Job Satisfaction and Salary

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The Journal of Commerce, Vol. 3, No.

ISSN: 2218-8118, 2220-6043
Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, PAKISTAN


cases. Furthermost, salary satisfaction proved
as a facilitator designed for augmenting job
satisfaction level of employees.

Muhammad Shahzad Chaudhrya

Hazoor Muhammad Sabirb
Nosheen Rafi
Masood Nawaz Kalyarc

Key Words: Salary satisfaction, Job satisfaction,

public and private sector, Pakistan



The purpose of presented study is to develop a

model that measures the degree of difference in
salary satisfaction and its impact on job
satisfaction in public sector organizations and
private sector organizations in Pakistani
context. Salary satisfaction affects job
involvement, work inspiration, employee
performance and motivation. The posited
hypothesis is if there exists a significant
difference in the degree of salary satisfaction in
public sector and private sector organization,
and the positive influence of salary satisfaction
on job satisfaction in both public and private
sectors. Data was collated from 160 employees
(total 320) from each sector organizations. Ztest was used to analyze the degree of difference
between salary satisfactions in both sectors,
although its relation with job satisfaction was
measured by regression analysis. The findings
indicate that employees in public sector
organizations have little higher salary
satisfaction as compared to private sector
employees. Moreover, salary satisfaction is also
positively related with job satisfaction in both

Salary or pay is a form of episodic

compensation from a firm to its worker, which is
completely stated in an employment contract. It
is weighed with piece wages, where each job,
period of job (timings) or other unit is paid
distinctly, rather than on a periodic basis. Pay is
perhaps striking good to most individuals
because it offers them a corresponding level of
purchasing power. While running a business,
salary can also be considered as the cost of
gaining human resources for running systems
and operations, and they are designated at
different position and employer bear personnel
disbursement or salary expense. Wage, salary or
pay is considered a significant reward to
motivate the workers and their behavior
towards the goals of employer (Oshagbemi,
2000). All other social factors are important for
enhancing and to make job satisfactory for
employees are significant but satisfaction from
pay is must. Pay gratification be liable to the
adjustment between real pay and the amount of
pay, a person received from his/her employer.
Salary gratification is an abundant narrower
construct than job satisfaction. The pleasure
from pay satisfaction is also an important thing
that is linked to some administrative outcomes
and success. For example, some evidence
proposes that dissatisfaction with pay can lead
employee to decreased job satisfaction,
decreased interest of working, and decreased
the learning level of employees, motivation and
performance, increased absenteeism and
turnover, and more pay-related grievances. It is
also extensively studied that pay satisfaction
positively influence overall job contentment,
motivation and enactment, performance, and
lead to less absenteeism and turnover behaviors

Corresponding author. Contact

[email protected]. She is MS Scholar at
National University of Modern Languages
(Lahore Campus), Pakistan.
a. He is assistant professor at National
University of Modern Languages (Lahore
Campus), Pakistan.
b. He is associate professor and dean of Faculty
of Management & Administrative Sciences, GC
University Faisalabad, Pakistan.
c. He is Lecturer at College of Management &
Administrative Sciences, GC University
Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Exploring the relationship between salary satisfaction and job satisfaction

of employee (Judge, Cable, & Higgins, 2000). As
studied by Sweet, Nelson, and Moberg (2006),
there is positive influence of pay satisfaction on
job satisfaction and it can obviously observe in
every field of life. Sweet et al. (2006) critically
examined that the employee satisfaction level
has little relationship to income and is similar
across most variables for example working
environment, professional uniqueness, amount
of scientific activity in work, whereas income
gratification showed stronger association to real
income, at least at the higher income ranks.
They also originate that the association between
job satisfaction and pay satisfaction is high,
whereas job satisfaction is not connected with
years as employed. The customary rational of
not relating monetary reward with the
contentment is lessening. In fact, these days
acquisitiveness and materialism is becoming key
factor of inspiring and motivating persons.
Cummins (2002) has critically discussed that in
spite of the conservative wisdom that
monetary rewards have little significance to
happiness. Diener and Seligman (2004) studied
the applicable literature and determined that as
a culture gathers wealth, differences and
modifications in wellbeing are less often due to
income, and are more often due to factors such
as peoples social relationships and pleasure at
work place. It has been observed that constancy
in pay in terms of getting monthly pay is much
desired by the personnel as compared to
enticement based salary packages which are
adjustable in nature. Diener and Seligman (2004)
specified that with the much inferior income, job
contentment and income satisfaction are slightly
higher. The sales people salaried through mostly
fixed salary exhibit higher levels of job
satisfaction and lesser turnover intentions than
their colleagues who are paid through mostly
enticement pay are at dissatisfactory behaviors
about their job.

using a worldwide measure which blows the

extent to which contributors like their job and
the organization.
Carraher, Carraher, and
Whitely (2003) exemplary proposed that job
satisfaction highly influence pay satisfaction
comprising actual salary satisfaction level and
modification for each measurement of pay
Separately from affectivity either positive effect
or negative effect satisfaction connected to pay
can be well explained in the light of individuals
thinking elegance. Method of rational salary
structure seems to be a significant feature of
employee connected to pay satisfaction.
Pritchard (1969) originate that corporate worker
who are involved in thinking themselves to
different thought for the creation more money
than others, more displeased with their wages
than the workers who associated themselves to
others creating the same or less money.
LawlerHI (1985) originate that individuals who
expect higher monetary rewards in the
upcoming times are less satisfied with their
current pay.
Frey and Feld (2002) emulated in their
experiential indication which is reported by
economists that pay satisfaction is more
important factor of success in an organization
success. For example, the study of McCausland,
Pouliakas, and Theodossiou (2005) shows
momentous positive effects of motivation pay
on efficiency (in the range of a 44-percent gain)
in his sole dataset of a firm (Safelite Glass
Company) that experienced variations in its
compensation plan. Yet, it may be that
economists recognized the short run welfares of
enticements, and any long run undesirable
effects on motivation and job satisfaction
postulated by psychologists. Judge et al. (2000)
found if job usefulness be contingent on both the
level of pay and on pay relative to some
situation or objective level, it is strong that
incentive pay could meaningfully emotional
impact on job satisfaction through both of these
courses of action. Attitudes around as well as
about work remain formed the rewards
produced by performance and enactment of

In the wider logic it might be possible that pay

satisfaction and job satisfaction usually
balancing to each other. Rice, Phillips, and
McFarlin (1990) identified that several job
satisfaction measures including pay satisfaction
(typically pay level satisfaction) as a
measurement, we control for job satisfaction

The Journal of Commerce, Vol. 3, No. 4,

ISSN: 2218-8118, 2220-6043
Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, PAKISTAN
employees, which are valued consequences in
pay-for-performance is a positive stimulus on
themselves. The objective of presented study is
pay satisfaction. Omar and Ogenyi (2006)
to raise salary satisfaction in organizations. In
observed that perceived associations between
relationship of job satisfaction, motivation, and
pay and performance account for additional
to decrease the turnover and absenteeism rate
changes in pay increase satisfaction than entire
among employees of both sectors
Consequently, launching a pay-for-performance
salary system may be the greatest effective
technique to encourage salary level satisfaction.
Salary satisfaction
According to Clark and Oswald (2002), the
receiving of performance-based rewards,
Pay is vital but the awareness of individual
including pay increases and bonuses, absolutely
about salary is more vital. People with positive
affected pay-system responses. So, they
attention seem to be much satisfied with pay
recommended that founding a pay-forrelative to people with negative affectivity.
performance salary scheme may be the most
Organ (1994) claimed that both positive and
active way to encourage pay satisfaction. As it
negative affectivity stand as key factors of job
is also predicted by LawlerHI (1985) that regular
satisfaction. But the individuals who have
salary Satisfaction and pay Pleasure co-vary in a
extraordinary on negative affectivity are
positive course and help people to move their
nervous and worried (emotional state that may
thinking towards positivity or positive thinking.
designate an anxious personality), but that does
The association between performance and pay
not suggest across-the-board displeasure. Highsatisfaction is also momentous. Apparent
negative affectivity persons may be discontented
performance, acuities regarding management,
with characteristics of their jobs, but that does
developments of opportunity, and the
not essentially mean that they would be more
corporation's benefit package, and both external
disappointed with their salary. Organization
and internal pay equity, were related to pay
possession is also an imperative reason in
satisfaction in the direction prophesied by
determining of pay satisfaction and contentment
Lawler's model.
of employees. Solomon (1986) suggested that
public sector executives experience lower
Professed distributive justice is confidently
intensities of job and pay satisfaction. Low
related to pleasure with incentive policies.
performance of employees may be a
Distributive integrity is one of the perceptual
consequence of low levels of satisfaction with
variables that have been found to be a robust
their salary. A pay motivation scheme is a
interpreter of pay satisfaction (Fong, Shaffer, &
different measurement of pay satisfaction. In
Centre, 2001). Perceived procedural justice is a
modern ages, there remained a cumulative trend
positive measurement of pay satisfaction.
for public and private administrations to
Distributive justice and procedural justice both
implement additional inspired and creative
are also originated to be factors of pay
procedures of wage enticement such as group
raise/management satisfaction. Over, this is
incentives, and profit distribution schemes.
similarly in streak with other exploration results
Carrell and Dittrich (1978) also stated that
(Munro & Sugden, 2003). McFarlin and Sweeney
motivation plans that used many distribution
(1992) found that distributive justice remained a
rules would move towards different magnitudes
more vital analyst of pay level contentment than
of pay satisfaction. So it is anticipated that
technical justice. Markova and Jones (2003)
distributive justice will affect satisfaction with
found that perceived impartiality of pay
motivational incentive plans.
determination policies and procedures was the
sturdiest analyst of pay contentment among four
sets of pay processes (salary determination,
performance assessment, communication and

For making pay satisfaction and job satisfaction

organizations have to encourage a strategy of
perception of pay-for performance. Insight of

Exploring the relationship between salary satisfaction and job satisfaction

appeal). Perceived interactional impartiality by
personnel is an optimistic inuence on pay
pleasure and satisfaction with incentive plans.

expresses against the existence of compensating

salary differences, but is reliable with the
opinion that the Finnish labor market purposes
in a non-competitive fashion.

Flaherty and Pappas (2002) critically explored

that employee have lower satisfaction and
higher turnover intentions when paid a fixed
salary, while salespeople in higher satisfaction
and lower turnover intentions when given
establishing stage, salespeople working in a firm
following a prospector or analyzer policy
designate greater satisfaction then lesser
turnover objectives than persons working in a
competitor firm. Flaherty and Pappas (2002)
likewise described that throughout the
consideration stage, salespersons salaried
through mostly permanent income exhibiting
greater ranks of job satisfaction in addition to
lesser turnover objectives than their colleagues
who are waged through mostly incentive or
enticement pay.

Salary Satisfaction as an Antecedent of Job

Association of education with salary
satisfaction was found in many academics
writings. According to Ganguli (1957), the
dynamics complicated in the association amid
education and pay satisfaction are perhaps at
exertion in many other fields of satisfaction.
Satisfaction with salary may stand a legal
relationship to demographic statistics and as
such are foretold from, and perhaps determined
by, organization strategy. Higher paid managers
and advanced level executives seem to be well
satisfied with pay received by them. Andrews
and Henry (1963) for example, must originate
that advanced education appears to be
concomitant with inferior satisfaction with
salary. Organization level and quantity of salary
are connected with managers' satisfaction with
their pay. Klein and Maher (1966) state The
first-level executives who had advanced
education are a lesser amount of satisfaction
with their salary. Klein and Maher (1966)
analyzed that the institution cultured employee
must designate more negative feelings about his
pay satisfaction than the non-institution
cultured employee. Their motivation is
constructed on the idea that devouring an
institution education improves one's selfevaluation and thus clues to complex prospects
with affection to pay satisfaction chances. This,
in turn, would lead to superior pay satisfaction

Pay satisfaction too depends on employees

intention about job safety. Safety pursuers are
more content from job than pay increase
pursuers. Kathawala, Moore, and Elmuti (1990)
presented an inclination for augmented salary
satisfaction over increase in job security.
Individuals who favored a salary satisfaction
increase established a less satisfied approach
with present salary satisfaction and overall
satisfaction with the job. Persons favoring
increased safety categorized safety greater than
salary satisfaction as a satisfier, but not as a
motivator. Those favoring a salary increase
categorized compensation higher than job safety
as a motivator and a satisfier.
A decent remuneration and compensation
packages appears to exist worst if working
circumstance are not clean and appropriate for
employees. So, with salary an organization has
to provide vigorous working conditions.
Bckerman and Ilmakunnas (2006) originate that
adversative working circumstances must have
an actual slight character in the determination of
individual income. In contrast, contrary
employed conditions substantially reduction the
level of job satisfaction and the sensitivity of
justice of pay at the workplace. This indication

McCausland et al. (2005) found that though the

prophesied job satisfaction of workforces
receiving performance related salary is lesser on
typically likened to those on other pay
arrangements, performance related pay employs
a positive consequence on the mean job
contentment of high-paid employees. A possible
enlightenment for this configuration might be
that for lower-paid wage earner performance
related pay is apparent to be regulatory,
whereas higher-paid employees originate a

The Journal of Commerce, Vol. 3, No. 4,

ISSN: 2218-8118, 2220-6043
Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, PAKISTAN
utility benet from what their estimation as
substances are expressed to blow existing
sympathetic reward arrangements. Hlmstrom
(1979) were among the major establish the
Employees enjoying high salaries are more
theoretical supremacy of performance-related
likely to observe enticement recompenses as
wage over other reward systems when
supportive. According to Maslows (1943)
monitoring strength is costly and flawed.
hierarchy of needs, additional income may
Pouliakas and Theodossiou (2009) who showed
assistance in the contentment of esteem needs
that an important change in the job contentment
for the reason that high salary suggests high
of performance linked pay and noncapability and overall individual value. So, even
performance linked pay employees are, once
after satisfaction of basic physiological and
modifies for the instantaneous relationship
security needs are not issue, a number of people
between job satisfaction, enticements and
drive value high salary as an indicator of
salaries. Similarly, Job involvement is situation
proficiency and individual value (Malka &
of appointment with ones job, classifying with
Chatman, 2003). Performance salary is assessed
ones work, and observing the job as dominant
because it is problematic to measure
to ones uniqueness and self-esteem, unevenly
quantitatively, that it can encourage individuals
opposite to the idea of isolation or insignificance
to emphasis too barely, that it can weaken
(Fisher, 2010).
intrinsic interest, which monetary rewards only
Some social researchers sightseen the link of age
work for selected people, that it is harmful to
and seniority with salary satisfaction. It has been
team-work and co-operation and that general
experiential that age and seniority are
pay costs can upsurge earlier if not strongly
meaningfully related with salary satisfaction.
measured (Armstrong & Murlis, 2005). Boselie,
Lawler III and Porter (1967) devised that streak
Paauwe, and Jansen (2001) stated that
or Line/staff type of position, seniority, period
performance pay must be a crucial instrument
in position, business or organization extent, and
by administration for improving performance,
age bore little but statistically important
but they stress certain circumstances must
relationships to salary. Age and seniority are
happen for success. These are the requirement to
also virtuous predictors of genuine salary. Age
encourage the trust that performance creates a
and seniority fix main things to better job
modification and the must to modify the pay
enactment, and thus the associations originate
structure to the condition in all organization.
between age and salary and seniority and salary
Divergent to general endorsements they also
must be imitating the fact that administrations
advise that pay and performance must be joined
are paying for excellence. Genuine salary was
slackly, arguing that the tighter the linkage, the
the only demographic variable that is initiated to
more problems are exaggerated. Its an effort
be equally linked to satisfaction with salary.
determine the different degree of salary
satisfaction in public and private sector
Forthcoming expected incomes as a possibly
organization of Pakistan and how much Salary
positive referent that simplifies to an assessment
satisfaction enhances the job satisfaction level in
of their existing salaries. Andrews and Henry
both public and private sector in Pakistani
(1963) created that persons who observe better
organizations. It also reveals the level of
chances to make additional money in the future
happiness among people who are employed by
on their present occupation are also
the government or in private sector.
comparatively satisfied with their present
salaries structure point both with internal
A model of salary or pay satisfaction and Job
assessments and external assessments. It seems
satisfaction is established for the present
that, with our people, contentment with salaries
research. In explorations of research it is actually
is incompletely determined by future forecasts
vital to hypothesize the understandings. On the
on the same job however the pay satisfaction
foundation of wide literature survey scholars
recognized 10 corporate dimensions (variables)

Exploring the relationship between salary satisfaction and job satisfaction

which are partaking conventional influence on
salary satisfaction.

distributed to get data: one hundred

questionnaires to each organization. A total
three hundred and forty six responses were
received: one hundred and sixty responses from
public sector and one hundred and seventy six
from private sector organizations. However, we
excluded sixteen responses received extra from
private sector to balance the number of


Ten dimensions or variables to measure salary
satisfaction are adopted from Sharma and Bajpai
(2011). The model of Cammann, Fichman,
Jenkins and Klesh (1979) was used to measure
job satisfaction which is composed of three

In public sector 69% (111) male 31% (49)

respondent were female, among those 65% (104)
having post graduate 30%(49) graduates and 5%
(7) were under graduate and there were 41%(66)
employees having experience more than 15
years, 22% (35) having experience more than 10
years and 20% (32) have more than 5 years of
experience 17% (27) employees have experience
of 2 years.

With the help of brief overview of literature the

subsequent objective of research is to determine
the diverse amount of salary satisfaction in
public and private sector organization and how
much Salary satisfaction enhances the job
satisfaction level in both public and private
sector organizations. The study also helps to
determine satisfaction level of people in public
and private sector as well as their contentment
with their salary system.

In private sector 82.5% (132) male 17.5% (28)

respondent were female, among those 77.5%
(124) having post graduate, 22.5% (36) graduates
and 6% (11) employees having experience more
than 15 years, 18.7% (30) having experience
more than 10 years and 56.6% (89) have more
than 5 years of experience 18.7% (30) employees
have experience of 2 years.

Difference in salary or pay satisfaction can be

measured through assessing the summated
difference between public and private sector
organization. To assess the statistical substantial
difference, main hypothesis is created.
Furthermore a hypothesis is created to quantify
the linear impact of salary satisfaction on job
satisfaction level of public sector employees

Construct Measurement
A questionnaire having ten dimensions of salary
satisfaction and three dimensions of job
satisfaction was used to collect data. The present
study stands on the various dimensions for
difference in salary satisfaction of public sector
organizations in addition to private sector

H1: There exist significant difference in the

degree of salary satisfaction of employees in
public sector and private sector organization.
H2: Salary satisfaction has significant linear
influence on job satisfaction of employees in
public sector.

Salary satisfaction it was measured through ten

independent dimensions (variables). Ten
measurements are adopted from the model of
Sharma and Bajpai (2011) that are foundations of
salary satisfaction. Each variable is measured by
means of five point rating scale ranging from
strongly disagree to strongly agree with
neutral as the central point. Internal
consistency of the scale is measured by
Cronbachs alpha whose value found as 0.79.

H3: Salary satisfaction has significant linear

influence on job satisfaction of employees in
private sector.

Data Collection and Sample
Data were collected from managerial
and non-managerial employees of two public
sector and two private sector organizations. A
total of four hundred questionnaires were

The Journal of Commerce, Vol. 3, No. 4,

ISSN: 2218-8118, 2220-6043
Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, PAKISTAN
Job satisfaction the questionnaire developed by
independent variables. The outcomes from the
Cammann, Fichman, Jenkins and Klesh (1979)
analysis exhibited the coefficients for paths from
was used for the assessment of job satisfaction
independent variables to dependent variables.
and its construct is composed of three items.
Subsequent headings for public and private
Each variable is measured by means of five
sector were generated from regression analysis
point rating scale ranging from strongly
using Enter method.
disagree to strongly agree with neutral as the
Table 2 (a) shows regression analysis designed
central point. Internal consistency of the scale is
for job satisfaction level and salary satisfaction
measured by Cronbachs alpha whose value
in public sector organizations. R2 value was as
found as 0.82.
57.8% which showed of strong predictor model
because R2 is a statistical term used how good
one term (Salary Satisfaction) is at predicting
For the testing of the hypotheses MS
another (Job satisfaction). The value of R2 ranges
Excel and SPSS software are used. Z-test (using
from 0 to 1, a higher value signifies strong linear
MS Excel) is used for comparing means as it is
relationship, but here in public sector the value
used for the analysis of comparing means of two
is moderating. Hence, consequences of the
populations. It requires a simple random sample
present study offered a moderate linear
from a population with a Normal distribution
relationship between dependent variable (salary
and where the mean is known. Regression
satisfactionPublic Sector) and independent
analysis (through SPSS) is used for the
variable (job satisfaction- Public Sector). The tmeasurement of linear influence of salary
stat, joined with its p-value, designates the
satisfaction on job satisfaction for public sector
implication of the relationship between the
organization and measuring linear influence of
independent and dependent variable. The tsalary satisfaction on job satisfaction for private
statistics and its linked two-tailed p-values are
sector organization.
used in testing that the coefficient is
meaningfully diverse from zero. By an alpha ()
of 0.05, the beta value for job satisfaction is
significantly different from 0, since its p-value is
Table-1 shows the results of Z-Test: Two
0.000, that is lesser than 0.05. So, we discard the
Sample for Means for Salary Satisfaction. For
null hypothesis (Kalyar, 2011).
the testing of H1 means of salary satisfaction are
compared in public sector and private sector
INSERT TABLE 2 (a, b & c) HERE
organizations through z-test is. The z-value is
2.745 which fall in the rejection region (as it is
Table 2 (b) illustrate that F-value is significant
greater that the value of z-critical at 5% level of
which reveals overall significance of regression
significance). Hence, null hypothesis of no
model. Table 2 (c) displays t-value and p-value
difference is rejected and alternative hypothesis
for testing the slope of the regression model.
of significant difference is accepted. So it is
Significant p-value and value t-value is an
concluded that there is a significant difference
indication of linear relationship between job
between salary satisfaction of employees in
satisfaction and salary satisfaction.
public sector and private sector organizations.
INSERT TABLE 3 (a, b & c) HERE
Public sector organization employees are more
satisfied and from their salary (mean=28.317) as
Table 3 (a) displays regression statistics for job
compared to private sector organizations
satisfaction level and Salary Satisfaction in
(mean=26.25), see table 1.
private sector organizations. R2 value was as
23.4% which is an indication of less strong
In order to test H2 and H3, regression analysis
predictor model because R2 is a statistical term
was run: job satisfaction was taken as dependent
used how good one term (Salary Satisfaction) is
variable and salary satisfaction taken as

Exploring the relationship between salary satisfaction and job satisfaction

at predicting another (Job satisfaction). Coefficient measure is similarly presenting tstatistics. The t-statistic exists as ratio of the
variable of an estimated limit from its
speculative assessment and its standard error
and used to examine hypotheses about the
regression coefficients that the slope of a
regression line diverges considerably from 0 or
not. Table 3 (b) shows that F-value is significant
which showed overall significance of regression
model. Table 3 (c) described t-value and p-value
for testing the slope of the regression model.
Significant p-value and t-value is an indication
of linear relationship between job satisfaction
and salary satisfaction.

progressively significant to deliver a positive

work condition to safeguard worker constancy.
Job involvement similarly affects expressive
exhaustion and affects job satisfaction. It
appears that personnel unknowingly relate their
salary satisfaction with job safety. If the worker
is specified extra autonomy to do his/her job,
can appreciate its nature of work very well,
which progresses, expectation with their
association and that will make them to act in
learning conditions and they will be extremely
involved in job (Sudha, 2011). Employees those
are acting in advance will show more
commitment than those who are waiting for the
instructions of their directors.


The motive of it might be again can be described

by the conventional thinking of Pakistani
employees that they feel more safety (like
termination) in public sector.
In Pakistani
context job satisfaction reflect the chief
foundation of happiness. Similar outcomes are
experienced in the presented study. However
salary structure and system is comparatively
feel good and higher in private sector
administrations but it was supposed lower due
to the issues like un-stability and insecurity as
well as anxiety of job pressure of job. The job
satisfaction in private sector employees is not
very less because the private sector is initiator of
learning environment in Pakistani context.
Comparatively safe position of job usually
perceived by employee has provided much
salary satisfaction to employees of public sector
organizations regardless of that fact their wage
is lesser than the wage of private sector
organizations personnel. Also the study of
Cacioppe and Mock (1984) showed that private
sector managers have greater value on monetary
and non-monetary rewards than public sector
executives, though public sector executives are
more job safety. Correspondingly, Schuster
(1974) concluded in their research that
executives in public organizations value job
safety more than their counterparts employed
by the private businesses and administrations.
Both the studies clearly designate that public
sector employees give ample value to job safety.
So, higher score for public sector personnel is
not a role indication of satisfaction from salary

Findings of the study show that salary

satisfaction score is little high for public sector
organizations as linked to private sector
organizations. There are certain pay systems
usually would be favored by job holders, that
these pay schemes would affect employee
attraction to organizations and different types of
job holders would be involved to different types
of pay systems. The best system for equity and
justice in pay system is likewise Equal pay for
work of equal value. Now it comes in almost
inseparably associated with the application of
job assessment (Rubery, 1995). Present
developments to performance-related pay
systems are important for each and every kind
of organization. When the organizations project
compensation packages, they often option to
implementing an off the- shelf or flavor of the
month design rather than adapting their
programs to fit their organizations prcised
needs as it is possible by proper reward system
for employees working (Lavy, 2007). General Job
satisfaction of manufacturing employees
appears to be influenced by the satisfaction with
job features and individual life, and the degree
of satisfaction seems to depend on the
satisfaction with the number of job features as
well as their professed importance (Khaleque &
Rahman, 1987). Griffin, Hogan, Lambert,
Tucker-Gail, and Baker (2010) in an age in which
increasing costs, decrease budgets, and
employees scarcities are common, it is

The Journal of Commerce, Vol. 3, No. 4,

ISSN: 2218-8118, 2220-6043
Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, PAKISTAN
rather this exposes a psychological feeling of
Bckerman, P., & Ilmakunnas, P. (2006). Do job
employees which is directly connected to job
disamenities raise wages or ruin job
safety feeling of employees. There might several
satisfaction? International Journal of
other reasons behind it in Pakistani context,
Manpower, 27(3), 290-302.
such as inflation in the country, economic
Boselie, P., Paauwe, J., & Jansen, P. (2001).
conditions and foreign investment in the
Human resource management and
Netherlands. International Journal of
Human Resource Management, 12(7), 11071125.
Although the ndings of this study
Cacioppe, R., & Mock, P. (1984). A comparison
conrmed the research hypotheses and these
of the quality of work experience in
ndings have both theoretical and practical
government and private organizations.
implications in field of research, but there are
Human Relations, 37(11), 923-935.
also some methodological limitations. Although
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The Journal of Commerce, Vol. 3, No. 4,

ISSN: 2218-8118, 2220-6043
Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, PAKISTAN
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Model to Determine the Linearity between
Salary Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction in

Figure 1: Hypothesized model of Salary Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction

Employees are positively affected
Pay schemes based on incentives
Believes in pay-for-performance

All in all, Im satisfied with

my job

Pay system is based on equity and


Pay system is based on seniority



Job utility depends on the level of pay

In general, I like my job

In general, I dont like

my job

Feel secured about their job dimension

Healthy working condition

Pay system is based on qualifications

Pay system related to its size and



Exploring the relationship between salary satisfaction and job satisfaction

Table-1 Z-Test: Two Sample for Means (Salary Satisfaction)

Salary Satisfactionpublic

Known Variance
Hypothesized Mean Difference
P(Z<=z) two-tail
z Critical two-tail

Salary satisfactionprivate

Table 2 (a, b & c) Regression Results for Public Sector Organizations

Regression Statistics Model Summary



R Square


R Std. Error of
the Estimate

a. Predictors: (Constant), SS-Public


The Journal of Commerce, Vol. 3, No. 4,

ISSN: 2218-8118, 2220-6043
Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, PAKISTAN

Regression Statistics Model Summary



R Square


R Std. Error of
the Estimate

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Std. Error
(Constant) 1.048
SS-Public .698
a. Dependent Variable: JS-Public



Regression 48.287
a. Predictors: (Constant), SS-Public
b. Dependent Variable: JS-Public


Mean Square




Exploring the relationship between salary satisfaction and job satisfaction

Table 3 (a, b & c) Regression Results for Private Sector Organizations

Table -3(a)
Regression Statistics Summary
Model R
R Square Square
a. Predictors: (Constant), SS-Private

R Std. Error of
the Estimate

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Std. Error
(Constant) 2.438
SS-Private .416
a. Dependent Variable: JS-Private



Regression 17.130
a. Predictors: (Constant), SS-Private
b. Dependent Variable: JS-Private


Mean Square




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