SSCF Installation V5.6.0

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SSCF Installation V5.6.0

Installation file
Obtain the installation file EMC.SSCF560.XMITFILE.

It is possible that this file may be found on a CD or may be downloaded from EMC.
It may be in a zip archive, such as EMC.SSCF560.ZIP, or may be packaged with other
installation and documentation files in a zip archive. Your EMC representative will supply you
with details or documentation on how to find it.
EMC.SSCF560.XMITFILE is an EBCDIC encoded mainframe dataset. It is a TSO TRANSMIT
flattened file which contains a PDS of other TSO TRANSMIT file images and the JCL to extract

Allocate a dataset
Allocate a mainframe dataset to which you can upload EMC.SSCF560.XMITFILE. Use the
same dataset name prefix to which you intend to install the product. The final qualifier for this
dataset MUST be XMITFILE.

EMC recommends using "EMC.SSCF560", if this agrees with your site standards.
For example, if you intend to install the product with a dataset name prefix of SYS3.SSCF560,
name the file SYS3.SSCF560.XMITFILE.
Allocate the file with the following characteristics:
IMPORTANT: you MUST use 3120!
SPACE=(CYL,(10,1)) Assumes 3390 devices

Upload the file

Upload the file to the mainframe in BINARY format, which is to say, as-is without translation or
encoding. For example, if you use FTP and chose the dataset name given as an example in
Step 2:

ftp ...
200 Representation type is Image
If you use another method, such as IND$FILE, ensure that the equivalent of ftp binary format is

Receive the dataset

TSO RECEIVE the dataset into a PDS. The PDS will be created by the command and does not
have to be pre-allocated. However, it will be allocated with your userID as the high-level
qualifier unless you specify a dataset name after the prompt.
For example, again assuming you chose the name used to illustrate Step 2:
receive indataset('EMC.SSCF560.xmitfile')
INMR901I Dataset EMC.SSCF560.XMITLIB from userid on NODENAME
INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' +





Note: For the extracted library dataset name, use the dataset prefix that you intend to use
for the product libraries. The final qualifier MUST be XMITLIB.
Edit the #EXTRACT member in the newly RECEIVED library
The #EXTRACT job can be edited by running the SETUP REXX program found in the XMITLIB
dataset. It will prompt you for all of the information needed to edit the JOB.
If you wish to edit the JOB manually, make the following changes:
1. Change the job card to one that conforms to your standards.
2. Globally change DS-PREFIX to the dataset prefix of this library (which will be the dataset
prefix for the product libraries).
3. Globally change DVOL to a disk volser that can be used to hold the extracted libraries.
4. Globally change DISK-UNIT to a site appropriate unit name.
Submit #EXTRACT. All step completion codes should be zero.
The #EXTRACT JOB above creates all of the datasets needed to do an SMP/E install.
Continue the installation process by editing the JCL in the RIMLIB created by the #EXTRACT
It is strongly suggested that you use the SCFJCL utility contained in the RIMLIB dataset to
perform this task. However, you may do it manually if you prefer.

use the SCFJCL utility:

Copy it to a library concatenated to your TSO SYSPROC or SYSEXEC ddnames.
Display RIMLIB (this library) in DSLIST (PDF option 3.4).
Enter SCFJCL next to RIMLIB on the DSLIST listing panel in the space you might
normally type 'e' for edit and press enter.
d. On the panel displayed, enter:
- The name of a CLIST library into which an edit macro can be stored (normal TSO
prefixing conventions apply).
- The name of the edit macro. The macro will be created by this dialog. You may choose
any name you like).
- The product dsname prefix you earlier selected.
- The SMP/E dsname prefix you earlier selected.
- The disk volume and unit name to which the ResourcePak Base 5.6.0 product libraries
will be installed.
- Change the job card to conform to your installation's requirements. Note that you may
specify %MEMBER% as the jobname to set each jobname equal to the member name
(that is, "#01ALLOC", "#02DFZON", etc.).
e. Type 'EXEC' on the command line and press 'ENTER'. The edit macro will be created and
saved, then applied to every member of this library that begins with '#'.
To use the SCFJCL utility (with the SETUP REXX):
a. While in the EDIT or BROWSE member list, use the EX EX command on the SETUP
member. It will call the SCFJCL REXX program and fill in the CLIST dataset name with
the PDS you are running from. Do not change this information.
b. On the panel displayed, enter
- The name of a CLIST library into which an edit macro can be stored (normal TSO
prefixing conventions apply).
- The name of the edit macro. The macro will be created by this dialog. You may choose
any name you like).


The product dsname prefix you earlier selected.

The SMP/E dsname prefix you earlier selected.
The disk volume and unit name to which the ResourcePak Base 5.6.0 product libraries
will be installed.
- Change the job card to conform to your installation's requirements. Note that you may
specify %MEMBER% as the jobname to set each jobname equal to the member name
(that is, "#01ALLOC", "#02DFZON", etc.).
c. Type 'EXEC' on the command line and press 'ENTER'. The edit macro will be created and
saved, then applied to every member of this library that begins with '#'.
Submit the installation jobs in numerical order as listed below
a. New install into a new SMP/E CSI.
Review the JCL before you submit to make sure that the job was customized the way you
intended. Inspect job output to make sure that all steps complete successfully (step
completion codes are expected to be all zeros except for the DDDEF and the ACCPT jobs
which can be 04)).
1. #01ALLOC
2. #02DFZON
3. #03REPRO
4. #04DDDEF
5. #05RECEV
6. #06APPLY
7. #07ACCPT


Note: The #05ACCPT job will complete with a return code of 04. This is normal for the
Upgrade install into an SMP/E CSI that contains an older release of ResourcePak-Base.
Review the JCL before you submit to make sure that the job was customized the way you
intended. Inspect job output to make sure that all steps complete successfully (step
completion codes are expected to be all zeros, except #U4DDDEF which can be 4).


#U1ALLOC This JCL describes the attributes required for this version of
ResourcePak Base to be installed correctly. Please check the notes in this job and
re-allocate and copy any datasets that do not match the attributes specified in


Use the supplied job #99MAINT to apply any maintenance to ResourcePak Base. This job may
require further manual customization before it is run.
It is possible that no maintenance will need to be applied at the time of installation. Keep this
JCL handy for use in the future should the need arise.

It is very important that maintenance not be applied until ResourcePak Base is accepted. The
product will run after it has only been applied, but maintenance cannot be undone unless the
base product has been accepted. EMC recommends that you DO NOT ACCEPT maintenance
that has been applied.
10. Run job #08CLEAN
When you are satisfied that the product installation was successful, run job #08CLEAN to
delete datasets and DDDEF entries that are no longer needed.
Refer to the ResourcePak Base 5.6.0 Product Guide for further instructions on configuring and
running the product.
Table of Contents

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