Inverted Pendulum
Inverted Pendulum
Inverted Pendulum
With a mass m, displacement angle , and a rod length of , the equation for inverted
pendulum Is nearly identical to that of an uninverted pendulum, the only difference
being the angular position being measured from the y-axis and not the x-axis.
(1) Is the formula corresponding to system of motion for the inverted pendulum and (2)
for the uninverted pendulum.
2) Pendulum With an Oscillatory Base:
Assuming the base is massless, m the mass of the pendulum arm, displacement angle
, rod length , and y(t) measuring the displacement of the base with respect to time,
then the system of motion for the pendulum with an oscillating base becomes:
(4). (5.)
Models for this form of pendulum tend to fall quickly when oscillation is slow, however
when oscillation is high the pendulum can be kept stable about the upright position.
3) Pendulum on a Cart:
be a force applied to the cart only in the x-axis, and x(t) to be the position of the cart.
Starting with what is given it follows that:
First we must get the Lagrangian
the potential. The kinetic energy in this case is the we need to account for both the cart
and the pendulum arm. So
cart and
denote the veolicty of the the pendulum head. Then by our original equation
behavior of the system by using a program such as mathematica. Using the NDsolve I
simulated the system in the most basic form where
applied and slightly off from its upright stable position( =1). The following graph shows the
height of the pendulum arm (
along the y-axis and the position of the cart relative to the
As is shown, with basic inputs, no restrictions, and no force the pendulum simply
oscilates indefinitely. After playing with different forces and inputs for
the chaotic
nature of the system is apparent, to stabalize it we can use Mathematica to create linear
controlize to try and stablize the nonlinear system using StateSpaceModel:
is to use mathematica to find the most efficent coefficents to stabalize the system.
Using LQRegulatorGains I found the following coefficents:
. Now to
negate these changes we simply multiply the respective variables by the opposite of
these coefficents to get:
. Plotting with the new controls:
The new controls have solved the initial problem to balance an inherently unstable
system, the pendulum arm staying up at a 90 degree angel and the cart centering itself
about the origin over time. The Mathematica code is apendid at the end of this paper.