Tableeghi Nisab Ka Jaiza by Muhammad Munir

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Ur he et iKe Pc AteE bestia As Yo Tuern kW tes S Ata iK er bball br wsL iI eZ bal LS iba. lS diel He Chu pi KE See lait 3 dhe de NETS DUS: Sot ntote cabal Se HY PL APPL plore Key Pe IL EU ie PONE Wrtevle peut Sithie Vue tes? zbaltL nt Tee tert AL pbb lala nists = lh Pees Je WE irulet (Getty WE of itl wigte-e tee GbveL be fie iL Bete Gre wPoligt UL bs be Shits of bel gle Aob tuo ee SUP Slee Sure tw tibet Sana) WAL Brille troll Silent UW died! wurhlal Jee te Yok tut uisl gl yey oly Obietes Lobe ele st OWaldderrA 2 Utes AhPute Lt tol lnditivetebitlusul tien slut AS ABEL eb IL pf teetnene Se Kevbert rr tesien BID ce Crested i -S Gleb Aree tA! Morgliteud elle CGAL uibete uP beptitn wo lty incre tu tL LI OTiule phar en MA Stn Ie Frfho sip pat shee Shies S RIS MI bel LB lye a he SUI ecu Lcrtartgie Unpee 2 Li Sb ts whol htct Caer geste de Sor JsBk Gin SIst eueialgen ied 2 ete Sup awl A wt UFisiue Sale sl JL Guywslsantee Bet tT P Ons SGeaIy! Ber ceripe Sure. Stee voloalte bucet Se Mulihl glee ed Agus fol abel le lal Crepe tb ML 30 os es ICAU erp lle SoLosgureeurted Lusi wlnwA nut Shenk pe Mod peter b4BY pL StS ze bee eel blige SE hai en 5GL Glossy Bute Yoke did Le pet lust tuthe ge Anat eb fe dine 232 bere Howie iit ete bine bR Ab tle PUA ip le ST eb Ce ISM Ee se L wll solute tL olde eLearn Sb ieudyen HEIN Wyola AA Sei” LOAM bly Lwl SoL Hol Mas ete eit Me sleuteieie nla te Lay Leh oy alll tur iB ee VU As ib tei te ellup eres cola pl gb UAL tet” Be E LY igh? Abele, 6 Ue le BG BAS par OIA Aub (ost) wLcalr HA sees QE AA LU Bal er Deus fol BAcls 6 ber SR rv! ott Au BWI iL Ul UL Pec ESE POM File Z Whe Kel r 5 als AE bth Ae HAL CUE OUT Petes SIGE HL Be uit mic Unguty 2 AL, SUT MEF Krab ye? SLE St ter S EME Sour wuitets able PE BEE M NL Ue gees elylP pl SAL BELA aK tf eatt PE duals LAS E SE lr Un URES, oN tot OE bE yh tet WH FEA led apr O tte Ott SPusl Sets Saori Us ceusli> or Ux Um Potent Set le aut tlugsyieet (AU Soke ul fneteMit hk, al Sy P ee (OWE Puncrylet ys a2 BLE G LIL ST ILL Jirtieiupe de Gurt etree My Suteider Aviat be Me AO Cia Sul L tess wilt Caps Lit Gait le bre UT US Foals LMA ple Lecbluid elle the Sore wf kus Coe EAL rE of hehe Se ge tug Bite UNE ite Pte AUG L BL WILL bank obs, GP SIA UR 95 ISLs eli os Kay ys Kell Jill gS Co SUB Unite GAS re ule Set unre? ni Ago s (AAbebury Abbe ptkh wether, Gosfe. (He L Neb ne ATA GL gs Au blive Ul ba SA SS bees PL LE gu ehutum butte Gull oleae LIM SU aber Aien SEL uaieL BU Wd £ eet id ot aias unter ateler LG SeoblGre-tolary hive nhl wait FE halt yitle- Te LUE hed Stoll SG Ebr BUS Ve Wibe thre Peel yf I ABIL oe Yi Lib ifuMebia objul Se bata yey 7 ome Eee anes fut Aesth brfed ute weutl J Jo FE Uarce Meant os Jak S61 Se yale A Utetitisn dy Usa ert Wie Ux 6U AIA Cr CU wie tobe S esa hit ee Ste woe mul Gore sdS Ce Cnn Ab elie wl tulbeisce| Pee Fire alle WIG Mtdetees fEAAgeL bel sbglt dere cafe Potbutyo bir dle LIL ut Sita AAS PE ibhe Seen Pet Mer Pte Pe PAG LL bi Me Mle Meinl Be esti” fins p' Ale Eiht Sei GerySea Scent e beA Ne Cn ible ono tabi Sain R L bute SL BF OIA ou GAP ABL abstecans (et, Le Vebbultyl iz SGSbe ifesoyt Pali Lew iret Ase olf unl bl bg OP ish Ltt Folate JAS Ciera te SL eth tL owe Suyafyokut dy = bauibinc ferret ui orelaee rol ire LPL Mite Me ALL tle IEA Seber sere elt Ent NL soll Pees we Bebi ha A MG Aylaicotn teases Ace ntl wis 6 -_ Apne igs idite tbat enAS Laberge fepme? Supe oth SU bu Me Ee gfe Ute HAE (tpl nahneepoLut Lee Le ALAL AM ye he Oy Miter Sone Ashu EP Lect Chita wit silo recdliel & pF Se yrlute te Suliivie. bya lth WEL utcPslo Mer ieU Sey ebati tot eg eA yuh ryt Bib sistly eS Ay 585 oS EUIYAS 6 Gro: AD UpBsebd LU Alle Phe Poe url Ln itl ote urge £ ud ede she dbo Spree orgs SAR EA AL oie 2 LL usb l RIP bela Sarak £ Wubi be pleagpir-eh FIL EW Wiebe tote wut feLce ee BLL ysl lrheenl ofial 8 Soi usages wl in Ma LE BRA ie al SP ostbe Seftr the elle rtl iL Steledsuterlat+ ; 5 Lb BASE chee ASTM Gy AL Lee P Sepbotg ates Sig Ble satie sale SPL b oct wl Wei SSPE SAL I STIS iors 6 fre sBaly fp ~ ee Lon SFe SOARES ON UBIE. fae Se be flee hy dA Me Pie Be neu Se ahah LR | GS e eel ipl Peo ub SE Mee L craic tA BUA ihe ai file eb lL af EMI a vache ttle darL OL fle bart — Plate pole Sie LVL aes Ste Vent 22 oO Ly oslsf 8 wl A FeO obee Pou sete Seb Wig kee teeth he dite ge A rusher (ie Awe ae ie Pulp bel Speedy Lek ttn eB ln 0 Ge tinded THR AL Mahe eld wre FLL of ge en el lage & oF le Cooled ae bet bWlaien LAE Fe Serle Hn re LSet Kale Si iL Sryhie Syne gut fir ogee AA gr tL seltituet. rb GE SL Sorte cla) Li yg SA Leela Gin Lacey ite PIL terolut ut Aedad Sole Widlral ute Ap lie bin une Tee Lia? Boece ut ut UU PL SO e ttl Fo A AGL tie ATP re le be fab Wi Gulbis & Made e te is Jui) Ub Pb LoL G tin Ge ee PU a Ae pie VEN Set weigh Lite slat Kei HAH ul Sell SG a eplued te Pee aU Sef ee he pit Lf ak © Up BOL piri UGE be Ulett eke Beopeteletpinkecbléry « UTAH Leela Sud Sie lol At Ae Slut FL d Lobe Mee Inageag Loe gt ePued 1d 41 aut lui Joe tuee Er & Uy IL aT Ays BEL Uwe Gyre denn becbiS bg Sete WAL Be Seclve lk oS gh Vlg CAE 85 Hg GIT 5 13) eel galiil ash (Feltartene wlth OEE) em sre Serer ssle eh Lote-uivyeesde we ABE DAW L eau! uiSpifue dpi a L Shape ui Sertady Suksse pera lusi Nelle ober e bei Te dF aidyfulbe betes gepelEse So htzuier | se Ve BL Arnot Liole woe | eS ee sPr ila LIL tea MWK Srtecteus SulAltow 5 ais . *e oe ii “iy ip 22g seats gealily aa ais Bs “yf | PL Loe So tently LBL duit he Moder le Seb table TIL Etetiflue et eT ide SEF Glew WAT > Ch Soba both Gl bd Le Ll muted EVP Loi nd St eAfol tobe Chigte WL ude Ln ‘aut. Zyte. EE LL In Adit le ie | ree | ad Jas bth lily gf oiasg 6 tty at 1 AI S38 le ohn Caf te fot tbe ie y SAL Leh Ani SUIG RL MUI SURE AL URE | eNStipytol Me ang Um Aso fang 1 va _———EE— ET 13 PLEaSn Evi? Siu ing ued ox SUG Fe tl Gusti ged slain pe geh uti ete Usb tele BL efspwiltey WL tee te Ae LL beet obec dlG “ee ui eur ele (eric a dette fe Glow Meee wl 12 Slee wil] gS a bea Qusih gil (95 pia all 2S“ alia yaad! Quail” Be Ue ote UE edit ea BL (Fat BFT£ well Uput La PAeGrewbl ofl enti sled tL Boome tbe bal SOUS oie bilencledne ele he went Se Mle bh rshlP bebo l BATALI uli ict AIL Eat ydratushecled ge SRG Se er lebra cwbit SOWA wl Ln aAIL olde cE Ue wL UEC RPE Ron UO Voy olen ALi tb Sen lL Sy aut Estetg wie eee rater ne FSAI owen te cue biidigt (fi cpl grrr: TA mney is EAST G8 Shatgly -bowh Bene sf UGE AL hus! 12 ei hs Bo dee Ay pl her eb Aire db” WP Eile shale dU. yd Le ‘girl lel : we wie LET tate Ue WUE. lsd | VSL te ues fe) Eble beat Cn Gb tue be woe eV ile te ele Jihet wt Vis (Pek wists (rh Aihiai (tik Bs a St vine WGgctbold eb bde ior SEU ck Nuit tee e Etter HOS Brite ef dude uy ets tel Pale Moet ite Su Soe nba LL co (28) yao gla yu floc Jibaaa Ewe abtrtiterras Sti olesedlé SU tb Sup bol tind bee chile GPE ale eto rene be bal A ; dee Lr’ 15 122 Sin FL Bee Se Gar PAUL S ing yo 52 ead ty ual yo alae Lbs pL Gta?” SUN oleae dB” bob SE oo tt ite gickabte Bytes! Lebel ASW JL PV AUG SU erbd oe? Cina: Juha) UTS bu Ut tu acu LP Lk tay tL Sui bain Ue SL tL lye Ut Ut ete HLu Te ee Sin eoiy DS Jaltag sacl ca (ils eel RE pL (tebe Patt Boles Bol CS bs Aa Up izg ee Vi Be. ~2bU wna PL GUL sy hob toljealy Cole Soertur wrt ec ira: ile ie lle rg Ft nlrb bot Sig ue ius tt NE Se MEL we bg Sub Pela ede gietblar ab bipiber staal awh” Glsde S opto abi allay cllad 5 “Sold lS “ales el ? e ole dG WILL APS Gn Cian : Jen fis) “LAU it Shed ecb 14 Fale tole e it breritelte Alot} eT AC AMIE SOIL wb ital ghee he a Kei Pty Awe6e L Jretulle el luhen te Sbe Jee Ur Ste tAdbelty Sp ret alte dE ole SMA P Byer Sturt Lau Geet al gob Sts Sut te iL tay eB WS elute Mel pe he CAI Sots tee ti eg SURG zo We 2 Fete lute tL cole - bo B bus ba”? Sate ye ure oe PEM Nea GE wtE bb St Spill Gola dBA Uti Seite tee fuk 66. & APE Pots su Git Ub PCL APTA Ue le Pilots fen deed dag” Shot UAL Be We Voleuyecn id UsnPpal” ftvibetle Foburd vi MW Put titul Se tecbul tiSse al oa Obey Er SebilaloT Pilla Wii erembie WAU Ibel Mo leteIL co lete de 2 byl Se Zo bYoud hoL Epi tt, Se rite od Mole Solet AL SoM blir Mt Guidi 01 ine aye FLAP Pug ta Hi peat Ste Sult i of Vorb ot hegs Woes dlG PE Se rea icady (rede Wut L IL Un ESOL RAL pele Lee A btly babs oP lee HOE LB PHIL orla dt US erndne Belo ban dd EG bah Ad KEL pre hite dl tbe shag let Juri fisin Gl Ut Set, WL yiskerta Huta 1 frcG Label GG) VIL Cole JE ibd Zn BK ty poled Gti est Soh (tt ue nerd tire Auld Baan Nd ree foltd toute te eam ele WILL Mo BOI ets tix oh Let ndirdgud nodes beer Ly Ses Bre bl orl, en té Se ede Vinoztah tic As ed B"e tL tb typetsiti neg ether olele Fen L Upto lobbed lL By UFIL Lol SEG Se golibec tLe se UT OLe Web srdty She ut Stale Se IE erlay? wed a thea Fb ule ble CAL dees crete te hee 16 of OSes Gite FIL Lobe di” sew hitler Serna iene SRAL Hale es qt G5 DEAE OT ple oe il 5B Spee JE Bee glue (Pistia LAP RU AL BIL MILE Selese eclve tens Pil Engl bc SP GI bP Efe label EL I tile cay 4/18 i dae G0: Fall bs Gist; CALE fet Crh Lilet ist FIP rch eta be Se ef SAU ete ted ital yb tating AL Brie olh Mhec ize LEP CEM bre SB Te CB TIM en be wlth ThA erg Sila pS tale LOW soe 2d PL eal Se geo 6 Pg ecinu Liber L MA Al ei Fete Ga ldnces Maid eit ilLerfi Lidia of ip Ligeg eC hep theese [ole mee (Pe her ails FAL Soa TATE Sheila lH6 Be GME Whoby 19 Eiht SLA GLP, ee sere ig eth Kok pohly x (At Lule So eblt Sd ete» Glste pect Sb 1d oad Ue Web thet itl pi ela ien Bid A ale iF lsd lll yao ails ai Jia guava a Sgcaligne LI ws aylj BLL iL Lele die Lets Sede AL l Wace tle iru WPF BV oe Atel leg he eS Ebene Lue yA bat IAI ag elle Crt: Suse Jere suse mig ee edi tg Sy ger: (ey Sebel Cebbigas tas 88 55 jLENS 435 4 4 Ale Atel Lon to cid Fie ot Masih ga asain Se Laie ty ech bitol St ee phe ethene L belelflest -eti0GbLe Clr Sos OS i Te dy EB: SF B55 BUG FSI ob Jos SB 55 Gas JG SUI gs 55 SS 5 urs les debts ts GUT: SPUN oy EH GGT TG GU 2 a 18 PUPILS pias yoga 2S oF ytd pte ybiaw yw _LlLo fe Lobe dG'e Lvl tu rhs jily Fai Penh shit Sher uing EE aS Sut rbSonk Tale dsiborsible he Upuwley Litnd babe Gue iL idee tlieth fe PURO LE byte ot de 5 ol-LEe eu Usd LesFetbine ot GE ably» Us olay J sel WL dete 6M ute PN EL hua BL yee LV Atl i YEO 2 uit ule Id ok uta tt Cinta : Suits) CSE UUs tute? ute SR did Leythud “dias Pier 3, ESL NS ge nents folmct KA toe Yedioth fe uF L & Lull ths g sh WlLUbsy Pag LB Te Gi P ble Lik ut be sated Je py tex slsa bh Sod dane ice ie Yt RD Is LB Te PE EUs Ca the nbd ahi ) ih Pfeil Oe WLLL wl BFL WE Uecey SSS (Cane Po ottep te brente ee Like at Susie ute MS ibe Sit shee eh SS Ge A Melee NG lL oh bese Uh PS hike EOL Sird File ole be Ue Suelo Be tece i gtatte Abel evade” 24 surbuIsU Sul AP fedrt twee 2? Ij GS igs Lai jes) gee betel CPectfiSe id oleae (Ele el Leclege d Mt SUE Siete whe. ye 2 ou une Sods Lt RP Le leyepeve AL Sop hate Md het BalWerd ree efile dn SUA) ue SF al AEBS ole S SMe eu) be £ tel fey Cr re Se Fis) Cra neecere) ber tel PKU ee rt eles obal gd edi 2 pallens JIGS” SLAM Sete fet tnckagl eh pallaes of goal Cre Mri ft)" ceglas ppallane 2 tedue nth AP Ute uh Ot OAR Lali vee Po Mell old ater ut ect ee SaAL herb tebe Ane Se SASL erwin E ile & fe Cel Lyla he ut lar Ast fe Stew Peer LE Gu AUGIESL Lec Sar teil ole Ae Satara AL CMe ies Cece ecru? ren baAled Ad nd tL 20 ME eid Lyle Wyte nL ye taal HELI Whd tie Speldicve cosh £9 Lolth db Abel, Af AG hy OL ee he waranty s Ogee es Wi ee tala IL Tete AIL HT, ist -UniuseLy Be "Edrich SEERA AL fh WAP TE B12 GlUG et ne pds EL tL Soe)” Hv dee ele owed ue Wose, ead Shad re the Stentz CAE Et pen Pheckyd uth yet lili Lae SSN Cabling shag ty 565 Las AT SEI er Lhe nae ct LAURE) Es Sisal Aeotyt Aol dE wrle gis Chie Ser SS ote SIL inti LL Wet tg Mega boty SNe VOACL ate SAL heli UU Cote Gite EE La Sea tien Sot ibitymcud clout bitin ibe vet cult 6 Sistas Openlist PU glad toulendy wb PL Myr SB SL Ae SIBLE pblE WE besos eA ole He ete ts 23 Sha bh Bet IAAL Bis Te ecle e fet at te EL ta Sheth Let OYE Ud Pott APRS SEMA Set peotyth WL Bd Sede deur (Liefealetl aye edge eed she G LPP IE In AAD Seo SU hed WS iter tecbionmupGye FL By abel Sitti ie nee tie igd Bd tee BE Sue Ute he ue MIO Le eth lnt se UL StI Soe SLE nae Ait) eS aS tlt (UMS. Lntee Berens ASoP ort ie, 2 Loti Py Kabuto) CAM be PECL UBL Spe ae Gh ALIS gOvk. eizing Li See gb ALi dy “Uttar SOL ve Ct UA lends ie CE SG om Ep Sa Kd be eT CAD Be Pe hae i fleratecleSused AUB SL Lu isle pF lees PU lp WedGoshedlu det L cq ISO PUTA tdi ess Ger Aspe Ues sehth fe 2 ign) eA it et urr GO ne oe 1 pA LS A ab BGS Vo Lea gels BG 9 ges 22 br tive ASO /So Sen PULL Seve (Lod SE GWEM Ut Sh PecttbGod ir et bile tans Atl tebe UP BL teil le CAB fend the dia tobduvLendew Bint e & websec Ib tol UE au Se psf ea TL uber Safe WPL Sse Cremer nf) FE ui PAF Aa ed Ue Vet whe rictie tapi te feclédat dy Secwiolt fake Radu tet bnd peg llr th PELE ale bes bts teh AR BL d UG alate tues ASA ISS ABO Ale SARE AL OAL nog LE sitle Xue AAPL SIL FEA at FUE te SIE L eset Soe Petter ell Atle SB ag Sen ge le Lerner ih PSP Seo PSL g WE AB Se eoyete Ave) 8 Sp eh Ri ps i gs goals ae OigTg hss gee UL LAL ea tI Po tsi LiLo nwl fi bik Seg bg hfe tol (Ae zbolUu Af eed MILE Se re ¢ Pree) ben en pos ALEC tal OE | 25 cs phaie coat Hq 92 OIG ya (IP) oly S alee as GI AajSlal yajbed LP SUHL TAL ates be So Be Se pet Bide bnage Me id Tet nL. LALA IIe tl =P LiLo SEW SO le PUL Mala ote il LEG FeLi fC SecA 6 regal PLU re titis) Fite cefede a Lay of Sghia yao pai gil o3ps ute dew bir dbecte tt A cloac dé WAS der he SEL tL the 95 LAA MEL I bre Vie tia Me Usd hey Aue Seger 2 bs SE Inf neionfee yi wr heniilde wt Sob vebleed ume te Lute pay ye At be oye sot se, oy Lie bat etre Fle EL WIE Ah atbn SENS SMe cou SYLUL Vol dt intr tif Wee fie Fe Yt Pre Morne ASAI SEL SV oh me : : Crude fis)“ ae ale tile Se eu NE ie WoA wrt CIAL Ls Luise bot é Ey ebm MIE deaf fae» eft Si By LUE ot SUT e Vor een 24 Us Patns LSC eaters sen" Wale CR t AS ul bese SPELL mister indie Gar Seibel IS EE Pie esl One K WL SPodaablak LAS iepteve Site kiLb ee? SUL thE Ged Ded site ee IPL yt tebe SEG Men Pete pith Ln Cael tepals eth Soleil a Sui flab LAS Clee BL of Weel tel Oe it ssa jad gail gl LE Ll cals YG ls yun dghie walla sp LI signi GAL We WS Asa be SIL edo g Scie b IL Ue UsL KAYE Uh 1 Bi ~ Bae SAUL iid te Wei tatle lp pade de ‘ (ran Ji Sis) PLP L iy tiie Ute ASL A Ape lE ay ours WBN eh ny Pf trea SN ALA tbh Sle. fa sat ne Le WI NL Sx WELW Bere On LU Es CF Dei eSe GEDLr KIL eg etf Cele ule Lute CA IL wes iL ety ee a 27 bre Se URS Nb ale & Pur S ecm ott Sa Se Kanye tyaultee

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