Educate - Enlighten - Empower

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Educate • Enlighten • Empower VOLUME XXI, NUMBER 1

SLO’s best kept secret?
…page 3

…page 4
Pay-back’s a bitch
…page 5
…page 7
Are men looking?
…page 7
Urgent message
from Mother
…page 7
Interview with Judy Vick
…page 9
It’s about advocacy!
…page 9
When sex is the subject
…page 
My menopause
…page 
Community Bulletin
…pages 3-4
Community Resources

…page 5
Back Talk
…page 6
Women’s Press
Do you want to be a Temptress or a Diva? Suit yourself!
Make a Donation to the Women’s Pr
[email protected]

Dear Readers,
What a great year this is going to be for the Women’s
Press! We have a growing number of new volunteers
(see list below) who are committed to continuing to
develop the Press into a publication that both serves and
enriches our community. Here’s what is happening.
Business plan. To build the foundation for our
growth, I will be writing a business plan. The Women’s
Community Center is paying for me to take a 4-week
course offered by Mission Community Services Corpo-
ration, with the final product being a business plan. The
plan will give a structure to our activities for growth
and assure financial contributors of our ability to not
just survive, but thrive.
Distribution. The Women’s Press needs to be more
visible. To that end, Barbara Perry has volunteered to be
the Distribution Manager. She is working with several
other volunteers to place the paper in more locations so
more persons can find it.
What can you do? Call and offer to help us, especially
in North County. Or at least call and give us some ideas
for new locations.
Advertising. As we grow, so do our expenses. We
pay for layout and printing, will need to buy display
racks, and ultimately, I’d like to have money to pay for
articles submitted. Jacqueline Turner has agreed to take
the lead on seeking more advertisers.
What can you do? Take out an ad or ask merchants
you buy from to take out an ad. I can provide you with Choose your level and mail a check made out to the Women’s Community Center with Women’s Press on the memo line.
a form to give to potential advertisers. Mail to: Women’s Community Center, 880 Industrial Way, SLO 9340
Fundraising. We are planning a fundraiser at the
end of April. (see page 3). If you want to be on a com- Subscribe to the Women’s Press: The annual subscription fee for delivery of the Women’s Press by U.S. Mail
mittee or a presenter, give me a call, 474-6444. is $20/year (six issues). Mail check to Women’s Community Center, 880 Industrial Way, San Luis Obispo,CA 9340.
Layout. Four persons responded to our call for Write “Women’s Press subscription” on the memo line.
someone to do layout. This issue is being laid out by
Ben Lawless, a senior Graphic Communications major.
Thank you, Ben! The other persons can only be backup WOMEN’S COMMUNITY CENTER BOARD
for our layout needs, so if you know InDesign or Quark Angie King, President
Your Opinion
and can spare some hours every two months, call me. Wanted
Dawn Williams, Secretary
We can always use backups. This work is paid work—
Kathleen Deragon Send your letters to :
not much but something!
Come join us. Our staff meetings are the third
Susan Howe Women’s Press–Your Opinion
Sue McMeans Women’s Community Center
Thursday of each month. Next meeting: Jan. 9.
Andy McMeans 880 Industrial Way

Jan Potter San Luis Obispo, CA 9340
Send eMail to :
Renee Sanpei
[email protected]
Robin Werderits ( “Your Opinion” in subject line)
Karol Vogt

[email protected] Barbara Atkinson Heather Mendel BUSINESS CARD:
ADVERTISING: JACQUELINE TURNER Rosalee Calvillo Bonnie Sandecki 4" X 5":
SUBSCRIPTIONS: Bailey Drechsler Renee Sanpei $75/ONE ISSUE $350/YEAR (6 ISSUES)
[email protected] Anne Dunbar Dorothy Segovia QUARTER PAGE:
ADS: [email protected] Yvonne Duran Rani Shah $115/ONE ISSUE $525/YEAR (6 ISSUES)
(PUT “ADS” OR “SUBSCRIPTIONS” IN SUBJECT LINE) Angela Henderson Anne Skelton
Susan Howe Susan Stewart HALF PAGE:
SUBMISSIONS WELCOMED! Charlene Huggins Carla Tisherman $190/ONE ISSUE $850/YEAR (6 ISSUES)
Articles, essays, opinion pieces, letters, artwork, poetry Laura Hyde Jill Turnbow FULL PAGE:
wanted & appreciated. The Women’s Press reserves the Lisa Jansen Jacqueline Turner $350/ONE ISSUE $1575/YEAR (6 ISSUES)
right to edit all submissions for content, clarity & length. Roberta Youtan Kay Anne Warner-Howe
Contact [email protected] or call Angie King P.J. Webb PUBLICATION-READY DEFINED AS HIGH-RESOLUTION
805.544.9313. Alyson Leblanc Robin Werderits (MINIMUM 300 DPI) DIGITAL FILES IN ONE OF THE
Pam Logan Dawn Williams FOLLOWING FORMATS: .TIF, .AI, .PSD, .PDF, .JPG, OR .EPS

Page 2 E-mail the editors: [email protected] Women’s Press January/February 2006

Women’s Community Center
880 INDUSTRIAL WAY • SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 • 805.544.9313


Women’s Press!
Dealing With Divorce
3rd Wednesday of each month – 7 PM
Kaye Tift, Susan Rodriguez, Upcoming: Jan. 8, Feb. 5, March 5
Pat Soulliere-Ochylski OUR MISSION IS: Talk with other women who have been there, done that in a

• TO maintain an accessible center to collect and supportive, non-judgmental environment. $5 donation
exchange information of interest and concern to Self-Represented Litigants’ Clinic
Shirley Clark Herbel women
Wonder Woman x2
4th Tuesday of each month – 5:30 PM
• TO organize and facilitate workshops, clinics, Upcoming: Jan. 24, Feb. 28, March 28
seminars, classes and support groups on subjects of Get family law advice from local attorneys and/or paralegals.
Chris Neiburger
interest and need Reservations required $25 donation
• TO engage in and facilitate interaction among Call the WCC- for more information
Margaret Hennessey local, state and national agencies and organizations and to confirm dates: 805.544.9313
working to benefit women

Women’s Press Plans April Fundraiser The Basics of

Money Management
Thanks to our growing group of new volunteers committed to help CONDUCTED BY CARMELA VIGNOCCHI
the paper grow, the Women’s Press is planning a fundraiser at the end Co-sponsored by the Women’s Community Center
of April. Details will be in the next issue. The event will be a retreat Wednesdays in March; location to be determined
with the theme based on the ideas in Jean Shinoda Bolen’s new book, 7 to 9 p.m.
Urgent Message from Mother: Gather the Women, Save the World. $20 per session (Scholarships available)
Events during the day will include yoga, tai chi, crystal singing Session 1 – Getting Financially Organized:
bowls, Native American drumming, guided meditation, art activities, Where are you now? Where do you want to be?

and a swim in a hot springs pool. Location is a private ranch in Ar- Session 2 – Banking and Credit:
royo Grande. The book can be purchased at Novel Experience at 779 Tools for your cash-flow system.
Higuera in SLO. If you would like to be considered as a presenter for Session 3 – How Does Your Cash Flow?
a breakout session, call Kathleen at 474-6444. Developing a spending plan
Session 4 – Managing Your Risks:
Insurance, record keeping, and estate planning
PRESS Session 5 – The Basics of Saving and Investing
WCC Thanks Attorneys and Paralegals Call 805-544-9313 to save a space.
Advertise in the Women’s Press
The Board of Directors of the Women’s Community Center
(WCC) ��������������������������������������������������������������
and the women and men who have sought help SLO’s Best Kept Secret?
through the WCC divorce ��������������������������������������������
clinic would like to thank the BY KATHLEEN DERAGON
attorneys and paralegals who have provided legal assistance
to the clinic during 2005: ������������������ Is the Women’s Press SLO’s best kept secret? It appears that all of our new volunteers think so. We have
Attorneys Greg Abel, John Carsel, Ernie Casacca, Midori
����������������������� had��7-0
� persons at our monthly meetings and many more who continue to offer interesting content for
Feldman, Christy Keeling, Anthony Lucero, Wayne Philips, you to read and ponder. We all are going to make this year one of growth for the Press. We will have a
� Papousek, Marianne Tolchin, Donna Wahlberg-
Connie ����������
fundraiser in April����������������
(see below). I will be taking a training class through Mission Community Services that
Fish, and Judy Wood, and Joann Gray, legal document � ����help me construct a business
will ����� plan. We have a distribution manager, Barbara Perry, who is working
assistant. ���� many volunteers to make
with �����sure the paper is available at more places in the county. Jackie Turner has
Without their services, the clinic could not� operate. We ����� �����
offered to get around the community and seek more advertisers. Heather Mendel and I will be visiting
fortunate that so many attorneys � are willing to spend ex- women’s professional groups
������ to let them know our vision for the paper. And what is that?
tra �������������������������
hours in the evening, following �a full day’s activities, to To develop the publication
����� so it captures the voices and stories of women in the community and the
counsel people going through a very stressful period of their organizations that serve them. To make visible the issues that affect women locally. To sponsor lecture and
lives. These attorneys provide legal advice to self-represented �
film series that will bring women together to discuss the diversity and challenges of our lives.
litigants in the family court system, helping each individual We’d love you to be part of our growth. We can always use volunteers to distribute the paper, contact
his/her specific issues so that the individual is better potential advertisers, and, of course, offer us ideas for stories to cover. I’ll be waiting to hear from you or
prepared when her or she appears in court. show up at our monthly meetings every third Thursday of the month at the Women’s Community Center,
Th e Women’s Community Center appreciates these in the Goodwill Building, 880 Industrial Way, SLO. Call me if you would like to discuss how you can
exceptional members of the legal community. Thank you!
Publication-ready is defined as high-resolution (minimum 300 contribute,
dpi) digital474-6444.
files in one of the following
formats: .tif, .ai, .psd, .pdf, .jpg, or .eps.
Ad design/layout and color ads available upon request at an additional charge.
Advertise in the Women’s Press

Sincerest Apologies
Call: 805.544.9313 or E-mail ads to: [email protected],
Or clip this form and mail to: Women’s Community Center, 880 Industrial Way, San Luis Obispo,CA 93401
Individual or Business Name:
City, State, Zip: We failed to credit Heather Mendel as the artist
for last issue’s cover. You can contact her at 544-
Phone: 4933 and see more of her work or order a poster of
E-mail Address: the cover art at

Contact Person: We also failed to give any contact information for

Ad Size: Publication Date(s): Lisa Lovett, the personal chef whose recipe for
Vegetarian Chili we published. You can find out
Amount Enclosed:
about her services at
Format of Submitted Materials: or call 528-5786.
Please make checks payable to: Women’s Community Center (with Women’s Press on memo line)

The Women’s Press covers issues of interest to women, such as healthcare, family issues, law, art, and local events.
Women’s PressHaving existed for 20
January/February years, the paper supports the Women’s Community
2006 Center
E-mail the which
editors: serves as a referral,
[email protected] Page 3
counseling, support, and educational center for women.
Corner National Organization for Women
Happy New Year! May this year be the

Celebration: Roe v. Wade at 33

year we lift the conservative miasma that
hangs over the country. Hope springs
We still have all the topics left over Join supporters of choice as we celebrate 33 women without access to medical assis-
from last year: the usual abortion poli- years of safe and legal abortions. This year, tance for terminating a pregnancy. Imelda
tics, including emergency contraception January 22 falls on a Sunday, and instead NOW Prents Staunton, in an Academy Award nomi-
of our previous evening public programs nated role, plays the kind-hearted woman
and Supreme Court nominations; work-
with speakers and candlelight vigil for
‘Vera Drake’ who performs abortions for these women,
place discrimination against women, no- January 22, 2006
tably Wal-Mart; and deprivation of civil those women who died from illegal abor- taking risks her own family would not ap-
tions, we are presenting a daytime event. 10 AM prove in order to provide comfort to those
rights for lesbians and gays, including Palm Theatre, SLO
marriage equality issues, to name just Come celebrate choice by attending the less fortunate.
a few. We have midterm Congressional movie Vera Drake at the Palm Theatre in Following the movie, there will be an
elections coming later this year, and the San Luis Obispo on Sunday, January 22 at open discussion of the issues raised by
“enduring freedom” campaign in Iraq. 0 AM. Tickets are $0, in advance from in providing us with this movie, which the movie, with information on current
And there are always new issues arising members of NOW, or at the door, or can demonstrates the need for access to safe attempts to restrict women’s constitutional
depending on current events. Enough to be reserved by calling 782-9300 during and legal reproductive health care. Set rights to terminate a pregnancy. Refresh-
keep activists busy! business hours. in working class London in the 950s, ments will be provided.
January brings the annual commemo- The Palm Theatre has been gracious Vera Drake portrays the plight of poor
ration of Roe v Wade, now a healthy
adult at 33 years of age. It’s gratifying
that most of America agrees that the Action Shorts ested more about the application process. of this law. Now California NOW is
choice whether to have an abortion Sponsorship will include transportation investigating whether to bring suit against
should be up to the woman carrying the The California state NOW convention and hotel costs for the conference week- a private school, USC. Stay tuned!
fetus. However, there are many who feel will be held April 28-30 at the Wyndham end. If you are under age 30 and want to NOW members in El Paso, Texas,
the government does have the right to Hotel at the Orange County airport, easy experience the national conference, please organized a vigil and demonstration
place restrictions on that choice: requir- to get to for all NOW members in the contact our chapter through our email denouncing the murders of women in
ing a waiting period; for minors, the state. Plan now to join us for the weekend ([email protected]) and get your name in Juarez, Mexico on November 2, the
consent or notice to a parent; and forbid- to rekindle your activist spirits and learn the application pool NOW! Day of the Dead. Juarez is home to many
ding the use of public money to cover new ways to advance our issues for a more Title IX of the Education Equality factories employing Mexican labor, but
the cost of the procedures. This year will egalitarian society. Act, passed in 972, requires all educa- owned by US corporations. It is by all
see a lot of discussion about abortion, The national NOW conference will tional institutions that receive any federal accounts, a rough place to work. Women
and about Roe v Wade in particular, as be held in Albany, NY, on July 2 –23. money to show a parity in sports partici- are routinely harassed and discrimi-
the basis for that right. The focus of the conference will be Young pation between men’s and women’s sports. nated against, raped and left to die in
Come to the movie Vera Drake on Feminists, and to that end, California Sometimes this has meant expanding the the arroyos along the border. Because of
Sunday January 22 at 0 AM at the Palm NOW will sponsor up to 20 young women’s sports programs; sometimes, the connection to US businesses, NOW
Theatre in San Luis Obispo and stay feminists from California to attend the schools have responded by limiting the demands the US authorities take responsi-
for the conversation afterward. With national conference, including one of the men’s sports teams. California NOW bility for stopping the murders.
Alito hearings to begin in January and members from our chapter, Kim Ander- has successfully sued the state university
state and federal legislatures considering son, who will be able to tell anyone inter- system (including Cal Poly) for violations
bills to restrict access to abortion, 2006
will be an active one and we need to
be informed about the issues. For more
NOW’s War on Wal-Mart Some Reasons to Oppose
information about Alito, start with the The film, “Wal-Mart: The High Cost Samuel Alito for US Supreme Court
NOW website: of Low Price,” brought an increasing (liberally paraphrased from the North 5. Struck down an EPA order mandat-
awareness to the country of the damage County NOW newsletter, Here & NOW ) ing the W.R. Grace Company clean up
NOW Calendar that Wal-Mart inflicts on communities. . Helped write a 986 opinion that the drinking water supply which had been
Jan 1: Besides driving out smaller, locally owned employers could legally fire workers with contaminated by fertilizer runoff at its
Episcopal Church ordains first woman stores, thus depressing the local economy, AIDS because of a “fear of contagion, plant in Michigan, based on the cost to
priest, 977 Wal-Mart has the reputation of paying whether reasonable or not.” He argued the company of such a clean up.
Jan 11: low wages and providing only part time that the federal laws prohibiting discrimi- 6. Called harassment against gay
birthday of Alice Paul, founder Equal work to avoid having to provide any nation did not apply because there was not students a “simple act of teasing and name
Rights Party, 885 benefits to the workers it hires. Wal-Mart sufficient medical knowledge at that time calling” and refused to uphold a school
Jan 15: is the world’s largest employer, but the about the disease to include AIDS suffer- policy against such harassment.
Birthday of Martin L. King, Jr., 929 turnover rate is nearly 50%. Workers are ers as disabled. 7. Wanted to include as permissible the
Jan 17: paid so little, they must apply for food 2. Wrote a dissent in the 99 abortion authority to search anyone at the residence
NOW regular meeting, 6 PM stamps to feed their families. decision, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, named in a search warrant, not just the
Jan 22: NOW named Wal-Mart a Merchant supporting the law in question that person named in the warrant. The case
Roe v. Wade celebration, 0 AM, Palm of Shame in 2002 and organized protests required married women to inform their involved a 0-year-old girl visiting the
Theatre, SLO around the country. It also took on what husbands before terminating a pregnancy. premises, who was stripsearched by the
Jan 25: has become the largest class action lawsuit He brushed aside concerns of abuse by officers in executing the warrant.
Birthday of feminist writer, Virginia ever, representing women workers who husbands, saying there were no numbers
Woolf, 882 allege they are paid 20% less than their determining how many women would be
Jan 26: male counterparts and are denied manage- adversely affected.
Birthday of Julia Morgan, architect of ment positions out of proportion to their 3. Denied standing to a black worker
Hearst Castle, 872 numbers. Almost ⅔ of the work force is who alleged the Marriott Hotel chain
Feb 4: female, but only ⅓ of the managers are discriminated against her by denying
Birthday of Betty Friedan, first presi- women. her a promotion, because allowing her to
dent NOW, 92 Wal-Mart also discriminates against sue would allow disgruntled employees
Feb 6: its women customers by refusing to carry to sue employers who had no “intent to
National Girls and Women emergency contraception. In many com- discriminate.” The majority in this 997
in Sports Day munities, Wal-Mart is the only pharmacy case denounced this opinion, calling it an
Feb 12: in town. Wal-Mart is the 5th largest attempt to “eviscerate” use of Title VII in
Freedom to Marry Day distributor of pharmaceuticals in the US. race discrimination cases.
Feb 16: The bottom line is simple: Wal-Mart 4. Said Congress has no authority to
Birthday of Leonora O’Reilly, founder profits off the backs of American families, require state governments to follow the
especially women, by paying them so little NOW Chapter # CA 565
NAACP, 870 federal Family and Medical Leave Act. PO Box 306, SLO, CA 93406
Feb 21: they must apply for subsidized housing, The Supreme Court took the opposite
food stamps, and publicly funded medical SLONOW @
NOW regular meeting, 6 PM view, mandating that coverage for govern-
Feb 21: assistance. All of us are paying for those ment employees.
Birthday of Barbara Jordan, first black low prices at Wal-Mart. Remember, Wal-
US Rep from Texas, 936 Mart Always Discriminates!

Page 4 E-mail the editors: [email protected] Women’s Press January/February 2006

Local Perspectives
From Both Sides PAY-BACK’S A BITCH! or
BY JILL TURNBOW Cynic's Corner Earthquakes, Hurricanes,
While my political views tend reply, “But it does! Look in
to lean to the left (in fact, so far the mirror!” But I held back. I Lately, there has been tremen- materialism and kick the infirm, out what their Higher Life Force
to the left that I have actually wanted both sides of my brain to dous hoopla from some big the old, the meek into the gutter. is telling them about the way
been known to tip over) I can’t play an equal role in the discus- players in the public arena Not to mention, how we pervert people are destroying the heavens
seem to help the fact that I am sion. So I took a moment. Nope, regarding the basic tenets of our our senses with drugs and props; and the earth. If you believe in
clearly right-brained. Opinion only silence from the left. The existence. Those guilty of such protect cruelty and indifference; Evolution, note that our inap-
has it that right-brained people right took the reins and the de- off-color rhetoric include the “all and reward the all-powerful as propriately maintained scientific
tend to be more emotional, more bate went on for hours. It seems encompassing and ever-relentless the All-Knowing! processes are possibly leading
creative, more “free thinking,” his whole point was that no one ‘media‘“, the “so-called religious Do we really think that we to the (dis)appearance and
while lefties tend to be logical, else had ever thought of the and educational institutions“, can continue to abuse our hu- (non)transformation of living
rational, and sane. Yep, I don’t front of the ass; therefore, it was and even the “U.S. government” mans, our animals, our oceans, species on earth.
tend to latch on to any of those groundbreaking. My thought who claims to uphold the notion our skies, our plant-life, and But, all is not terrible on this
adjectives. was that useless knowledge is still of separation of church and state. all our other natural resources, planet … Jessica Simpson is get-
But there are times when the useless. The debate continued. The theory of *Intelligent Design and expect that there will not ting divorced; Kate Hudson had
opportunity arises to access that My left brain couldn’t believe I vs. *Creationism vs. *Evolution/ be Universal Pay-back! How a baby; Jennifer Aniston is get-
left part of my brain and pray was even staying in the conversa- Darwinism were some of the long can we go on ignoring The ting over Brad; Kirstie Alley has
that a little bit of rationale enters tion, but my right brain thought topics brewed over. Universe, and still have a decent lost a lot of weight; ‘Desperate
into my conversation. Now it was hilarious. I laughed myself Being the thoughtful person Universe to go home to? Let us Housewives’ will be back another
granted, the following debate silly. And that’s when I decided, that I am, it seems fitting that I ask the Universal Force what it season, and Martha Stewart will
was not started by me; therefore, from the right side of my brain, should add another philosophy, thinks … okay, universe, what not. Ahh, Life is good!
neither side of my brain was a that THAT was the point. which I lovingly call my “Theory do you think? Well, this year Please contact me at
willing participant in the begin- Sometimes you need a of Universal Pay-Backism “or alone, we have been attacked by jmagic322@aol . I would love to
ning. But for some unknown break from all that is rational, simply, Karma. In other words, major catastrophic events like hear from you. JT
reason, I stayed in. logical, and sane. Sometimes the in life, you reap(eth) what you category-4 hurricanes, record-
A male friend of mine recently seriousness of the world and the sow(eth). Our Universe was breaking tsunamis, earth-shatter-
declared that he had had a mo- problems of the day need to take perfectly prepared for us, and ing earthquakes, and mind-blow- *Intelligent Design: The belief
ment of genius. A revelation, if a step back. Why not argue the what have we done to say thank ing tornados. Wake up folks! that living organisms are so
you will. His one accomplish- silly things, if for no other reason you? It seems as if society has The Cosmos are bellowing its complex that a higher force must
ment for that day was to have than to laugh, and to make the worked very hard to ignite wars, disapproval and spouting its dis- have created them.
an original thought. He had other person feel better. tolerate famine, inflict torture, pleasure in painful ways. Global Creationism: Genesis : “In
discovered that the one part of So my right brain said, “Play promote infanticide, terror- warming? Universal punishment? the beginning God created the
your anatomy that doesn’t have along, go with it, and maybe ism, over-population and even Re-organization? heavens and the earth.”
a front, is the ass. That was his see that in fact, it’s true, the ass suicide. Meanwhile, our children Those of us who are concerned Evolution: Scientific process
thought for the day. The ass has has no front.” Then the left side remain neglected due to lack of about teaching Intelligent that led to the appearance and
no front. I know, genius. of my brain kicked in and said, education, while their supposed Design or Creationism might transformation of living species
I’m sure you are like me when “Boys are dumb.” mentors glorify greed through be better served trying to figure on earth.
I say that my first urge was to

Circling the Square

Ancient Art I had this yoga teacher, Teresa,
BY KATHY BOND Dial-A-Prayer with prosperity
who always said, “Meet yourself requests. But these practices are
I knit on journeys, or to relax, where you are at.” Once while like those preparations for yoga
my five dollar Valium. Respirations slow we were all in our various stages class, buying the cute outfits and
as I unwind skeins. of the same position, Teresa gave making plans to meet a friend at
Penelope wove while she waited instructions to move us deeper class – but you ain’t doing yoga
for Ulysses’ return. She told into the pose. A ripple of fear until your butt is on the mat.
the suitors when she finished— moved through the class. Stopping to meet myself in the
and undid her work each night. “Wow, you are really antici- red was painful. Breathing in “I
pating pain,” she commented on owe,” I quietly sat in front of my
I knit for family and friends our collective terror. credit card statements breathing Addiction to Perfection.
on large blue size fifteen aluminum needles. Teresa then taught us how to in those two giant little words. “What if your symp-
I teach others, to share the gift. take deep breaths then move into Later, while I was in a toms were trying to heal you?”
Each year, I make something the target posture slowly and sound/movement session I What if you were led here for
for future generations, who need to know then stop. Stop to check how we discovered something lovely. something beautiful? My “what
that not everything comes from “chains.” feel. Breathe in; accept our new The “O” sound represents the if” led me to leave my car in the
My friends who make shawls position and notice sensations or 3rd chakra- or personal power shop, waiting to earn not borrow
weave prayers into their stitches. feelings arising in our bodies. If and will. By vibrating my throat the money for the repairs. Until
we can breathe ourselves deeper chakra – (creativity and com- I create the opening- I’m on the
Knit stitches line up like lean, tall soldiers. into the pose, we do. If not, we munication) with the sounds, “I bus. Breathing on the bus lead
Purls resemble a stranded necklace. stay still, breathing and notic- Ohhh” (I owe), I am claiming to all kinds of yogic feelings of
I inject color, softness and warmth. ing. If we want to move back to my internal power. Gently. shame, fear, malice, self-criti-
I work acrylic or wool through my fingers, our original position, we can. I’ve just reached one financial cism, and finally this acceptance
and hear the smooth, rhythmic, click of needles, Glancing around to compare goal and am breathing after of a more quiet and peaceful life.
castanet-like. Shall I dance a flamenco ourselves to our fellow yogis was another. I’m hoping to skip pain Turning around to dance with
and snare you with my net, reel you in not allowed. anticipation and simply move our nemesis is just that, a dance.
with my lasso of cashmere or mohair Now, let me crawl out on my into my plan. Softly. Not fiercely. Choose this 2006 to experience
in popcorn, garter, stockinette or cable own painful limb to apply this Not resolutely. Quietly. a slow dance with what ails you.
in smooth or patterned bursts of texture, yoga teaching – to my credit card I hate to admit that the great- You know what it is.
a soft, satiny ribbon on the nape? debt. (I’ve just stopped breathing est source of my pain was judg- May you have the courage to
I feel lured to buy more, planning at the keyboard.) ing my situation on the outward accept the truth that is breaking
what to make for who. In order to understand the appearance of the Joneses’ finan- your heart.
why of my main stressor, I’ve cial status. Outside comparisons Namaste.
Sheep to shawl. I do relish become an expert at several equal internal criticism. That’s Dorothy Segovia writes
sitting around the hearth weaving, avoidance practices. These have the real pain. I forgot about not while taking the bus in
sharing women’s conspiracy. run the gamut from Louise glancing at my fellow yogis. Santa Barbara County. If
Hay affirmations and money This year my wish for you you have comments, or sto-
collages to dialoging with my comes from Marion Woodman, ries to share contact her at
inner ‘broke-aholic’ and phoning workshop leader and author of [email protected].
Women’s Press January/February 2006 E-mail the editors: [email protected] Page 5
Local Perspectives
Volunteers Take Action!...Against Sexual Violence
The Sexual Assault Recovery and Prevention (SARP) Center of San
Luis Obispo County is a private non-profit organization established
thirty years ago to provide crisis intervention and treatment services to Do you have a Business Plan business plans available for you
survivors of sexual assault and their significant others. Working to in- for your business? If yes, you’re to consider. You might also visit
crease awareness about sexual assault and to promote prevention in the pointed towards success. the “starting” link on the US
community, specially trained staff and Volunteer Crisis Counselors Do you actively follow your Small Business Administration’s
offer services that include advocacy and accompaniment, peer coun- Business Plan? If so, you’re more website at There
seling, prevention and education, a 24-hour telephone hotline, clinical likely to reach success. you’ll find a detailed discussion
therapy, and Women’s Empowerment and Self-Defense courses. If success is eluding you, you on business planning.
probably need to spend time cre- When composing your BP, I
What Volunteer Crisis Counselors Do ating or updating your Business recommend writing the Execu-
• Provide peer counseling and crisis intervention by answering a Plan (BP). Without an inten- tive Summary last even though
twenty-four hour telephone crisis line Don’t have time to be a tional plan, you are vulnerable to it is the first section in your BP.
• Accompany survivors to medical exams, law enforcement inter- volunteer for SARP? wandering off track, succumbing As you conduct the necessary
views and court proceedings. to reactive management styles research and collect facts to
• Provide peer counseling and community resource referrals to Then try these ideas out: and missing your desired destina- demonstrate the viability of your
survivors and their significant others • Contribute financially: tion completely. business idea(s), your vision and
• Do community outreach at health fairs and education presenta- attend fundraisers, write a To create or update your BP, plan may change. You’ll want the
tions check, or donate by checking first, be clear on the purpose of Executive Summary to WOW!
• Provide administrative support in the SARP Center’s office or the appropriate box on your tax your plan. There are many rea- your reader – especially if you
assistance in Women’s Empowerment and Self-Defense classes return. sons to have a BP beyond map- are trying to convince the reader
• Support equality. Avoid ping your path to success. BPs to loan funds or invest in your
A sexual assault experience is often frightening and traumatic. condoning one group’s power are absolutely necessary to obtain business venture!
Dealing with the aftermath can be very difficult. Having a compas- and control over another. funds and credit from suppliers The Executive Summary
sionate and supportive advocate helps to minimize the emotional • Spread the word and speak and vendors. BPs also guide the should concisely answer the fol-
trauma. The difficulties of law enforcement interviews and medical out! Manhood is not based on management of your operation lowing questions:
exams are more easily navigated with an advocate. hurting others. Strong men and finances. BPs lead promotion • What sort of company is it?
The work of the Sexual Assault Recovery and Prevention (SARP) who are secure in themselves and marketing of your business • What’s the product/service,
Center would not be possible without the compassionate and tire- know how to share power and and the achievement of your and what’s special about it?
less work of the volunteers, who, in 2005, provided over 9,000 hours accept women as equals. goals and objectives. And, a • Who are the managers?
of service to survivors of sexual assault, both on the crisis line and • Combat myths about rape good BP monitors your journey • How much money do you
in-person. with firm responses. When and progress much like a “global need? In what stages? What will
someone says “women who positioning system” device keeps you use it for?
Crisis Volunteer Training raped are asking for it,” reply you on track and focused towards Avoid common errors when
A 48-hour, state-certified comprehensive training is provided to that “No woman asks to be your destination. Clarity of composing your BP. Don’t
prepare volunteers to work with survivors and their significant others. humiliated, beaten or killed. focus, sufficient capital, and expect to finish it over night—
Guest speakers from organizations such as the District Attorney’s Blaming the woman is like unwavering passion are the three you’ll need research and financial
Office, Law Enforcement, the Women’s Shelter Program of SLO, blaming the robbery victim ingredients consistently seen in analysis substantiated in facts.
Victim/Witness Assistance Center, Suspected Abuse Response Team because he had money.” successful entrepreneurs. A BP At the same time, keep your BP
(SART), EOC Health Education and Cal Poly State University • Believe victims/survivors strengthens all these ingredients concise and easy to read— elimi-
provide insights and unique perspectives. Additional speakers include who share the story of what for success. nate unnecessary verbiage and
psychologists and therapists, investigators, and other professionals in happened to them. Next, understand the neces- fancy clutter. Get to the point
the field. Training classes are dynamic as volunteers, women and men, • Support legislation that sary parts of BP. The four most and remember the WOW! factor.
come from all walks of life. Professional mothers join college students protects women’s reproductive important parts are: Make sure all the components
and retired grandparents; young activists join “nine-to-five-ers” to rights and autonomy. • Description of the business of your BP are integrated and
make this program a success. • Or...Sponsor the SARP • Marketing reflect what is said in different
Who volunteers? Persons wanting experience in the helping profes- Center Volunteer Program by • Finances sections. For example, if you
sions, who want to work to end sexual violence and female oppression, donating appreciation gifts • Management. are planning a huge market-
and survivors themselves wanting to assist in the healing process, in such as low denomination gift Other components to your BP ing campaign during a specific
much the same way as they were assisted in their own healing. certificates, flowers, snacks, include the executive summary, season of the year – you should
If you have the time and desire, please, TAKE Action…Become a and cards so we can let the necessary supporting documents, see a corollary reflection in
Volunteer. The SARP Center offers Crisis Counselor Training twice volunteers know how valuable and financial projections. Each of your cash flow projections for
a year with the next class taking place February 2nd through March they are. these elements needs specific dis- the increased income resulting
4th. Training is held on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 5:45 to • Or…donate financially to cussion relevant to your business from such a campaign. And last,
0:00 pm for six weeks. Applications are being accepted through Janu- underwrite the cost of Volun- vision, goals, and objectives. proofread, proofread some more
ary 20th. This is an invaluable opportunity for those looking to take teer Training. Not sure what to include in and proofread backwards! You
part in the movement to end sexual violence. your business plan? A good place don’t want a star BP ruined by
For additional information on any of the SARP Center’s to begin is to look at examples. misspelled words and mistakes.
programs and/or services please contact (805) 545-8888 or The Mission Business Informa- Finally, don’t hesitate to seek
[email protected]. tion Center has over 500 sample help!

Andrea Zeller, Executive

Director of Mission Community
Services Corp. (MCSC) and the
Mission Community Services Corp Resources for Your Business Mission Business Information
Center, coordinates Women’s
14-week course From Vision to Venture. Classes form in January to begin meeting weekly starting in Business Partners (WBP).
the mid-February. Course guides students through the process of visioning, researching, and planning WBP serves everyone interested
a small business venture, for profit or not for profit enterprises. Nearly all our students graduate with a in establishing self-sufficiency
viable BP in hand. More information may be found at or by calling 595-357. through small business owner-
ship while primarily focusing
Mission Business Information Center provides books, instructional videos, computers, scanner, printer, assistance towards socially and
and several different business plan writing software programs to fit your writing style. All resources are economically disadvantaged
available for FREE during normal weekday working hours. MCSC and SCORE counselors are usually women. Can help those who
on site at 4 Broad St. in SLO however, it is a good idea to call ahead and request an appointment: speak only Spanish. Visit www.
595-357 or 547-0779. or call 595-1357.

Page 6 E-mail the editors: [email protected] Women’s Press January/February 2006

Local Perspectives
Homeschooling: First of a Series Are Men Looking?
BY ELIZABETH MCGREGOR Maureen Dowd’s trivial look at the sexes
“If you think in seasons, mation on the subject seems to BY CHARLENE HUGGINS
plant cereal. If you think in stop at the county line: I tried to
Maureen Dowd, op-ed colum- Our tools for perfection in place,
decades, plant trees. If you Google several relevant phrases,
nist for the New York Times we step back into the comfort
think in centuries, educate including San Luis Obispo and
has long held a position of high of Stepford wife passivity,
your children.” Lucia Mar homeschooling, Cen-
esteem in my pantheon of female subservient to the man who has
-Chinese Proverb tral Coast homeschooling, and
writers. When she’s busy craft- chosen us, willfully ignorant
Homeschooling. The very many others; and hit dead-ends
ing her columns of political satire that a first wave of feminism ever
word can send shivers down at every turn.
aimed at President Bush and happened. But Dowd forgets
the spines of many parents, yet However, I have committed
his scandalous crew, she’s at her that many women are excluded
fill the hearts of others with a to writing this series and write it
most insightful and humorous. from the “Pamela Anderson”
sense of pride and opportunity. I will!
Maureen Dowd’s new book clonal varietal because of race,
As a mother and a writer, I am And I am not above asking for
Are Men Necessary? is a mixed class, weight, or income. And
fascinated by the subject and help, but I have a feeling that if
bag of anecdotes, puns, and besides, do all women aspire to to pay attention to her book.
was looking forward to writing I simply open up the floodgates
reflections on the futility of the such manufactured standards of Dowd laments that women’s
an informative article covering by asking for advice from local
original women’s movement and beauty? cultural images aren’t diverse
the various methods, challenges, parents, I will be drowned in a
the re-emergence of 50’s style do- Midway through chapter one, while myopically relying on
and resources available to home Tsunami of information. So, I
mesticity among young women. Dowd reveals a conversation with sources like Cosmopolitan
schooling families. would like to start by asking for
She disparages early feminists a friend who recalls that many blurbs, her personal trainer,
When I began my research for questions, instead of for advice.
with the tired cliché that they women no longer work for pay old research, and friends. She
this story, I thought that I would What would you like to learn
wore “dirty jeans, burned their but rather to have “girl money,” ignores the many men and
hop online, read a few articles about homeschooling? What
bras,” and their demands of presumably for the purchase of women who reject this rigid
and go from there. Yeah, right. are the issues that confuse you?
equality translated to behav- beauty products, perfume, and view of gender relationships and
Websites, magazines, books What are the barriers that have
ing like men. The result was clothing items necessary for the vacuous twin cultures of
and support groups focus on stopped you? If you have decided
supposed to be an even playing dates. In her one- dimensional celebrity and commercialism.
every conceivable aspect of home not to home educate, what were
field, but it’s clear that Dowd’s analysis, she forgets the larger Why doesn’t Dowd reference
schooling: teaching methods your primary reasons? If you are
equality speaks only to privileged issue of equal pay: women are young feminist magazines, such
from Waldorf to Montessori; already homeschooling, what
white-women and even these still paid 76 cents to every man’s as Bitch, which offers women
Christian-based study groups questions do you recommend
women’s progress is trivialized as dollar. If we are frivolously a “feminist response to pop
by the hundreds, sites on the families considering it should
a search for their “inner girl.” biding our time until we ensnare culture,” reminding us that
regulations and legalities of home ask? What have been your local
For Dowd, “it is incontrovert- the hubby, why bother to seek not all women are in pursuit of
education; and online stores sell- resources?
ibly true that American femi- positions of power or work to their “inner slut.” Sadly, voices
ing everything from textbooks to Please send your rel-
nism was trumped by American change conditions for women like Lisa Jervis (Bitch creator),
t-shirts. evant questions to me at
narcissism,” and that women or men? Better to acquiesce to Arundahti Roy, Naomi Klien,
It occurred to me as I was fi[email protected]. I will
desiring to be a “Maxim babe” men—they’ll love us to death, and Rebecca Walker are ignored
wading through this vast sea of do my best to answer as many
have fallen into the trap of ap- social mores will be appeased, by Dowd (who should know
information that instead of writ- of them as I can. I hope that,
pearance anxiety. With the help and we can work for fun. better). By excluding so many
ing an article on home schooling together, we can find the local
of medical science women can One senses that Dowd believes positive female voices from the
for a local paper, I now need to and national resources that we
achieve “babe” status with one women don’t exist unless men are conversation, Dowd perpetuates
write a series of articles. The logi- need to make informed, deci-
stop shopping for botox, liposuc- looking. Her meaningless book the problem she seeks to expose.
cal place to start, for me, seemed sions about this very important
tion, anti-depressants, plastic title is just a ploy to seduce men,
to be at the local level. But, subject.
surgery, and fertility enhancers. pique their interest and get them
ironically, the tidal wave of infor-

Urgent Message from Mother: Gather

the Women and Save the World
by Jean Shinoda Bolen. Conari Press, 2005.

ng for
The following book will be and provides suggestions as to

ok i Then look to your good neighbor the springboard for dis- how we can move a universal

Lo cussions during the April

State Farm® agent. Through an retreat fundraiser for the
civilization forward by tapping
the most powerful and under-
utilized energy on the planet
unbeatable alliance with Women’s Press (details in
the next issue). – the creative energies of women
Fortis Health*, I’m offering flexible When Jean Shinoda coming together. Riding the
Bolen writes, we read. ocean of change that flows onto
and affordable insurance coverage. This diminutive, inspir- societal shores, she shows how
If that’s what ing woman manages to first wave feminism brought the
pack this small and very beginnings of political equal-
you’re looking From the nursery to the play-
readable book as full of ity, second-wave feminism gave
for, come see interesting and timely birth to the women’s movement ground to the board room, she
information as her own life and this third wave will become traces undercurrents of gender-
me today: related behavior that can and
is filled with meaningful, an international women’s peace
thought-provoking and movement. should be improved as we build
Susan Rodriguez, Agent creative energy. Inspira- “Wherever women with a a world of safety and security
Call for details on coverage, costs,
restrictions and renewability. Lic.# 0D30697 tional author, psychiatrist, sense of sisterhood and maternal for all, in which the economic
*Coverages issued and underwritten 1317 Broad Street Suite A resources of this world could
by Fortis Insurance Company, Jungian analyst, university concern gather, the message will
San Luis Obispo, CA
a Fortis Health member company,
professor and internation- be received…. This is not about be distributed to build a world
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. No member 805-783-7050
of the State Farm family of ally known lecturer, she replacing patriarchy with ma- community of which we could
companies is
financially gifts us with her newest triarchy. I do know that women be proud, a world that would
responsible for the
book: Urgent Message can be as power-oriented and protect and honor the environ-
Individual Medical
Coverage product. Like a good neighbor, from Mother: Gather unempathic as I am saying men ment that sustains us all, a world
Fortis Insurance
Company is not an
State Farm is there.® the Women and Save the as a gender are, and that there are in which violence and conflict
affiliate of
State Farm.® world. lots of men who are nurturing could be minimized and the
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company In 60 pages she man- and empathic, as women are sup- needs of the coming generations
P01421 11/02 Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois
ages to give us a passionate posed to be. Women generally could be nurtured.
and very readable account have a wisdom that is needed. It You can purchase this book
of how humanity arrived at this is time to gather the women and in downtown SLO at the Novel
present and critical moment save the world.” Experience, 779 Higuera.

Women’s Press January/February 2006 E-mail the editors: [email protected] Page 7

Women’s Stories
Should you hire a
professional organizer? Jill Turnbow - Talent from Texas!
Start your year off right! Hire haven’t used or seen it for years. Something about Texas pro- career but, luckily for theatre
a professional organizer. I can It was natural for me to become duces great women! There are audiences, she has rediscovered
bring order, calm and control to an organizer. Molly Ivins, Ann Richards and her passion and is acting and
your home and family life. I can I began my organization busi- Jill Turnbow. Fortunately, Jill directing again. At the Pewter
save you money by organizing ness when a business associate Turnbow, a talented stand-up Plough, she is working on two
your bills, your shopping and asked me to work on his home comedian, theatre performer, companion piece one-acts. These
your clothing. I can help you get office. He was so pleased with and director is an ex-Texan who stage presentations will keep
more done in less time. I will put my work that that he asked me lives in Cambria. The first thing her away from stand-up for the
your house in order so you can to organize his family room, the you notice about this remarkable time being. When she returns
find what you need when you garage, and finally each room woman is her “Bette Davis Eyes” to stand-up, you will find her
need it. I can help you get more of the house. I pride myself on – large and expressive, a great at the San Luis Obispo Grange.
done in less time. I can help you building trust with my clients so asset on stage. Jill was born and Watch for this very funny lady to
simplify your life so that you that they feel comfortable with raised in Texas. She was a funny Gulf War on ships chartered for appear again. Her style of deliver
have more time to do what you me. child, a self-admitted “smart-ass R&R. Her audiences were 800 is very natural, making comedy
“want” to do, rather than what Peter Walsh, who stars on kid” who was often kept in from or so men who had been without look easy. If laughter affects your
you “need” to do. the TLC program “Clean recess for mouthing off by a women or liquor for months. urinary system, wear your blad-
As a professional organizer, I Sweep,” which features in- teacher who liked her in spite of Her first show was a Christmas der control products! You will
teach skills, create systems to suit novative design and exciting her smart mouth! Finding humor show. There were men vomiting, spend the evening doubled over
different personalities, and know organizational products, was everywhere, her funnybone chasing her on stage, throwing with laughter!
that it is possible to lead a sim- the keynote speaker at the 7th was even tickled at a funeral, bottles, and heckling her. She Jill will appear in “Laun-
pler, more balanced life. When I Annual Regional Conference of where she could not suppress her toughened up and became more dry and Bourbon” and direct
do my work, I free others to do Professional Organizers in San laughter. The pastor, thinking confident and became so strong “Lone Star,” both of which
their greater work in the world. Francisco in October. He talked she was weeping, comforted her! that one officer told her, “Back take place in West Texas in the
What an honor to help people about the consumption habits Her Mother caught her eye with off, you’re scaring the Marines!” 1970’s. They will run Fri. and
feel better about themselves and of not just our clients, but the a “you are so the next one dead” She learned to handle the heck- Sat. evenings, Jan. 13 - Feb.
see their energy get lighter. entire world and how that needs look, which set her off again! lers herself. An officer asked her 19th at 4:30 p.m., with some
We live in a sea of paper. How to change. Often consumption Jill’s theatre career began what to do if someone heckled 3 p.m. Sun. matinees. She is
can we learn to swim, not sink? I habits exceed storage capacity when she was five years old. her. She replied “Stand back and directing and performing the
can teach you “best practices” for and professional organizers can She was a runway model for her watch!” Jill made many friends Vagina Monologues on Jan 24,
paper management, diagnose the educate clients to become richer mother’s women’s group. Jill among the troops and has great 25 and 26, 7:30 p.m. A $5 dona-
cause of your paper clutter, and by simplifying their lives. started directing earlier than respect and affection for them. tion is requested to support
help you set up a household mail January 2006 is “Get Orga- most performers. She directed a She is still in touch with some of a local women’s shelter. Call
and paper management system. nized Month,” and its goal is to play in Fifth Grade! She attend- them, including one who is serv- 927-3877 for reservations and
By following this process, you raise awareness – in the eyes of ed Performing Arts classes after ing in Iraq. Although she loved experience Jill’s fine acting and
can enjoy clutter-free counters, both the general public and the school in middle school. She still the experience, she will not do it directing first hand.
desks, and brains. My emphasis media – of the benefits of getting directs but prefers performing. again. She explains that she was
is on paper management for the organized. Our local group, the She turned her “smart-ass” younger then and that the pres-
residential client. I tailor my Central Coast Organizers, will skills into comedy when she was ent war is different from the Gulf
systems to suit my clients’ needs. be hosting a free service of paper asked to roast her boss at a radio War. But she remembers the men
My life experiences have shredding at different locations station. The laughter showed as the “best guys ever.”
helped me become a profes- in San Luis Obispo County. her what she needed to do. Jill has been a resident of the
sional organizer. I am the oldest Check the dates in your local Around her thirtieth birthday, Central Coast for two years
of eight children and helped newspapers. We will be there to comedy clubs were springing and loves it. She enjoys working
keep my brothers and sisters meet you and answer any ques- up everywhere. She went on the on making her lovely house an
organized. When I lived in Los tions you might have. Happy road with Funny Bones Clubs inviting home. She finds lots of The facts of this world
Angeles, I managed an escrow New Year! around the country. After three humor in home repair, confess- seen clearly are seen
company where it was imperative You can contact Connie, years, she signed on with a new ing that she watches home and through tears.
to be organized. The paperwork Organizer Extraordinaire, at manager and had a life-chang- garden shows like it was porn! – Margaret Atwood
management was critical. In my 441.4601 or by email at ing experience. She was hired She did not do much the-
home, I can find anything in [email protected]. to entertain troops during the atre during her early stand-up
my house that I need, even if I

Be careful lest you get what you ask for!


According to surveys by I’m a particularly fortunate me as well. she had a criminal record. other options besides retirement
AARP and the Area Agency retiree in my mid-eighties. Al- Living this way, the way most Not for a moment will I bad- homes? I have several sugges-
on Aging, most retirees hope though every joint/organ in my pre-retirees hope to live, is in mouth the variety of caregivers tions, none of which require
to remain in their own homes. body is in some way functioning my humble opinion, a bunch of I’ve had: I’ve been impressed financial expenditure. I’ll
Inevitably, it becomes more under par and uncomfortably, I hooey. Dealing with caregivers with the quality of their care. elaborate in my next article, but
difficult, as you age to maintain have gotten what you may con- is fraught with problems and But I’ve had to train them all, basically here’s a brief list:
a household and you may need sider ideal circumstances. My challenges. One of the most which can be exhausting and • Developing formal friend-
to have various forms of services sons are generous with time and significant problems is schedul- frustrating as they learn your ships in which persons make a
brought into your homes. finances regarding my increasing ing. Communication can also individual needs and prefer- conscious intention to help one
How will that happen? If needs. They write checks to pay be a problem. Typically, they are ences. And they do have lives another as needs arise;
money is not an object, you will for caregivers several hours daily. underpaid because of the low of their own: babysitters flake • Establishing supportive
be able to pay for housecleaning, Caregivers cook for me since my priority our culture places on hu- out on them, they catch the flu, groups of friends now so you all
gardening, cooking, shopping, short-term memory loss, plus man services. That means that if they need to take vacations or have mutual assistance later;
personal care, etc. If you have neuropathic hands, make it dan- you use an agency that provides weekends off. I’m an early riser • Co-housing, including what
limited income, you may trust gerous for me to cook for myself caregivers, you will have frequent and need a lot of care when I I call “cut-rate” co-housing, in
that your relatives/neighbors will anymore. I recently surrendered changes of personnel because the first wake up, but the younger which persons who are like-
fill in the gaps. Actually, this my driver’s license, so now a brighter ones escape the agency generation who comes to care for minded own a dwelling together
can be a touchy subject since few wonderful volunteer does my as soon as they can. One of my me are late risers. or rent in the same building or
retirees have discussed the issue shopping once a week. Since one privately paid caregivers said she So, remaining alone in your complex
with their possible caregivers, of my shoulders is out of whack was shocked by the ease with home and having needed services • Multigenerational homes
even if they live in a friendly and my hands are so fumbling, I which caregiver agencies ac- brought to you as you grow less provide stimulation and help
neighborhood, which is rare find it arduous to dress myself, so cepted applicants: the only thing able-bodied is not as easy as you with multi-tasking functions.
these days. my caregivers gently do that for one asked her was whether or not may imagine. So what are the

Page 8 E-mail the editors: [email protected] Women’s Press January/February 2006

Women’s Stories
An Interview with Judy Vick It’s all about advocacy!
Los Osos woman will run for District 2 Board of Supervisors seat The phone is ringing – it’s 3a.m. on a For example, one day I was in the
BY RENEE SANPEI Saturday. You know the feeling – dread! northern California hospital where my
Meeting Judy Vick is a breath of fresh air. Blankly I answer the phone only to find sister was fighting against leukemia. I
Having the opportunity to discuss mat- out my little sister is at the emergency knew her counts were low, that she needed
ters of the heart and hearing a story of a room. “What for”? “What are her symp- a transfusion immediately. Once the labs
woman overcoming adversity and creating toms”? “Let me talk to the nurse.” “Oh.” were drawn she received her transfusions
a meaningful life is uplifting. Her com- “What are her labs?” I hang up, walk back and the nurse thanked me. If I hadn’t
mitment to her children and community, to bed, climb in and cuddle next to my have been there – if it would have been
her candor and sincerity are inspiring. husband, and start sobbing. “I think Cari my mother, brother, or other sister (all
Judy has decided to run for the County has Leukemia.” And she did. non-medically trained), they would have
Board of Supervisors at the urging of I found out what I really went to accepted the words of the staff – my sister


friends and co-workers. I wanted to know nursing school for. To gain the knowledge may have died.
how her life had led her to this juncture. needed to advocate for my sister, my For my grandmother, my best friend for
This is what she shared with me. grandmother who has Alzheimer’s, for life, who has Alzheimer’s, I am her voice,
Judy is one of four children. At 3, her friends, family of friends, and strangers. her “watch dog,” for she has no words,
mother had a breakdown and she was put You see, when you or someone you know no defense, and no escape. I have learned
into foster care. Her father then remarried is diagnosed with a serious disease or has about Alzheimer’s disease, the journey,
and from 3-3 she had a stepmother, who complications from a simple procedure, the resources, and the “needs.” I am her
was extremely harsh. She became isolated your life as you know it changes. What advocate.
in an abusive world. “In those days no one networking to stop this from happening was “normal,” “safe,” “better left to the The professionals that work with the
asked questions. You went to school with in their communities. Judy was angry professionals,” is full of fear, a feeling of hospital, clinic, or the doctor themselves
bruises. No one reported things.” Then, when she found out that companies had helplessness, complete dependence on are doing the very best they can – but they
one day, there was an incident in which manipulated the law to prohibit citizens someone else. can’t be the only eyes and ears for your
she stood up to her stepmother and her from using the data regarding health risks I have learned that if someone you care loved one. Through no fault of the profes-
father intervened. Her father had a sober to challenge them and had garnered posi- about is facing a journey in the healthcare sionals, budgets are tight, staffing is low,
moment and protected his daughter for tions in government agencies to serve their system, they need an advocate, someone and the number of patients to be cared for
the first time. The stepmother left. “It was agenda. She gathered her facts and made who is professionally trained in the in a day is high. The doctors, nurses, social
like the world went from black and white a commitment to picket every weekend. medical field. The professionally trained workers, and other healthcare profession-
to color,” Judy said. “Ding, dong the witch The first month was difficult. Many folks advocate will work with the client, family, als need you, or your advocate, to help
is dead!” She now came to life and began in Los Osos were already overwhelmed and interdisciplinary team. Their job is to them be successful.
to thrive. with the long-standing battle over the watch after the client, become the liaison Teri Weitkum, RN, BSN, is the own-
She married a man with whom she had sewer plant. They weren’t receptive to yet between the healthcare providers and the er of Client Care Consultants and the
two children. Soon after their birth, she another frontline to be fought. Then along client/family, to ask the questions, speak Director of Care Services for the Ardara
recognized some of the same control issues came another enthusiastic mother, Robin up with concerns, make a case for patient Group, which specializes in Alzheimer/
in him that she had experienced with her Haas, and her two daughters, and Andrea rights, and help educate and support the Dementia care and has three assisted
stepmother. After supporting him through Caulfield, who helped research legal ways client and family. Advocates have a wealth living facilities and a day program. You
college and sending him to Europe for an to fight the tower. They joined forces and of knowledge regarding resources available can reach her at [email protected],
internship, she realized she didn’t want to the tide began to turn. She went on Dave and can make suggestions, sometimes save 610-0888, and 544-1444.
continue down this path. She was 29. Congalton’s radio show and began lobby- a life.
Judy decided to take some bold steps. ing the Board of Supervisors individually.
She took up skydiving. She enrolled in They listened. She practiced speaking to
college. She received her bachelor’s and her friends in her living room to overcome
master’s degrees in psychology with her stage fright before going before the
honors, while raising her daughters. She County Board of Supervisors publicly. “At
found a great resource in her women some point, I forgot about myself. I was
friends. “They reminded me who I am.” committed to taking the cell tower down.”
For the first time in her life, she tapped She was told not to get her hopes up as
into the joy of playing. Her friends were rarely did the Board approve appeals. She
relentless in getting her out. She danced, made her presentation and the vote was
took up running, went to the beach with unanimous in supporting her. This was a
her children. “ I learned to be a nurturing first and it buoyed her spirits.
mother. I fell in love with my girls....It Since that time she has been asked to
melted my iceberg.” consider running for public office. Her
Judy currently works with County co-worker encouraged her to consider
Mental Health in a program called SAFE running for Shirley Bianchi’s seat. Judy
(Services Affirming Family Empower- responded that she felt inadequate. Her
ment), a collaborative effort of several friend told her, “You have the smarts, are
agencies geared to help children at risk. ethical, have common sense and what
She had a private practice for a time, but is matters most, which is making deci-
now too busy to maintain it. She told me sions based on principle.” He told her
she has always been drawn to the tough- the rest would be provided via staff and
est populations and gets satisfaction from information she could access. “You are
stopping the violence in their lives. She your biggest obstacle,” he said. Judy took
has given many presentations on domestic this to heart and began to do what she
violence for the Center for Alternatives usually does in these circumstances; she
to Domestic Violence, County Drug and got more information. She reflected on
Alcohol Services, and County Public Mark Twain’s saying, “Courage is not the
Health. absence of fear. It is the mastery of fear.”
In the midst of this full life, Judy heard If you would like to know more about
about a cell phone tower being put up in Judy Vick’s campaign, visit her website at
Los Osos and became concerned. She be- Alternatively,
gan researching the health risks and found she can be reached at 44-8644 or
that there were many citizens around [email protected].
the world, primarily women, who were To be continued in March-April issue

Women’s Press January/February 2006 E-mail the editors: [email protected] Page 9

Women’s Stories
Lucia Capacchione: The Vision Mentor

This January, instead of dream- field supervisor that I was totally

ing my dreams, I’m going to trusting of, someone who really
picture my dreams. Literally. understood my method because It was when I actually
In the introduction to her they were a living example of began to feel
book, Visioning: Ten Steps to De- Charles Whitfield, Joan Bory- my work. I also needed someone that the words left me.
signing the Life Of Your Dreams, senko and other leading experts who had supervisory skills.” Oh, I was still aware
Lucia Capacchione PhD., A.T.R. in the health and recovery fields. Lucia’s dream manifested and wanting, but somewhere
and R.E.A.T., defines Visioning® Universities, art schools and when she met Marsha Nelson, on a desert mountain,
collage as a process for creating writing classes are also using her Ph.D. Marsha is now the Field lost as a bluebird’s song
the life you want. Visioning® can techniques. Lucia then went on Supervisor for the Creative Jour- in winter, my heart
also be described as practical to write a series of books on the naling Expressive Arts Certifica- had stopped talking.
dreaming: a dream that Lucia subject of Creative Journaling tion Training program. In a season both frigid and possessive,
knows as well as she knows the before she turned her Visioning® This was a very specific dream words like small birds leave or die;
floor plan of her Cambria home. technique into a book. While and it brings us back to the first the finches with their pink and gold
“In 973 I went to a work- Creative Journaling is Lucia’s step of Visioning®: making a adjectives, the tanager’s flashy verbs
shop and the facilitator asked process for creating a vision for wish. In our very logical adult gone as suddenly and silent
us where we’d be in 5 years. I inner growth, she has always world wishing is reserved for as if a hawk, her red tail
saw, a house, this house, in the used Visioning® to create her life children. But when it comes to the only drop shed from a sun’s
woods by the ocean,” Lucia map. realizing her dreams, this feisty relentless commitment to light,
explains. “ I thought it was near Lucia’s mother was a tailor lady lets her inner child take the had spared none: small battered skulls,
Carmel because I had never been and expert dressmaker. Her lead. one wing torn from the other, facing dust
to Cambria before. So I had the father was a Hollywood film edi- “When I first get a vision, I without the words to cry.
vision in 973, but I didn’t find tor, so Lucia grew up surrounded don’t work myself into a fret,
the house until 993.” by raw materials that her parents I don’t say, well why can’t that
Visioning® is a process. In the stitched together. These tangible happen now. If I am compelled,”
same way we piece together our collages became clothing and she points to her heart, “from
lives over a period of time, the films. Later, as art student at Im- within, I do something about it.
same is true in the making of a maculate Heart College, Lucia But if I get the compulsion from
dream. studied under artist Corita Kent, my mind, I have nothing but
In the early 70’s, Lucia discov- who was the artist in residence roadblocks.”
ered her breakthrough journaling at the time. Her foundation for But, how do you know if you
technique while recovering from Visioning® was born when she are wishing from your heart
a debilitating illness that kept her blended quotes, advertising art instead of your head?
bedridden for months. Unable to and poetry to create a world on Lucia laughs. “When you are
find treatment for a rare col- paper. in your creative self, you are in
lagen disorder, Lucia turned to After graduation, Lucia your physical body and enjoying
her journal. As an artist, Lucia visioned herself into a position it. The physical sensations feel
was already familiar with her at the office of the innovative good.”
creative self. But by applying the designer Charles Eames. It was Lucia’s latest book, The Art
right brain processes for personal here that Lucia observed the of Emotional Healing will be
growth that she learned about 0 steps of the design process available in January 2006 by
during this time of self-explora- which she applied to life design Shambhala Press. To find out
tion, she discovered the power or Visioning®. This includes about Visioning® and other
of writing and drawing with her everything from making a wish, Creative Journaling workshops
non-dominant hand. After some finding order in creative chaos to or training, visit www.luciac.
therapy, she returned to school celebrating the final realization com or call (805) 546-1424.
and received a degree in Psychol- of one’s dream. Visioning: Ten Steps To Creat-
ogy and became a registered Art This energetic woman lights ing The Life Of Your Dreams is
Therapist. Continuing to work up as she describes her current available through her website.
on herself as well as her clients, “dream-come-true” of training Click on Books and Audio
she developed a body of work others in her work. “My original link and go to the Interactive
known as Inner Child/Inner idea started during a small six- Journal for samples of Creative
Family Therapy. week course I was teaching in Journaling guidelines and
This work is being used in the early 80’s. I wanted to certify exercises.
recovery programs throughout professionals in my journaling
the world and is endorsed by technique. I knew I needed a

Things to Cheer
• A new push to appoint a sex education programs for U.S. entitled to protection from their percent increase over the amount
woman as secretary general of teens and recommends that those abusers. The American Civil authorized in 2000. Actual fund-
the United Nations has begun, programs be replaced with “com- Liberties Union announced Dec. ing levels will be determined by The present is the wave
the Times of London reported prehensive, medically accurate 27 that it has taken up the case appropriators. that explodes over my
this week. The international sexuality education.” Funding of Jessica Gonzalez, a Colorado • Contributions to the U.N. head, flinging the air with
body has not had a woman at its for abstinence-only education woman whose three children Population Fund reached record particles at the height of
helm during its 60-year history has doubled during the Bush were murdered by her estranged levels last year, reported the its breathless unroll; it is
and current Secretary General administration, according to the husband after police failed to United Nations, and the number the live water and light
Kofi Annan is expected to step Washington Times. The study’s respond to her calls that he was of countries contributing funds that bears from undis-
down by the end of this year. lead author, Dr. John Santelli, violating a restraining order. to the reproductive health and closed sources the freshest
• Abstinence-only education a researcher from Columbia • President Bush signed into women’s rights agency were also news, renewed and renew-
programs “threaten fundamen- University in New York, told the law Thursday legislation that the highest ever. Contributions ing, world without end.
tal human rights to health, Times that “the problem is not pays for new and existing pro- totaled $350 million in 2005. – Annie Dillard
information and life,” accord- the ‘abstinence’; the problem is grams that aid victims of domes- Most of the top donor countries
ing to a position paper in the the ‘only’.” tic violence. The bill reauthorizes were European, but every nation
January issue of the Journal of • A petition filed with the funding for the Violence Against in Africa also made pledges.
Adolescent Health. The paper Inter-American Commission Women Act, originally passed
criticizes current federal policy on Human Rights asserts that in 994. It authorizes $3.9 billion
that emphasizes abstinence in victims of domestic violence are in funding over five years, a 20

Page 10 E-mail the editors: [email protected] Women’s Press January/February 2006

Body and Soul
When Sex is the Subject! My Menopause
Picture this: You’re having great magic and mystery that I am a baby boomer born in got to be kidding? Wasn’t she in the area that know about the
an easy-going and engaging comes from acknowledging this 947. I participated (quite hap- my age, 58? My God, she looks Wiley Protocol, visited one, and
conversation with a lively group very delightfully human side of pily I might add) in the sexual fabulous. I got the book and got my first prescription.
of folks, some you know well sexuality. As a college instructor revolution of the 60’s. The birth discovered that she was using Recently I attended my first
and others are acquaintances. who teaches a course on Human control pill was radical. It natural hormones. This led to monthly support group of Wiley
Then, the discussion takes a Sexuality, and as a “kins-sister” meant that women could enjoy additional research and I found Protocol users lead by T. S.
sharp turn—to SEXUALITY… who embraces her sexuality with their sexuality without wor- T.S. Wiley’s book, Sex, Lies and Wiley. I felt a sense of excitement
Waves of awkwardness & self- both awe and wonder, I offer rying about getting pregnant. Menopause. One week later, I saw and empowerment when I saw
consciousness wash over you these ideas: Synthetic hormones, who in the Women’s Press that she all the women waiting to go in.
while everyone else seems to be ) Take the initiative to make cared! We didn’t even think was speaking at Arroyo Grande I was reminded of my junior
blissfully at ease. All you can do the plunge. Being the first to about it. It was modern, like Hospital. I went, I believed her, college experience where women
is smile vacuously and avert your break the ice goes a long way. going to the moon, plastics, and I bought it hook, line and were taking control of their bod-
eyes. It sends the message that you’re the Beatles. It changed the sinker. I liked her no nonsense ies and health decisions.
Or you’re the one who open and it invites the listener world and it allowed me to have attitude and her pioneering I have just started my second
brought the topic of sexuality to into the discussion. Be prepared freedom and fun. spirit. I started on the Wiley month of natural hormones. The
the table. You were expecting the that you may not get the kind of The book Our Bodies Our- Protocol. procedure is to use the estrogen
others to be receptive, or least response you’re hoping for, but selves was published, which gave What exactly is the Wiley Pro- every day in varying amounts
chuckle at your humorous com- you’ve opened the door for future women information that had tocol? It is a hormonal plan that and the progesterone 4 days a
ment. Instead, tension as thick as dialogues. REMEMBER: there never been widely available. I T. S. Wiley developed. Her book month in varying amounts. It
molasses fills the air. The relaxed are plenty of reasons why some- have always considered myself offers strong evidence that the comes in a white cream and is
countenances your companions one may not want to join in. It’s a pioneer and proactive when it use of synthetic hormones leads rubbed on the inside of my arm.
bore just moments ago now important to respect her/her for comes to my reproduction edu- to cancer and advises women to The natural hormones I take
convey a shocked dismay. You’re where they are—not where you’d cation and health. In the early turn to natural hormone replace- are prescribed in a cycle that
left wondering if you have just like her/him to be. 70’s, at El Camino College in ment therapy – derived from mimics the rhythmic, escalat-
been labeled (ah hmm) “inappro- 2) Location, location, location! Southern California, a group plants, not drugs – to help them ing, and descending doses my
priate,” or “crude.” This is not just a marketing strat- of us “radical” women climbed elevate their estrogen level for body naturally produced when I
We live in a culture where egy. The importance of choosing on top of desktops with plastic greater energy, libido, and intel- was young. This is not the case
sexuality is commonly relegated the right place and time to raise speculums and mirrors and lectual capacity. The book poses with conventional HRT, which
to categories labeled Raunchy/ the topic is obvious. looked at our cervixes. the question, “Is living without is the same dosage every day of
Sleezy or Clinical/Spiritless. 3) Use humor, the ultimate When I turned the dreaded hormones really living?” the month. My cycle follows the
Sadly, there is little room for anxiety reducer. Need I say “50,” my menopausal symptoms More than likely your doctor lunar calendar and, oh yes, did I
sexuality as a place of Delightful more…. started. I was determined not has never heard of natural hor- mention that I will be restarting
Pleasure/Healthy Expression. While none of these tips will to take HRT due to a family mones. But getting your hands my periods? Radical? Yes! Outra-
And yet, many feel a great need magically make the discussion history of breast cancer. My on the real McCoy isn’t the only geous? Yes! Do-able? Hell, yes! if
to give space to this part of our go smoothly, they will help. The physician began to put me on problem. Getting “enough” I can have my life back. My goal
humanity where discussions and critical component to making various other medications; i.e., hormones to create a real normal is to be off all prescription meds
inquiries could unfold without sexuality a safer issue to discuss blood pressure pills, anti-de- physiologically rhythmic cycle and drop 50 pounds.
harsh judgment; where children, is compassion, nonjudgment and pressants, and, most recently, just like when you were young I’ll report back in a few more
friends and lovers could confide respect. thyroid medication. My depres- – that’s the problem. T. S. Wiley months.
and find support; where laughter Bailey Drechsler is a sion, weight gain, hot flashes has standardized the manufac-
could be shared over disclosures professor of Human Develop- and heart pings continued to ture of these natural hormones
of our sexual foibles. ment at Cuesta College. When increase. and contracted with certain
Asking how such a place can she’s not teaching, she loves You can understand why pharmacies that compound the
be created opens up so much dancing, communing with I was intrigued when I saw ingredients the same way every
potential vitality and human Mother Earth, and taking Suzanne Somers’ new book, time, hence the “Wiley Proto-
connection—because there is bubble baths. Slim and Sexy Forever. You’ve col.” I got a list of the physicians

Spirituality Matters

Small Steps

In our desire to allow the sense of ourselves, an energy of loving new awareness to our lives? We basis, with a new sense of owner-
the spiritual to flow through us potential in which we exist, and, take small steps. We can start ship. Each tradition offers such
and enhance our lives, we need a spark of which resides within by looking at the rituals in our activities. For those not raised
to understand what we mean by each of us. We understand this faith communities, or the ones in in a faith tradition that remains
this mysterious and intriguing energy field in different ways and which we were raised, that were meaningful, a new, simple ritual
term “spiritual.” How does one call it by many names. devised to make us more aware can be created – perhaps by look-
define the indefinable? Spiritual- One of the goals of engag- and feel more connected. In the ing at what others are doing and in tune with a greater reality, one
ity for me means an awareness of ing in the process of spiritual Jewish tradition, we light candles finding something that feels in which we each play a unique
a deeper, wider, richer realm of direction and journeying, is to every Friday night as we start the right. role in the grand scheme. We
reality than the one we common- continually and consciously re- Sabbath, bringing light into our By taking one small step to understand that we are in the
ly know as the ‘real’ world – the connect with this energy to make homes and into our lives. When rouse ourselves from the slumber perfect place at the perfect time
one that we experience through our lives more meaningful, and this is done with conscious of our daily lives, in which we and can face our challenges more
our five senses. to add significance to our days. intention, perhaps with a prayer are so busy and function so calmly and enjoy our successes
We are blessed, as human be- Expanding our awareness in this or meditation that we have much on automatic, we can find more deeply. And the journey to
ings on a spiritual journey, with way gives a positive thrust to individually created to make a simple ritual that we can do on wakefulness begins.
an inner sense of knowing called each of the activities in which we the moment special, the ancient a regular basis to start our jour- Heather Mendel has
by some, the sixth sense, that ex- engage as we move through each ritual bursts with new meaning, ney of opening to the spiritual focalized women’s spiritual-
tends our awareness beyond the day, activities as mundane as shattering the routine nature of potential of enrichment that is ity groups for the past 15
information we glean through washing the dishes or as creative any weekly activity. It shimmers our human entitlement, the real years. She can be contacted
sight, sound, touch, smell and as caring for our gardens, read- with new potential. challenge of which is simply to through her website at www.
feel. It often unexpectedly draws ing spiritually uplifting prose, or Each of us can start by finding awaken., e-mailed at
back the illusive gossamer cur- conversing with a loved one. a ritual that is rich with fam- As we open, synchronicities [email protected] or
tain to reveal the connection we How do we awaken to this ily memory and recreate it for and coincidences become more called at 544-4933 or 201-2932.
have with something greater than potential and start to bring a ourselves to re-enact on a regular commonplace and we feel more

Women’s Press January/February 2006 E-mail the editors: [email protected] Page 11

Body and Soul
Gather the Women
Moving Forward in the New Year BY KATE CZEKALA
BY LAURA HYDE We gather ‘round the table,
Whatever you can do, or dream we are women at the well,
you can do, begin it. Boldness has with bread of rosemary, currants,
genius, power and magic in it. iced berries in tofu yogurt,
--Goethe warmed tea, with clear infusion
Day by day, our future beckons of jasmine essence.
us to follow our hearts. Yet some- We fill our cups.
times moving forward seems Each plate is passed
hard. Resistance surfaces and into the wilderness—
it feels like it takes everything we take a spoonful,
we’ve got just to take a mere baby or tear at it—
step. And then at other times, later we’ll serve the others
moving forward feels exciting from these dishes here before us, ��������������������������
and new, as though we’re on but for now, each begins,
Notice your inner desires. We
some meaningful adventure. The tells her story—
former occurs when we believe
attract everything into our lives
we pull up that water. ������������������������
by the power of our desire.
that we’re alone and that there is From down, down,
Maintain focus on the positive
no divine plan or power working beneath illusions of tablecloth,
qualities in your life, on what you
for our greater good. The latter to where our toes
want, not on what you don’t want.
demonstrates faith and trust that dip into ancient pools of
Keep your eye on the bigger
everything is unfolding for our translucent pearls. �����������������������������������������������������������
greater good and the good of Each drawing up her own,
Increase your vibration. Prac-
others. For once we make up our quietly or quickly,
tice dropping judgment, griev-
minds to start something; really slowly, or with laughter,
ances, releasing the past.
commit to it, and say “YES!”, a little, a lot,
Remember that there is no
others who resonate to our same and the water is pouring.
step too small. Every action
level of willingness and same Now from Her dark hand
you take, like every piece of a
degree of intention will be drawn bringing sustenance,
puzzle, leads to a bigger picture
to us. Connections will be made. a mingling, a quickening,
of accomplishment. Our future
Circumstances will be crafted. a dance—
beckons lovingly. All we have to
Energetic dots will be connected. that joy
do is walk our paths one step at a
at the well.
Years ago in my own life, I
made a commitment to seize
time with trust and faith. Happy
New Year!
1345 Broad Street, SLO
opportunities aligned with my
highest life’s purpose. Immedi-
Laura V. Hyde is the Spiritu-
al Leader of the Unity Church
• Lifestyle Management
ately, the number of opportuni-
ties increased significantly. They
- Five Cities, and a national • Certified Applied
author and speaker. Laura pro-
were wonderful openings that vides spiritual counseling and Kinesiology/TBM
provided spiritual and emotional offers numerous workshops
growth. Today if opportunities and retreats for awakening the
Spialists in women’s • Sports/Work Rehabilitation
seem to fade, I know it’s only
• Certified Sacro-Occipital
heart and spirit. She is also the health for all ag
because I’m not clear on my author of the books Gifts of the –
commitment, or I’m weak on
willingness. In fact, I just re-
Soul and The Intimate Soul, a
syndicated columnist for more
Low-cost/no-cost • Nutrition Counseling
reproductive health servic
newed my commitment to saying
“Yes” a few months ago, and last
than twenty publications,
and a facilitator of A Course
for women, men and teens

• Gentle Care
week I was offered a leadership
position that embodies the quali-
in Miracles. Laura is the host Minor urgent care • Massage
of the show “Relationship
ties most important to me. Wisdom” on Public Televi- San Luis Obispo 542-0900
Below are some things to sion. Please visit her at www. Pismo Beach 773-4500
consider as you enter into 2006: Atascadero 60-8865

Women Around the World


Media Year 2005 Was Sorry help with the immediate recov- New Prenatal Tests Raise controlled by men and are now
Saga for Women ery effort. One advocacy group Hopes and Fears telling the continent’s new stories
In a year of counting all proved the exception and opened Recently developed prenatal in books and movies.

things female in the U.S. its doors to them. tests can detect genetic abnor- Gannon Keeps Ringside Seat
news– from writers to sources to Fibroids Get New Treatments, malities and peg gender ear- on Troubled Times
talk-show pundits– it all added Funding Bill lier than ever before. But some After 8 years of covering the
The TV show that inspires up to a sorry saga about women A medical research funding health advocates are concerned harsh effects of the Taliban--
awareness & growth
through relationships. in media. But at least we all have bill once again before Congress these tests could increase the particularly on women--Kathy
“Commander in Chief” to watch is among the promising develop- number of selective abortions Gannon, the celebrated AP cor-
SLO Public Access, Ch 2 on TV. ments for the 40 percent of U.S. and even lead to “designer respondent, is leaving her base in
Hosted by national author, Disasters Dramatize How women--including a particularly babies.” Pakistan to reopen the AP’s news
speaker & counselor Women’s Poverty Is Lethal high number of African Ameri- Women Develop New Tracts in bureau in Tehran.
From Sri Lanka to the United can women--who suffer adverse Commercial Real Estate Sgrena Rejects War Glory
Laura V. Hyde States, 2006 begins with women effects from uterine fibroids. The high-paying field of com- While Telling Its Story around the world still enduring After Poverty, Women Coach mercial real estate offers a culture Italian journalist Giuliana
805.748.7506 the effects of last year’s natural Others on Survival and compensation structure that Sgrena was kidnapped in Iraq
Mon-3:30PM • Wed-7PM disasters. Investing in poor Poverty rates are rising in the is often problematic for women. only to be shot by U.S. soldiers
Sat-4PM women is essential to the recov- United States and the burden on Female executives are changing upon her release. In Septem-
ery and reconstruction process. women is rising, too. Diane Du- that by mentoring more junior ber she went back to work in
Tsunami Aid Maroons Thai jon and Dottie Stevens are two women and opening their own Afghanistan to continue her
Sex Workers who escaped. Now the Boston shops. reporting on the impacts of
After the tsunami, Thailand’s women who pushed themselves Female Africans Take Lead in war on everyday life, especially
sex workers say they were over the poverty line are working Prize-Winning Fiction women.
shunned by most relief efforts, to help others do the same. African women are tak-
even though they pitched in to ing over artistic territory once

Page 12 E-mail the editors: [email protected] Women’s Press January/February 2006

Community Bulletin Board
You saw it on the big screen
Come to Santa Maria to see it onstage
FULL AND NEW MOON Deepen Your The Santa Maria Civic Theater is doing “Proof,” which opens February 0 and
Dedication to PEACE runs for four weekends. “Proof” tells the story of a troubled young woman named
Catherine. On the eve of her 24th birthday, she has spent years caring for her
FROM BUSY DAYS AWAKENING Interfaith Spiritual Com- brilliant but unstable father, a famous mathematician. Now, following his death,
Looking for a place to unplug and munity in Morro Bay invites all PEACE she must deal with her own volatile emotions, the arrival of her estranged sister,
unwind? A Full Moon Yoga and Medita- seekers to join us. January has been and the attentions of a former student of her father’s, who hopes to find valuable
tion will be held on Saturday, January 4, devoted to beginning the New Year with work in the notebooks the father left behind. Over the weekend that follows, a
in the Yoga Dome at Sycamore Mineral a conscious choice of choosing PEACE. burgeoning romance and the discovery of a mysterious notebook draw Catherine
Springs from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. A New Our Services, Meditation Groups, and into the most difficult problem of all. How much of her father’s madness - or
Moon Retreat will be held Sunday, Janu- Yoga Classes provide the tools and insight genius - will she inherit? ADVISORY: Mature audiences suggested due to strong
ary 29, from 6 to 9 p.m. Both events offer to enhance and support each person’s adult language and themes.
individuals an in-depth, gentle experience commitment to PEACE within their own There will be a free open dress rehearsal on Feb. 9. Call the 24 hour hotline for
combining yoga, Tibetan Singing Bowls, spiritual practice and the world. Join us! tickets, 922-4442. Tickets are $2.
T’ai Chi, sound therapy, and the Loving • Sunday Interfaith Worship Services:
Eyes meditation. Certified instructor Fran 0:00 – :00 a.m. Women’s Empowerment &
Dukehart leads the bi-monthly events, • Slow Flow Yoga – Self Defense Workshop
offering her knowledge gleaned from 25 Monday & Wednesday Evenings Maximize your chances of surviving a sexual assault! The
years of healing arts study. 5:30-6:45 p.m. Sexual Assault Recovery and Prevention Center proudly
“The methods that I employ are easy • Restorative Yoga – offers this four-hour workshop to help empower and protect
to learn and the only difficulty is to make Wednesday Evenings the women in our community. This workshop will focus on
time for yourself. The basic five steps • Meditation (follows above Yoga improving your awareness and assertiveness skills, and will
are very simple: Breath, Relax, Watch, class): Monday Evenings 7-8 p.m. teach physical techniques that can help you escape a dan-
Feel and Allow … then repeat until well • Meditation for Peace: gerous situation. Remember – your best weapon is yourself:
released of self-judgment, self-criticism, Thursday Mornings 7-7:30 a.m. your mind, your voice, and your body! This class is open to
self-whacking, self-doubt and unworthi- We are located at 30 Napa St. (the old women of all athletic abilities, ages 2 and up.
ness.” Morro Elementary Campus). All events Call the SARP Center at (805)545-8888 to sign up.
“We use the Oasis waterfall therapy are held in the AWAKENING Sanctuary.
pool before the session to deepen our Please call us at 772-0306 or visit awak- Union and Heritage Banks Democratic Women
relaxation state. The gentle water jets mas- for more information. Award Grants to Housing United Plans for Some
sage our hand and feet chakras, bringing
Trust Fund Changes in 2006
an increase of circulation. I call this Aqua The Basics of The Union Bank of California Foundation BY PAT HARRIS, PRESIDENT
Chakra Therapy .”
Preregistration is requested. Space is Money Management has awarded a $0,000 grant to the San As our first step in involving more
CONDUCTED BY CARMELA VIGNOCCHI Luis Obispo Housing Trust Fund. members in fulfilling our mission, we
limited. $30 per person. Open to students
Co-sponsored by the Women’s Com- “We are excited about Union Bank’s will be having open meetings to which
of all levels and ages. Wear loose-fitting
munity Center support for our organization,” exclaimed all our members are invited on the fourth
clothing. Out-of-town visitors can contact
Wednesdays in March; location to be Jerry Rioux, the Fund’s executive direc- Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm.
the resort for guest room rates which
tor. “I especially want to thank Ms. Lynn These meetings will be informal and
includes the Full or New Moon Retreat. determined, 7 to 9 p.m.
Gutierrez, Manager of Union Bank’s cover topics of interest suggested by
Sycamore Mineral Springs is at 25 Avila $20 per session (Scholarships available)
Atascadero branch, for her assistance.” our membership at large. They will be
Beach Drive in San Luis Obispo, Calif. Session 1 –
“This is our first contribution from discussion groups rather than a lecture by
For more information or to register, call Getting Financially Organized:
a state-wide bank,” Rioux adds. “and it an “expert.” Topics will be announced in
Fran at 805-543-2248 or Sycamore Mineral Where are you now?
is also our largest single grant from the advance so members can bring informa-
Springs Resort, 805-595-7302. Where do you want to be?
banking industry to date.” tion, books, articles, etc. on the selected
Call 805-544-9313 to save a space.
Heritage Oaks Bank has contributed subject and share these with the group.
$,000 to the Fund. Our meetings will be held at GALA’s
If you have an ad or a listing you would like to The grants will help to provide financ- Community Pride Center at 573 Los
ing and technical assistance for affordable
appear in Workshops, call 805-544-9313 Osos Valley Road, Suite B, at the south-
housing in San Luis Obispo County. west corner of Madonna and Los Osos
Valley roads.
We will also be presenting focused lec-
HopeDance FiLMS tures and workshops as the opportunities
Saturday, January 28, 3pm to 0pm Friday, February 3 present themselves, as well as working in a
All films at SLO Library (Osos and
ON THE ROAD FILM FESTIVAL An Evening About Bhutan. The 998 ‘rapid response’ mode with other commu-
Palm) at 7pm for a $5 donation, except
3 films, plus some short films and a light film “The Last Shangri-La” explores the nity groups as the ever-changing local and
where noted.
dinner for $20 tiny Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan located national political picture evolves.
Friday, January 3 This Land Is Your Land. From New in the Himalayas between Tibet and For more information, please contact
Heart of the Beholder. True story York to California, both experts and India. After the movie, Karma Dorji, a Kathi Cole, Membership Coordinator at
about one of the first video rental shops average Americans express their views and local Bhutanese, will answer questions and [email protected]
in the country, and how the business was share their experiences on the subject of speak about his culture tours. We look forward to seeing you on
done in by fundamentalists, a corrupt dis- corporate influence. Wednesday January 22nd.
trict attorney, and a greedy businessman. Independent America: The Two-Lane Friday, February 0
Search for Mom & Pop. 80-minute Girl in the Café. He’s a shy civil
Friday, January 20 documentary follows filmmakers as they servant working for the British delegation Civil Marriage
$6 donation travel 3,000 miles through 32 states in to the 2005 G8 Summit. She’s an alluring Equality Coalition
The Real Dirt on Farmer John. Back search of “Independent America,” a place young woman he meets at a café - and The Civil Marriage Equality Coalition
by popular demand, this film inspires populated by hardy souls fighting for the invites to the Summit on a whim. Offers a of San Luis Obispo is now organizing to
and encourages people to talk after the right to remain independent in a land wonderfully humorous political statement. defeat the proposed California Constitu-
film not only about farming or Farmer smothered by Big Box stores and fast food tional Amendment to prohibit gays and
John but about our food and our need for chains. Friday, February 7, 7pm lesbians from civil marriage. The initiative
communities. Red State Road Trip. In the aftermath Side Effects. Writer-director Kathleen would also nullify all domestic partner-
of the 2004 elections, filmmaker Chris Slattery-Moschkau says, “For 0 years, I ship rights. This initiative is expected to
Friday, January 27 Hume set out on a 6,000-mile journey in lived as a drug rep for a major pharma- be on the June ‘06 ballot.
Soylent Green. This often-overlooked search of America’s soul. He interviewed ceutical company. I experienced, almost We need help. If you would like to
sci-fi classic presents viewers with a grim hundreds of regular citizens in the forgot- daily, the comical marketing tactics of the volunteer, please contact David Kilburn
look at a bleak future. Set in 2022 New ten corners of America. industry, as well as the dangerous pursuit at [email protected] or
York City, this ‘70s science-fiction movie for profits that can come at the expense of 440-6487.
… is a sort of eco-thriller not uncommon patients’ lives.”
for its time.

Women’s Press January/February 2006 E-mail the editors: [email protected] Page 13

Community Bulletin Board
A Few Good Men? Hospice of SLO Holidays End.
No, the Commission on the County Training Needs of
Status of Women (CSW) needs EOC Health Services
Clinics provide low-income, and Groups Homeless Don’t.
a few good, capable, intelligent,
Hospice has several trainings and Prado Day Center has ongoing
concerned women! CSW is a uninsured, and underserved
groups coming up in the first needs for donations for their
county commission made up of women with access to lifesaving
quarter of next year. Treasure Closet. Children mak-
women from the five supervisory screening programs for early
General Bereavement Training ing the transition from house to
districts commissioned and ap- detection of breast and cervical
Feb. 3 & 0 - 8:30 - 4:00 shelter can pick a surprise from
pointed by the Board of Supervi- cancers at low to no cost Monday
Long-Term Care Child Bereavement Training the Treasure Closet on their first
sors. Its purpose is to observe, through Friday year-round at
Ombudsman Services Mar. 3 - 8:30 - 4:00 day of receiving services. The
research, and report to the Board two clinic locations. In addition
provide monitoring visits and Group Facilitator Training Closet surprises are also used
on those conditions and circum- to clinical breast exams, mam-
resident advocacy for skilled Mar 0 - 8:30 - 4:00 to celebrate birthdays and good
stances that affect the lives of mograms and Pap tests, the San
nursing and residential care fa- General Bereavement Training grades.
women in SLO County. Their Luis Obispo and Arroyo Grande
cilities for the elderly throughout is $45 ($20 if you already have Items needed: Puzzles,
aim is also to assist in the educa- Clinics ensure appropriate diag-
SLO County. a manual). If you want CEU’s educational games, art supplies,
tion of women to enable them to nostic follow-up, case manage-
Information and referral there is an additional $60 for 2 game boys with games, VHS
improve negative circumstances. ment and referral for medical
available for families consider- CEU’s. The Children’s Bereave- movies, personal music devices,
There are vacancies in four of treatment when appropriate.
ing placing a loved one in long ment Training is $65 or $40 if batteries, and warm clothes in all
the supervisory districts. If you SLO Clinic, 705 Grand Ave.
term care. you already have the manual. sizes. Gift certificates from fast
are interested in helping effect South County Clinic, 1152 E.
Upcoming training for new Group Facilitator Training is $45 food stores, Payless Shoes, Ross
positive changes in the status Grand Ave. in Arroyo Grande
volunteers starts January 20. with the manual. and Mervyns, BooBoo Records,
of women in our county, please To make an appointment, call
Please call Jess at (805) 785-0132 Teen Grief Groups - Feb 28 Tom’s Toys, Barnes and Noble,
contact Kelly Kasper, Chair- EOC Health Services at 544-
with any questions. for 8 weeks on Tues. 5:30 - 6:30 Jamba Juice, and movie passes.
woman, at 528-2697. 2478 for San Luis Obispo or
Children’s Grief Groups - Mar  For more information, call 805-
489-4026 for Arroyo Grande.
for 8 weeks on Wed 5:30 - 6:30 786-067.

merry maids
All trainings and groups
require preregistration and will Leader in Integrative
Relax. It’s done. be held at the San Luis Obispo Medicine to Speak at
office at 304 Pacific St. - Phone
8th Annual Health &
Merry Maids of SLO is 544-2266 or 434-64.
Wellness Conference
285 Prado Road Ste A
Sycamore Mineral Springs Resort
San Luis Obispo CA 93401
will host Dr. Victoria Maizes, an
Phone: 805-542-9400
expert on healthy aging at the
Email: [email protected]
8th Annual Health & Well-
Albertsons Community ness Conference – “Integrative
Hotline Unveils
Partner Cards & Medicine and the Art of Aging
New Logo, Tagline Well,” on Friday, March 7,
E-scrip at Von’s
The San Luis Obispo Cre- 2006. The event is co-sponsored
Albertsons donates 2% of sales
ative and Marketing Alliance by Sycamore Mineral Springs
to Habitat for Humanity if you
(SLOCAMA) has begun the Resort and the Health and Well-
use an Albertsons Community
“makeover” process of Hotline of ness Conference, a consortium of
Partner card when you shop.
SLO County, the winner of their local nonprofit organizations that
Just ask the cashier to swipe the
first annual Extreme Marketing includes Hospice of San Luis
card when he or she scans your
Makeover. Hotline is receiving Obispo County and the Aids
purchases. If you shop at Von’s
over $30,000 in services donated Support Network.
you can contribute to Habitat
by SLOCAMA members and Dr. Maizes, the executive di-
through their E-scrip program.
associates. The focus of the mar- rector of Andrew Weil’s Program
Just ask your Von’s cashier about
keting efforts for Hotline will in Integrative Medicine at the
it. For more information, call
NEW DIRECTIONS FOR KIDS be awareness of, and fundraising
for, the implementation of 2
the Habitat office at 782-0687 or University of Arizona, will speak
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY CENTER [email protected]. from -4 p.m. on the necessary
service -- an easy-to-remember skills for healthy aging. A ques-
Individual Therapy /Sensorimotor Groups number for accessing local
for Children with Special Needs Donate a Car to Habitat tion and answer period will take
health and social services. place during the seminar and at-
Sande Rutstein, OTR/L for Humanity for San
“Forty percent of the U.S. tendees will have the opportunity
Occupational Therapist population already has access to Luis Obispo County
Please call toll free -877-277- to meet Dr. Maizes at the wine
145B Bridge Street Arroyo Grande, CA 2 and 55 % of Californians in and cheese reception immedi-
7 counties will have access by 4344, or go on line to www.
Phone 805-541-7628 • Fax 805-528-5069 to donate a car, ately following the lecture.
year’s end,” Evan Mendelson, Integrative Medicine, as
“Holding the potential of each precious child” Hotline’s executive director said. truck, RV, boat or other vehicle
to Habitat for Humanity. A defined by Weil’s Program, is
“This Marketing Makeover will “healing-oriented medicine
help us get the word out about percentage of your donation will
come to our local affiliate. that takes account of the whole
our services and also raise funds person (body, mind, and spirit),
through grants and private dona- including all aspects of lifestyle.
tions so we can get 2 up and Habitat’s ReStore
It emphasizes the therapeutic
running.” – Great Deals on
relationship and makes use of
For more information, call Everything You Need
all appropriate therapies, both
Hotline’s business office at (805) for Home Repair
conventional and alternative.”
544-606 or visit them online at Do you need a sink or cabinets
Open to the general public. for your bathroom, kitchen, or
$65 for seminar and $5 for a buf-
For more information about workroom? ReStore has lots of
fet lunch. A $30 pre-conference
SLOCAMA, which endeavors them. ReStore has a full line of
option, “A Day at Sycamore,”
to bring local communica- building materials at great prices.
limited to 50 people, begins
tions professionals together to It’s located at 3250 La Cruz Way,
at 0:30 a.m. and includes the
collaborate on projects and to Templeton, and open Thursday,
buffet lunch and one of the
offer a forum for networking Friday, and Saturday from 9 AM
following: a guided labyrinth
and educational seminars related to 3 PM. Visit www.hfhsloco.
walk, yoga class, or hot tub. For
to marketing, contact Lynne org or call 434-0486 for more
a registration brochure, please
Biddinger at (805) 542-0707 or information.
call the Aids Support Network at
[email protected]. (805) 78-3660.

Page 14 E-mail the editors: [email protected] Women’s Press January/February 2006

545.8888 489.5481 466.7226 (Atascadero/Templeton)
781.6406 Free monthly workshops 541.7908 544.1342 (SLO)
(inc. domestic violence support groups) FINANCE/BUSINESS SLO 549.9446
545.8888 GAY & LESBIAN
781.6400 [email protected] CODE PINK
541.3211 Mostly socializing! Call 474.9405 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS
927.1654 544.2266
Women’s Recovery Home 481.8555 544.2266 and 434.1164 ADULT LITERACY
DRUG & ALCOHOL SERVICES AARP 788.2643 549.9656; contact Shirley Powell
NA 800.549.7730 Jobline 756.7107
541.3164 756.1533 SENIORS
461.6084 Jobline 546.3127 544-4355 ext.531
929.1789 Get help with computers.
215.536.8026 549.3361 In-Home Support to the Elderly/Homemakers
ARTS WOMEN’S BUSINESS PARTNERS nursing help for the terminally ill 781.5540
For info call: 528.6827 PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL (PIC) 489.5481, [email protected] 788.2601 FOSTER GRANDPARENTS.SENIOR COMPANIONS
541.2272 or 800.727.2272 ACLU HELPLINE free, trained in.home counseling for 60+
“A child’s voice in Court in SLO County” CORE MEDIATION SERVICES
541.6542 544.6334
[email protected]
781.4058; ask for Susan Hughs FAMILY LAW FACILITATOR Sunday service, 10–11 AM; 772.0306
Moe 541.3471 PRO PER DIVORCE WORKSHOP Mondays, 7:30–8:30 PM; 772.0306
544.4355 and 466.3444 SENIOR LEGAL SERVICES Every Sunday, Coalesce Bookstore, MB
489.6569 528.6996
460.9016 ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT 781-3993
781.1600 226.8669 (Templeton) 543.4478
473.6507 547.3830, 534.9234 (SLO/Los Osos) 461.1338
EMERGENCY/CRISIS Paso Robles 238.9657 544.9313
549.8989 or 800.549.8989 ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION
543.1481 ext. 3 for information
PROGRAM 781.5821 CAREGIVERS OF AGING PARENTS 481.1039; Cici Wynn, President
547.3830 (AG); 927.4290 (Cambria); HADASSAH.SLO
EMOTIONAL SUPPORT 226.8669 (PR); 547.3830 (SLO)
543.0388 546.3727
434.3061 or 534.9234 or 800.443.1236 (for breast cancer survivors)
543.3764 EOC HEALTH SERVICES CLINICS 544.3399 or 783.2383
542.0577 (SLO) 481.5093 (Grover Beach) 544.2478 (SLO); 489.4026 (Arroyo Grande) 938.7853 or 458.5328
927.1654 (Cambria) 466.8600 (North County) HEALTHWORKS OF THE CENTRAL COAST FRIENDS OF OCEANO
COMMUNITY COUNSELING CENTER no or low cost reproductive health services 474.9094; fax 805.474.9096
543.7969 787.0100 (SLO), SLO GREEN PARTY
EATING DISORDERS SUPPORT GROUP 773.4500 (Pismo), 544.1580
546-3774; free, meets weekly in SLO 610.8865 (Atascadero)
support) 544.2266 or 434.1164 772.3059 Please send additions, corrections or deletions to:
free, trained in-home counseling for 60+ 2nd Monday, 4:00-5:00 pm at the WCC: 805.544.9313. Last update 11/9/05.
549.0150 782-9300 for info
Women’s Press January/February 2006 E-mail the editors: [email protected] Page 15
Women’s Community Center
880 Industrial Way
San Luis Obispo, CA 9340

Back talk
What are your hopes for 2006?


Gina – that the strength Stefanie – Our country Sue – Our troops will Trish – I’d like to see a change
of our voices for peace will formulate a plan to start to come home in our country toward diploma-
can truly be heard. withdraw from Iraq. from Iraq! cy where the government looks
to peaceful solutions in dealing
with international conflict.

Where to find Women’s Press

All SLO County Libraries
and the following exceptionally fine establishments!
NORTH COUNTY: Atascadero – Harvest Health Food Store, North
County Connection, Senior Center, Women’s Resource Center/Shelter Office;
Paso Robles – Community Thrift Shop, Paso Robles Health Foods; Temple-
ton – Twin Cities Hospital

LONGEVITY NORTHERN COAST: Baywood – Coffee & Things;

Cambria – Cambria Connection, Gym One, La Crema, 7 Sisters, Azevedo
Chiropractic; Cayucos – Cayucos Super Market, Kelley’s Espresso & Dessert,

HEALTHCARE CENTER Lily’s Coffee House, Ocean Front Pizza; Los Osos – Baywood Laundry, Cad’s,
Carlock’s Bakery, Chamber of Commerce, Copa de Oro, Garden Café, Los
Osos Deli, Valley Liquor, Volumes of Pleasure; Morro Bay – Backstage Salon,
Peter J. Muran, MD Coalesce Bookstore, Coffee Pot Restaurant, The Rock, Southern Port Traders,
Board Certified in Holistic Medicine Sunshine Health Foods, Two Dogs Coffee
SAN LUIS OBISPO: Cal Poly Library, Center for Alternatives to Vio-
Integrated Medicine Specializing in Cardiac, Brain, lence, Chamber of Commerce, Cuesta College Library, EOC Health Services
Digestive & Immune Disorders and Healthy-Aging Clinic, French Hospital, Garden St. Essentials, HealthWorks, Healing Alterna-
tives, Jamaca You, Karen Hale Chiropractic, Laguna Laundry, Linnaea’s, Mon-
Sexual Vitality terey Express, Natural Foods Coop, New Frontiers, Nautical Bean, Outspoken
Menopause Beverage Bistro, Panache, Phoenix Books, Planned Parenthood, Rudolph’s
Natural Hormone Balancing for Men and Women Coffee & Tea, San Luis Obispo Housing Authority Office, SARP, The Secret
Chronic Disease Care Garden, Sierra Vista Hospital, SLO Perk Coffee, Spirit Winds Therapy, The
Chelation, Detoxification and Nutritional Therapies Studio Fitness for Women, Two Dogs Coffee, Unitarian Universalist Church,
Uptown Cafe, Yoga Centre, Ahshe Hair Salon, Apropos Clothing, Soho Hair
Salon, Tom-Mel Beauty Center
Reversing the Underlying Cause of Disease, SOUTH COUNTY: Arroyo Grande – Act II Boutique, An-
Not Just Symptom Management dreini’s, Central Coast Yoga, Corcoran’s Restaurant, Country Kitchen, Curves-
AG, Cutting Edge, EOC Health Services Clinic, Family Chiropractic, Girls
1405 Garden Street, San Luis Obispo Restaurant, Grande Whole Foods, Hunter’s Landing, Kennedy Club Fitness;
805-548-0987 Grover Beach – Back Door Deli, Cindi’s Wash House, Nan’s Pre-owned
Subscribe to Our Complementary Lecture Series and Newsletter at Books, Therapeutic Body Center, 20-minute Fitness; Halcyon – Halcyon Store; Nipomo – California Fresh; Pismo Beach – HealthWorks, Hon-
eymoon Café, Pismo Athletic Club; Shell Beach – Seaside Cafe, Steaming
Bean, Turning Point Acupuncture
SANTA MARIA: Café Monet, Hunter’s Landing, Library, Loading
Dock, Marian Medical Center

Page 16 E-mail the editors: [email protected] Women’s Press January/February 2006

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