Associative Parametric CAE Methods
Associative Parametric CAE Methods
Associative Parametric CAE Methods
Received 4 January 2005; received in revised form 26 April 2005; accepted 10 May 2005
Available online 15 June 2005
Aircraft manufacturers are facing several challenges in the pre-design of aircraft structures. This early stage of the aircraft design has a
very multi-disciplinary character. Different competence centres need input data, which is at this point in time to a large extent undefined.
Therefore, a large variety of specialised tools is used in order to estimate and predict the required data. If these tools are not compatible,
interface problems are the consequence. A permanent improvement of the applied processes with regard to the informal value as well as the
applicability remains a continuous challenge.
The objective of a collaboration project between Airbus Germany GmbH, the DLR Braunschweig, and the ETH Zurich is to find new
methods and approaches to improve accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility of data prediction for primary aircraft structures. The use of modern
CAE systems together with the integration of finite element methods into the early pre-design process is a very promising approach [F. Bianconi, P. Conti, N. Senin, D.R. Wallace, CAE systems and distributed design environments, in: XII ADM International Conference, Italy,
57 September, 2001 [2]; M. Pellicciari, G. Barbanti, A.O. Andrisano, Functional requirements for a modern CAD system, in: XII ADM
International Conference, Italy, 57 September, 2001 [9]; T. Richter, H. Mechler, D. Schmitt, Integrated parametric aircraft design, in: ICAS
2002 Congress, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, TU Munich].
The modular and knowledge-based architecture of modern CAE systems allows to represent complex assemblies like aircraft structures by parametric associative and very dynamic models. Design knowledge can be integrated into the modelling [M. Mntyl, S. Finger,
T. Tomiyama, Knowledge Intensive CAD, vol. 2, Chapman & Hall, 1997 [8]] and different characteristics or individuals of the same structure
can be mapped through parameters.
This document presents concepts, which allow to design comprehensive digital models of novel aircraft structures whereas the level of the
modelling detail shall be variegated flexibly [D.E. Whitney, R. Mantripragada, J.D. Adams, S.J. Rhee, Designing assemblies, Res. Engrg.
Design 11 (1999) 229253 [11]; P. Aspettati, S. Barone, A. Curcio, M. Picone, Parametric and feature-based assembly in motorcycle design:
from preliminary development to detail definition, in: XII ADM International Conference, Italy, 57 September, 2001].
The strongly parameterised structures allow calculating and assessing different individuals of a given structure in a very efficient and
automated way. This makes parametric associative structures very suitable for optimisation.
After structural optimisation tasks have successfully been performed with parametric models [U.M. Fasel, O. Knig, M. Wintermantel,
N. Zehnder, P. Ermanni, DynOPS an approach to parameter optimization with arbitrary simulation software, Centre of Structure Technologies, ETH Zurich; O. Knig, R. Puisa, M. Wintermantel, P. Ermanni, CAD-entity based evolutionary design optimization, Centre of Structure
Technologies, ETH Zurich, and VGTU, Faculty of Mechanics, Vilnius, Lithuania; U.M. Fasel, O. Knig, M. Wintermantel, P. Ermanni, Using evolutionary methods with a heterogeneous genotype representation for design optimization of a tubular steel trellis motorbike-frame,
Centre of Structure Technologies, ETH Zurich], multi-disciplinary optimisations are gaining importance, since they have the potential to find
global optima instead of the discipline-dependent optimal configurations and solutions.
2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +41 44 632 31 47, fax: +41 44 633 11 25.
Keywords: Aircraft pre-design; Parametric associative CAD models; Dynamic objects; Structural optimization; Multi-disciplinary optimisation
1. Introduction
The strong coupling of different disciplines and physical
parameters leads to a relevant mutual dependency between
different competence centres. This dependency will be illustrated by means of the simplified scheme in Fig. 1.
In order to perform a structural design or calculation, the
aerodynamic loads, which have to be supported by the structure, as well as some key measures like the wing span or
the length of an aircraft need to be known. For the purpose
of providing such information the aerodynamics on its part
needs to know the total weight of the aircraft and its allocation in order to calculate the required lift, wing positions, and
profiles. Obviously the mass can only be estimated when first
design ideas, structures, and key dimensions are available.
This multi-disciplinary dependencies are kept within
bounds for late development stages or for the design of
derivatives within a given aircraft family where a lot of measures are already known. However, the impact is crucial for
the pre-design stage, especially if novel aircraft are developed. Hence, the development of such novel aircraft is a
challenging task where improvements in the highly multidisciplinary pre-design phase seem possible.
This problem can only be solved using iteration processes
beyond disciplines or departments. Thus, it is very important
to have clearly defined interfaces between different disciplines that allow the exchange of reciprocatively required
data. In practice this is not always easy to establish because
different disciplines and competence centres have different
requirements and needs regarding simulation tools and data
A common parametric-associative geometry as a basis
for various simulation domains and different disciplines is
promising to overcome these difficulties in the aircraft predesign.
The geometry is supposed to be as generic as possible in order to allow all imaginable configurations. Design
knowledge can be integrated into the geometry. The parameters representing the different configurations as well as
some measures, simulation results and configuration assessments are stored in a database. Structural analysis can then
be performed by loading or importing the components of
interest, meshing them, defining the loads and boundary conditions, and solving the FE problem. The analysis can be
Fig. 4. Different fuselage cross sections. 1) ellipse, 2) blended double bubble, and 3) spline.
more flexibility. Most flexibility is given by a spline. However, defining a cross section by splines may be inefficient,
as basically two parameters are required to define the coordinates of each point.
The above described problem can be solved in CATIA
V5 as follows. All possible cross section types are defined
in parallel and one parameter is used to define the currently
used type. A variable of type curve is used to take over
the geometrical solution of the used cross section type. This
solution works fine, allows a large degree of flexibility, but it
also means some additional work to design and parameterise
all different cross sections in the beginning.
In general it can be stated that the geometry is supposed
to be as generic as required in order to allow all imaginable configurations of interest. But the labour of defining
the generic geometry increases by the number of parameters. Furthermore, optimisations get very costly for a large
number of parameters.
Complex CAD designs like a whole aircraft cannot be designed as one part. A huge amount of data, components and
parts have to be organised in a smart way. Basically these designs can be split into parts and assemblies where assemblies
are built of several parts.
If a value changes in one part, this can have an impact to
other parts. For example, if the position of the wings should
be modified, it is not sufficient to send this information to the
electronic assembly of the wings since the fuselage section
with the wing box also needs to move, and depending on the
level of detail that is reached, it might be necessary to move
a lot of reinforcing elements.
An associative model allows interrelating different geometric objects. If the position of the wings changes, also
the wing box, the fuselage, and the fairing are automatically
adapted to the new situation.
2.3. Hierarchy and data flow
The associativity requires a clearly defined data flow. The
more associativities exist in a geometrical model, the more
vulnerable it gets to circular references. For example if a pylon should adapt its shape to the wings profile and at the
same time the locations of the wing ribs should be influenced by the position of the pylon, this will lead to a circular
reference, which cannot be solved in general. This problem
could be aggregated on each level in order to have the information of the total weight available at top level. This is
done by Smart Data objects explained further down. Also
checks designed to verify if all requirements within a component can be met, if limits are exceeded or if problems
occur, should send their exception information to the super
Components can also contain analysis data which is the
result of finite element analysis and helps to assess different configurations. Besides optimisation cases, configuration data, and other objects, the components also contain
published parameters or published geometry, which is visible for other sub-components. Published parameters and
published geometry are objects, which are referenced only
by their respective names. Given that, they allow exchanging components with the same name definitions.
Considering a hierarchical geometric model that works as
described above and that aggregates the mass from the base
to the top, this would mean that the total mass of the aircraft
on top is only known when the last rivets are designed in
the digital mock-up. Thus, a second organisational element
is introduced the organisation in levels of detail.
As a consequence, there are now two organisational elements:
Organizational structure with components;
Levels of detail.
Both of these two elements are important and they have
a different task. They will be described in the following two
Fig. 10. Geometric aircraft model with different levels of detail: (top) wireframe, (middle) master geometry, (bottom) including some inner geometry.
Fig. 13. Implementation of dynamic objects for the variation of the number
of frames and stringers.
Fig. 14. Conventional updated compared to update with Smart Data elements.
Additionally Smart Data elements are capable of estimating rather than just aggregating. They use the lower and
upper limits of parameters. Aggregating the possible upper
and lower deviations would lead to conservative results. Instead of doing so, they use the theory of errors to retrieve
reasonable estimation bounds. The ongoing implementation
of Smart Data elements is done with Visual Basic.
2.6. Costs of parametric associative models
In a first phase of a project it is much more costly creating
parametric-associative geometry models than creating conventional models, because all the design knowledge needs
to be defined and integrated. Parameters need to be set and
related to others, possible rules and checks have to be defined, and automation routines need to be written.
On the other hand, this process fosters the conceptional
thinking and forces the designer to think about which part
will be dependent on which parameters or other parts.
The further the project gets and the more complex a
design is, the more parametric-associative models pay off.
A change of basic parameters like wing span at a relatively late stage of the pre-design phase would be disastrous
with conventional design. Depending on the quality of the
parametric-associative model, such big changes could lead
to a major computational effort only.
number of frames
number of stringers
thickness of the fuselage shell.
4. Multi-disciplinary optimisation
4.1. Problem statement
Fig. 21. Coupling of two independent and domain specific simulation programs.
5. Summary
This paper illustrated how beneficial parametric-associative CAE methods are in aircraft pre-design. The knowledgebased geometry can serve as basis for different domains like
structural analysis, computational fluid dynamics, and others.
It could be shown that it is possible to build hierarchical associative structures with a well defined data flow in
order to avoid circular references. Besides the native organisational structure with components it is important to have
levels of detail. The design process runs top-down the hierarchical structure and reveals more and more detailed geometry. While the most of the data flows top-down the structural
tree to make sure that requirements at top level are met at
any level of detail, some information also needs to inform
the hierarchically superior elements. This holds mainly for
measurements or conflicts.
The concept of dynamic objects was presented, and the
feasibility of such objects is shown by implementation of a
parametric associative fuselage section with a variable number of frames and stringers. The main weakness of this script
based implementation is the required calculation time because the scripting language based on Visual Basic is quite
slow and cannot be compiled. The same concept could be
implemented much more efficient by the software supplier
itself or by using faster and compiled code.
Parametric-associative geometry is very suitable for deriving masses from it. For solid models this is practically
obtained for free while calculating the mass of surface models can be obtained by minor efforts. Correction terms and
factors for geometry not incorporated in the model can be
taken into account by knowledge-based features and scripts.
It could be shown that parametric associative geometries
are very suitable for optimisation. For example structural optimisations are very important in aircraft design since they
allow finding configurations of minimum weight meeting
all boundary conditions like stiffness requirement or design
space restrictions. The example with the fuselage section
showed how such an optimisation can be implemented.
6. Outlook
After different concepts were successfully presented as
demonstrators, they will be implemented more detailed in
a hierarchical geometric-associative geometry model of a
generic aircraft for the pre-design.
Collaboration with software suppliers is essential to make
sure that some of the concepts can be realised more efficiently.
The concept of Smart Data elements is promising to have
major performance advantages in the mass estimation of
large and complex assemblies. The implementation of smart
elements is a further task for the future.
After structural optimisation tasks have successfully been
performed with parametric models, multi-disciplinary optimisations are getting interesting as well for parametric associative models, because they have the potential to find global
optima instead of the discipline specific optima.
[1] P. Aspettati, S. Barone, A. Curcio, M. Picone, Parametric and featurebased assembly in motorcycle design: from preliminary development
to detail definition, in: XII ADM International Conference, Italy, 57
September, 2001.
[2] F. Bianconi, P. Conti, N. Senin, D.R. Wallace, CAE systems and distributed design environments, in: XII ADM International Conference,
Italy, 57 September, 2001.