Yearly Lesson Plan Math F2
Yearly Lesson Plan Math F2
Yearly Lesson Plan Math F2
Prepared by :
i. State the cube of a number as a number to the power of three and vice versa.
1.3 Cube Of ii. Determine cubes of numbers.
Numbers. iii. Estimate cubes of numbers.
iv. Pose and solve problems involving cubes of numbers.
i. State the cube root of a number as the number multiplied by itself twice equals to the
given number.
ii. Determine the cube roots of numbers without using calculators.
1.4Cube Roots Of iii. Estimate cube roots of numbers.
Numbers. iv. Determine cube roots of numbers using calculators.
v. Pose and solve problems involving cubes and cube roots.
vi. Perform computations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and
mixed operations on squares, square roots, cubes and cube roots.
LINEAR i. State the relationship between two quantities by using the symbols ‘=’ or ‘≠’.
4.2 Linear Students will be able to:
i. Recognise linear algebraic terms and linear algebraic expressions.
ii. Determine if a given equation linear equation.
iii. Write linear equations in one unknown for given statements and vice versa.
i. Construct the locus of a set of all points that satisfies a given condition.