Bizsim The World of Business - in A Box: Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501, New Mexico, Usa
Bizsim The World of Business - in A Box: Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501, New Mexico, Usa
Bizsim The World of Business - in A Box: Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501, New Mexico, Usa
The World of Business – in a Box
John L. Casti
collection of such rules, and acts in accordance with only one rule at any given time period.
This rule is the one that the trader views as his or her currently most accurate rule.
As buying and selling goes on in the market, the traders can reevaluate their different rules
by assigning a higher probability of triggering a given rule that has proved profitable in the
past, and/or by recombining successful rules to form new ones that can then be tested in the
market. This latter process is carried out by use of what is called a genetic algorithm, which
mimics the way nature combines the genetic pattern of males and females of a species to form
a new genome that is a combination of those from the two parents.
A run of such a simulation involves initially assigning sets of predictors to the traders at
random, and then beginning the simulation with a particular history of stock prices, interest
rates, and dividends. The traders then randomly choose one of the rules and use it to start the
buying-and-selling process. As a result of what happens on the first round of trading, the
traders modify their estimate of the goodness of their collection of rules, generate new rules
(possibly), and then choose the best rule for the next round of trading. And so the process
goes, period after period, buying, selling, placing money in bonds, modifying and generating
rules, estimating how good the rules are, and, in general, acting in the same way that traders
act in real financial markets.
A typical frozen moment in this artificial market is displayed in Figure 1. Moving
clockwise from the upper left, the first window shows the time history of the stock price and
dividend, where the current price of the stock is the black line and the top of the grey region is
the current fundamental value. The region where the black line is much greater than the height
of the grey region represents a price bubble, whereas the market has crashed in the region
where the black line sinks far below the grey. The upper right window is the current relative
wealth of the various traders, and the lower right window displays their current level of stock
holdings. The lower left window shows the trading volume, where grey is the number of
shares offered for sale and black is the number of shares that traders have offered to buy. The
total number of trades possible is then the smaller of these two quantities, because for every
share purchased these must be one share available for sale.
After many time periods of trading and modification of the traders’ decision rules, what
emerges is a kind of ecology of predictors, with different traders employing different rules to
make their decisions. Furthermore, it is observed that the stock price always settles down to a
random fluctuation about its fundamental value. However, within these fluctuations a very
rich behavior is seen: price bubbles and crashes, market moods, over-reactions to price
movements, and all the other things associated with speculative markets in the real world.
The agents in the stock market simulation are individual traders. A quite different type of
business simulation emerges when we want to look at an entire industry, in which case the
agents become the individual firms constituting that industry. The world’s catastrophe
insurance industry served as the focus for just such a simulation exercise called Insurance
World, carried out by the author and colleagues at the Santa Fe Institute and Intelligize, Inc.
over the past couple of years.
3. Insurance World
As a crude, first-cut, the insurance industry can be regarded as an interplay among three
components: firms, which offer insurance, clients, who buy it, and events, which determine the
outcomes of the “bets” that have been placed between the insurers and their clients. In
Insurance World, the agents consist of primary casualty insurers and the reinsurers, the firms
that insure the insurers, as well as various external factors like government regulators and the
global capital markets.
be examined. For instance, Figure 2 shows that market share for Gulf Coast hurricane
insurance of the five primary insurers in the toy world, under the assumption that the initial
market shares were almost identical – but not quite. In this experiment, firm 2 has a little
larger initial market share than any of the other firms, a differential advantage that it then uses
to squeeze out all the other firms at the end of the ten-year period. This is due to the “brand
effect,” in which buyers tend to purchase insurance from companies that they know about.
As a final example of what simulation and business have to say to each other, consider the
movement of shoppers in a typical supermarket. This world is dubbed SimStore by Ugur Bilge
of SimWorld, Ltd. and Mark Venables at J. Sainsbury in London, who collaborated with the
author on its creation.
4. SimStore
The starting point for SimStore is a real supermarket in the Sainsbury chain, one located in the
London region of South Ruislip. The agents are individual shoppers who frequent this store.
These electronic shoppers are dropped into the store, and then make their way to the various
locations in the store by rules such as “wherever you are now, go to the location of the nearest
item on your shopping list,” so as to gather all the items they want to purchase.
As an example of the types of outputs generated by SimStore, customer checkout data are
used to calculate customer densities at each location. Color codes are with descending order:
blue, red, purple, orange, pink, green, cyan, grey and nothing. Using the Manhattan metric
pattern of movement, in which a customer can only move along the aisles of the store, all
locations above 30 percent of customer densities have been linked to form a most popular
customer path. Once this path is formed a genetic algorithm will minimize (or maximize!) the
length of the overall shopping path.
In the same store, this time each individual customer path has been internally calculated
using the simple “nearest neighbor” rule noted above. All customer paths have been summed
for each aisle, in order to calculate the customer path densities. These densities are displayed
in Figure 3 as a relative density map using the same color code just mentioned.
Casti, J. (1997), Would-Be Worlds. New York: Wiley.