VTU Mtech SE Syllabus 2015
VTU Mtech SE Syllabus 2015
VTU Mtech SE Syllabus 2015
I Semester
Total Credits: 23
Software Testing
Advanced Algorithms
Practical /
Fieldwork /
n of
Elective I
Elective I
Marks for
II Semester
Total Credits: 23
Practical /
Fieldwork /
/ Tutorials
of Exam in
Marks for
Design Patterns
14SSE25x Elective II
Design Patterns
Total Credits: 20
Duration of
the Exam
in Hours
Marks for
Practical /
Field Work
Seminar / Presentation
on Internship (After 8
weeks from the date of
commencement) *
Report on Internship
*The student shall make a midterm presentation of the activities undertaken during the
first 8 weeks of internship to a panel comprising Internship Guide, a senior faculty from
the department and Head of the Department.
# The College shall facilitate and monitor the student internship program.
The internship report of each student shall be submitted to the University.
**Between the III Semester and IV Semester after availing a vacation of 2 weeks.
IV Semester
Total Credits: 28
Marks for
of Exam
in Hours
Distributed Computing
100 +
Evaluation of Project
Evaluation of Project
Evaluation of Project
Work and Viva-voce
Total Credits: 94
Elective III
1).Project Phase I : 6 weeks duration shall be carried out between II and III Semester.
Candidates in consultation with guide shall carryout literature survey / visit to Industries to
finalize the topic of dissertation.
2) Internship:- 24 weeks Duration in 3rd Semester, Evaluation of Marks - Presentation : 25
marks, Report writing and Submission :75 marks and At the end of Internship Viva-Voce
Exams shall be conducted for 50 marks.
3).Project Work : 20 weeks duration in IV Semester carries total marks of 250.
4)Project Phase II: 4 days for project work in a week during IV Semester. Evaluation shall
be taken during the 8th week of the IV Semester. Total Marks shall be 25.
5).Project Phase III : Evaluation shall be taken up at the end of the IV Semester for 25
marks. After the Project report is submitted, Project Work Evaluation and Viva-Voce
Examination shall be conducted. Total Marks Shall be 50+50+100=200 ( 50 Marks for
Internal Guide, 50 Marks for External and 100 for Viva-Voce )
Marks of Evaluation of Project:
The I.A. Marks of Project Phase II & III shall be sent to the University along
with Project Work report at the end of the Semester.
The Project Valuation and Viva-Voce will be conducted by a committee consisting
of the following:
a) Head of the Department (Chairman)
b) Guide
c) Two Examiners appointed by the university.(out of two external
examiners at least one should be present).
Semester I
Course Title: Software Testing
Credits(L:T:P): 3:0:1
Type of Course: Lecture & Practical
Year: 2014-2015
Course Code: 14SSE11
Core/Elective: Core
Total Contact Hours:50
To explore the basics and goals of software testing.
To discuss various types of software testing and its techniques
To list out various tools which can be used for automating the testing process
To introduce various software quality standards for establishing quality environment
To discuss various methods and evaluation procedures for improving the quality Models
Basics of Software Testing and Examples: Basic definitions, Test cases, Insights from a Venn diagram, Identifying test
cases, Error and fault taxonomies, Levels of testing. Examples: Generalized pseudocode, The triangle problem, The
NextDate function, The commission problem, The SATM (Simple Automatic Teller Machine) problem.
10 hours
Decision Table-Based Testing: Decision tables, Test cases for the triangle problem, Test cases for the NextDate
function, Test cases for the commission problem, Guidelines and observations. Data Flow Testing: Definition-Use
testing, Slice-based testing, Guidelines and observations. Levels of Testing: Traditional view of testing levels,
Alternative life-cycle models, The SATM system, Separating integration and system testing. Integration Testing: A
closer look at the SATM system, Decomposition-based, call graph-based, Path-based integrations, Case study.
10 hours
System Testing: Threads, Basic concepts for requirements specification, Finding threads, Structural strategies and
functional strategies for thread testing, SATM test threads, System testing guidelines, ASF (Atomic System Functions)
testing example. Interaction Testing: Context of interaction, A taxonomy of interactions, Interaction, composition, and
determinism, Client/Server Testing,. Issues in Object-Oriented Testing: Units for object-oriented testing, Implications
of composition and encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, Levels of object-oriented testing, GUI testing,
Dataflow testing for object-oriented software, Examples. Class Testing: Methods as units, Classes as units.
10 hours
Object-Oriented Integration Testing: UML support for integration testing, MM-paths for object-oriented software, A
framework for object-oriented dataflow integration testing.GUI Testing: The currency conversion program, Unit testing,
Integration Testing and System testing for the currency conversion program. Object-Oriented System Testing: Currency
converter UML description, UML-based system testing, Statechart-based system testing.
10 hours
Exploratory Testing: The context-driven school, Exploring exploratory testing, Exploring a familiar example,
Exploratory and context-driven testing observations. Model-Based Testing: Testing based on models, Appropriate
models, Use case-based testing, Commercial tool support for model-based testing. Test-Driven Development: Test-thencode cycles, Automated test execution, Java and JUnit example, Remaining questions, Pros, cons, and open questions of
TDD, Retrospective on MDD versus TDD.
10 hours
1. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to solve the commission problem. Analyze it from
the perspective of dataflow testing, derive at least 10 different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss the test
2. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable language to solve the NextDate problem. Analyze it from
the perspective of decision table-based testing, derive at least 10 different test cases, execute these test cases and discuss
the test results.
3. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable object-oriented language to solve the calendar problem.
Analyze it from the perspective of OO testing, derive test cases to test the method that increment the date and the method
that increments the month., execute these test cases and discuss the test results.
4. Design, develop, code and run the program in any suitable object-oriented language to solve the currency converter
problem. Analyze it from the perspective of use case-based system testing, derive appropriate system test cases., execute
these test cases and discuss the test results.
Upon Completion of the course, students shall be able to
Compare and pick out the right type of software testing process for any given real world problem
Carry out the software testing process in efficient way
Automate the testing process by using several testing tools
Establish a quality environment as specified in standards for developing quality software
Analyze and improve the quality procedures based on the past experience
1. Paul C. Jorgensen: Software Testing, A Craftsmans Approach, 3rd Edition, Auerbach Publications, 2013.
1. Aditya P Mathur: Foundations of Software Testing, Pearson, 2008.
2. Mauro Pezze, Michal Young: Software Testing and Analysis Process, Principles and Techniques, John Wiley &
Sons, 2008.
Semester I
Course Title: Advanced Algorithms
Credits(L:T:P): 3:0:1
Type of Course: Lecture & Practical
Year: 2014-2015
Course Code: 14SSE12
Core/Elective: Core
Total Contact Hours:50
To learn the graph search algorithms.
To study network flow and linear programming problems.
To learn the hill climbing and dynamic programming design techniques.
To develop recursive backtracking algorithms.
To get an awareness of NP completeness and randomized algorithms.
Review of Analysis Techniques: Growth of Functions: Asymptotic notations; Standard notations and common functions;
Recurrences and Solution of Recurrence equations- The substitution method, The recurrence tree method, The master
method; Amortized Analysis: Aggregate, Accounting and Potential Methods.
10 hours
Graph Algorithms: Bellman - Ford Algorithm; Single source shortest paths in a DAG; Johnsons Algorithm for sparse
graphs; Flow networks and Ford-Fulkerson method; maximum bipartite matching. Polynomials and the FFT:
Representation of polynomials; The DFT and FFT; Efficient implementation of FFT.
10 hours
Number -Theoretic Algorithms: Elementary notions; GCD; Modular Arithmetic; Solving modular linear equations; The
Chinese remainder theorem; Powers of an element; RSA cryptosystem; Primality testing; Integer factorization.
10 hours
String-Matching Algorithms: Nave string Matching; Rabin - Karp algorithm; String matching with finite automata;
Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm; Boyer Moore algorithms.
10 hours
Probabilistic and Randomized Algorithms: Probabilistic algorithms; Randomizing deterministic algorithms, Monte
Carlo and Las Vegas algorithms; Probabilistic numeric algorithms.
10 hours
1. Design, develop, and run a program in any language to implement the Bellman-Ford algorithm and
determine its performance.
2. Design, develop, and run a program in any language to implement Johnsons algorithm and determine
its performance.
3. Design, develop, and run a program in any language to implement a Monte Carlo algorithm to test the
primality of a given integer and determine its performance.
4. Design, develop, and run a program in any language to solve the string matching problem using nave
approach and the KMP algorithm and compare their performances.
5. Design, develop, and run a program in any language to solve modular linear equations.
6. Design, develop, and run a program in any language to implement the FFT algorithm efficiently.
Upon completion of the course, students shall be able to
Design and apply iterative and recursive algorithms.
Design and implement optimization algorithms in specific applications.
Design appropriate shared objects and concurrent objects for applications.
Implement and apply concurrent linked lists, stacks, and queues.
1. T. H Cormen, C E Leiserson, R L Rivest and C Stein: Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition,
Prentice-Hall of India, 2010.
2. Kenneth A. Berman, Jerome L. Paul: Algorithms, Cengage Learning, 2002.
1. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, S.Rajasekharan: Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, 2nd Edition,
Universities press, 2007.
Semester I
Course Title: Advances In Database Management Systems
Credits(L:T:P): 4:0:0
Type of Course: Lecture
Year: 2014-2015
Course Code: 14SSE13
Core/Elective: Core
Total Contact Hours:50
To acquire knowledge on parallel and distributed databases and its applications.
To study the usage and applications of Object Oriented database
To understand the basic concepts, principles of intelligent databases.
To understand the advanced topics of data warehousing and mining .
To learn emerging and advanced data models
To acquire inquisitive attitude towards research topics in databases.
Review of Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints: Relational model concepts; Relational model
constraints and relational database schemas; Update operations, transactions and dealing with constraint violations.
10 Hours
Module III
Parallel and Distributed Databases: Architectures for parallel databases; Parallel query evaluation; Parallelizing
individual operations; Parallel query optimizations; Introduction to distributed databases; Distributed DBMS
architectures; Storing data in a Distributed DBMS; Distributed catalog management; Distributed Query processing;
Updating distributed data; Distributed transactions; Distributed Concurrency control and Recovery.
10 Hours
Module IV
Data Warehousing, Decision Support and Data Mining: Introduction to decision support; OLAP, multidimensional
model; Window queries in SQL; Finding answers quickly; Implementation techniques for OLAP; Data Warehousing;
Views and Decision support, View materialization, Maintaining materialized views. Introduction to Data Mining;
Counting co-occurrences; Mining for rules; Tree-structured rules; Clustering; Similarity search over sequences;
Incremental mining and data streams; Additional data mining tasks.
10 Hours
Module V
Enhanced Data Models for Some Advanced Applications: Active database concepts and triggers; Temporal, Spatial,
and Deductive Databases Basic concepts. More Recent Applications: Mobile databases; Multimedia databases;
Geographical Information Systems; Genome data management.
10 Hours
Select the appropriate high performance database like parallel and distributed database
Model and represent the real world data using object oriented database
Embed the rule set in the database to implement data warehousing of mining
Choose and design database for recent applications database for better interoperability
1. Elmasri and Navathe: Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson Education, 2013.
2. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke: Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2013.
Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan: Database System Concepts, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill,
Semester I
Course Title: Computer Systems Performance Analysis
Credits(L:T:P): 4:0:0
Type of Course: Lecture
Year: 2014-2015
Course Code: 14SSE14
Core/Elective: Core
Total Contact Hours:50
To understand the mathematical foundations needed for performance evaluation of computer systems
To understand the metrics used for performance evaluation
To understand the analytical modeling of computer systems
To enable the students to develop new queueing analysis for both simple and complex systems
To introduce the students to analytical techniques for evaluating scheduling policies
Introduction: The art of Performance Evaluation; Common Mistakes in Performance Evaluation, A Systematic
Approach to Performance Evaluation, Selecting an Evaluation Technique, Selecting Performance Metrics, Commonly
used Performance Metrics, Utility Classification of Performance Metrics, Setting Performance Requirements.
10 Hours
Workloads, Workload Selection and Characterization: Types of Work loads, addition instructions, Instruction mixes,
Kernels; Synthetic programs, Application benchmarks, Popular benchmarks. Work load Selection: Services exercised,
level of detail; Representativeness; Timeliness, Other considerations in workload selection. Work load characterization
Techniques: Terminology; Averaging, Specifying dispersion, Single Parameter Histograms, Multi Parameter Histograms,
Principle Component Analysis, Markov Models, Clustering.
10 Hours
Monitors, Program Execution Monitors and Accounting Logs: Monitors: Terminology and classification; Software
and hardware monitors, Software versus hardware monitors, Firmware and hybrid monitors, Distributed System
Monitors, Program Execution Monitors and Accounting Logs, Program Execution Monitors, Techniques for Improving
Program Performance, Accounting Logs, Analysis and Interpretation of Accounting log data, Using accounting logs to
answer commonly asked questions.
10 Hours
Capacity Planning and Benchmarking: Steps in capacity planning and management; Problems in Capacity Planning;
Common Mistakes in Benchmarking; Benchmarking Games; Load Drivers; Remote- Terminal Emulation; Components
of an RTE; Limitations of RTEs. Experimental Design and Analysis: Introduction: Terminology, Common mistakes in
experiments, Types of experimental designs, 2k Factorial Designs, Concepts, Computation of effects, Sign table method
for computing effects; Allocation of variance; General 2k Factorial Designs, General full factorial designs with k factors:
Model, Analysis of a General Design, Informal Methods.
10 Hours
Queuing Models: Introduction: Queuing Notation; Rules for all Queues; Littles Law, Types of Stochastic Process.
Analysis of Single Queue: Birth-Death Processes; M/M/1 Queue; M/M/m Queue; M/M/m/B Queue with finite buffers;
Results for other M/M/1 Queuing Systems. Queuing Networks: Open and Closed Queuing Networks; Product form
networks, queuing Network models of Computer Systems. Operational Laws: Utilization Law; Forced Flow Law; Littles
Law; General Response Time Law; Interactive Response Time Law; Bottleneck Analysis; Mean Value Analysis and
Related Techniques; Analysis of Open Queuing Networks; Mean Value Analysis; Approximate MVA; Balanced Job
Bounds; Convolution Algorithm, Distribution of Jobs in a System, Convolution Algorithm for Computing G(N),
Computing Performance using G(N), Timesharing Systems, Hierarchical Decomposition of Large Queuing Networks:
Load Dependent Service Centers, Hierarchical Decomposition, Limitations of Queuing Theory.
10 Hours
Upon completion of the course, students shall be able to
Identify the need for performance evaluation and the metrics used for it
Implement Little law and other operational laws
Apply the operational laws to open and closed systems
Use discrete-time and continuous-time Markov chains to model real world systems
Develop analytical techniques for evaluating scheduling policies
Text Book:
1. Raj Jain: The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, 2013.
Reference Books:
1. Paul J Fortier, Howard E Michel: computer Systems Performance Evaluation and prediction, Elsevier, 2003.
2. Trivedi K S: Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications, 2nd Edition,
Wiley India, 2001.
Semester I
Year: 2014-2015
Foundation: Building a Network, Requirements, Perspectives, Scalable Connectivity, Cost-Effective Resource sharing,
Support for Common Services, Manageability, Protocol layering, Performance, Bandwidth and Latency, Delay X
Bandwidth Product, Perspectives on Connecting, Classes of Links, Reliable Transmission, Stop-and-Wait , Sliding
Window, Concurrent Logical Channels.
10 hours
T1: Chapter 1.1, 1.2, 1.5.1, 1.5.2., 2.1, 2.5 T2: Chapter 4
Internetworking- I: Switching and Bridging, Datagrams, Virtual Circuit Switching, Source Routing, Bridges and LAN
Switches, Basic Internetworking (IP), What is an Internetwork ?, Service Model, Global Addresses, Datagram
Forwarding in IP, subnetting and classless addressing, Address Translation(ARP), Host Configuration(DHCP), Error
Reporting(ICMP), Virtual Networks and Tunnels.
T1: Chapter 3.1, 3.2,
10 hours
Internetworking- II: Network as a Graph, Distance Vector(RIP), Link State(OSPF), Metrics, The Global Internet,
Routing Areas, Routing among Autonomous systems(BGP), IP Version 6(IPv6), Mobility and Mobile IP.
T1: Chapter 3.3, 4.1.1,4.1.3
T2: Chapter 13.1 to 13.18 , Chapter 18.
10 hours
End-to-End Protocols: Simple Demultiplexer (UDP), Reliable Byte Stream(TCP), End-to-End Issues, Segment Format,
Connecting Establishment and Termination, Sliding Window Revisited, Triggering Transmission, Adaptive
Retransmission, Record Boundaries, TCP Extensions, Queuing Disciplines, FIFO, Fair Queuing, TCP Congestion
Control, Additive Increase/ Multiplicative Decrease, Slow Start, Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery.
T1: Chapter 5.1, 5.2.1 to 5.2.8, 6.2, 6.3
10 hours
Congestion Control and Resource Allocation: Congestion-Avoidance Mechanisms, DEC bit, Random Early Detection
Mail(SMTP,POP,IMAP,MIME),World Wide Web(HTTP),Network Management(SNMP) .
T1: Chapter 6.4 T2: Chapter 23.1 to 23.16, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 27.1 to 27.8 10 hours
List and classify network services, protocols and architectures, explain why they are layered.
Key Internet applications and their protocols, and will apply to develop their own applications (e.g. Client Server
applications, Web Services) using the sockets API.
Explain various congestion control techniques.
Text books:
1. T1: Larry Peterson and Bruce S Davis Computer Networks :A System Approach 5th Edition , Elsevier -2014
2. T2: Douglas E Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP, Principles, Protocols and Architecture 6th Edition, PHI - 2014
1. Uyless Black Computer Networks, Protocols , Standards and Interfaces 2nd Edition - PHI
2. Behrouz A Forouzan TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4th Edition Tata McGraw-Hill.
Semester I
Year: 2014-2015
To explore distributed systems principles associated with communication, naming, synchronization, distributed file
systems, system design, distributed scheduling, and several case studies
To understand both foundational concepts and well as practical deployments.
To gain knowledge on Distributed operating system concepts that includes architecture, Mutual exclusion algorithms,
Deadlock detection algorithms and agreement protocols
To gain insight on to the distributed resource management components viz. the algorithms for implementation of
distributed shared memory, recovery and commit protocols
Fundamentals: What is Distributed Computing Systems? Evolution of Distributed Computing System; Distributed
Computing System Models; What is Distributed Operating System? Issues in Designing a Distributed Operating System;
Introduction to Distributed Computing Environment (DCE).
Message Passing: Introduction, Desirable features of a Good Message Passing System, Issues in PC by Message Passing,
Synchronization, Buffering, Multidatagram Messages, Encoding and Decoding of Message Data, Process Addressing,
Failure Handling, Group Communication, Case Study: 4.3 BSD UNIX IPC Mechanism.
10 hours
Remote Procedure Calls: Introduction, The RPC Model, Transparency of RPC, Implementing RPC Mechanism, Stub
Generation, RPC Messages, Marshaling Arguments and Results, Server Management, Parameter-Passing Semantics, Call
Semantics, Communication Protocols for RPCs, Complicated RPCs, Client-Server Binding, Exception Handling,
Security, Some Special Types of RPCs, RPC in Heterogeneous Environments, Lightweight RPC, Optimization for Better
Performance, Case Studies: Sun RPC.
10 hours
Distributed Shared Memory: Introduction, General Architecture of DSM Systems, Design and Implementation Issues
of DSM, Granularity, Structure of Shared Memory Space, Consistency Models, Replacement Strategy, Thrashing, Other
approaches to DSM, Heterogeneous DSM, Advantages of DSM.
Synchronization: Introduction, Clock Synchronization, Event Ordering, Mutual Exclusion, Dead Lock, Election
10 hours
Resource Management: Introduction, Desirable Features of a Good Global Scheduling Algorithm, Task Assignment
Approach, Load Balancing Approach, Load Sharing Approach Process Management: Introduction, Process
Migration, Threads.
10 hours
Distributed File Systems: Introduction, Desirable Features of a Good Distributed File System, File models, File
Accessing Models, File Sharing Semantics, File Caching Schemes, File Replication, Fault Tolerance, Atomic
Transactions, Design Principles.
10 hours
Upon completion of the course, students shall be able to
Underlying distributed systems concepts
Demonstrate an ability to apply theory and techniques to unseen problems.
Demonstrate the Mutual exclusion, Deadlock detection and agreement protocols of Distributed operating system
Explore the various resource management techniques for distributed systems
1. Pradeep. K. Sinha: Distributed Operating Systems: Concepts and Design, PHI, 2007.
1 Andrew S. Tanenbaum: Distributed Operating Systems, Pearson Education, 2013.
Semester I
Year: 2014-2015
Middleware: Understanding the middle ware, RPC and Related Middle ware , TP Monitors , Object Brokers, MessageOriented Middleware.
10 hours
Web Services: Web Services Technologies, Web Services Architecture.
10 hours
Basic Web Services Technology: WSDL Web Services Description Language, UDDI Universal Description Discovery
and Integration, Web Services at work interactions between the Specifications, Related Standards.
10 hours
Service Coordination Protocols: Infrastructure for Coordination Protocols,WS-Coordination , WS-Transaction,
RosettaNet, Other Standards Related to Coordination Protocols.
10 hours
Service Composition: Basic of Service Composition, A New Chance of Success for Composition, Services Composition
Models, Dependencies between Coordination and Composition, BPEL: Business Process Execution Language for Web
Services, OutLook, Applicability of the Web Services, Web services as a Problem and a Solution : AN Example.
10 hours
Upon completion of the course, students shall be able to
Bind and unbind services in UDDI.
Develop WSDL document
Implement web service client to call public service.
Implement a service and exposing it as public service.
Text Book
1. Gustavo Alonso, Fabio Casati, Harumi Kuno, Vijay Machiraju: Web Services(Concepts , Architectures and
Applications ), Springer International Edition 2009..
Semester I
Year: 2014-2015
To understand the fundamentals of storage centric and server centric systems
To understand the metrics used for Designing storage area networks
To understand the RAID concepts
To enable the students to understand how data centres maintain the data with the concepts of backup
mainly remote mirroring concepts for both simple and complex systems
Server Centric IT Architecture and its Limitations; Storage Centric IT Architecture and its
advantages. Case study: Replacing a server with Storage Networks The Data Storage and Data Access problem;
The Battle for size and access. Intelligent Disk Subsystems: Architecture of Intelligent Disk Subsystems; Hard
disks and Internal I/O Channels; JBOD, Storage virtualization using RAID and different RAID levels; Caching:
Acceleration of Hard Disk Access; Intelligent disk subsystems, Availability of disk subsystems.
10 hours
I/O Techniques: The Physical I/O path from the CPU to the Storage System; SCSI; Fibre Channel Protocol
Stack; Fibre Channel SAN; IP Storage. Network Attached Storage: The NAS Architecture, The NAS hardware
Architecture, The NAS Software Architecture, Network connectivity, NAS as a storage system. File System
and NAS: Local File Systems; Network file Systems and file servers; Shared Disk file systems; Comparison of
Fibre Channel and NAS.
10 hours
SAN Architecture and Hardware devices: Overview, Creating a Network for storage; SAN Hardware
devices; The Fibre channel switch; Host Bus Adaptors; Putting the storage in SAN; Fabric operation from a
Hardware perspective. Software Components of SAN: The switchs Operating system; Device Drivers;
Supporting the switchs components; Configuration options for SANs.
10 hours
The students are be able to
Identify the need for performance evaluation and the metrics used for it
Apply the techniques used for data maintenance.
Realize storage virtualization concept,
Develop techniques for evaluating policies for LUN masking, file systems
Text Book:
1. Ulf Troppens, Rainer Erkens and Wolfgang Muller: Storage Networks Explained, Wiley India,
Reference Books:
1. Robert Spalding: Storage Networks The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2011.
2. Marc Farley: Storage Networking Fundamentals An Introduction to Storage Devices, Subsystems,
Applications, Management, and File Systems, Cisco Press, 2005.
3. Richard Barker and Paul Massiglia: Storage Area Network Essentials A Complete Guide to understanding and
Implementing SANs, Wiley India, 2006.
Semester I
Year: 2014-2015
To acquire practical knowledge on advanced databases and its applications.
To understand and work on areas like Storage, Retrieval, Multi valued attributes, Triggers and other complex objects,
Algorithms etc related to ADBMS.
To design and implement recent applications database for better interoperability
Note: The following experiments may be implemented on MySQL/ORACLE or any other suitable RDBMS with support
for Object features
1. Develop a database application to demonstrate storing and retrieving of BLOB and CLOB objects.
a) Write a binary large object (BLOB) to a database as either binary or character (CLOB) data, depending on the type of the
field in your data source. To write a BLOB value to the database, issue the appropriate INSERT or UPDATE statement
and pass the BLOB value as an input parameter. If your BLOB is stored as text, such as a SQL Server text field, pass the
BLOB as a string parameter. If the BLOB is stored in binary format, such as a SQL Server image field, pass an array of
type byte as a binary parameter.
b) Once storing of BLOB and CLOB objects is done, retrieve them and display the results accordingly.
2. Develop a database application to demonstrate the representation of multi valued attributes, and the use of nested
tables to represent complex objects. Write suitable queries to demonstrate their use.
Consider Purchase Order Example: This example is based on a typical business activity: managing customer orders. Need
to demonstrate how the application might evolve from relational to object-relational, and how you could write it from
scratch using a pure object-oriented approach.
a) Show how to implement the schema -- Implementing the Application under the Relational Model -- using only Oracle's
built-in data types. Build an object-oriented application on top of this relational schema using object views.
3. Design and develop a suitable Student Database application by considering appropriate attributes. Couple of
attributes to be maintained is the Attendance of a student in each subject for which he/she has enrolled and
Internal Assessment Using TRIGGERS, write active rules to do the following:
a) Whenever the attendance is updated, check if the attendance is less than 85%; if so, notify the Head of the Department
b) Whenever, the marks in an Internal Assessment Test are entered, check if the marks are less than 40%; if so, notify the
Head of the Department concerned.
Use the following guidelines when designing triggers:
Use triggers to guarantee that when a specific operation is performed, related actions are performed.
Use database triggers only for centralized, global operations that should be fired for the triggering statement, regardless of
which user or database application issues the statement.
Do not define triggers that duplicate the functionality already built into Oracle. For example, do not define triggers to
enforce data integrity rules that can be easily enforced using declarative integrity constraints.
Limit the size of triggers (60 lines or fewer is a good guideline). If the logic for your trigger requires much more than 60
lines of PL/SQL code, it is better to include most of the code in a stored procedure, and call the procedure from the
Be careful not to create recursive triggers. For example, creating an AFTER UPDATE statement trigger on the EMP table
that itself issues an UPDATE statement on EMP causes the trigger to fire recursively until it has run out of memory.
4. Design, develop, and execute a program to implement specific Apriori algorithm for mining association rules. Run
the program against any large database available in the public domain and discuss the results.
Association rules are if/then statements that help uncover relationships between seemingly unrelated data in a relational
database or other information repository. An example of an association rule would be "If a customer buys a dozen eggs,
he is 80% likely to also purchase milk."
Upon completion of the laboratory, students shall be able to
Work on the concepts of ADBMS at the practical level
Model and represent the real world data using object oriented database
Embed the rules set in the database to implement various features of ADBMS
Choose, design and implement recent applications database for better interoperability.
Semester II
Year: 2014-2015
To define and highlight importance of software project management.
To formulate strategy in managing projects
To estimate the cost associated with a project
To plan, schedule and monitor projects for the risk management
To define the software management metrics
Metrics: Introduction, The Metrics Roadmap, A Typical Metrics Strategy, What Should you Measure?, Set Targets and
track Them, Understanding and Trying to minimize variability, Act on data, People and Organizational issues in Metrics
Programs, Common Pitfalls to watch out for in Metrics Programs, Matrices implementation checklists and tools,
Software configuration management: Introduction, Some Basic Definitions and terminology, the processes and
activities of software configuration management, configuration status accounting, configuration audit, software
configuration management in geographically distributed teams, Metrics in software configuration management, software
configuration management tools and automation.
10 hours
Risk Management: Introduction, What is risk management and why is it important?, Risk management cycle, Risk
identification: common tools and techniques, Risk Quantifications, Risk Monitoring, Risk Mitigation, Risks and
Mitigation in the context of global project teams, some practical techniques risk management, Metrics in risk
management. Project Planning and Tracking: Components of Project Planning and Tracking, The What Part of a
Project Plan, The What Cost Part of a Project Plan, The When Part of Project Planning, The How Part of a
Project Planning: Tailoring of Organizational Processes For the Project, The By Whom Part of the Project
Management Plan : Assigning Resources, Putting it all together : The Software Management Plan, Activities Specific to
Project Tracking, Interfaces to the Process Database. Project Closure: When Does Project Closure Happen?. Why
Should We Explicitly do a Closure?, An Effective Closure Process, Issues that Get Discussed During Closure, Metrics for
Project Closure, Interfaces to the Process Database.
10 hours
Software Requirements gathering: Inputs and start criteria for requirements gathering, Dimensions of requirements
gathering, Steps to be followed during requirements gathering, outputs and quality records from the requirements phase,
skill sets required during requirements phase, differences for a shrink-wrapped software, challenges during the
requirements management phase, Metrics for requirements phase. Estimation: What is Estimation? when and why is
Estimation done?, the three phases of Estimation, Estimation methodology, formal models for size Estimation, Translating
size Estimate into effort Estimate, Translating effort Estimates into schedule Estimate, common challenges during
Estimation , Metrics for the Estimation processes. Design and Development Phases: Some differences in our chosen
approach, salient features of design, evolving an architecture/ blueprint, design for reusability, technology choices/
constraints, design to standards, design for portability, user interface issues, design for testability, design for diagnose
ability, design for maintainability, design for install ability, inter-operability design, challenges during design and
development phases, skill sets for design and development, metrics for design and development phases.
10 hours
Project management in the testing phase: Introduction, What is testing?, what are the activities that makeup testing?,
test scheduling and types of tests, people issues in testing, management structures for testing in global teams, metrics for
testing phase. Project management in the Maintenance Phase: Introduction, Activities during Maintenance Phase,
management issues during Maintenance Phase, Configuration management during Maintenance Phase, skill sets for
people in the maintenance phase, estimating size, effort, and people resources for the maintenance phase, advantages of
using geographically distributed teams for the maintenance phase, metrics for the maintenance phase.
10 hours
Globalization issues in project management: Evolution of globalization, challenges in building global teams, Models
for the execution of global projects, some effective management techniques for managing global teams. Impact of the
internet on project management: Introduction, the effect of internet on project management, managing projects for the
internet, Effect on the project management activities. People focused process models: Growing emphasis on people
centric models, people capability maturity model(P-CMM), other people focused models in the literature, how does an
organization choose the models to use?
10 hours
USE STAR UML TOOL or VISUAL PARADIGMN or any other equivalent tool to develop ATM and Restaurant
The software to be designed will control a simulated automated teller machine (ATM) having a magnetic stripe reader for
reading an ATM card, a customer console (keyboard and display) for interaction with the customer, a slot for depositing
envelopes, a dispenser for cash (in multiples of Rs. 100, Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000), a printer for printing customer receipts,
and a key-operated switch to allow an operator to start or stop the ma-chine. The ATM will communicate with the bank's
computer over an appropriate communication link. (The software on the latter is not part of the requirements for this
problem.) The ATM will service one customer at a time. A customer will be required to insert an ATM card and enter a
personal identification number (PIN) - both of which will be sent to the bank for validation as part of each transaction.
The customer will then be able to perform one or more transactions. The card will be retained in the machine until the
customer indicates that he/she desires no further transactions, at which point it will be returned - except as noted below.
The ATM must be able to provide the following services to the customer:
1. A customer must be able to make a cash withdrawal from any suitable account linked to the card, in multiples of Rs.
100 or Rs. 500 or Rs. 1000. Approval must be obtained from the bank before cash is dispensed.
2. A customer must be able to make a deposit to any account linked to the card, consisting of cash and/or checks in an
envelope. The customer will enter the amount of the deposit into the ATM, subject to manual verification when the
envelope is removed from the machine by an operator. Approval must be ob-tained from the bank before physically
accepting the envelope.
3. A customer must be able to make a transfer of money between any two accounts linked to the card.
4. A customer must be able to make a balance inquiry of any account linked to the card.
5. A customer must be able to abort a transaction in progress by pressing the Cancel
key instead of responding to a request from the machine.
The ATM will communicate each transaction to the bank and obtain verification that it was allowed by the bank.
Ordinarily, a transaction will be considered complete by the bank once it has been approved. In the case of a deposit, a
second message will be sent to the bank indicating that the customer has deposited the envelope. (If the custom-er fails to
deposit the envelope within the timeout period, or presses cancel instead, no second message will be sent to the bank and
the deposit will not be credited to the cus-tomer.)
If the bank determines that the customer's PIN is invalid, the customer will be required to re-enter the PIN before a
transaction can proceed. If the customer is unable to successfully enter the PIN after three tries, the card will be
permanently retained by the machine, and the customer will have to contact the bank to get it back If a transaction fails for
any reason other than an invalid PIN, the ATM will display an explanation of the problem, and will then ask the customer
whether he/she wants to do another transaction. The ATM will provide the customer with a printed receipt for each
successful transaction
The ATM will have a key-operated switch that will allow an operator to start and stop the servicing of customers. After
turning the switch to the "on" position, the operator will be required to verify and enter the total cash on hand. The
machine can only be turned off when it is not servicing a customer. When the switch is moved to the "off" position, the
machine will shut down, so that the operator may remove deposit envelopes and reload the machine with cash, blank
receipts, etc.
2. Restaurant System
The system is intended to support the day-to-day operations of a restaurant by improving the processes of making
reservations and allocating tables to customers. The Restaurant system provides the facilities like
Record Booking
Cancel Booking
Record Arrival
Table Transfer
The new system can offer diners eat at the restaurant without making an advance booking, if a free table is available. This
is known as Walk-in.
The new system should display the same information as the existing booking sheet and in same format, to make it easy for
restaurant staff to transfer, to the new system. When new bookings are recorded or changes made to existing bookings, the
display should be immediately updated, so that restaurant staff is working with the latest information available.
At the end of this course students will be able to:
Evaluate a project to develop the scope of work, provide accurate cost estimates and to plan the various activities
Apply risk management analysis techniques that identify the factors that put a project at risk and to quantify the likely effect
of risk on project timescales
Identify the resources required for a project and to produce a work plan and resource schedule
Monitor the progress of a project and to assess the risk of slippage, revising targets counteract drift
Use appropriate metrics to management the software development outcome
Develop research methods and techniques appropriate to defining, planning and carrying out a research project within your
chosen specialist area within the management of software projects.
Text Book
1. Ramesh Gopalaswamy: Managing Global Projects ", Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.
1.Watts Humphrey, Managing the Software Process , Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2000
2. PankajJalote, Software Project Management in practice, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002.
Semester II
Year: 2014-2015
To gain knowledge about metrics Web Application Development and related terminologies
To gain knowledge about persistent framework and other ORM tools.
To learn to build solutions using Design Patterns
To get introduced to latest WEB frameworks
Web application and java EE 6:Exploring the HTTP Protocol, Introducing web applications, describing web containers,
exploring web architecture models, exploring the MVC architecture. Working with servlets 3.0Exploring the features of
java servlet, Exploring new features in servlet 3.0, Exploring the servlet API, explain the servlet life cycle, creating a
sample servlet, creating a servlet by using annotation, working with servletconfig and servlet context objects, working
with the Http servlet request and Http servlet response interfaces, Exploring request delegation and request scope,
implementing servlet collaboration.
10 hours
Handling sessions in servlet 3.0:Describing a session, introducing session tracking, Exploring the session tracking,
mechanisms, using the java servlet API for session tracking, creating login application using session tracking.
Implementing event handling Introducing events, Introducing event handling, working with the servlet events,
developing the online shop web application. Working with java server pages: Introducing JSP technology, Exploring
new features of JSP2.1, listing advantages of JSP over java servlet, Exploring the architecture of a JSP page, Describing
the life cycle of a JSP page, working with JSP basic tags and implicit objects, working with the action tags in JSP,
exploring the JSP unified EL, using functions with EL.
10 hours
Implementing JSP tag extensions: Exploring the elements of tag extensions, Working with classic tag handlers ,
Exploring the tag extensions, Working with simple tag handlers. Implementing java server pages standard tag library
1.2: Introducing JSTL, Exploring the tag libraries JSTL, working with the core tag library. Implementing filters:
Exploring the need of filters, exploring the working of filters, exploring filters API, configuring a filter, creating a web
application using filters, using initializing parameter in filters.
10 hours
Persistence Management and Design Patterns : Implementing java persistence using hibernate Introducing
hibernate, exploring the architecture of hibernate, downloading hibernate, exploring HQL, understanding hibernate O/R
mapping, working with hibernate, Implementing O/R mapping with hibernate. Java EE design patterns: Describing the
java EE application architecture, Introducing a design patterns, discussing the role of design patterns, exploring types of
10 hours
Web Frameworks: Working with struts 2Introducing struts 2, understanding actions in struts 2.Working with java
server faces 2.0:Introducing JSF, Explaining the features of JSF, Exploring the JSF architecture, describing JSF elements,
Exploring the JSF request processing life cycle. Working with spring 3.0:Introducing features of the spring framework,
exploring the spring framework architecture, exploring dependency injection & inversion of control, exploring AOP with
spring, managing transactions. Securing java EE 6 applications: Introducing security in java EE 6, exploring security
mechanisms, implementing security on an application server.
10 hours
Design Develop and Implement the following modules using any suitable language/tools.
1. Developing the profile management module
Design, develop and implement the following theory models using any suitable language tools
Implementing logic with servlet.
creating the people_employee servlet.
creating the employeeobj class.
creating the employeedbmethods class.
creating the generateid class, creating views.
creating the people_insert JSP page.
creating the people_search JSP page.
creating the people_edit JSP page.
creating the people_list JSP page.
creating the people_ profile JSP page.
2. Developing the recruitment module
Registering a new applicant.
creating the people_applicant servlet.
creating the applicantDBObj class.
creating the applicantDBmethods class.
creating the generated class.
creating an interface for applicant registration.
conducting rounds of test.
creating the applicant_test_dtl servlet.
designing JSP views.
working of the recruitment module.
3. Developing the payroll module
Updating salary statement,
creating the people_payroll servlet.
creating the empsal class.
creating the employee agreement class.
creating the payrollbean methods class.
designing JSP views.
creating the people_agreement JSP page.
creating the people_agreement_edit JSP page.
creating the salary_search.jsp file.
creating the salary_slip JSP page.
Upon completion of the course, students shall be able to
Implement a WEB application.
Manage deployment configurations are
Implement Security mechanisms
Text Book:
1. Kogent learning solution: JAVA SERVER PROGRAMMING JAVA EE6(J2EE 1.6), Dreamtech press 2014
Semester II
Course Title: Design Patterns
Credits(L:T:P): 4:0:0
Type of Course: Lecture
Year: 2014-2015
Course Code: 14SSE23
Core/Elective: Core
Total Contact Hours:50
To Learn How to add functionality to designs while minimizing complexity.
What code qualities are required to maintain to keep code flexible?
To Understand the common design patterns.
To explore the appropriate patterns for design problems.
Introduction: what is a design pattern? describing design patterns, the catalog of design pattern, organizing
the catalog, how design patterns solve design problems, how to select a design pattern, how to use a design
pattern. What is object-oriented development? , key concepts of object oriented design other related concepts,
benefits and drawbacks of the paradigm.
10 hours
Analysis a System: overview of the analysis phase, stage 1: gathering the requirements functional requirements
specification, defining conceptual classes and relationships, using the knowledge of the domain. Design and
Implementation, discussions and further reading.
10 hours
Design Pattern Catalog: Structural patterns, Adapter, bridge, composite, decorator, facade, flyweight, proxy.
10 hours
Interactive systems and the MVC architecture: Introduction , The MVC architectural pattern, analyzing a
simple drawing program , designing the system, designing of the subsystems, getting into implementation ,
implementing undo operation , drawing incomplete items, adding a new feature , pattern based solutions.
10 hours
Designing with Distributed Objects: Client server system, java remote method invocation, implementing an
object oriented system on the web (discussions and further reading) a note on input and output, selection
statements, loops arrays.
10 hours
The student should be able to
Design and implement codes with higher performance and lower complexity
Be aware of code qualities needed to keep code flexible
Experience core design principles and be able to assess the quality of a design with respect to these principles.
Capable of applying these principles in the design of object oriented systems.
Demonstrate an understanding of a range of design patterns. Be capable of comprehending a design presented using
this vocabulary.
Be able to select and apply suitable patterns in specific contexts.
1.Object-oriented analysis, design and implementation, brahma dathan, sarnath rammath, universities
2.Design patterns, erich gamma, Richard helan, Ralph johman , john vlissides ,PEARSON Publication,2013.
1. Frank Bachmann, RegineMeunier, Hans Rohnert Pattern Oriented Software Architecture Volume 1, 1996.
2. William J Brown et al., "Anti-Patterns: Refactoring Software, Architectures and Projects in Crisis", John Wiley, 1998.
Semester II
Year: 2014-2015
Course Title: Software Metrics and Quality Assurance
Credits(L:T:P): 4:0:0
Type of Course: Lecture
To gain basic knowledge about metrics, measurement theory and related
To learn measure the quality level of internal and external attributes of the software product
To introduce the basics of software reliability and to illustrate how to perform planning, executing and testing for
software reliability
To explore various metrics and models of software reliability
To compare various models of software reliability based on its application
What Is Software Quality: Quality: Popular Views, Quality Professional Views, Software Quality, Total Quality
Management and Summary. Fundamentals Of Measurement Theory: Definition, Operational Definition, And
Measurement, Level Of Measurement, Some Basic Measures, Reliability And Validity, Measurement Errors, Be Careful
With Correlation, Criteria For Causality, Summary. Software Quality Metrics Overview: Product Quality Metrics, In
Process Quality Metrics, Metrics for Software Maintenance, Examples For Metrics Programs, Collecting Software
Engineering Data.
10 hours
Applying The Seven Basic Quality Tools In Software Development : Ishikawas Seven Basic Tools, Checklist, Pareo
Diagram, Histogram, Run Charts , Scatter Diagram, Control Chart, Cause And Effect Diagram. The Rayleigh Model:
Reliability Models, The Rayleigh Model Basic Assumptions, Implementation, Reliability And Predictive Validity.
10 hours
Complexity Metrics And Models: Lines Of Code, Halsteads Software Science , Cyclomatic Complexity Syntactic
Metrics, An Example Of Module Design Metrics In Practice .Metric And Lessons Learned For Object Oriented
Projects: Object Oriented Concepts And Constructs, Design And Complexity Metrics, Productivity Metrics, Quality And
Quality Management Metrics, Lessons Learned For object oriented Projects.
10 hours
Availability Metrics: Definition And Measurement Of System Availability, Reliability Availability And Defect Rate,
Collecting Customer Outage Data For Quality Improvement, In Process Metrics For Outage And Availability
.Conducting Software Project Assessment :Audit Ad Assessment , Software Process Maturity Assessment And
Software Project Assessment , Software Process Assessment A Proponed Software Project Assessment Method.
10 hours
Dos And Donts Of Software Process Improvement :Measuring Process Maturity, Measuring Process Capability,
Staged Versus Continuous Debating Religion, Measuring Levels Is Not Enough, Establishing The Alignment Principle ,
Take Time Getting Faster, Keep it Simple Or Face Decomplexification, Measuring The Value Of Process Improvement ,
Measuring Process Compliance , Celebrate The Journey Not Just The Destination. Using Function Point Metrics to
Measure Software Process Improvement: Software Process Improvement Sequences, Process Improvement
Economies, Measuring Process Improvement at Activity Levels.
10 hours
Upon completion of the course, students shall be able to
Identify and apply various software metrics, which determines the quality level of software
Identify and evaluate the quality level of internal and external attributes of the software product
Compare and Pick out the right reliability model for evaluating the software
Evaluate the reliability of any given software product
Design new metrics and reliability models for evaluating the quality level of the software based on the requirement
Text Book
1. Stephen H Khan: Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, Pearson 2nd edition 2013.
1. Norman E-Fentor and Share Lawrence Pflieger. Software Metrics. International Thomson Computer Press, 1997.
2. S.A.Kelkar,Software quality and Testing, PHI Learing, Pvt, Ltd., New Delhi 2012.
3. Watts S Humphrey, Managing the Software Process, Pearson Education Inc, 2008.
4. Mary Beth Chrissis, Mike Konrad and Sandy Shrum, CMMI, Pearson Education(Singapore) Pte Ltd, 2003
5. Philip B Crosby, " Quality is Free: The Art of Making Quality Certain ", Mass Market, 1992.
Semester II
Year: 2014-2015
Course Title: Information And Network Security
Credits(L:T:P): 4:0:0
Type of Course: Lecture
To understand the fundamentals of Cryptography
To acquire knowledge on standard algorithms used to provide confidentiality, integrity and authenticity.
To understand the various key distribution and management schemes.
To understand how to deploy encryption techniques to secure data in transit across data networks
To design security applications in the field of Information technology
Classical Encryption Techniques: Symmetric Cipher Model, Cryptography, Cryptanalysis and Brute-Force Attack,
Substitution Techniques, Caesar Cipher, Mono alphabetic Cipher, Playfair Cipher, Hill Cipher, Polyalphabetic Cipher,
One Time Pad. Block Ciphers and the data encryption standard: Traditional block Cipher structure, stream Ciphers
and block Ciphers, Motivation for the feistel Cipher structure, the feistel Cipher, The data encryption standard, DES
encryption , DES decryption , A DES example, results, the avalanche effect, the strength of DES, the use of 56-Bit Keys,
the nature of the DES algorithm, timing attacks, Block cipher design principles, number of rounds, design of function F,
key schedule algorithm.
10 hours
Public-Key Cryptography and RSA: Principles of public-key cryptosystems. Public-key cryptosystems. Applications
for public-key cryptosystems, requirements for public-key cryptosystems. public-key cryptanalysis. The RSA algorithm,
description of the algorithm, computational aspects, the security of RSA: Other Public-Key Cryptosystems: Diffiehellman key exchange, The algorithm, key exchange protocols, man in the middle attack, Elgamal Cryptographic systems,
Elliptic curve arithmetic, abelian groups, elliptic curves over real numbers, elliptic curves over Zp, elliptic curves over
GF(2m), Elliptic curve cryptography, Analog of Diffie-hellman key exchange, Elliptic curve encryption/ decryption,
security of Elliptic curve cryptography, Pseudorandom number generation based on an asymmetric cipher, PRNG based
on RSA.
10 hours
Key Management and Distribution: Symmetric key distribution using Symmetric encryption, A key distribution
scenario, Hierarchical key control, session key lifetime, a transparent key control scheme, Decentralized key control,
controlling key usage, Symmetric key distribution using asymmetric encryption, simple secret key distribution, secret key
distribution with confidentiality and authentication, A hybrid scheme, distribution of public keys, public announcement of
public keys, publicly available directory, public key authority, public keys certificates, X-509 certificates. Certificates, X509 version 3, public key infrastructure .User Authentication: Remote user Authentication principles, Mutual
Authentication, one way Authentication, remote user Authentication using Symmetric encryption, Mutual Authentication,
one way Authentication, Kerberos, Motivation , Kerberos version 4, Kerberos version 5, Remote user Authentication
using Asymmetric encryption, Mutual Authentication, one way Authentication, federated identity management, identity
management, identity federation, personal identity verification.
10 hours
Wireless network security: Wireless security, Wireless network threats, Wireless network measures, mobile device
security, security threats, mobile device security strategy, IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN overview, the Wi-Fi alliance, IEEE
802 protocol architecture. Security, IEEE 802.11i services, IEEE 802.11i phases of operation, discovery phase,
Authentication phase, key management phase, protected data transfer phase, the IEEE 802.11i pseudorandom function,
..Web Security Considerations: Web Security Threats, Web Traffic Security Approaches. Secure Sockets Layer: SSL
Architecture, SSL Record Protocol, Change Cipher Spec Protocol, Alert Protocol, handshake Protocol, Cryptographic
Computations. Transport Layer Security: Version Number, Message Authentication Code, Pseudorandom Functions,
Alert Codes, Cipher Suites, Client Certificate Types, Certificate Verify And Finished Messages, Cryptographic
Computations, Padding. HTTPS Connection Initiation, Connection Closure. Secure Shell (SSH): Transport Layer
Protocol, User Authentication Protocol, and Connection Protocol.
10 hours
Electronic Mail Security: Pretty good privacy, notation, operational; description, S/MIME, RFC5322, Multipurpose
internet mail extensions, S/MIME functionality, S/MIME messages, S/MIME certificate processing, enhanced security
services, Domain keys identified mail, internet mail architecture, E-Mail threats, DKIM strategy, DKIM functional flow,
.IP Security: IP Security overview, applications of IPsec, benefits of IPsec, Routing applications, IPsec documents, IPsec
services, transport and tunnel modes, IP Security policy, Security associations, Security associations database, Security
policy database, IP traffic processing, Encapsulating Security payload, ESP format, encryption and authentication
algorithms, Padding, Anti replay service, transport and tunnel modes, combining security associations, authentication plus
confidentiality, basic combinations of security associations, internet key exchange, key determinations protocol, header
and payload formats, cryptographic suits.
10 hours
Upon Completion of the course, the students will be able to
Implement basic security algorithms required by any computing system
Analyze the vulnerabilities in any computing system and hence be able to design a security solution.
Analyze the possible security attacks in complex real time systems and their effective counter measures
Identify the security issues in the network and resolve it.
Evaluate security mechanisms using rigorous approaches, including theoretical derivation, modeling, and simulations
Formulate research problems in the computer security field
Text Book.
1. William Stallings: Cryptography and Network Security, Pearson 6th edition 2013.
1. V k Pachghare: Cryptography and Information Security ,2013.
Semester II
Year: 2014-2015
To expose the students to the concepts of Data warehousing Architecture and Implementation
To Understand Data mining principles and techniques and Introduce DM as a cutting edge business intelligence
To learn to use association rule mining for handling large data
To understand the concept of classification for the retrieval purposes
To know the clustering techniques in details for better organization and retrieval of data
Introduction: What is a Data Warehouse?, A Multidimensional Data Model, Data Warehouse Architecture, Data
Warehouse Implementation, Data cube Technology, From Data warehousing to Data Mining, Data Mining
Functionalities, Data cleaning, Data Integration and Transformation, Data Reduction.
10 hours
Data Mining Primitives, Languages And System Architectures: Data Mining primitives, Presentation and
Visualization of Discovered patterns, A Data Mining Query Language. MINING ASSOCIATION RULES IN LARGE
DATA BASES: Association Rule Mining Single Dimensional Boolean Association Rules From Transactional
Databases, Mining Multilevel Association Rules from Transactional Databases.
10 hours
Classification And Prediction: Issues regarding Classification and Prediction, classification by Decision tree induction,
Bayesian classification, Classification by back propagation, Classification Based on the concepts from association rule
mining. Other classification methods, prediction.
10 hours
Cluster Analysis: What is Cluster Analysis? Types of data in cluster Analysis: a Categorization of Major Clustering
Methods, Partitioning Methods, And Hierarchical methods, Density-Based Methods, Model-Based Clustering Methods:
Statistical Approach, Neural Network Approach Outliner Analysis.
10 hours
Applications And Trends In Data Mining: Data mining application, Data mining system Products research Prototypes,
Additional Themes on Data Mining, Data Mining and Intelligent Query Answering, Tends in Data Mining.
10 hours
Upon completion of the course, students shall be able to
Store voluminous data for online processing
Preprocess the data for mining applications
Text Books:
1. Jiawei Michelin Kamber, "Data Mining Concepts and Techniques", Morgan Kauf Mann Publishers,
Reprint 2014.
Semester II
Course Title: Information Retrieval
Credits(L:T:P): 4:0:0
Type of Course: Lecture
Year: 2014-2015
Course Code: 14SSE253
Core/Elective: Elective
Total Contact Hours:50
To understand the basics of Information Retrieval with pertinence to modeling, query operations and indexing
To get an understanding of machine learning techniques for text classification and clustering
To understand the various applications of Information Retrieval giving emphasis to Multimedia IR, Web Search
To understand the concepts of queries specification judgment and search engines
Introduction: Motivation, Basic concepts, Past, present, and future, The retrieval process. Modeling: Introduction, A
taxonomy of information retrieval models, Retrieval: Adhoc and filtering, A formal characterization of IR models,
Classic information retrieval, Alternative set theoretic models, Alternative algebraic models, Alternative probabilistic
models, Structured text retrieval models, Models for browsing.
10 hours
Retrieval Evaluation: Introduction, Retrieval performance evaluation, Reference collections. Query Languages:
Introduction, keyword-based querying, Pattern matching, Structural queries, Query protocols. Query Operations:
Introduction, User relevance feedback, Automatic local analysis, Automatic global analysis.
10 hours
MODULE-III : Text and Multimedia Languages and Properties: Introduction, Metadata, Text, Markup languages,
Multimedia. Text Operations: Introduction, Document preprocessing, Document clustering, Text compression,
Comparing text compression techniques.
10 hours
Indexing and Searching: Introduction; Inverted Files; Other indices for text; Boolean queries;
Sequential searching; Pattern matching; Structural queries; Compression. Parallel and Distributed IR: Introduction,
Parallel IR, Distributed IR.
10 hours
User Interfaces and Visualization: Introduction, Human-Computer interaction, The information access process, Starting
pints, Query specification, Context, Using relevance judgments, Interface support for the search process. Searching the
Web: Introduction, Challenges, Characterizing the web, Search engines, Browsing, Meta searchers, Finding the needle in
the haystack, Searching using hyperlinks.
10 hours
Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to
Build an Information Retrieval system using the available tools
Identify and design the various components of an Information Retrieval system
Apply machine learning techniques to text classification and clustering which is used for efficient Information Retrieval
Analyze the Web content structure
Design an efficient search engine
1. Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Berthier Ribeiro-Neto: Modern Information Retrieval, Pearson, 1999.
1. David A. Grossman, Ophir Frieder: Information Retrieval Algorithms and Heuristics, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2004.
Semester II
Year: 2014-2015
To outline basic terminology and components in information storage and retrieval systems
To compare and contrast information retrieval models and internal mechanisms such as Boolean, Probability, and
Vector Space Models
To describe current trends in information retrieval such as information visualization.
To understand Backup process and securing of management storage infrastructure
Introduction to Information Storage: Information Storage, Evolution of Storage Architecture, Data center
Infrastructure, Virtualization and cloud computing. Data Center Environment: Application, Database Management
System(DBMS), Host(compute), Connectivity, Storage, Disk Drive Components, Disk Drive Performance, Host Access
to Data, Direct-Attached Storage, Storage Design Based On Application, Disk Native Command Queuing, Introduction to
Flash Drives, Concept in Practice: VMware ESXi.Data Protection: RAID:RAID Implementation Methods, RAID Array
Components, RAID Techniques, RAID Levels, RAID Impact on Disk Performance, RAID Comparison, Hot Spares.
10 hours
Intelligent Storage Systems: Components of an Intelligent Storage System, Storage Provisioning, Types of intelligent
Storage Systems, Concepts in Practice: EMC Symmetrix and VNX. Fibre Channel Storage Area Networks: Fiber
Channel: Overview, The SAN and Its Evolution, Components of FC SAN, FC Connectivity, Switched Fabric Ports, Fibre
Channel Architecture, fabric Services, Switched fabric Login Types, Zoning, FC SAN Topologies, Virtualization in SAN,
Concepts in Practice: EMC Connectrix and EMC VPLEX.IP SAN and FcoE: iSCSI, FCIP, FcoE.
10 hours
Network-Attached Storage: General-purpose Servers versus NAS Devices, benefits of NAS, File Systems and network
File Sharing. Components of NAS, NAS I/O Operation, NAS Implementations, NAS File-Sharing Protocols, factors
Affecting NAS Performance, File-Level Virtualization, Concepts in Practice: EMC Isilon and EMC VNX gateway.
Object-Based and unified Storage: Object-Based Storage Devices, Content-Addressed Storage, CAS use Cases, unified
Storage, Concepts in Practice: EMC atoms, EMC VNX, and EMC centera. Introduction to Business Continuity.
Information Availability, BC Terminology, BC Planning life Cycle, failure Analysis, Business Impact Analysis, BC
Technology solutions.
10 hours
Backup and Archive : Backup Purpose, Backup Considerations, Backup Granularity, Recovery Considerations,
Backup Methods, Backup Architecture, Backup and Restore Operation, Backup Topologies, Backup in NAS
Environments, Backup Targets, Data Dedupulication for Backup, Backup in Virtualized Environments, Data Archive
,Archiving Solution Architecture, Concepts in Practice :EMC Networker, EMC Avamar, and EMC Data domain. Local
Replication: Replication Terminology, Uses of Local Replicas, Replica Consistency, Local Replication Technologies,
Tracking Changes to Source and Replica, Restore and Restart Considerations, Creating Multiple Replicas, Local
Replication in Virtualized Environment, Concepts in Practice: EMC TimeFinder .Remote Replication: Modes of Remote
Replication, Remote Replication Technologies, Three-Site Replication, Data Migration Solutions, Remote Replication
and Migration in a Virtualized Environment, Concepts in Practice : EMC SRDF, EMC MirrorView, and EMC
10 hours
Securing the Storage Infrastructure: Information Security Framework, Risk Triad, Storage Security Domains, Security
implementations in Storage Networking, Securing Storage Infrastructure in Virtualized and Cloud Environments,
Concepts in practice: RSA and VMware Security Products. Managing the Storage Infrastructure: Monitoring the
Storage Infrastructure, Storage Infrastructure Management Activities, Storage Infrastructure Management Challenges,
Developing an Idea Solution, Information Lifecycle Management, Storage Tiering, Concepts in Practice: EMC
10 hours
The student shall be able to
Recognize the role and use are technology in business systems and operations
Identify and describe organizational structure and business processes within these
Implement information systems in industry.
Choose backup method and replication method.
Provide securing of management storage infrastructure.
Text Book:
1. EMC Corporation, Information Storage and Management, Wiley, India. ISBN-13: 978-8126537501, August 2012.
2. Robert Spalding, Storage Networks: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill , Osborne, 2003.
3. Marc Farley, Building Storage Networks, Tata McGraw Hill ,Osborne, 2001.
4. Additional resource material on www.emc.com/resource-library/resource-library.esp
Semester II
Year: 2014-2015
To understand the need of design pattern to solve problems of different context.
To understand the common design patterns and to implement them.
To explore the appropriate patterns for design problems.
Note: Use appropriate tools/language to implement the following experiment:
1. Design, develop and implement an intercepting Filter Pattern which intercepts and intermediates the request received.
Implement an HTML to send a request to a server, where the request is intercepted by the filter and the following details
are extracted and displayed. Date, Content-Encoding, Content-Length, Content-Location ,Content-MD5
2. Design, develop and implement a front controller pattern , which forms the centralized control to handle multiple user
request for effectively managing the activities of content retrieval, view management and security service invocation.
Implement a java Servlet, which forms the controller and decision maker for the entire application .
3. To implement a data access object pattern to separate the data processing logic from data access logic. Implement the java
class that decouples the persistence management from business logic.
4. To implement an object pooling mechanism using N-TON design pattern. Implement a Java class which creates 10
connection objects and forms a pool , and another java class to consume the connection and to persist data into the EIS.
5. Implement the session faade pattern to de-couple the business logic from accessing the third party application object in
the distributed environment using EJB.
Semester IV
Year: 2014-2015
Course Objectives
To learn Basic Concepts of DSM, Hardware DSM
To understand File Sharing, DFS Implementation, Replication in DFS,
To explore the concepts of Cryptography, Secure channels, Access control
To understand real time Distributed Operating System and emerging trends in Distributed Computing
Distributed System management: Introduction, Resource management, Task Assignment Approach, LoadBalancing Approach, Load-Sharing Approach, Process management in a Distributed Environment, Process
10 hours
Migration, Threads, Fault Tolerance.
Distributed Shared Memory: Introduction, Basic Concepts of DSM, Hardware DSM, Design Issue in DSM
Systems, Issue in Implementing DSM Systems, Heterogeneous and Other DSM Systems, Case Studies.
10 hours
Distributed File System: Introduction to DFS, File Models, Distributed File System Design, Semantics of File
Sharing, DFS Implementation, File Caching in DFS, Replication in DFS, Case studies. Naming: Introduction,
Desirable features of a good naming system, Basic concepts, System-oriented names, Object-locating
mechanisms, Issues in designing human-oriented names, Name caches, Naming and security, Case study:
Domain name service.
10 hours
Security in distributed systems: Introduction, Cryptography, Secure channels, Access control, Security
Management, Case studies.
10 hours
Real-Time Distributed operating Systems: Introduction, Design issues in real-time distributed systems, Realtime communication, Real-time scheduling, Case study: Real-time communication in MARS. Emerging
Trends in distributed Computing: Introduction to emerging trends, Grid Computing, SOA, Cloud computing,
The future of emerging Trends.
10 hours
Use suitable language/OS/package to implement the following:
Implement client server application using RMI (Remote Method Invocation) to invoke a service to calculate the
income tax.
Implement EJB (Entity Java Beans) session bean business logic to calculate income tax and invoke the service
using stub, i.e., client side proxy object.
Implement an EJB entity bean to persist the client submitted data into an enterprise information system.
Implement an office communication system using JMS (Java Message Service) to service the client request.
Implement the client code to call the Micro soft service like free service from UDDI (Universal Description
Discovery Protocol).
Implement business logic and bind it as service using SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), also implement
client to call service.
The student shall be able
To implement shared memory concept.
To realize advantages of DFS.
To design mechanisms to manage security in DS
To choose more appropriate Real-time scheduling, algorithms
Text Book.
1. Sunitha Mahajan , Seema Shah: Distributing Computing, Published by Oxford University press 2010
Semester IV
Year: 2014-2015
To understand how an iterative, incremental development process leads to faster delivery of more useful
To understand the essence of agile development methods
To understand the principles and practices of extreme programming
To understand the roles of prototyping in the software process
To understand the concept of Mastering Agility
Why Agile?: Understanding Success, Beyond Deadlines, The Importance of Organizational Success, Enter
Agility, How to Be Agile?: Agile Methods, Dont Make Your Own Method, The Road to Mastery, Find a
10 hours
Understanding XP: The XP Lifecycle, The XP Team, XP Concepts, Adopting XP: Is XP Right for Us?, Go!,
10 hours
Assess Your Agility.
Practicing XP: Thinking: Pair Programming, Energized Work, Informative Workspace, Root-Cause Analysis,
Retrospectives, Collaborating: Trust, Sit Together, Real Customer Involvement, Ubiquitous Language, StandUp Meetings, Coding Standards, Iteration Demo, Reporting, Releasing:Done Done, No Bugs, Version
Control, Ten-Minute Build, Continuous Integration, Collective Code Ownership, Documentation, Planning:
Vision, Release Planning, The Planning Game, Risk Management, Iteration Planning, Slack, Stories,
Estimating, Developing: Incremental Requirements, Customer Tests, Test-Driven Development, Refactoring,
Simple Design, Incremental Design and Architecture, Spike Solutions, Performance Optimization, Exploratory
10 hours
Mastering Agility: Values and Principles: Commonalities, About Values, Principles, and Practices, Further
Reading, Improve the Process: Understand Your Project, Tune and Adapt, Break the Rules, Rely on People:
Build Effective Relationships, Let the Right People Do the Right Things, Build the Process for the People,
Eliminate Waste: Work in Small, Reversible Steps, Fail Fast, Maximize Work Not Done, Pursue Throughput.
10 hours
Deliver Value: Exploit Your Agility, Only Releasable Code Has Value, Deliver Business Results, Deliver
Frequently, Seek Technical Excellence: Software Doesnt Exist, Design Is for Understanding, Design Tradeoffs, Quality with a Name, Great Design, Universal Design Principles, Principles in Practice, Pursue Mastery.
10 hours
The student shall be able to
Understand The XP Lifecycle, XP Concepts, Adopting XP
Work on Pair Programming, Root-Cause Analysis, Retrospectives, Planning, Incremental Requirements,
Customer Tests
Implement Concepts to Eliminate Waste
1. The Art of Agile Development (Pragmatic guide to agile software development),
James shore, Chromatic, OReilly Media, Shroff Publishers & Distributors, 2007.
1. Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices, Robert C. Martin, Prentice Hall; 1st
edition, 2002
2., Agile and Iterative Development A Mangers Guide, Craig Larman Pearson Education, First Edition,
India, 2004.
Semester IV
Year: 2014-2015
To learn the key aspects of Soft computing
To know about the components and building block hypothesis of Genetic algorithm.
To gain insight onto Neuro Fuzzy modeling and control.
To gain knowledge in machine learning through Support vector machines.
Introduction to Soft computing: Neural networks, Fuzzy logic, Genetic algorithms, Hybrid systems and its
applications. Fundamental concept of ANN, Evolution, basic Model of ANN, Terminologies used in ANN, MP
10 hours
model, Hebb model.
Perceptron Network: Adaptive linear neuron, Multiple adaptive linear neurons, Back propagation Network
(Theory, Architecture, Algorithm for training, learning factors, testing and applications of all the above NN
10 hours
Introduction to classical sets and fuzzy sets:
Membership functions.
10 hours
10 hours
MODULE-V :Genetic algorithms: Introduction, Basic operations, Traditional algorithms, Simple GA General
genetic algorithms, The schema theorem, Genetic programming, applications.
10 hours
The student shall be able to
Semester IV
Year: 2014-2015
To understand various architecture for application development
To understand the importance of SOA in Application Integration
To learn web service and SOA related tools
To Learn implementation details of SOA
To understand varies case studies
:Software Architecture Types of IT Architecture SOA Evolution Key components
perspective of SOA Enterprise-wide SOA Architecture Enterprise Applications Solution Architecture
for enterprise application Software platforms for enterprise Applications Patterns for SOA SOA
programming models.
10 hours
SOA ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: Service-oriented Analysis and Design Design of Activity, Data, Client
and business process services Technologies of SOA SOAP WSDL JAX WS XML WS for .NET
Service integration with ESB Scenario Business case for SOA stakeholder OBJECTIVES benefits of
10 hours
SPA Cost Savings.
The student shall be able to
Text Book:
1. Shankar Kambhampaly, ServiceOriented Architecture for Enterprise Applications,Wiley 2008.
2. Mark D. Hansen, SOA using Java Web Services, Practice Hall, 2007.
3. Waseem Roshen, SOA-Based Enterprise Integration, Tata McGraw-HILL, 2009.
Semester IV
Year: 2014-2015
To understand Model of SCM.
To understand QRM, CPFR.
To learn Inventory Models and third party logistics.
To explore Revenue management