Educate - Enlighten - Empower
Educate - Enlighten - Empower
Educate - Enlighten - Empower
SLO’s best kept secret?
…page 3
…page 4
Pay-back’s a bitch
…page 5
…page 7
Are men looking?
…page 7
Urgent message
from Mother
…page 7
Interview with Judy Vick
…page 9
It’s about advocacy!
…page 9
When sex is the subject
My menopause
Community Bulletin
…pages 3-4
Community Resources
…page 5
Back Talk
…page 6
Women’s Press
Do you want to be a Temptress or a Diva? Suit yourself!
Make a Donation to the Women’s Pr
[email protected]
Dear Readers,
What a great year this is going to be for the Women’s
Press! We have a growing number of new volunteers
(see list below) who are committed to continuing to
develop the Press into a publication that both serves and
enriches our community. Here’s what is happening.
Business plan. To build the foundation for our
growth, I will be writing a business plan. The Women’s
Community Center is paying for me to take a 4-week
course offered by Mission Community Services Corpo-
ration, with the final product being a business plan. The
plan will give a structure to our activities for growth
and assure financial contributors of our ability to not
just survive, but thrive.
Distribution. The Women’s Press needs to be more
visible. To that end, Barbara Perry has volunteered to be
the Distribution Manager. She is working with several
other volunteers to place the paper in more locations so
more persons can find it.
What can you do? Call and offer to help us, especially
in North County. Or at least call and give us some ideas
for new locations.
Advertising. As we grow, so do our expenses. We
pay for layout and printing, will need to buy display
racks, and ultimately, I’d like to have money to pay for
articles submitted. Jacqueline Turner has agreed to take
the lead on seeking more advertisers.
What can you do? Take out an ad or ask merchants
you buy from to take out an ad. I can provide you with Choose your level and mail a check made out to the Women’s Community Center with Women’s Press on the memo line.
a form to give to potential advertisers. Mail to: Women’s Community Center, 880 Industrial Way, SLO 9340
Fundraising. We are planning a fundraiser at the
end of April. (see page 3). If you want to be on a com- Subscribe to the Women’s Press: The annual subscription fee for delivery of the Women’s Press by U.S. Mail
mittee or a presenter, give me a call, 474-6444. is $20/year (six issues). Mail check to Women’s Community Center, 880 Industrial Way, San Luis Obispo,CA 9340.
Layout. Four persons responded to our call for Write “Women’s Press subscription” on the memo line.
someone to do layout. This issue is being laid out by
Ben Lawless, a senior Graphic Communications major.
Thank you, Ben! The other persons can only be backup WOMEN’S COMMUNITY CENTER BOARD
for our layout needs, so if you know InDesign or Quark Angie King, President
Your Opinion
and can spare some hours every two months, call me. Wanted
Dawn Williams, Secretary
We can always use backups. This work is paid work—
Kathleen Deragon Send your letters to :
not much but something!
Come join us. Our staff meetings are the third
Susan Howe Women’s Press–Your Opinion
Sue McMeans Women’s Community Center
Thursday of each month. Next meeting: Jan. 9.
Andy McMeans 880 Industrial Way
Jan Potter San Luis Obispo, CA 9340
Send eMail to :
Renee Sanpei
[email protected]
Robin Werderits ( “Your Opinion” in subject line)
Karol Vogt
[email protected] Barbara Atkinson Heather Mendel BUSINESS CARD:
ADVERTISING: JACQUELINE TURNER Rosalee Calvillo Bonnie Sandecki 4" X 5":
SUBSCRIPTIONS: Bailey Drechsler Renee Sanpei $75/ONE ISSUE $350/YEAR (6 ISSUES)
[email protected] Anne Dunbar Dorothy Segovia QUARTER PAGE:
ADS: [email protected] Yvonne Duran Rani Shah $115/ONE ISSUE $525/YEAR (6 ISSUES)
(PUT “ADS” OR “SUBSCRIPTIONS” IN SUBJECT LINE) Angela Henderson Anne Skelton
Susan Howe Susan Stewart HALF PAGE:
SUBMISSIONS WELCOMED! Charlene Huggins Carla Tisherman $190/ONE ISSUE $850/YEAR (6 ISSUES)
Articles, essays, opinion pieces, letters, artwork, poetry Laura Hyde Jill Turnbow FULL PAGE:
wanted & appreciated. The Women’s Press reserves the Lisa Jansen Jacqueline Turner $350/ONE ISSUE $1575/YEAR (6 ISSUES)
right to edit all submissions for content, clarity & length. Roberta Youtan Kay Anne Warner-Howe
Contact [email protected] or call Angie King P.J. Webb PUBLICATION-READY DEFINED AS HIGH-RESOLUTION
805.544.9313. Alyson Leblanc Robin Werderits (MINIMUM 300 DPI) DIGITAL FILES IN ONE OF THE
Pam Logan Dawn Williams FOLLOWING FORMATS: .TIF, .AI, .PSD, .PDF, .JPG, OR .EPS
• TO maintain an accessible center to collect and supportive, non-judgmental environment. $5 donation
exchange information of interest and concern to Self-Represented Litigants’ Clinic
Shirley Clark Herbel women
Wonder Woman x2
4th Tuesday of each month – 5:30 PM
• TO organize and facilitate workshops, clinics, Upcoming: Jan. 24, Feb. 28, March 28
seminars, classes and support groups on subjects of Get family law advice from local attorneys and/or paralegals.
Chris Neiburger
interest and need Reservations required $25 donation
• TO engage in and facilitate interaction among Call the WCC- for more information
Margaret Hennessey local, state and national agencies and organizations and to confirm dates: 805.544.9313
working to benefit women
and a swim in a hot springs pool. Location is a private ranch in Ar- Session 2 – Banking and Credit:
royo Grande. The book can be purchased at Novel Experience at 779 Tools for your cash-flow system.
Higuera in SLO. If you would like to be considered as a presenter for Session 3 – How Does Your Cash Flow?
a breakout session, call Kathleen at 474-6444. Developing a spending plan
Session 4 – Managing Your Risks:
Insurance, record keeping, and estate planning
PRESS Session 5 – The Basics of Saving and Investing
WCC Thanks Attorneys and Paralegals Call 805-544-9313 to save a space.
Advertise in the Women’s Press
The Board of Directors of the Women’s Community Center
(WCC) ��������������������������������������������������������������
and the women and men who have sought help SLO’s Best Kept Secret?
through the WCC divorce ��������������������������������������������
clinic would like to thank the BY KATHLEEN DERAGON
attorneys and paralegals who have provided legal assistance
to the clinic during 2005: ������������������ Is the Women’s Press SLO’s best kept secret? It appears that all of our new volunteers think so. We have
Attorneys Greg Abel, John Carsel, Ernie Casacca, Midori
����������������������� had��7-0
� persons at our monthly meetings and many more who continue to offer interesting content for
Feldman, Christy Keeling, Anthony Lucero, Wayne Philips, you to read and ponder. We all are going to make this year one of growth for the Press. We will have a
� Papousek, Marianne Tolchin, Donna Wahlberg-
Connie ����������
fundraiser in April����������������
(see below). I will be taking a training class through Mission Community Services that
Fish, and Judy Wood, and Joann Gray, legal document � ����help me construct a business
will ����� plan. We have a distribution manager, Barbara Perry, who is working
assistant. ���� many volunteers to make
with �����sure the paper is available at more places in the county. Jackie Turner has
Without their services, the clinic could not� operate. We ����� �����
offered to get around the community and seek more advertisers. Heather Mendel and I will be visiting
fortunate that so many attorneys � are willing to spend ex- women’s professional groups
������ to let them know our vision for the paper. And what is that?
tra �������������������������
hours in the evening, following �a full day’s activities, to To develop the publication
����� so it captures the voices and stories of women in the community and the
counsel people going through a very stressful period of their organizations that serve them. To make visible the issues that affect women locally. To sponsor lecture and
lives. These attorneys provide legal advice to self-represented �
film series that will bring women together to discuss the diversity and challenges of our lives.
litigants in the family court system, helping each individual We’d love you to be part of our growth. We can always use volunteers to distribute the paper, contact
his/her specific issues so that the individual is better potential advertisers, and, of course, offer us ideas for stories to cover. I’ll be waiting to hear from you or
prepared when her or she appears in court. show up at our monthly meetings every third Thursday of the month at the Women’s Community Center,
Th e Women’s Community Center appreciates these in the Goodwill Building, 880 Industrial Way, SLO. Call me if you would like to discuss how you can
exceptional members of the legal community. Thank you!
Publication-ready is defined as high-resolution (minimum 300 contribute,
dpi) digital474-6444.
files in one of the following
formats: .tif, .ai, .psd, .pdf, .jpg, or .eps.
Ad design/layout and color ads available upon request at an additional charge.
Advertise in the Women’s Press
Sincerest Apologies
Call: 805.544.9313 or E-mail ads to: [email protected],
Or clip this form and mail to: Women’s Community Center, 880 Industrial Way, San Luis Obispo,CA 93401
Individual or Business Name:
City, State, Zip: We failed to credit Heather Mendel as the artist
for last issue’s cover. You can contact her at 544-
Phone: 4933 and see more of her work or order a poster of
E-mail Address: the cover art at
The Women’s Press covers issues of interest to women, such as healthcare, family issues, law, art, and local events.
Women’s PressHaving existed for 20
January/February years, the paper supports the Women’s Community
2006 Center
E-mail the which
editors: serves as a referral,
[email protected] Page 3
counseling, support, and educational center for women.
Corner National Organization for Women
Happy New Year! May this year be the
ng for
The following book will be and provides suggestions as to
ok i Then look to your good neighbor the springboard for dis- how we can move a universal
According to surveys by I’m a particularly fortunate me as well. she had a criminal record. other options besides retirement
AARP and the Area Agency retiree in my mid-eighties. Al- Living this way, the way most Not for a moment will I bad- homes? I have several sugges-
on Aging, most retirees hope though every joint/organ in my pre-retirees hope to live, is in mouth the variety of caregivers tions, none of which require
to remain in their own homes. body is in some way functioning my humble opinion, a bunch of I’ve had: I’ve been impressed financial expenditure. I’ll
Inevitably, it becomes more under par and uncomfortably, I hooey. Dealing with caregivers with the quality of their care. elaborate in my next article, but
difficult, as you age to maintain have gotten what you may con- is fraught with problems and But I’ve had to train them all, basically here’s a brief list:
a household and you may need sider ideal circumstances. My challenges. One of the most which can be exhausting and • Developing formal friend-
to have various forms of services sons are generous with time and significant problems is schedul- frustrating as they learn your ships in which persons make a
brought into your homes. finances regarding my increasing ing. Communication can also individual needs and prefer- conscious intention to help one
How will that happen? If needs. They write checks to pay be a problem. Typically, they are ences. And they do have lives another as needs arise;
money is not an object, you will for caregivers several hours daily. underpaid because of the low of their own: babysitters flake • Establishing supportive
be able to pay for housecleaning, Caregivers cook for me since my priority our culture places on hu- out on them, they catch the flu, groups of friends now so you all
gardening, cooking, shopping, short-term memory loss, plus man services. That means that if they need to take vacations or have mutual assistance later;
personal care, etc. If you have neuropathic hands, make it dan- you use an agency that provides weekends off. I’m an early riser • Co-housing, including what
limited income, you may trust gerous for me to cook for myself caregivers, you will have frequent and need a lot of care when I I call “cut-rate” co-housing, in
that your relatives/neighbors will anymore. I recently surrendered changes of personnel because the first wake up, but the younger which persons who are like-
fill in the gaps. Actually, this my driver’s license, so now a brighter ones escape the agency generation who comes to care for minded own a dwelling together
can be a touchy subject since few wonderful volunteer does my as soon as they can. One of my me are late risers. or rent in the same building or
retirees have discussed the issue shopping once a week. Since one privately paid caregivers said she So, remaining alone in your complex
with their possible caregivers, of my shoulders is out of whack was shocked by the ease with home and having needed services • Multigenerational homes
even if they live in a friendly and my hands are so fumbling, I which caregiver agencies ac- brought to you as you grow less provide stimulation and help
neighborhood, which is rare find it arduous to dress myself, so cepted applicants: the only thing able-bodied is not as easy as you with multi-tasking functions.
these days. my caregivers gently do that for one asked her was whether or not may imagine. So what are the
Things to Cheer
• A new push to appoint a sex education programs for U.S. entitled to protection from their percent increase over the amount
woman as secretary general of teens and recommends that those abusers. The American Civil authorized in 2000. Actual fund-
the United Nations has begun, programs be replaced with “com- Liberties Union announced Dec. ing levels will be determined by The present is the wave
the Times of London reported prehensive, medically accurate 27 that it has taken up the case appropriators. that explodes over my
this week. The international sexuality education.” Funding of Jessica Gonzalez, a Colorado • Contributions to the U.N. head, flinging the air with
body has not had a woman at its for abstinence-only education woman whose three children Population Fund reached record particles at the height of
helm during its 60-year history has doubled during the Bush were murdered by her estranged levels last year, reported the its breathless unroll; it is
and current Secretary General administration, according to the husband after police failed to United Nations, and the number the live water and light
Kofi Annan is expected to step Washington Times. The study’s respond to her calls that he was of countries contributing funds that bears from undis-
down by the end of this year. lead author, Dr. John Santelli, violating a restraining order. to the reproductive health and closed sources the freshest
• Abstinence-only education a researcher from Columbia • President Bush signed into women’s rights agency were also news, renewed and renew-
programs “threaten fundamen- University in New York, told the law Thursday legislation that the highest ever. Contributions ing, world without end.
tal human rights to health, Times that “the problem is not pays for new and existing pro- totaled $350 million in 2005. – Annie Dillard
information and life,” accord- the ‘abstinence’; the problem is grams that aid victims of domes- Most of the top donor countries
ing to a position paper in the the ‘only’.” tic violence. The bill reauthorizes were European, but every nation
January issue of the Journal of • A petition filed with the funding for the Violence Against in Africa also made pledges.
Adolescent Health. The paper Inter-American Commission Women Act, originally passed
criticizes current federal policy on Human Rights asserts that in 994. It authorizes $3.9 billion
that emphasizes abstinence in victims of domestic violence are in funding over five years, a 20
Spirituality Matters
Small Steps
In our desire to allow the sense of ourselves, an energy of loving new awareness to our lives? We basis, with a new sense of owner-
the spiritual to flow through us potential in which we exist, and, take small steps. We can start ship. Each tradition offers such
and enhance our lives, we need a spark of which resides within by looking at the rituals in our activities. For those not raised
to understand what we mean by each of us. We understand this faith communities, or the ones in in a faith tradition that remains
this mysterious and intriguing energy field in different ways and which we were raised, that were meaningful, a new, simple ritual
term “spiritual.” How does one call it by many names. devised to make us more aware can be created – perhaps by look-
define the indefinable? Spiritual- One of the goals of engag- and feel more connected. In the ing at what others are doing and in tune with a greater reality, one
ity for me means an awareness of ing in the process of spiritual Jewish tradition, we light candles finding something that feels in which we each play a unique
a deeper, wider, richer realm of direction and journeying, is to every Friday night as we start the right. role in the grand scheme. We
reality than the one we common- continually and consciously re- Sabbath, bringing light into our By taking one small step to understand that we are in the
ly know as the ‘real’ world – the connect with this energy to make homes and into our lives. When rouse ourselves from the slumber perfect place at the perfect time
one that we experience through our lives more meaningful, and this is done with conscious of our daily lives, in which we and can face our challenges more
our five senses. to add significance to our days. intention, perhaps with a prayer are so busy and function so calmly and enjoy our successes
We are blessed, as human be- Expanding our awareness in this or meditation that we have much on automatic, we can find more deeply. And the journey to
ings on a spiritual journey, with way gives a positive thrust to individually created to make a simple ritual that we can do on wakefulness begins.
an inner sense of knowing called each of the activities in which we the moment special, the ancient a regular basis to start our jour- Heather Mendel has
by some, the sixth sense, that ex- engage as we move through each ritual bursts with new meaning, ney of opening to the spiritual focalized women’s spiritual-
tends our awareness beyond the day, activities as mundane as shattering the routine nature of potential of enrichment that is ity groups for the past 15
information we glean through washing the dishes or as creative any weekly activity. It shimmers our human entitlement, the real years. She can be contacted
sight, sound, touch, smell and as caring for our gardens, read- with new potential. challenge of which is simply to through her website at www.
feel. It often unexpectedly draws ing spiritually uplifting prose, or Each of us can start by finding awaken., e-mailed at
back the illusive gossamer cur- conversing with a loved one. a ritual that is rich with fam- As we open, synchronicities [email protected] or
tain to reveal the connection we How do we awaken to this ily memory and recreate it for and coincidences become more called at 544-4933 or 201-2932.
have with something greater than potential and start to bring a ourselves to re-enact on a regular commonplace and we feel more
Media Year 2005 Was Sorry help with the immediate recov- New Prenatal Tests Raise controlled by men and are now
Saga for Women ery effort. One advocacy group Hopes and Fears telling the continent’s new stories
In a year of counting all proved the exception and opened Recently developed prenatal in books and movies.
things female in the U.S. its doors to them. tests can detect genetic abnor- Gannon Keeps Ringside Seat
news– from writers to sources to Fibroids Get New Treatments, malities and peg gender ear- on Troubled Times
talk-show pundits– it all added Funding Bill lier than ever before. But some After 8 years of covering the
The TV show that inspires up to a sorry saga about women A medical research funding health advocates are concerned harsh effects of the Taliban--
awareness & growth
through relationships. in media. But at least we all have bill once again before Congress these tests could increase the particularly on women--Kathy
“Commander in Chief” to watch is among the promising develop- number of selective abortions Gannon, the celebrated AP cor-
SLO Public Access, Ch 2 on TV. ments for the 40 percent of U.S. and even lead to “designer respondent, is leaving her base in
Hosted by national author, Disasters Dramatize How women--including a particularly babies.” Pakistan to reopen the AP’s news
speaker & counselor Women’s Poverty Is Lethal high number of African Ameri- Women Develop New Tracts in bureau in Tehran.
From Sri Lanka to the United can women--who suffer adverse Commercial Real Estate Sgrena Rejects War Glory
Laura V. Hyde States, 2006 begins with women effects from uterine fibroids. The high-paying field of com- While Telling Its Story around the world still enduring After Poverty, Women Coach mercial real estate offers a culture Italian journalist Giuliana
805.748.7506 the effects of last year’s natural Others on Survival and compensation structure that Sgrena was kidnapped in Iraq
Mon-3:30PM • Wed-7PM disasters. Investing in poor Poverty rates are rising in the is often problematic for women. only to be shot by U.S. soldiers
Sat-4PM women is essential to the recov- United States and the burden on Female executives are changing upon her release. In Septem-
ery and reconstruction process. women is rising, too. Diane Du- that by mentoring more junior ber she went back to work in
Tsunami Aid Maroons Thai jon and Dottie Stevens are two women and opening their own Afghanistan to continue her
Sex Workers who escaped. Now the Boston shops. reporting on the impacts of
After the tsunami, Thailand’s women who pushed themselves Female Africans Take Lead in war on everyday life, especially
sex workers say they were over the poverty line are working Prize-Winning Fiction women.
shunned by most relief efforts, to help others do the same. African women are tak-
even though they pitched in to ing over artistic territory once
merry maids
All trainings and groups
require preregistration and will Leader in Integrative
Relax. It’s done. be held at the San Luis Obispo Medicine to Speak at
office at 304 Pacific St. - Phone
8th Annual Health &
Merry Maids of SLO is 544-2266 or 434-64.
Wellness Conference
285 Prado Road Ste A
Sycamore Mineral Springs Resort
San Luis Obispo CA 93401
will host Dr. Victoria Maizes, an
Phone: 805-542-9400
expert on healthy aging at the
Email: [email protected]
8th Annual Health & Well-
Albertsons Community ness Conference – “Integrative
Hotline Unveils
Partner Cards & Medicine and the Art of Aging
New Logo, Tagline Well,” on Friday, March 7,
E-scrip at Von’s
The San Luis Obispo Cre- 2006. The event is co-sponsored
Albertsons donates 2% of sales
ative and Marketing Alliance by Sycamore Mineral Springs
to Habitat for Humanity if you
(SLOCAMA) has begun the Resort and the Health and Well-
use an Albertsons Community
“makeover” process of Hotline of ness Conference, a consortium of
Partner card when you shop.
SLO County, the winner of their local nonprofit organizations that
Just ask the cashier to swipe the
first annual Extreme Marketing includes Hospice of San Luis
card when he or she scans your
Makeover. Hotline is receiving Obispo County and the Aids
purchases. If you shop at Von’s
over $30,000 in services donated Support Network.
you can contribute to Habitat
by SLOCAMA members and Dr. Maizes, the executive di-
through their E-scrip program.
associates. The focus of the mar- rector of Andrew Weil’s Program
Just ask your Von’s cashier about
keting efforts for Hotline will in Integrative Medicine at the
it. For more information, call
NEW DIRECTIONS FOR KIDS be awareness of, and fundraising
for, the implementation of 2
the Habitat office at 782-0687 or University of Arizona, will speak
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY CENTER [email protected]. from -4 p.m. on the necessary
service -- an easy-to-remember skills for healthy aging. A ques-
Individual Therapy /Sensorimotor Groups number for accessing local
for Children with Special Needs Donate a Car to Habitat tion and answer period will take
health and social services. place during the seminar and at-
Sande Rutstein, OTR/L for Humanity for San
“Forty percent of the U.S. tendees will have the opportunity
Occupational Therapist population already has access to Luis Obispo County
Please call toll free -877-277- to meet Dr. Maizes at the wine
145B Bridge Street Arroyo Grande, CA 2 and 55 % of Californians in and cheese reception immedi-
7 counties will have access by 4344, or go on line to www.
Phone 805-541-7628 • Fax 805-528-5069 to donate a car, ately following the lecture.
year’s end,” Evan Mendelson, Integrative Medicine, as
“Holding the potential of each precious child” Hotline’s executive director said. truck, RV, boat or other vehicle
to Habitat for Humanity. A defined by Weil’s Program, is
“This Marketing Makeover will “healing-oriented medicine
help us get the word out about percentage of your donation will
come to our local affiliate. that takes account of the whole
our services and also raise funds person (body, mind, and spirit),
through grants and private dona- including all aspects of lifestyle.
tions so we can get 2 up and Habitat’s ReStore
It emphasizes the therapeutic
running.” – Great Deals on
relationship and makes use of
For more information, call Everything You Need
all appropriate therapies, both
Hotline’s business office at (805) for Home Repair
conventional and alternative.”
544-606 or visit them online at Do you need a sink or cabinets
Open to the general public. for your bathroom, kitchen, or
$65 for seminar and $5 for a buf-
For more information about workroom? ReStore has lots of
fet lunch. A $30 pre-conference
SLOCAMA, which endeavors them. ReStore has a full line of
option, “A Day at Sycamore,”
to bring local communica- building materials at great prices.
limited to 50 people, begins
tions professionals together to It’s located at 3250 La Cruz Way,
at 0:30 a.m. and includes the
collaborate on projects and to Templeton, and open Thursday,
buffet lunch and one of the
offer a forum for networking Friday, and Saturday from 9 AM
following: a guided labyrinth
and educational seminars related to 3 PM. Visit www.hfhsloco.
walk, yoga class, or hot tub. For
to marketing, contact Lynne org or call 434-0486 for more
a registration brochure, please
Biddinger at (805) 542-0707 or information.
call the Aids Support Network at
[email protected]. (805) 78-3660.
Back talk
What are your hopes for 2006?
HEALTHCARE CENTER Lily’s Coffee House, Ocean Front Pizza; Los Osos – Baywood Laundry, Cad’s,
Carlock’s Bakery, Chamber of Commerce, Copa de Oro, Garden Café, Los
Osos Deli, Valley Liquor, Volumes of Pleasure; Morro Bay – Backstage Salon,
Peter J. Muran, MD Coalesce Bookstore, Coffee Pot Restaurant, The Rock, Southern Port Traders,
Board Certified in Holistic Medicine Sunshine Health Foods, Two Dogs Coffee
SAN LUIS OBISPO: Cal Poly Library, Center for Alternatives to Vio-
Integrated Medicine Specializing in Cardiac, Brain, lence, Chamber of Commerce, Cuesta College Library, EOC Health Services
Digestive & Immune Disorders and Healthy-Aging Clinic, French Hospital, Garden St. Essentials, HealthWorks, Healing Alterna-
tives, Jamaca You, Karen Hale Chiropractic, Laguna Laundry, Linnaea’s, Mon-
Sexual Vitality terey Express, Natural Foods Coop, New Frontiers, Nautical Bean, Outspoken
Menopause Beverage Bistro, Panache, Phoenix Books, Planned Parenthood, Rudolph’s
Natural Hormone Balancing for Men and Women Coffee & Tea, San Luis Obispo Housing Authority Office, SARP, The Secret
Chronic Disease Care Garden, Sierra Vista Hospital, SLO Perk Coffee, Spirit Winds Therapy, The
Chelation, Detoxification and Nutritional Therapies Studio Fitness for Women, Two Dogs Coffee, Unitarian Universalist Church,
Uptown Cafe, Yoga Centre, Ahshe Hair Salon, Apropos Clothing, Soho Hair
Salon, Tom-Mel Beauty Center
Reversing the Underlying Cause of Disease, SOUTH COUNTY: Arroyo Grande – Act II Boutique, An-
Not Just Symptom Management dreini’s, Central Coast Yoga, Corcoran’s Restaurant, Country Kitchen, Curves-
AG, Cutting Edge, EOC Health Services Clinic, Family Chiropractic, Girls
1405 Garden Street, San Luis Obispo Restaurant, Grande Whole Foods, Hunter’s Landing, Kennedy Club Fitness;
805-548-0987 Grover Beach – Back Door Deli, Cindi’s Wash House, Nan’s Pre-owned
Subscribe to Our Complementary Lecture Series and Newsletter at Books, Therapeutic Body Center, 20-minute Fitness; Halcyon – Halcyon Store; Nipomo – California Fresh; Pismo Beach – HealthWorks, Hon-
eymoon Café, Pismo Athletic Club; Shell Beach – Seaside Cafe, Steaming
Bean, Turning Point Acupuncture
SANTA MARIA: Café Monet, Hunter’s Landing, Library, Loading
Dock, Marian Medical Center