85 dBm/MHz,
which is achievable in current state-of-the-art E-UTRA base station designs.

Therefore, we must change the test setup by adding a power limiter, which
provides more test margin to reduce the external attenuator valuefor example,
to 10 dB. However, this solution measures OFF power correctly only if the transient period and ON power measurements are not considered. As depicted in
Figure 5, the transient period and ON power are measured incorrectly with some
unknown part due to the limiter power cut. Keysight recommends using the
N9356B power limiter (0 to 18 GHz) with maximum input power of 6 W, limiting
threshold of 25 dBm, low insertion loss of < 1.75 dB, and fast turn on time of
< 100 ps.

Ext. trigger

10 dB Attenuator

43 dBm
33 dBm

E-UTRA Tx power time

Power limiter

Keysight N9082A running on

Unknown part of
ON power
10 dB Ext. attenuation compensated



ON power

85 dBm/MHz ( 145 dBm/Hz)

155 dBm/Hz
PXA/MXA noise floor at 2 GHz
165 dBm/Hz
169 dBm/Hz

Measured OFF power

Unknown part of
transient period

Measured transient period


Figure 5 Test setup of LTE TDD ON/OFF power measurement with power limiter

For the LTE TDD transmit ON/OFF power measurement, Keysight suggests
that you choose the measurement setup in Figure 4 for a standards-compliant
transient period test if you are already confident in the OFF power performance
of the E-UTRA base station, and choose the measurement setup in Figure 5 for
an OFF power test only with enough margin.

How NC and NFE Work

Noise correction and noise floor extension are similar techniques in that they
characterize spectrum analyzer native noise and subtract it from the signal
under test. They differ, however, in the way they measure the noise. Noise
correction measures spectrum analyzer noise before each measurement of the
signal under test. In contrast, noise floor extension measures the spectrum
analyzers native noise during factory calibration and stores the appropriately
modeled noise data before the spectrum analyzer is shipped. Then, before making a signal measurement, the analyzer just needs to read back from the stored
information the data that is appropriate for the current spectrum analyzer parameters and environment. Noise floor extension takes less time during a signal
measurement than does noise correction. More detailed information about NFE
theory and application is discussed in Using Noise Floor Extension in the PXA
Signal Analyzer, Keysight literature number 5990-5340EN.

Setting Up the LTE TDD Transmit On/Off Power Test

The LTE TDD transmit ON/OFF power measurement is made using the test
setup depicted in Figure 4 or Figure 5. A frame synchronization trigger from
the E-UTRA base station is needed to connect to the spectrum analyzer to
get the wanted time slots to measure. In the following examples, Keysights
N9082A LTE TDD measurement application running on a Keysight X-Series
signal analyzer is used to make the measurement. To ensure the success of
the measurement, several parameters need to be set appropriately. These are
the center frequency, information bandwidth (Info BW), downlink and uplink
(DL/UL) allocation configuration, and special subframe length configuration.
Because the two-sweep method has been adopted in the Keysight application
software, the transmit ON/OFF power measurement is made in single-sweep
(non-continuous) mode only. NC or NFE can be turned on and the power limiter
can be used if you want to test OFF power levels lower than 85 dBm/MHz.
The measurement results in Figure 6 show the power versus time graph and
OFF power, ramp up/down period, and mean power for an E-TM1.1 test signal.
A table of average power and slot width for each slot are also shown at the
bottom of the screen. The pass/fail indicator at the upper left corner of the
screen gives you the general pass/fail result at a glance.
The transmit ON/OFF power measurement of the Keysight N9082A provides
more advanced functions for R&D engineers. Figure 7 zooms in on a trace of the
power ramp up period for further troubleshooting. Zooming in on a trace can
be accomplished easily by changing the Ref Value and Scale/Div of the X-axis,
and it is a useful function for helping identify the root cause of ON/OFF power
measurement failures.

Figure 6. Example of LTE TDD transmit ON/OFF power measurement results

Figure 7. Zoomed-in power ramp up period


Standards-compliant LTE TDD ON/OFF power measurement is invaluable for

RF engineers developing E-UTRA base station systems. However, because of
spectrum analyzer dynamic range and noise floor limitations, this test is difficult
to perform without using the two-sweep method and NC/NFE techniques
adopted by the Keysight N9082A LTE TDD measurement application.
The Keysight application software running on a Keysight X-Series spectrum
analyzer gives you an excellent solution for making the standards-compliant
LTE TDD ON/OFF power measurement and for advanced troubleshooting as well.



3rd Generation Partnership Project


Continuous waveform




E-UTRA test model


Evolved-UMTS terrestrial radio access


Long term evolution


Noise correction


Noise floor extension


Time domain division


Time division-long term evolution





More Information

For more information about the 3GPP, visit the 3GPP home page

3GPP TS 36.141 V8.5.0 (2009-12), Base Station (BS) Conformance Testing

Using Noise Floor Extension in the PXA Signal Analyzer, Keysight literature
number 5990-5340EN

3GPP Series 36 (LTE) specifications

For more information about Keysight design and test products for LTE visit

Keysight LTE application notes and technical overviews:

3GPP Long Term Evolution: System Overview, Product Development, and
Test Challenges, 5989-8139EN
LTE Component Test, 5990-5149EN
MIMO in LTE Operation and MeasurementExcerpts on LTE Test,
MIMO Performance and Condition Number in LTE Test, 5990-4759EN
LTE FDD/TDD X-Series Measurement Application N9080A & W9080A,
N9082A & W9082A, Technical Overview, 5989-6537EN
Measuring ACLR Performance in LTE Transmitters, 5990-5089EN

Learn more about LTE and its measurements in the

new book written by 30 LTE experts:
LTE and the Evolution to 4G Wireless
Design and Measurement Challenges


12 | Keysight | E-UTRA Base Station Transmit ON/OFF Power Measurement Application Note

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Keysight Technologies, 2010-2014
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