A Rasch Analysis On Collapsing Categories in Item - S Response Scales of Survey Questionnaire Maybe It - S Not One Size Fits All PDF
A Rasch Analysis On Collapsing Categories in Item - S Response Scales of Survey Questionnaire Maybe It - S Not One Size Fits All PDF
A Rasch Analysis On Collapsing Categories in Item - S Response Scales of Survey Questionnaire Maybe It - S Not One Size Fits All PDF
When respondents fail to use response scales of survey questionnaires as intended, latent variable
modeling of data can produce disordered category thresholds. The objective of this paper is to show
the usefulness of the Rasch modeling features to explore different ways of collapsing categories so
that they are properly ordered and fit for further analysis. Twenty-four items of a survey questionnaire
with a response scale composed of six categories were analyzed. Among the many strategies
explored and those suggested as guidelines by researchers, one provided much better results. It
appears that suggested guidelines regarding how to collapse categories are just guidelines and should
not be applied blindly. As a matter of fact, they should be related to each context.
Julie Grondin
Universit du Qubec Rimouski, Campus de Lvis
Jean-Guy Blais
Universit de Montral
1. Introduction
Since Likerts (1932) introduction of the summative method for the measurement of attitudes, ordered
response scales have enjoyed great popularity among social sciences researchers who use them to
measure not only attitudes and opinions about various phenomena, but also for many other purposes
including the assessment of a persons performance and/or ability (Davies, 2008). While the extensive
use of these response scales for assessing participants attributes and answers to survey
questionnaires has contributed to obtain better knowledge on many topics of social relevance, it has
also drawn research attention to the effects the scale format can have on the responses given as well
as on the associated psychometric properties (Weng, 2004).
Researchers in the field of survey questionnaires are well aware that a careful response scale design
is essential to achieve satisfactory scale reliability and appropriate research conclusions. Among the
topics related to response scale design, the issue of how the number of response categories affects
scale reliability is an intensively examined one. It is also well known that the number of categories can
influence answers given in self-report instruments (Kirnan, Edler, & Carpenter, 2007) and have
profound effects on both the cognitive response burden and the sensitivity of the scoring design
(Hawthorne, Mouthaan, Forbes, & Novaco, 2006). But studies examining this issue have produced
conflicting results (Chang, 1994; Weathers, Sharma, & Niedrich, 2005; Weng, 2004).
According to Poulton (1989), there should be about five or fewer response categories in order for a
respondent to be able to perform his or her task more or less perfectly. But, since reliability generally
seems to increase with the number of categories offered, some researchers think that there should be
more than five and up to seven or nine categories (and even up to 11) offered. Indeed, it is a common
belief that more scale points will generally be more effective than fewer points as more refined
response categories allow respondents to endorse a category which describes his or her attitude or
opinion more accurately. More scale points also have the potential to convey more useful information
and allow researchers to better discriminate between respondents attitudes/opinions (Krosnick &
Fabrigar, 1997; Weng, 2004). However, it has also been shown that too many response options may
reduce the clarity of meaning. As the number of scale points increases, respondents must discriminate
between finer response categories which increase the complexity of the task. Respondents may then
fail to distinguish reliably between adjacent categories (Weng, 2004). This may lead to less
consistency within and between individuals regarding the meaning respondents give to each response
option (Wright & Linacre, 1992). So how many anchor points should be included in a response scale?
Further investigation on the subject seems warranted (J. Dawes, 2007).
According to Dawes (2007), most of survey data are not just reported. Rather, they are analyzed with
the objective of explaining a dependent variable. This usually means that researchers will use some
sort of overall score on the dependent variable and then try to find out if other variables might be
strongly related to higher or lower scores on that variable. Data are thus analyzed as if they were
equal-interval. This may be a quick and easy way of analyzing the data, but it generally disregard the
subjective nature of the data by making unwarranted assumptions about their meaning. Based on the
a priori arrangement of the response categories, as presented in the questionnaire used, these
methods are counterintuitive and mathematically inappropriate to analyze Likert-type scales (Bond &
Fox, 2001).
When researchers produce this kind of overall score, they presume a ratio, or at least an interval scale
for their data. As a result, the relative value of each response category is treated as being the same,
and the unit increase across the rating scale are given equal value. Also, each item is considered in
the exact same way so that each one contributes equally to the overall score. However, the real
locations of the thresholds generally do not corroborate this traditional assumption. Likewise, the items
of a survey questionnaire usually do not carry the same relative value in the construct under
It therefore seems appropriate to look for a model that would allow an analysis with finer details of the
item and scale structures. This is exactly what the Rasch Rating Scale model developed by Andrich
(1978) does: it provides both an estimate for each item as well as a set of estimates for the thresholds
that mark the boundaries between the categories in the scale. As Bond and Fox mentions (2001), the
model explicitly recognizes the scale as ordered categories only, where the value of each category is
higher than of the previous one, but by an unspecified amount. That is, the data are regarded as
ordinal (not interval or ratio) data. Also, the model transforms the counts of the endorsements of these
ordered categories into interval scales based on the actual empirical evidence, rather than on some
unfounded assumption made beforehand. Consequently, the Rasch model analysis of data from
Likert-type items in opinion/attitude questionnaire is intuitively more satisfactory and mathematically
more justifiable than the traditional approach of the summative method.
One objective of this paper is thus to show how the Rasch model can contribute to explore different
strategies to collapse categories when disordered thresholds occur in response scales used in survey
questionnaires. The main focus of this paper is related to the different ways categories can be
collapsed in order for the data to fit the model optimally. It should be noted that this article follows the
trail of previous work done on Likert-type response scales used with items in survey questionnaires
with the help of Rasch models. Some results were presented at IOMW 2004 in Cairns, Australia;
others were presented at AERA 2007 in Chicago and AERA 2008 in New York.
from extremely positive to extremely negative (Krosnick & Fabrigar, 1997), and the set of options
offered should represent this entire continuum.
There are a number of theoretical issues researchers should consider before deciding on the number
of scale points to include along that continuum (Krosnick & Fabrigar, 1997). First, rating scales can be
structured as either bipolar or unipolar (Schaeffer & Presser, 2003). Bipolar scales are used to reflect
two alternatives that are in opposition along the continuum, and separated by a clear conceptual
midpoint that makes the transition from one side to the other. Attitudes/opinions can usually be
thought of as bipolar constructs and, as a matter of fact, bipolar scales are probably the most common
scale type used in questionnaires targeting attitudes/opinions (R. M. Dawes & Smith, 1985). In
contrast, unipolar positive scales are used to reflect different levels (frequencies, importance) on a
given continuum, with no conceptual midpoint, but with a zero at the beginning of the scale.
A second issue when considering bipolar scale is its midpoint, particularly since it can be given
different meaning that will influence the responses provided by participants. A rating scale midpoint
can be conceived of as indicating indifference (e.g., neither boring nor interesting) or as ambivalence
(e.g., boring in some ways and interesting in others) (Schaeffer & Presser, 2003). According to Klopfer
and Madden (1980), the middle category is the response option that typically reflects indecision and
the three processes that can determine this choice are ambivalence, neutrality and uncertainty. The
definition a researcher decides to give to the midpoint may affect the meaning of the other points on
the scale (Schaeffer & Presser, 2003). Also, it has been shown that for some constructs, the label
used for the middle category may affect how often it is chosen. As an example, more respondents
chose the middle category when it was labelled ambivalent than when it was labelled neutral when
the task was to rate capital punishment (Klopfer & Madden, 1980).
From here, it is possible to take an additional step and try to make a distinction between scales that do
propose a midpoint, i.e. scales that have an odd numbers of scale points, from those that do not, i.e.
that have an even number of points. In other words are attitudes/opinions best recorded as
agree/neutral/disagree or as strongly agree/agree/disagree/strongly disagree? Respondents that
have no attitude/opinion toward an object, that have an ambivalent feeling, or that are uncertain, would
presumably try to place themselves at the middle of the continuum offered by the scale. However, if
they are faced with a rating scale with an even number of response options, there is no midpoint that
would reflect their situation forcing them to choose between a weakly positive or a weakly negative
attitude/opinion. This choice may often be random. Consequently, scales with odd numbers of
response categories may be more reliable than scales with even numbers of response alternatives
because they simply represent reality in a better way (Cools, Hofmans, & Theuns, 2006). Alwin and
Krosnick (1997) tried to verify this hypothesis and they found that two- and four-points scales were
more reliable than a three points scale. On the other hand, they found that a five points scale was no
more reliable than a four-points one. It is also often hypothesized that when a midpoint option is
offered respondents may easily adopt a satisfycing strategy, i.e. they may seek for a quick and
satisfactory response rather than for an optimal one. If this is the case, the midpoint may be chosen
more often and as a result, scales would seemingly show greater reliability (Cools et al., 2006). Again,
studies examining the relation between reliability and the number of response categories in a scale
have produced conflicting results.
Once the researcher has decided the type of scale (bipolar or unipolar), odd or even number of
categories, and the meaning of the midpoint if necessary, the researcher must still decide how many
response categories to include (and the semantic describing each response option). As an example, a
rating scale using only three options and a semantic consisting of agree, disagree and neutral can
be considered. But, such a scale does not allow people to say that they agree slightly to something. A
respondent agreeing slightly to something is confronted with a difficult decision : choosing the agree
category, which may imply stronger positivity than it is the case, or to select the neutral category
which may imply some kind of indifference, uncertainty or ambivalence, while it is not necessarily
concordant with his or her situation (Alwin & Krosnick, 1991; Krosnick & Fabrigar, 1997). Offering
respondents relatively few responses options may therefore not provide enough scale differentiation
for respondents to express reliably their situation and the choices respondents make may very likely
be random (Alwin & Krosnick, 1991). This also raises the question whether reliability is affected or not
by such imprecision. Consequently, although with only few response options the meaning of the
response categories is quite clear, it seems that using more response options would allow
respondents to express their attitudes/opinions more precisely and comfortably (Krosnick & Fabrigar,
Generally, rating scales with four to 11 response categories are used (Cools et al., 2006) and,
historically, five response categories scales have been the convention for self-report instruments
(Hawthorne et al., 2006). According to Weng (2004), a scale with fewer than five response options
should, if possible, be discouraged because some research results show that the reliability estimates
seemed to fluctuate from one sample to another. Cools, Hofmans and Theuns (2006) also found that a
five response options scale was least prone to context effect and that supplementary extreme
answers, such as fully agree or fully disagree did not improve the metric properties of the scale.
Finally, considering that respondents may only naturally be able to distinguish between slight and
substantial leaning, both positively and negatively, a five-point scale might be optimal (Krosnick &
Fabrigar, 1997).
Arguments for more response categories relies on the idea that people may be inclined to think of their
situation as being either slight (weak), moderate or substantial (strong) for both positive and negative
evaluations (Alwin & Krosnick, 1991; Krosnick & Fabrigar, 1997). This is probably because these are
the categories that people often use to describe their attitudes and opinions. According to Alwin and
Krosnick (1991), a seven-points response scale does seem preferable to shorter ones and, when they
are fully labelled, they should increase the likelihood of inducing a stable participant reaction on the
measures making them more reliable than those not so labelled (Alwin & Krosnick, 1991; Weng,
2004). In the studies they reviewed, Krosnick and Fabrigar (1997) also found that the reliability was
greater for scales with approximately seven points.
Although seven response categories could be the optimal number of response options on a scale,
respondents would probably need a much bigger range of options to cover their entire perceptual
range (Borg, 2001). Increasing the number of response categories could thus enable respondents to
map their situation to the appropriate category which may reduce random error and raise reliability.
But there is a limit to the benefit of adding response categories. Indeed, this limit is related to channel
capacity limitation, i.e. the ability to meaningfully discriminate between different choices (Hawthorne et
al., 2006). According to Miller (1956), people can reliably discriminate between seven categories, plus
or minus two. Once scales grow much beyond seven points, the meaning of each response category
may become too ambiguous for respondents to be able to perform their task. Also, some categories
may tend to be underused, especially when as many as nine response options are offered (Cox,
1980). As an example, Hawthorne, Mouthaan, Forbes and Novaco (2006) found that the nine
categories response scale they used may have confused their participants, suggesting that fewer
categories may work equally well or better. Similarly, Cook, Amtmann and Cella (2006) did not find
any advantage in measuring pain using 11 categories. Indeed, individuals may have difficulty
discriminating the difference between 8 and 9 on an 11-points scale (Weng, 2004). A respondent may
choose 8 on one item and 9 on another occasion for an identical item. This inconsistency would then
be due to scale design rather than to the trait being measured. Also, the ambiguity created by too
many response options is likely to increase random measurement errors (Alwin & Krosnick, 1991;
Weng, 2004).
So it seems that the optimal number of response alternatives would be a scale that is refined enough
to be able to transmit most of the information available from respondents, but without being so refined
that it simply encourages response error (Cox, 1980). A response scale using from five to nine
categories should therefore produce relatively good results.
In most cases, once a response scale has been defined, the same scale is applied to all items of a
questionnaire. Several dimensions can be relevant for questions on attitudes/opinions, but
researchers are often interested in only one or two of the dimensions that relates to the
attitude/opinion under investigation. Moreover, respondents would probably not tolerate being asked
about all the dimensions at once (Schaeffer & Presser, 2003). Finally, in order to easily be able to
create an overall score that summarizes a respondents answers, each item of a questionnaire is
generally designed to contribute equally to the measurement of the selected dimensions of the
attitude/opinion being measured and the same response scale is applied to all items. Indeed, such a
summative method would not make much sense if the response scale was different from one item to
another. But is this the best model to use to study the respondents answers? If the traditional
approach hardly accommodate for different number of categories in the response scales used for each
item, it is of no problem for Rasch models. When constructing a rating scale, a researcher habitually
intends to define a clear ordering of response levels. However, for many reasons people often
respond differently from what was intended. A researcher may have given more categories than
respondents can distinguish or, respondents may answer using multiple dimensions of the
attitude/opinion being measured (Andrich, 1996). As it will be shown in the next section, Rasch models
can help one verify if the response scale was used according to the intended ordering. Moreover, if
two categories were indistinguishable to respondents, Rasch models allow the researcher to combine
these two categories to see if the rating scale works more closely to what was intended and if data
better fit the model.
These Rasch models also assume that the respondents answers to the items are statistically
independent, i.e. that each answer is only determined by the joint effect of the respondents parameter
and the items parameter. A persons parameter is thus assumed to reflect each respondents value
along the continuum of the variable being measured. Likewise, an items parameter is assumed to
reflect the position of the characteristic of the variable along that same continuum. And the odds of a
person agreeing with each item, is the product of an item parameter and a person parameter. This is
what is referred to as the separability of item and person parameters. Finally, items parameters are
assumed not to vary over respondents and persons parameters are assumed not to depend on which
question is being asked (Martin et al., 1991). This is what is referred to as the property of invariance.
To estimate the person and item parameters, these models use a probabilistic form of the Guttman
scale (Keenan, Redmond, Horton, Conaghan, & Tennant, 2007) that shows what should be expected
in the response patterns of the items and against which they are tested. These models consider that
all persons are more likely to endorse items that are easy to agree with than to endorse items that are
difficult to endorse. Likewise, all items are more likely to be endorsed by persons of high agreeability
than by persons of low agreeability. As a result, if a person has agreed to an item of an average level
of endorsement toward something, then all items below that level of endorsement should also be
endorsed by that person. On the other hand, any item over that level of endorsement should be harder
to endorse by that person. Similarly, if an item has been endorsed by a person of an average level of
agreeability, than it should also be endorsed by persons of higher level of agreeability. However, it
should not be endorsed by persons of lower level of agreeability.
Mathematically, these three Rasch models assume that the probability Pni of a person n, endorsing (or
agreeing) with an item i, can be formulated as a logistic function of the relative distance between the
item location Di (the position of the characteristic of the attitude/opinion being measured as expressed
by this item) and the person location Bn (the level of agreeability of this person toward the
attitude/opinion being measured) on a linear scale (the continuum of less than / more than of the
attitude/opinion being measured). As a result, both the item and the person parameters are presented
on the same log-odds units (logit) scale.
The mathematical expression of the dichotomous Rasch model (Rasch, 1960/1980) is thus :
Ln [ Pni / (1 - Pni) ] = Bn Di
To extend this model to the polytomous case, namely the Rating Scale model, another parameter
must be introduced. Data obtained from Likert-type rating scales are usually analyzed as if the
response options were equal-interval (J. Dawes, 2007). The Rasch rating scale model does not
presume that the size of the step between each category is equal. Instead, the model analyses the
data and establishes the pattern in the use of the scale categories. It can then produce a rating scale
structure shared by all items (Bond & Fox, 2001). Rasch modelling transforms the counts of
endorsement in each response category of the rating scale into an interval scale based on the actual
data. As a result, in addition to the person and item parameters, the model also estimates a series of
thresholds for the scale used. These thresholds are the level at which the likelihood of non
endorsement at a given response category (below the threshold) turns to the likelihood of
endorsement at that category (above the threshold). As an example, one of the threshold of a rating
scale using four response options with the semantic labelling disagree totally, disagree, agree,
agree totally, would be located between the options disagree totally and disagree, at the position
where a respondent would fail to endorse the disagree totally but endorse the disagree option.
As opposed to the Rating Scale model which considers that the threshold structure is the same across
all items, the Partial Credit model allows the threshold structure to vary across items. Consequently, a
simple formulation of the Partial Credit model (Masters, 1982) is :
e (Bn Di Fix)
1 + e (Bn Di Fix)
Taking the natural logarithm of the odds ratio, the expression becomes :
Where Pnix is the probability that person n with attitude/opinion Bn endorses category x (where x = 0 to
m-1 for the m response categories of the rating scale) of item i located at position Di on the variable
continuum. Parameter Fix corresponds to the threshold between categories x-1 and x on item i; or,
more precisely, to the point at which the probability of opting for one or the other category on item i is
equal. Fix can also be interpreted as the distance between category x-1 and category x on item i. It is
through this parameter that the model can accommodate for a different number of categories x for
each item i. (In the Rating Scale model, this parameter would simply be Fx because the number of
categories x and threshold structure is the same for all items.) Finally, Pni(x-1) represents the probability
that person n with opinion Bn endorses category x-1 on item i.
The software that was used in our analysis, RUMM2020, uses three overall fit statistics to determine if
the data fit the model or not. Two of them are item-person interaction statistics. Their value is the
standardized sum of all differences between observed and expected values summed over all persons
(persons fit residual) and over all items (items fit residual). Because they are standardized, a perfect fit
to the model for the persons or the items would give a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1.
The third fit statistic is an item-trait interaction, reported as a chi-square, and reflecting the property of
invariance across the trait. For each item, RUMM2020 calculates a chi-square statistic that compares
the difference between observed values and expected values across groups representing different
levels of ability (called class intervals) along the continuum of the trait being measured. Therefore, for
a given item, several chi-square values are summed to give the overall chi-square for the item, with
degrees of freedom being the number of groups minus 1 (Tennant & Conaghan, 2007). The item-trait
interaction chi-square statistic is thus the sum of the chi-squares for individual items across all items.
Bonferroni corrections are applied to adjust the p value of these chi-square statistics to take into
account the multiple values computed. A significant chi-square indicates that the hierarchical ordering
of the items varies across the trait, thus compromising the required property of invariance.
In addition to these statistics, RUMM2020 reports individual person and item fit statistics. The value of
these indices are the standardized sum of all differences between observed and expected values
summed over a person (individual person fit residual) or an item (individual item fit residual). The chisquare statistic of each item is also reported. Therefore, when a person or a group of persons do not
fit the model, it is possible to remove them from the sample. The same would apply to misfit items.
The difference between these two actions is mainly a question of quantity since in studies using a
questionnaire there are generally more persons than items included. Moreover, inclusion of an item in
a questionnaire is generally done for reasons related to validity and eliminating an item on pure
statistical grounds may afflict the validity of the data gathered for the measurement of a given
construct (Verhelst & Glas, 1995). Also, development of items in a professional setting may be quite
expensive. As a result, it is often easier to exclude persons from the analysis than to exclude items.
However, eliminating persons is not without consequences with regard to the generalizability of the
Other tools are also available in RUMM2020 to help one investigate the goodness-of-fit between the
data and the model. First, there is the person separation index. This statistic, like the traditional
reliability, depends in part on the actual variance of the persons . Very similar to Cronbachs alpha, it
is estimated as the ratio of the true to the observed variance. Its interpretation is also done in a similar
manner: a minimum value of 0.7 is recommended for group use and 0.85 for individual use (Tennant &
Conaghan, 2007). The person separation index is an indicator of the degree to which the relative
variation amongst the persons is not random variation . The category probability curves, as well as the
threshold probability curves, of each item can also be inspected. The model considers that all persons
are more likely to endorse items that are easy to agree with than to endorse items that are difficult to
agree with. Likewise, it considers that all items are more likely to be endorsed by persons of high
agreeability than by persons of low agreeability. Therefore, one would expect that, if the data fits
the model, each response option would systematically take turn in showing the highest probability of
endorsement along of the continuum of the trait being measured (Tennant & Conaghan, 2007). When
respondents fail to use the response categories in a manner consistent with what is expected by the
model, i.e. when respondents have difficulty discriminating between the response categories or when
the labelling of the options is potentially too confusing, occurs what is referred to as disordered
thresholds. This is one of the most common sources of item misfit. In such situations, it is possible to
collapse the categories where disordered thresholds occur. Often, it will improve the overall fit to the
model. But which categories should be collapsed?
When items show disordered thresholds, it is possible to collapse categories until the thresholds are
properly ordered or until items show adequate fit to the model (Tennant, 2004). There is no unique
way of collapsing categories. Bond and Fox (2001, p. 167) propose some guidelines for collapsing
categories. One of their guideline is that collapsing two categories must make sense. Therefore,
before collapsing categories that show disordered threshold, one should wonder if the combination of,
let say, the disagree and the neutral categories makes sense for the attitude/opinion being
measured. Linacre (2004) also suggested a few guiding tips to help optimize a rating scales
effectiveness. First, Linacre mentions that there should be about 10 observations or more in each
category of the scale. Also, he indicates that the observations should be uniformly distributed in each
category to obtain an optimal calibration of the scale. As a last example, Tennant (2005) suggests to
look at the person separation index as a guide, as well as the fit statistics (e.g. the chi-square
interaction). The solution that gives the highest personal separation index, all things being equal and
given fit to the model, is the solution providing the greatest precision. With so many different
guidelines, we decided to explore these and many others to find which one would bring our data to fit
the model optimally.
4. Method
4.1 The instrument and the respondents
The instrument is a self-administered survey questionnaire that was developed by the Centre de
Formation Initiale des Matres (CFIM) of the Universit de Montral in 1999 to gather data for the
assessment of its undergraduate teacher-training program. The questionnaire is written in French and
was first distributed during the spring of 2000. Data was collected every spring since that time and
until 2007, but using two versions of the same questionnaire.
The original version of the questionnaire (used in 2000) was made up of eight sections. Throughout
the years, the questionnaire was modified so that in the 2007 version, only four sections remained:
overview of the training, teacher training, internships, various information of a demographic nature.
Only the teacher training section was retained for the research carried out. In this section, students
must respond to 24 items introduced by the prompt line I consider that my program has enabled me
to develop competencies for.
Participants were offered a bipolar rating scale to record their answers. In version A of the
questionnaire, the scale was made of five response categories with semantic: 1 = Disagree totally, 2
= Rather disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Rather agree and 5 = Agree totally. In version B of the
questionnaire, the scale was made of six response categories with semantic: 1 = Disagree totally, 2
= Mainly disagree, 3 = Somewhat disagree, 4 = Somewhat agree, 5 = Mainly agree and 6 =
Agree totally. Since the optimal number of response options on a scale tends to be close to seven
response categories (according to what was presented in previous sections), version B, with six
response categories, was the one retained for our analysis.
The two versions of the questionnaire were distributed during the spring of 2007. Since the
questionnaire is used to evaluate undergraduate teacher training programs, there is no sampling of
individuals. The intended respondents are all fourth-year students from the teacher training program
for preschool and elementary school at the Universit de Montral. Each pile of questionnaires that
was distributed to the students was an alternation of a version B following a version A. The
questionnaires were then distributed randomly to the students at the end of their last semester through
regular courses.
5. Data analysis
CFIMs undergraduate teacher-training program assessment for the year 2007, yield to the gathering
of responses from 117 students from the preschool and elementary school program. Sixty of these
students completed version A of the questionnaire and 57 completed version B. Since only version B
of the questionnaire was retained for our analysis, our sample was composed of 57 students.
Many strategies to collapse categories were explored in this study. Table 1 summarizes the results
obtained. (Tables and figures are presented in annex 1 at the end of the paper.) To interpret the
results, it should be noted that, as a general rule, if an estimate converge quickly, it is a good sign that
the data are in accord with the model. However, a large number of categories inevitably require a lot
more iterations to converge. Therefore, to determine the best strategy within the ones we tested, we
will look for the largest number of parameters who converged after 100 iterations. Also, we mentioned
in section 3.3 that disordered thresholds are an indication of a failure to construct a measure from the
response scale provided on the questionnaire or, in other words, that the data collected is not
congruent with the expected model. Consequently, the best strategy will also be the one who presents
the fewest number of items with disordered thresholds. Moreover, Rumm2020 provides an item-trait
interaction chi-square statistic. A significant chi-square indicates that the hierarchical ordering of the
items varies across the trait, thus compromising the required property of invariance (section 3.3). This
is another aspect we will take into account to determine the best strategy. The alpha value used to
determine if a value is statistically significant is fixed at 0.05, since the purpose of our analysis does
not require this value to be smaller. Finally, acording to Tennant (2005), the solution that gives the
highest personal separation index, all things being equal, and given fit to the model, is the solution
providing the greatest precision (section 3.3). As a result, the best strategy will be the one with the
fewest number of misfit items and misfit persons, but with the highest person separation index.
According to Lawton, Bhakta, Chamberlain and Tennant (2004), fit residual statistic should be
included in the interval [-2.5, 2.5]. In our analysis, since our sample is quite small, we decided to
extend this interval to [-3, 3] in order to keep as much items and persons as possible.
A first analysis was done on all subjects and all items. The scoring structure used for this analysis
corresponds to the response scale presented on version B of the questionnaire. Rumm2020 indicates
that 69 parameters out of 96 converged after 100 iterations. In this analysis, 13 items show disordered
thresholds. The items fit residual is 0.4 (S.D. = 1.1) and the persons fit residual is -0.5 (S.D. = 2.3).
According to these statistics, items show a better fit to the model than persons as their fit residual is
closer to zero and standard deviation is closer to 1. The item-trait interaction statistic has a significant
chi-square p value of 0.001 indicating that the hierarchical ordering of the items varies across the trait.
The person separation index is 0.94. Analysis of individual item fit residuals shows that none of the
items is outside the fit values. One item (item 23) has a significant chi-square p value of 0.0002, which
is below the Bonferroni adjustment. Analysis of individual person fit residuals indicates that there are
11 misfit persons. In light of these results, we find that the Rating Scale model is not a good model for
the data at hand.
In a second analysis, misfit persons were withdrawn from the sample to see if a better fit to the model
would be obtained. After an iterative process, a total of 13 persons were removed from our sample.
Results show that, again, only 69 out of 96 parameters converged after 100 iterations. Twelve items
show disordered thresholds. The items fit residual is 0.4 (S.D. = 0.9) and the persons fit residual is
0.001 (S.D. = 1.5). The item-trait interaction statistic is not significant meaning that the hierarchical
ordering of the items does not vary across the trait. The person separation index is 0.94. None of the
items is outside the chosen fit interval, but item 23 still has a significant chi-square p value with the
Bonferroni adjustments (p =0.0005). Therefore, it seems that the withdrawal of misfit persons, without
collapsing any categories, doesnt improve much the results. Our next analysis will thus focus on
collapsing categories to see if it allows us to obtain better results.
The study of the category probability curves of these two analysis revealed that for most of the items,
categories 2 and 3 never had more chances than the other categories to be chosen (see figure 1 as
an example). This means that these categories were probably indistinguishable for people and that,
even if they were offered on our questionnaire, there is no actual threshold or boundary between these
two categories (Andrich, 1996). Therefore, as a third analysis, we decided to try and collapse these
two categories, using all items and all persons, to create some sort of midpoint or ambivalent
category. Results reveal that only 53 parameters converged after 100 iterations. Twelve items still
show disordered thresholds and not necessarily the same twelve items as in previous analysis. The
item-trait interaction is significant (chi-square p value of 0.002). The person separation index is 0.94.
None of the items is outside the chosen interval but item 5 has a significant chi-square p value with the
Bonferroni adjustments (p = 0.0008). Thirteen persons have their individual person fit residual outside
of the chosen interval.
Since the results obtained in this third analysis were quite similar to the first ones, we decided to apply
these collapsed categories on the sample where the misfit persons were removed (fourth analysis).
Again, it does not improve much the results. (See table 1 for more details.) Data still do not fit well with
the model.
It should be noted that in Rumm2020, responses categories must be rescored from 0 to 5. As a result,
categories 2 and 3 on figure 1 correspond to categories 3 and 4 on our questionnaire.
We also tried to collapse category 2 with the collapsed categories 3 and 4 on this reduced sample,
since the threshold between category 2 and category 3 (threshold 2) appeared problematic (see figure
2 as an example). This is analysis n. 5. Only 36 parameters converged after 100 iterations. On the
other hand, only 3 items show disordered thresholds. This is a clear improvement. The item-trait
interaction is not significant. The person separation index is 0.92. One item (item 23) is outside the
chosen fit interval. None of the items has a significant chi-square p value. Only 2 persons have their
individual person fit residual outside of the chosen interval. This solution does seem to improve how
data fit to the model. However, we think that collapsing the Mainly disagree, the Somewhat
disagree and the Somewhat agree categories to create some sort of large neutral category may
cause conceptual problems. As Bond and Fox mentioned (2001), collapsing categories must make
Our next attempt was thus to collapse the intermediate categories. Indeed, collapsing the Mainly
disagree and the Somewhat disagree categories does make more sense. As a first step, we started
by collapsing categories 2 and 3 (analysis n. 6). Only 60 parameters converged after 100 iterations.
One item show disordered thresholds. The item-trait interaction is significant (chi-square p value of
0.02). The person separation index is 0.94. None of the items is outside the chosen interval but item
23 has a significant chi-square p value with the Bonferroni adjustments (p = 0.0002). Thirteen persons
have their individual person fit residual outside of the chosen interval. Again, we see an improvement
as to the number of items showing disordered thresholds, but the number of misfit persons is still high.
The next step was to collapse categories 2 and 3, as well as categories 4 and 5 (analysis n. 7). Only
36 parameters converged after 100 iterations. All items show ordered thresholds. The item-trait
interaction is not significant. The person separation index is 0.92. None of the items is outside the
chosen fit interval but item 2 has a significant chi-square p value with the Bonferroni adjustments (p =
0.0002). Nine persons have their individual person fit residual outside of the chosen interval. Again,
we find a little improvement in the results: now all items show ordered thresholds and the number of
misfit persons is a little less.
Analysis of the categories frequencies revealed that 6 items had null frequencies in their first category
(items 1, 7, 8, 22, 23 and 24). As a result, we tried to rescore these 6 items by combining category 1 to
the collapsed categories 2 and 3, keeping categories 4 and 5 collapsed too (analysis n. 8). All
parameters converged after 100 iterations. All items show ordered thresholds. The item-trait
interaction is significant (chi-square p value of 0.03). The person separation index is 0.92. None of the
items is outside the chosen fit interval but item 2 has a significant chi-square p value with the
Bonferroni adjustments (p = 0.0002). Nine persons have their individual person fit residual outside of
the chosen interval. Once more, we find improvements in our results since all parameters converged.
So far, collapsing intermediate categories, which makes sense, provides good results. Moreover, it
seems that a solution that applies to each item separately may work better than a solution that applies
equally to all items. In other words, the Partial Credit model appears to be a better model for the data
at hand.
In order to investigate other collapsing strategies we then referred to Cools et al. (2006) who found
that supplementary extreme categories such as fully agree or fully disagree did not improve the
metric properties of their scale. Our next attempt thus consisted in collapsing categories 1 and 2
(analysis n. 9). Results indicate that 93 parameters converged after 100 iterations. Seventeen items
show disordered thresholds. The item-trait interaction is significant (chi-square p value of 0.002). The
person separation index is 0.94. None of the items is outside the chosen interval but item 23 has a
significant chi-square p value with the Bonferroni adjustments (p = 0.0003). Thirteen persons have
their individual person fit residual outside of the chosen interval.
We then tried to collapse categories 5 and 6 (analysis n. 10). Results show that only 53 parameters
converged after 100 iterations. Twenty-one items show disordered thresholds. The item-trait
interaction is not significant. The person separation index is 0.94. None of the items is outside the
chosen interval and none has a significant chi-square p value. Six persons have their individual person
fit residual outside of the chosen interval, and two have extreme fit residual values.
Collapsing categories 1 and 2, as well as categories 5 and 6, doesnt give much better results
(analysis n. 11). Only 46 parameters converged after 100 iterations. Sixteen items show disordered
thresholds. The item-trait interaction is not significant. The person separation index is 0.94. None of
the items is outside the chosen interval and none has a significant chi-square p value. Again, six
persons have their individual person fit residual outside of the chosen interval, and two have extreme
fit residual values. Consequently, Cools et al. suggestion does not help us since the data do not fit
well with the model.
Our next attempts intended to verify Linacres suggestions. Therefore, we first tried to combine
categories to reach, as much as possible, a minimum of 10 responses in each category (analysis n.
12). All parameters converged after 100 iterations. Eleven items show disordered thresholds. The
item-trait interaction is significant (chi-square p value of 0.002). The person separation index is 0.94.
None of the items is outside the chosen fit interval but item 23 has a significant chi-square p value with
the Bonferroni adjustments (p = 0.0004). Ten persons have their individual person fit residual outside
of the chosen interval. In light of these results, it seems that this suggestion may apply more to
analysis done with Winsteps than with Rumm2020. Indeed, the conditional pairwise estimation
procedure used by Rumm2020 estimates threshold parameters from all data, and not just from
adjacent categories like in Winsteps, enhancing the stability of estimates.
Our second analysis consisted in combining categories to obtain, as much as possible, a uniform, and
unimodal, distribution of frequencies across the different categories (analysis n. 13). Results show that
all parameters converged after 100 iterations. Only one item show disordered thresholds. The itemtrait interaction is significant (chi-square p value of 0.007). The person separation index is 0.94. None
of the items is outside the chosen fit interval but item 23 has a significant chi-square p value with the
Bonferroni adjustments (p = 0.0005). Nine persons have their individual person fit residual outside of
the chosen interval. As a result, it seems that having a uniform distribution does help improve the
results, but they do not provide the best results of our analysis. However, once more, it shows that
solutions that applies specifically to each item instead of a general solution applied to all items seems
preferable and provides better fit to the model.
In sum, a total of 13 strategies were tested. Among them, only 3 allowed all parameters to converge
(8, 12 and 13). Three strategies minimized the number of items with disordered thresholds (5, 6 and
13) and two corrected the problem for all items (7 and 8). The item-trait interaction was not significant
for 6 strategies (2, 4, 5, 7, 10 and 11). The person separation index was the highest for analysis
number 1 and 9, although it did not vary much through the different strategies tested. Overall, items
showed good fit to the model, except for strategy number 5 where one item was identified as misfit.
For most of the analysis, one item had a significant chi-square, except for strategies number 4, 5, 10
and 11 where none of the chi-square was significant. Finally, unless misfit persons were removed from
the sample, all strategies identified misfit persons. On the complete sample, three analysis minimised
the number of misfit persons (7, 8 and 13), although this number did not vary much through the
different strategies tested.
In a similar way, Linacres suggestion to collapse categories in order to obtain a uniform distribution,
did seem to help improve the quality of fit between the data and the model, but did not provide the
best results. To reach a uniform distribution, we had to collapse categories 1, 2 and 3 for most of the
items. This means that, for these items, all the disagree categories were combined while the agree
options remained. This causes an imbalance in a scale that was intended to be bipolar. Moreover, it
causes an important lost of information as to the real level of disagreement the respondents have in
regard to the different items of the questionnaire. In some contexts, such a lost might have an impact
on the conclusions drawn from the research. Therefore, although this solution provides interesting
results, it should be applied cautiously.
Collapsing the intermediate categories (somewhat and mainly) was a strategy that provided among
the best results. These results were even better when, in addition to combining the intermediate
categories, we also tried to avoid null frequencies. As a result, we think that collapsing categories
must, first and foremost, make sense. Then, other strategies, like Linacre suggestions may help
improve the results obtained. Also, we found that, most of the times, general solutions applied equally
to all items provided poorer results than solutions applied specifically for each item. This tells us that
when collapsing categories, maybe its not one size fits all.
Finally, looking at the person separation index does not seem to help very much. Indeed, in all our
analysis, the person separation index value remained almost constant. Moreover, its value was even
lower when data better fitted the model, then when the strategy used to collapse categories provided
poor quality of fit. In a similar way, we found that the item-trait interaction was not as helpful as we
would have thought. This statistic was generally significant when a strategy provided good quality of fit
between the data and the model, and not significant when the quality of fit was poorer. On the other
hand, we found that the number of parameters who converged, the number of items with disordered
thresholds, the number of misfit items and misfit persons were helpful tools.
It should be noted that this research is an exploratory study and that the size of the sample is limited.
Consequently, the results obtained could be unstable and lacking in precision. Therefore, other
researches would be necessary to explore these strategies in other contexts and to confirm the results
obtained here.
As a general conclusion, we found that collapsing categories is not necessarily intuitive. Although
many guidelines exist to help one make a decision on how categories should be collapsed, they
remain guidelines that should not be applied blindly, but that should be adapted to each context.
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Annex 1
Table 1 : Summary of the different strategies explored to collapse categories
Description of the analysis
Number of
who converged
after 100
Number of
items with
p value)
Number of
item fit
p value)
of misfit
Item 23 (p=
Item 23 (p=
Item 5(p=
Item 23
Item 23 (p=
Item 23 (p=
A chi-square p value is considered significant (*) when its value is below the alpha value of 0.05.
Misfit items are items for which the individual fit statistic is outside the interval [-3, 3].
Item 23 (p=
Item 2 (p=
Item 2 (p=
Item 23 (p=
2 extremes
2 extremes
Figure 1 : Category probability curve for item 9, when all subjects and all items are included,
and the scoring structure is as shown on version B of the questionnaire.
Figure 2 : Threshold probability curves for item 6, when misfit persons are removed from the
sample, and categories 3 and 4 are collapsed.