How To Display Relationship Maps in SAP B1

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SAP Business One

How-To Guide


How to Display Relationship Maps

Release Family 8.8

Applicable Release:
SAP Business One 8.81 PL05 and higher

All Countries
July 2011

Table of Contents
Relationship Map ............................................................................................................................ 3
Viewing Relationships Between Business Objects .................................................................... 5
Legend ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Additional Activities ....................................................................................................................... 9
Copyrights, Trademarks, and Disclaimers ................................................................................ 10

SAP AG 2011

How to Display Relationship Maps

Relationship Map
This document shows how to use relationship maps in the following business areas:







You can use relationship maps to visualize the relationships between business objects in SAP
Business One, such as:

Chains of documents in sales and purchasing:

For example, you can copy a sales order for a particular customer into a delivery note and the
delivery note into the invoice, and so on.

Sales or purchasing documents and related postings, such as journal entries or internal

Sales or purchasing documents and their related payments

Landed costs and the related items

Items and the bills of materials (BOM) they are contained in

BOMs included within other BOMs, that is, BOMs and their parent items

Production orders and the related items

Service calls and the related expenses


Manager John Miller is on his way out to a social gathering, at which he will meet one of
his customers who ordered a large quantity of goods from his company. John knows that
there are several orders and invoices related to the deal. Since he is pressed for time
and not familiar with the reporting functions, he does not want to use a report to check on
the status of the invoices. Instead, he uses a relationship map to display all documents
related to the deal and quickly gets an overview of the invoices that have been paid.

Available as of SAP Business One 8.81 PL07

SAP AG 2011

How to Display Relationship Maps

The figure below shows a relationship map of an A/P invoice.

You can use different views and starting points to display the desired information. Depending on the
view and starting point, the relationship map shows the following information:

Document type

Document number

Posting date

Business partner reference number

Document total

Balance due
The balance due is displayed as a colored bar. The following colors are used:

Green: Gross amount linked as down payment

Yellow: Gross amount paid

Blue: Gross amount copied into the next document in the chain

Red: Balance due

Item description

Item number

SAP AG 2011

How to Display Relationship Maps

Viewing Relationships Between Business

You can view relationships between business objects from the sales and purchasing areas, inventory,
production, banking, and service. Your starting point determines the default view displayed.

You are authorized to view the relationship map. To check, see Administration System Initialization
Authorizations General Authorizations General.
You must have read-only or full authorization for the document type or business object to
be able to view the full information on the relevant object. Otherwise, the object is grayed

1. Go to one of the starting points listed in the table.
To display

Starting Point

Default View

switch to the
following view:

All documents,
business partners,
production orders, and
service calls related to
a sales document.

Any sales document

Marketing Document:
Document Tree


All documents,
business partners, and
landed costs related to
a purchasing

Any purchasing

Marketing Document:
Document Tree


All postings related to

a sales or purchasing

Any sales or
purchasing document

Marketing Document:
Document Tree

Marketing Document:
Posting Details

All documents related

to the payment and the
related business

Incoming payment

Payment: Documents


Outgoing payment

The item master data

record and the bills of
materials that the item
is included in.

Item Master Data

Item: BOMs


The bill of materials,

the item master data
contained in it, and
parent items.

Bill of Materials

Item: BOMs


SAP AG 2011

How to Display Relationship Maps

To display

Starting Point

Default View

switch to the
following view:

The sales order,

business partner and
issues for production
related to a production

Production Order

Production: Production


The items master data

and business partner
related to a production

Production Order

Production: Production

Production: Related

The expenses and

business partner
related to a service

Service Call

Service Calls: Service



The sales and

purchasing documents,
landed costs and
business partner
related to a landed
costs document.

Landed Costs

Landed Costs: Landed

Costs Tree


The item master data

and business partner
related to a landed
costs document.

Landed Costs

Landed Costs: Landed

Costs Tree

Landed Costs: Related


Proc edure

2. To start the relationship map, choose one of the following options:


Right-click the business object, for example, the sales document or payment, and
choose Relationship Map from the context menu.
From the menu bar, choose Goto Relationship Map.

The relationship map opens in the default view for your starting point. If required, you can change the
view by choosing another option from the dropdown list below the map.
In the Item: BOMs view, the business objects are displayed as grouped BOMs and the
parent item master data. The reason is that these two objects are connected and
connection between an item and its BOM is shown.
To illustrate, see the following figure:

Available as of SAP Business One 8.81 PL07

SAP AG 2011

How to Display Relationship Maps

When you choose CTRL + double-click the grouped data, the following is displayed:

SAP AG 2011

How to Display Relationship Maps

The following table explains the symbols used within the relationship map and their purpose.



Marketing Document:
Document Tree

Blue arrow

Documents are based on

one another

Marketing Document:
Posting Details

Green arrow

Down payment linked to


Yellow arrow

Document paid by
payment or reconciliation

Marketing Document:
Document Tree

Green bar

Down payment linked to

an invoice or credit memo

Marketing Document:
Posting Details

Yellow bar

Document was paid by

payment or reconciliation

Marketing Document: Items

Red bar

Represents the unpaid

part of the document total

Marketing Document: Items

Yellow arrow

Item included in

Item: BOM Including

Parent Items

Dashed line arrow

Relationship between
parent and child items

Item: BOM Including

Parent Items

Solid line arrow

Relationship between two

or more bills of materials


Open Document is
Closed Document is
Canceled Document
has been canceled
Printed Document has
been printed
Paid Document has
been paid
Not Authorized You are
not authorized to display
the document

Available as of SAP Business One 8.81 PL07

SAP AG 2011

How to Display Relationship Maps

Additional Activities
After opening the relationship map you can do the following:

User Action


Choosing a view from the

dropdown list

Opens a different view

Right-clicking a business
object and choosing a view
from the context menu

Opens a different view

Double-clicking document

Opens the document

CTRL + double-clicking
grouped documents

Expands grouped documents or items

CTRL + double-clicking single


Takes the selected document as a starting point and

rearranges the document chain with the selected document as
the focal point.

Scrolling the mouse wheel

Zooms in and out of the document chain

Choosing the Show More


For performance reasons, the initial display is limited to 20

objects. When you choose this button, you can view all
business objects related to the original object.

SAP AG 2011

How to Display Relationship Maps

Copyrights, Trademarks, and Disclaimers

Copyright 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

The current version of the copyrights, trademarks, and disclaimers at is valid for this document.

SAP AG 2011


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