The called screen can then return to the suspended chain with the statement LEAVE SCREEN
TO SCREEN 0. Sometimes we might want to let an user call a popup screen from the main
application screen to let them enter secondary information. After they have completed their
entries, the users should be able to close the popup and return directly to the place where
they left off in the main screen. Here comes CALL SCREEN into picture.
This statement lets us insert such a sequence into the current one.
13. Can we specify the next-screen number with a variable? (Yes /No).
14. What does the field SY-DYNNR refers to?
Number of the current screen.
15. What is the difference between CALL SCREEN <scr>, SET SCREEN ### and LEAVE SCREEN?
SET SCRREN statement sets or overwrites the follow-up screen.
LEAVE SCREEN executes the screen number currently in the follow-screen field
CALL SCREEN interrupts the processing of the current screen to call a new screen or a chain
of screens, processing of the current screen is resumed directly after the call.
After a CALL SCREEN command where does the processing return after the screen has been
It returns the processing to the calling screen.
16. Which is the more similar to a call with return, the SET SCREEN or the CALL SCREEN?
The CALL SCREEN command.
17. What function is performed by the SET SCREEN 0 command?
Returns to the original screen.
18. What is the effect of an ON CHAIN-REQUEST command in your flow logic?
When value of any of the fields between CHAIN..ENDCHAIN is attempted to change.
19. What is GUI status? How to create /Edit GUI status?
A GUI status is a subset of the interface elements used for a certain screen.
The status comprises those elements that are currently needed by the transaction.
The GUI status for a transaction may be composed of the following elements:
Title bar
Menu bar
Application tool bar
Push buttons
To create and edit GUI status and GUI title, we use the Menu Painter.
28. The Syntax used to call a screen as dialog box (pop up) is--------CALL SCREEN <screen number>
STARTING AT <start column><start line>
ENDING AT <end column> <end line>.
29. What is call mode?
In the ABAP/4 WORLD each stackable sequence of screens is a call mode,
This is IMP because of the way u return from the given sequence .To terminate a call mode
and return to a suspended chain set the next screen to 0 and leave to it.
LEAVE TO SCREEN 0 or (SET SCREEN 0 and LEAVE SCREEN) .When u return to the suspended
chain execution resumes with the statement directly following the original CALL SCREEN
statement. The original sequence of screens in a transaction (that is, without having stacked
any additional call modes),you returned from the transaction altogether.
30. The max number of calling modes stacked at one time is?
31. What happens if only one of the commands SET SCREEN and LEAVE SCREEN is used without
using the other?
If we use SET SCREEN without LEAVE SCREEN, the program finishes processing for the
current screen before branching to <scr no>. If we use LEAVE SCREEN without a SET SCREEN
before it, the current screen process will be terminated and branch directly to the screen
specified as the default next-screen in the screen attributes.
32. What is the significance of the screen number 0?
In calling mode, the special screen number 0 (LEAVE TO SCREEN 0) causes the system to
jump back to the previous call level. That is, if you have called a screen sequence with CALL
SCREEN leaving to screen 0 terminates the sequence and returns to the calling screen.
If you have not called a screen sequence, LEAVE TO SCREEN 0 terminates the transaction.
33. What does the SUPPRESS DIALOG do?
Suppressing of entire screens is possible with this command. This command allows us to
perform screen processing in the background. Suppressing screens is useful when we are
branching to list-mode from a transaction dialog step.
34. What is the significance of the memory table SCREEN?
At runtime, attributes for each screen field are stored in the memory table called
SCREEN. We need not declare this table in our program. The system maintains the table
for us internally and updates it with every screen change.
Name of the screen field
Field belongs to field group 1
Field belongs to field group 2
Field belongs to field group 3
Field belongs to field group4
Field is visible and ready for input
Field input is mandatory
Field is ready for input
Field is display only
Field is highlighted
Field is suppressed
Field output length is reduced
Field is displayed with 3D frames
Field is displayed with value help
36. Why grouping of fields is required? What is the max no of modification groups for each
If the same attribute need to be changed for several fields at the same time these fields can
be grouped together. We can specify up to four modification groups for each field.
37. What are the attributes of a field that can be activated or deactivated during runtime?
Input, Output, Mandatory, Active, Highlighted, Invisible.
38. What is a screen group? How it is useful?
Screen group is a field in the Screen Attributes of a screen. Here we can define a string of up
to four characters which is available at the screen runtime in the SY-DNGR field. Rather than
maintaining field selection separately for each screen of a program, we can combine logically
associated screens together in a screen group.
39. What is a Sub screen? How can we use a Sub screen?
A subscreen is an independent screen that is displayed in a n area of another (main)
screen. To use a subscreen we must call it in the flow logic (both PBO and PAI) of the main
screen. The CALL SUBSCREEN stratement tells the system to execute the PBO and PAI
events for the subscreen as part of the PBO or PAI events of the main screen.