Acne Scar Subsision

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Acne Scar Subcision

Subcision is a simple and safe office surgery procedure for treatment of depressed acne scars. It can easily be
combined with other treatments such as laser, dermaroller and scar revisions for maximum efficacy.
KEYWORDS: Subcision, acne scars, depressed scars

Subcision, also called as subcutaneous incisionless
surgery, a term coined by Orentreich and Orentreich
in 1995[1] to describe the minor surgical procedure for
treating depressed scars and wrinkles using a tri-beveled
hypodermic needle inserted through a puncture in the
skin surface (hence, incisionless surgery), and its sharp
edges manoeuvred under the defect to make subcuticular
cuts or "-cisions. The principle of this procedure is to
break the fibrotic strands, which tether the scar to the
underlying subcutaneous tissue. The depression is lifted
by the releasing action of the procedure, as well as from
connective tissue that forms during the course of normal
wound healing.[1]
It is mainly useful for rolling scars (distensible, depressed
scars with gentle sloping edges).[2]
Subcision is performed under local anaesthesia (topical
or infiltration). Number 18 or 20 gauge needle or a
Nokor needle (1.5inch, 18-gauge, [Figure 1]) is inserted
adjacent to the scar with the bevel upwards parallel to
the skin surface, into the deep dermis and moved back
and forth in a fan-like motion under the scar to release
fibrous bands at dermal or deep dermal subcutaneous
plane.[3-5] A snapping sound is heard as the fibrous
bands are broken. Some authors recommend to and fro
motion as in liposuction initially. The needle is removed
and squeezed circumferentially around exit point to

Figure 1: Nokor needle - Note the bevelled edge and its

relation to the needle holder

evacuate excess blood and prevent large haematoma

formation. A small haematoma is allowed to be
formed, which supports the released scar. Haemostasis
is maintained with pressure and ice application.[3]
Ice application on the operated site on the day, antibiotics
and anti-inflammatory drugs for 57 days.[3]

The orientation of the needle during subcision

should be horizontal. It often becomes necessary
to withdraw the needle outside to be visible at
the entry point and then to redirect it. There are
different ways to ensure Nokor needle orientation:

BS Chandrashekar, AS Nandini

Dr. Venkat Charmalaya, Centre for Advanced Dermatology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
DOI: 10.4103/0974-2077.69029
Address for correspondence:
Dr. BS Chandrashekar, Cutis Clinic, #20 3rd cross, Opp. Chandralayout Police Station, Chandralayout, Bangalore 560 040, Karnataka, India.
E-mail: [email protected]

Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery - May-Aug 2010, Volume 3, Issue 2


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Chandrashekar and Nandini: Subcision in acne scars



Holding the needle with a needle holder such

that the horizontal orientation of the triangular
tip of the Nokor needle is parallel to the
horizontal plane of the needle holder gives
constant control for the orientation without
withdrawing it outside.[6]
2. The hub of the needle is marked with 2 short
straight lines, with a marker, perpendicular
to the triangular cutting surface, at 12 and 6
o'clock position of the hub. If the orientation of
the needle is lost due to rotation of the needle
the operator needs only to adjust the hub
so that the 2 marks are at a 12 and 6 o'clock
position eliminating the need to withdraw the
needle to visualise the tip. This technique can
be used with or without a syringe attached to
the hub of the Nokor needle.[7]
Individual scars should be treated using separate
multiple puncture sites.
Care should be taken to avoid the preauricular,
temporal and mandibular areas in order to avoid
injuries to the facial nerve and major vessels.
When multiple scars are undermined, the most
dependent area is done first.
Repeated sittings are required for better cosmetic
results. Repeat sessions are done after 3-weeks
Patients should be counselled properly about
haematoma and bluish discolouration
If many scars need subcision, few scars may be
treated at a time, like on one cheek to avoid severe
Procedure is preferably done before a weekend or
holiday for working patients.[3]

Subcision may be performed alone by itself or as

an adjunct to other procedures like cryo slush,


dermaroller, punch floatation, fractional pixel laser

etc.[3] A study conducted to evaluate a novel subdermal
filler absorbable plain catgut suture with subcision
showed no additional benefits.[8] In a study of 22 patients,
subcision was done on one side of the face and on the
other side subcision with subdermal implant was done.
The rate of response showed no significant difference
with the use of subdermal implant.[8]
Subcision is a safe, simple technique that provides
significant long-term improvement in the rolling scars
of selected patients. It can be safely and easily combined
with other treatments for acne scars.



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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.

Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery - May-Aug 2010, Volume 3, Issue 2

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