CummingsSNUG2013SV UVM Scoreboards PDF
CummingsSNUG2013SV UVM Scoreboards PDF
CummingsSNUG2013SV UVM Scoreboards PDF
Clifford E. Cummings
Sunburst Design, Inc.
[email protected]
One of the most complex components in an OVM/UVM testbench is the scoreboard. Simple
tutorials on the theory behind and the creation of the scoreboard are scarce.
This paper will describe two fundamental OVM/UVM scoreboard architectures. The first
architecture is a standalone scoreboard component with two UVM analysis implementation
ports, which poses unique challenges when declaring and using UVM ports and methods. The
second architecture is a highly reusable scoreboard with predictor class and comparator class
and the fundamental theories that make this architecture relatively easy to use. The comparator
also employs two uvm_tlm_analysis_fifos, to help simplify the implementation. This simple
tutorial will assist engineers to become acquainted and proficient with scoreboard development.
The techniques described in this paper can be used with either OVM or UVM verification
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OVM/UVM Scoreboards
Fundamental Architectures
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 4
tb_scoreboard ............................................................................................................... 14
sb_predictor .................................................................................................................. 15
sb_calc_exp .................................................................................................................. 17
sb_comparator .............................................................................................................. 17
Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 20
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. 21
References ........................................................................................................................... 21
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 22
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Fundamental Architectures
Table of Figures
Figure 1 - First scoreboard architecture block diagram using uvm_tlm_fifos................................ 8
Figure 2 - First scoreboard architecture block diagram using uvm_tlm_analysis_fifos ............... 12
Figure 3 - Second scoreboard architecture block diagram............................................................ 13
Figure 4 - Scoreboard predictor block diagram ............................................................................ 16
Figure 5 - Scoreboard comparator block diagram ........................................................................ 18
Table of Examples
Example 1 - Transaction class defined using UVM filed macros .................................................. 7
Example 2 - `uvm_analysis_imp_decl( _suffix ) usage in port-type and write-method name ....... 9
Example 3 - `uvm_analysis_imp_decl( _suffix ) usage in port-name and port construction ......... 9
Example 4 - Simple scoreboard example code ............................................................................. 11
Example 5 - write_drv() method to store the expected output transaction ................................... 11
Example 6 - write_mon() method to store the actual output transaction ..................................... 12
Example 7 - - Scoreboard code with all required scoreboard components
properly included .......................................................................................................................... 15
Example 8 - - Scoreboard predictor code with extern function sb_calc_exp()
reference........................................................................................................................................ 16
Example 9 - - Example scoreboard external calc_exp() function definition ....... 17
Example 10 - - Scoreboard comparator code - no modification required ....... 20
Example 11 - trans1 transaction class type w/ code to implement both copy() and outputcompare() methods........................................................................................................................ 22
Example 12 - tb_scoreboard architecture implementation #1 - ........................ 24
Example 13 - tb_scoreboard architecture implementation #2 - file ................. 25
Example 14 - tb_scoreboard architecture implementation #2 - file ................ 27
Example 15 - tb_scoreboard architecture implementation #2 - file .................... 28
Example 16 - tb_scoreboard architecture implementation #2 - file .................... 29
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Fundamental Architectures
1. Introduction
There are many examples and descriptions of OVM/UVM basic testbench components, but good
tutorial materials related to the theories behind, and the development of OVM/UVM scoreboards
are somewhat scarce.
Although there are multiple scoreboard architectures that can be employed, there are two
fundamental architectures that, if well understood, can assist verification engineers to further
develop and expand additional testbench scoreboard architectures.
This paper describes fundamental OVM/UVM testbench architectures. The author welcomes
feedback and additional examples of high-level scoreboard architectures. I am sharing a couple
of the best fundamental techniques known and others are encouraged to share with me the best
techniques that they have discovered through their own experience.
OVM/UVM Scoreboards
Fundamental Architectures
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Fundamental Architectures
Analysis TLM communication follows a path of the form: analysis-port to analysis port (if
needed) to one or more analysis exports, each connected to another analysis export (if needed)
and finally connected to an analysis implementation. The analysis implementation(s) is required
to provide a write void function(s) that takes a local copy of the broadcast transaction without
consuming any simulation time.
Examples of analysis paths, from simple to more complex) include:
analysis_port -> analysis_implementation (simplest)
analysis_port -> analysis_export ->analysis_implementation (common)
analysis_port (monitor) -> analysis_port (agent) -> analysis_export (scoreboard)
-> analysis_implementation (scoreboard predictor)
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Fundamental Architectures
return s;
function string output2string();
string s;
s = $sformatf("dout=%4h", dout);
return s;
Example 1 - Transaction class defined using UVM filed macros
The copy() method should copy all of the signals, inputs and outputs, while the compare()
method should typically only include the outputs; the signals that will be compared in the
The convert2string() method is user-defined and should also be defined by the creator of the
transaction class. The convert2string() method is a courtesy provided by the transaction class
creator to allow all users of the transaction class to call this method to print out the current
contents of a transaction class. The convert2string() method is a "show my contents" method.
In addition to a convert2string() method, it is also useful to provide an output2string()
method that can be called by the comparison code whenever the predicted output does not match
the actual output. The predicted output should be reported using the convert2string() method
as it will show what the inputs were that were used to calculate the predicted output, while the
actual output transaction could be shown using the output2string() method. This way, the
error message can report: transaction inputs, predicted output and actual output as part of the
miscompare message. Having all of this information can be useful to help debug the problem.
One frequently asked question is, should the transaction also include the built-in error message to
be used by the comparator in the case of a mismatch between predicted input and actual outputs.
The answer is no. Exactly how the error is formatted and reported is the job of the engineer who
is coding the comparator. Having access to the transaction-convenience methods
convert2string() and output2string() is useful but imposing a requirement upon the
transaction coder to determine the output format of miscompare methods exceeds reasonable
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Fundamental Architectures
Implementation ports require the implementation of a method called write(), which must be a
void function (it must execute in 0-time and does not return a value). Since the simple
scoreboard architecture uses two implementation ports, in theory each implementation port must
have its own write() method but since there are two implementation ports, the simple
scoreboard would be required to have two methods both named write, which is illegal. To
address this problem, UVM provides a macro called `uvm_analysis_imp_decl( _suffix ) that is
used to declare unique uvm_analysis_imp ports with unique names that include the _suffix
argument included in the macro call.
The macro suffix names are required in two places and typically used in other places. The
required places are:
(1) as part of the uvm_analysis_imp_suffix port declarations.
(2) as part of the write_suffix function name.
`uvm_analysis_imp_decl( _drv )
`uvm_analysis_imp_decl( _mon )
class tb_scoreboard extends uvm_scoreboard;
uvm_analysis_imp_drv #(...) ...;
uvm_analysis_imp_mon #(...) ...;
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Fundamental Architectures
function void write_drv(...);
function void write_mon(...);
Example 2 - `uvm_analysis_imp_decl( _suffix ) usage in port-type and write-method name
OVM/UVM Scoreboards
Fundamental Architectures
`uvm_analysis_imp_decl( _drv )
`uvm_analysis_imp_decl( _mon )
class tb_scoreboard extends uvm_scoreboard;
uvm_analysis_imp_drv #(trans1, tb_scoreboard) aport_drv;
uvm_analysis_imp_mon #(trans1, tb_scoreboard) aport_mon;
uvm_tlm_fifo #(trans1) expfifo;
uvm_tlm_fifo #(trans1) outfifo;
function new (string name, uvm_component parent); ...
function void write_drv(trans1 tr);
function void write_mon(trans1 tr);
task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
trans1 exp_tr, out_tr;
forever begin
`uvm_info("scoreboard run task", "WAITING for expected output",
`uvm_info("scoreboard run task", "WAITING for actual output",
if ( begin
`uvm_info ("PASS ", $sformatf("Actual=%s
Expected=%s \n",
out_tr.output2string(), exp_tr.convert2string()), UVM_HIGH)
else begin
`uvm_error("ERROR", $sformatf("Actual=%s
Expected=%s \n",
out_tr.output2string(), exp_tr.convert2string()))
function void report_phase(uvm_phase phase);
$sformatf("\n\n\n*** TEST PASSED - %0d vectors ran, %0d vectors passed ***\n",
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Fundamental Architectures
This simple scoreboard also employs two uvm_tlm_fifo components named expfifo (expected
data transaction fifo) and outfifo (actual output transaction fifo). These TLM fifos store the
calculated and actual transaction data until both an expected output and actual output have been
The write_drv() method can either take a copy of the broadcast input transaction or it can
directly calculate the expected output in zero time, which is how the write_drv() method of
Example 5 is implemented. If a state value must be maintained from one clock cycle to the next,
then state variables can be declared as static (the next_dout value in this example must be kept
between cycles) to store the value between calls to the write_drv() method. After calculating
the expected output value, it is placed back into the transaction that was passed to this method,
overwriting the existing output values, and then the transaction is put into a TLM fifo using the
expfifo.try_put(tr) fifo-method call.
function void write_drv(trans1 tr);
static logic [15:0] next_dout;
logic [15:0] dout;
//--------------------------------------------------`uvm_info("write_drv STIM", tr.convert2string(), UVM_HIGH)
dout = next_dout;
(!tr.rst_n) {next_dout,dout} = '0;
else if ( tr.ld)
= tr.din;
else if (
tr.dout = dout;
Example 5 - write_drv() method to store the expected output transaction
The job of the write_drv() method was to collect the input transaction, calculate an expected
output, copy the expected value into back into the transaction, then put the expected output
transaction into the expfifo TLM fifo.
The write_mon() method simply collects the broadcast output transaction and puts into a TLM
fifo using the outfifo.try_put(tr) fifo-method call as shown in Example 6.
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Fundamental Architectures
The job of the write_mon() method was to collect the output transaction, then put the actual
output transaction into the outfifo TLM fifo.
The run_phase() has a forever loop the gets the expected and actual-output transactions and
compares them with the used-defined compare method that should have been added to the
transaction code. If the transaction class was properly coded, the compare method only compares
the outputs between transactions, which makes it easy to do the comparison in the scoreboard.
The run_phase() code also includes calls to PASS() and ERROR() methods which increment the
vector count (VECT_CNT), passing vectors count (PASS_CNT) and failing vectors count
(ERROR_CNT) int-variables respectively.
The simple scoreboard also includes a report_phase() function to report pass-fail messages at
the end of the simulation. The report_phase() function does a simple determination of passfail based on the vector counts generated in the run_phase().
The full tb_scoreboard code can be found in the appendix.
Using uvm_tlm_analysis_fifos
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Fundamental Architectures
The second testbench architecture uses a scoreboard that declares two uvm_analysis_exports,
which do not require write functions. The uvm_analysis_export is a pass-through port that
passes the transaction handles through to uvm_analysis_imp ports implemented in the
uvm_tlm_analysis_fifos, which provide the required write methods. By deferring the
implementation to the fifo uvm_analysis_imp ports, each uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo is a
separate object of this class and each only has one implementation port, therefore no multiwrite() method problem exists. Plus the uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo is pre-coded with the
necessary analysis implementation and corresponding write() method and includes an
unbounded, parameterized (to the transaction type) SystemVerilog mailbox that acts as a
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Fundamental Architectures
The tb_scoreboard code is mostly just a wrapper that includes the necessary export-ports to
capture transactions from both stimulus monitor and sampling monitor, plus the predictor and
comparator. If the user's base transaction class is named trans1 or a factory substituted
derivative of trans1, this code can be used without modification. If the user would prefer a
different default name for the transaction class, simply do a global replacement of trans1 with
the user-named transaction class.
As shown in Figure 3, the tb_scoreboard in Example 7 includes declarations for two
uvm_analysis_export ports called axp_in (input analysis export) and axp_out (output analysis
export). The same example declares handles for the sb_predictor and sb_comparator
components, called prd and cmp respectively.
The tb_scoreboard includes the standard new() constructor that is included with almost all
UVM components.
In the build() method, the analysis exports are new()-constructed while the sb_predictor and
sb_comparator are factory-created.
As can be seen from Figure 3, three connections are required: (1) connect the axp_in analysis
export to the sb_predictor, (2) connect the sb_predictor to the sb_comparator, and (3)
connect the sb_comparator to the axp_out analysis export. This is all done in the connect()
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Fundamental Architectures
The sb_scoreboard code shown in Example 7 is relatively simple and requires no user
The sb_predictor in this architecture is extended from the uvm_subscriber class, which
includes a built-in uvm_analysis_imp port. The built-in analysis implementation port named
analysis_export that is connected to the tb_scoreboard axp_in analysis export and is used to
capture the transaction that is passed to the tb_scoreboard from the analysis port on the
stimulus monitor.
The sb_predictor code is mostly a wrapper that includes a built-in uvm_analysis_imp port
that the necessary export-ports use to capture transactions from both stimulus monitor and
sampling monitor, plus the predictor and comparator. If the user's base transaction class is
trans1 or a factory substituted derivative of trans1, this code can be used without modification.
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Fundamental Architectures
The sb_predictor has implemented a write() method (called when an analysis port.write()
method is externally executed), to copy the broadcast transaction and pass it to an
sb_calc_exp() method. Declaring the sb_calc_exp() method to be an extern method means
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Fundamental Architectures
that this predictor can be used without modification (if trans1 is the transaction class name), and
the sb_calc_exp() method is the only scoreboard file that needs to be user modified.
The sb_calc_exp() external method has been placed in a separate file and is the only file that
needs to be completed by the user for the second scoreboard architecture.
Inside of the external sb_calc_exp() function, the scoreboard creator must examine the
transaction inputs that were sampled on the posedge clk by the monitor and predict what the
outputs should be for those inputs. The transaction outputs that are passed to this function are
ignored - the outputs are being predicted in this function.
function trans1 sb_predictor::sb_calc_exp (trans1 t);
static logic [15:0] next_dout;
logic [15:0] dout;
trans1 tr = trans1::type_id::create("tr");
//--------------------------`uvm_info(get_type_name(), t.convert2string(), UVM_HIGH)
// async reset: reset the next_dout AND current dout values -OR// non-reset : assign dout values & calculate the next_dout values
dout = next_dout;
(!t.rst_n) {next_dout,dout} = '0;
else if ( t.ld)
= t.din;
else if (
// copy all sampled inputs & outputs
// overwrite the dout values with the calculated values.
// dout values were either calculated in the previous cycle
or asynchronously reset in this cycle
tr.dout = dout;
Example 9 - - Example scoreboard external calc_exp() function definition
Using the copy() method provided by the transaction coder, all of the transaction inputs and
outputs are copied into the tr transaction object, then the predicted outputs are used to overwrite
the copied outputs in this transaction object. This transaction object now includes the inputs that
were captured on the posedge clk of the DUT and the corresponding expected output value(s).
The sb_comparator in this architecture is extended from the uvm_component class. Two
analysis exports are declared and constructed in the sb_comparator and connected to two
declared and constructed uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo components. Each
uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo component includes a built-in uvm_analysis_imp port, and since the
tlm_fifos are connected directly to the sb_comparator analysis_exports, any transaction
broadcast to these external exports will be automatically put onto the respective tlm_fifo storage
arrays (SystemVerilog mailboxes).
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Fundamental Architectures
The sb_comparator run_phase() has a forever loop that gets an expected transaction when
one is available (controlled by a blocking expfifo.get() call), then gets an actual transaction
with sampled outputs when one is available (controlled by a blocking outfifo.get() call), and
uses the user-defined compare() method from the transaction (if properly coded) to determine if
the actual output matches the expected output.
The sb_comparator code is mostly a wrapper that includes a built-in uvm_analysis_imp port
that the necessary export-ports use to capture transactions from both stimulus monitor and
sampling monitor, plus the predictor and comparator. If the user's base transaction class is
trans1 or a factory substituted derivative of trans1, this code can be used without modification.
The comparator code is surprisingly simple in concept. The comparator will include two
uvm_analysis_export(s) and two uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo(s) (blocking FIFOs), one that is
used to store the predicted/expected transactions ( exp_fifo ), one that stores the actual output
transactions ( outfifo ) and a forever-running run_phase() task that blocks until both an
expected transaction and actual output transaction can be retrieved and compared. If the
transaction coder properly developed the transaction class such that only the output signals are
tested in a compare() method, the comparator code simply calls
if ( ... and the comparison is automatically executed. Doing
comparisons in Verilog directed tests was never this easy! The Verilog testbench coder had to
manually compare the predicted output signals to the actual output signals to determine if the
transaction had been successful. Verilog testbenches required real work!
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Fundamental Architectures
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Fundamental Architectures
"\n\n\n*** TEST PASSED - %0d vectors ran, %0d vectors passed ***\n",
It should be noted that as long as four requirements have been met, the sb_comparator code can
be used as is without any modification. The four requirements are:
(1) The base class transaction class was called trans1 (if a different transaction class name
was used, simply replace the trans1 references with the new transaction class name).
(2) The transaction class has properly implemented the compare() method to only compare
the required output signals.
(3) The transaction class has properly implemented the convert2string() method to
display all transaction signals.
(4) The transaction class has properly implemented the output2string() method to only
display the compared transaction output signals.
8. Conclusions
The first scoreboard architecture shows how to handle a scoreboard that requires two analysis
implementation ports. The clear explanation of how this is accomplished will help any user who
wants to develop a scoreboard with two analysis implementation ports or any other testbench
component that might also require two analysis implementation ports. Good UVM verification
engineers should understand this architecture and the requirements that it imposes.
The second scoreboard architecture includes some very attractive features, which currently
makes it my own preferred architecture for developing a testbench scoreboard.
In the second scoreboard architecture, all of the scoreboard blocks are pre-coded and can be used
as-is, with the exception of the external sb_calc_exp() method. What is often perceived to be a
daunting task to create a tb_scoreboard has now been reduced to coding the correct prediction
logic in the sb_calc_exp() function of a single file. All other files can be copied and used as is.
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OVM/UVM Scoreboards
Fundamental Architectures
9. Acknowledgements
I am grateful to my colleague and friend Al Czamara for his review and suggested improvements
to this paper.
[1] Clifford E. Cummings, The OVM/UVM Factory & Factory Overrides - How They Works - Why
They Are Important, SNUG (Synopsys Users Group) 2012 (Santa Clara, CA), March 2012. Also
available at
[2] Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) 1.1 Class Reference, May 2011, Accellera, Napa, CA.
[3] UVM source code (it is sometimes easier to grep the UVM source files than to search the UVM
Reference Guide)
Cliff Cummings, President of Sunburst Design, Inc., is an independent EDA consultant and
trainer with 32 years of ASIC, FPGA and system design experience and 23 years of
SystemVerilog, synthesis and methodology training experience.
Mr Cummings has presented more than 100 SystemVerilog seminars and training classes in the
past nine years and was the featured speaker at the world-wide SystemVerilog NOW! seminars.
Mr Cummings has participated on every IEEE & Accellera SystemVerilog, SystemVerilog
Synthesis, SystemVerilog committee, and has presented more than 40 papers on SystemVerilog
& SystemVerilog related design, synthesis and verification techniques.
Mr Cummings holds a BSEE from Brigham Young University and an MSEE from Oregon State
Sunburst Design, Inc. offers World Class Verilog & SystemVerilog training courses. For more
information, visit the web site.
Email address: [email protected]
Last Updated: October, 2014
SNUG 2013
Rev 1.1
OVM/UVM Scoreboards
Fundamental Architectures
This appendix contains fully coded scoreboard examples that correspond to the abbreviated
examples shown throughout this paper.
class trans1 extends uvm_sequence_item;
logic [15:0] dout;
rand bit
[15:0] din;
rand bit
ld, inc, rst_n;
`uvm_field_int(dout, UVM_ALL_ON)
`uvm_field_int(rst_n, UVM_ALL_ON |
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OVM/UVM Scoreboards
Fundamental Architectures
`uvm_analysis_imp_decl( _drv )
`uvm_analysis_imp_decl( _mon )
class tb_scoreboard extends uvm_scoreboard;
uvm_analysis_imp_drv #(trans1, tb_scoreboard) aport_drv;
uvm_analysis_imp_mon #(trans1, tb_scoreboard) aport_mon;
uvm_tlm_fifo #(trans1) expfifo;
uvm_tlm_fifo #(trans1) outfifo;
function new (string name, uvm_component parent);, parent);
function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
aport_drv = new("aport_drv", this);
aport_mon = new("aport_mon", this);
= new("expfifo",
= new("outfifo",
function void write_drv(trans1 tr);
static logic [15:0] next_dout;
logic [15:0] dout;
//--------------------------------------------------`uvm_info("write_drv STIM", tr.convert2string(), UVM_HIGH)
dout = next_dout;
(!tr.rst_n) {next_dout,dout} = '0;
else if ( tr.ld)
= tr.din;
else if (
tr.dout = dout;
function void write_mon(trans1 tr);
`uvm_info("write_mon OUT ", tr.convert2string(), UVM_HIGH)
task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
trans1 exp_tr, out_tr;
forever begin
`uvm_info("scoreboard run task",
"WAITING for expected output", UVM_DEBUG)
`uvm_info("scoreboard run task",
"WAITING for actual output", UVM_DEBUG)
if ( begin
`uvm_info ("PASS ", $sformatf("Actual=%s
Expected=%s \n",
exp_tr.convert2string()), UVM_HIGH)
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Fundamental Architectures
else begin
`uvm_error("ERROR", $sformatf("Actual=%s
Expected=%s \n"
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Fundamental Architectures
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Fundamental Architectures
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Fundamental Architectures
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Fundamental Architectures
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Fundamental Architectures
This sb_calc_exp() method is used to test a simple program counter with asynchronous reset,
and synchronous load and increment control signals.
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OVM/UVM Scoreboards
Fundamental Architectures