Jurnal Inggris Maggot
Jurnal Inggris Maggot
Jurnal Inggris Maggot
ISSN 1680-5194
Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2010
Abstract: The effects of age at which House Fly Larvae (HFL) is harvested and method of drying the larvae,
on its proximate values were studied. Larvae were harvested on three different days representing three
different ages and the harvested larvae were dried using both oven and sun light. Results revealed that
protein content of HFL processed into meal after drying significantly (p<0.05) reduced as the age of larvae
increased from 55.4% on 2 day old, through 50.2% on three-day old, to 47.1% on four day old. On the other
hand, fat content increased with increase in age of HFL, from 20.8% at age of 2 days, through 22.2% at age
of 3 days to 25.3% at the age of 4 days. Fibre content minimally increased with age. Oven-dried maggots had
mean higher protein content (50.9%) and less fat (22.8%) than sun dried maggots (47 and 26.4%
respectively). Therefore, for maximum protein yield, HFL should be harvested at 2 days old. However, where
maggot fat is needed in a diet, increased biomass and or ease of harvesting, processing at later age (4 days
old) became desirable. Oven-drying is recommended for superior protein and in rainy season, while sun
drying produced higher fat and was cheaper.
Key words: Age, housefly larvae meal, oven-dried, proximate composition, sun-dried
to a thickness of 3.75-5 cm and exposed for
biodegradation. This was replicated 3 times. From each
of the three replicates, 200 g maggots were separately
harvested as follows: treatment one (T1) was harvested
on day two of maggot formation, treatment two (T2) on
day three while treatment three (T3) was harvested on
day four. Each 200 g sample was divided into 2 equal
parts of 100 g each, one part was oven dried while the
other was sun dried.
Each sample was subjected to proximate analysis using
the method described by the Association of Official
Analytical Chemist (AOAC, 1990) to determine effects of
age and drying method on their chemical composition
namely; dry matter, ash, crude protein, fat and crude
fibre. Nitrogen was determined using the Kjeldahl
procedure, fat was determined by petroleum ether (bp
40-60oC) extraction in a Soxhlet apparatus. Crude fibre
determination involved dissolution of starch and protein
constituents of the sample through boiling with acid and
then sodium hydroxide. The residue was fibre. Ash
determination was by ignition of sample at 550oC to burn
off organic materials. Data collected were subjected to
analysis of variance as described by Steel and Torrie
(1980) and means were separated using the multiple
test of Duncan (1955).
Housefly Larvae Meal (HFLM) like other maggot meals
has been found to contain good quality protein for poultry
and fish production (Sheppard, 2002; Awoniyi et al.,
2003; Fasakin et al., 2003). However, there are
differences in the proximate values reported by various
researchers (Teguia et al., 2002). These differences
were attributed to factors such as age, method of
processing and source of maggot (Teotia and Miller,
1994; Fasakin et al., 2003, Teguia, 2005). Fasakin et al.
(2003) attributed the variation in crude protein contents
of maggot meal (43.3-46.7%) to drying methods. Atteh
and Ologbenla (1993) attributed variation in the chemical
composition of the housefly larvae meal to differences in
time of harvesting.
Maggots are primarily harvested for its food value which
is dependent upon their chemical composition. Since
this chemical composition is effected by both age of
larvae and method of harvesting, there is great need to
identify the actual mature age and method of drying that
will give maximum food value (proximate composition).
This study is therefore aimed at identifying the optimal
age at which maggots will yield maximum food value
and the best drying method for processing maggots.
Corresponding Author: A.O. Aniebo, Faculty of Agriculture, Anambra State University, P.M.B 02, Uli, Nigeria
Results of proximate analysis of samples harvested at
different ages showed that fat deposit increased with
larval age and this had direct effect on the crude protein
content. It implied that fat content is inversely related to
protein in HFLM. The result is consistent with the
findings of Atteh and Ologbenla (1993) that the nearer
the larvae are to pupa stage, the lower the protein
content and the higher the fat content. It appears that age
slightly influenced fibre content. Two days old larvae
appeared tenderer with less fibre (6.2-6.32) than 4 days
old larvae (7.0-7.1%)
The 2 drying methods applied in this study (oven and
sun) tended to affect the fat content and thus protein. It
appeared that some level of defatting took place during
oven drying, which reduced fat contents and thus
increased protein content.
Therefore, the wide range of percentage protein contents
of maggot meal (39.0-63.0%) reported between 1971
and 2003 in previous investigations could be attributed
to variations in drying methods, age of larvae, growing
environment (organic matter), species of insect and
method of processing (defatted or full fat). Calvert et al.
(1971) reported 63%, Gado et al. (1982) 45%, Atteh and
Ologbenla (1993) 39-54%, Awoniyi et al. (2003) 55.1%
and Fasakin et al. (2003) reported 43.3-46%. Since, the
result of this study has collaborated the earlier results,
The authors are grateful to Owuno Friday of the Food
Science and Technology laboratory, Rivers State
University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, for
the chemical analysis. Chinonso Onyeguili, Nnamdi
Aniebo, Nwabueze Chigbu and Mrs Grace C. Aniebo of
Phasona Fisheries and Plantation Farms Rumueme,
Port Harcourt for sample collection and preparation of
the manuscript.
AOAC, 1990. Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
The Official Method of Analysis. 15th Edn.
Washington D.C.
Atteh, J.O. and F.D. Ologbenla, 1993. Replacement of
fishmeal with maggots in broiler diet: Effects on
performance and nutrient retention. Nig. J. Anim.
Prod., 20: 44-49.
Awoniyi, T.A.M., V.A. Aletor and J.M. Aina, 2003.
Performance of broiler chickens fed on maggot
meal in place of fishmeal. Int. J. Poult. Sci., 2: 271274.
Calvert, C.C., R.D. Martins and H.J. Eby, 1971 Housefly
pupae as food for poultry. J. Eco. Entomol., 62: 939.
Duncan, D.B., 1955. Multiple range and multiple F-tests.
Biometrics, 11: 1-42.