365 Vs 360 Days Year in Vimsottari
365 Vs 360 Days Year in Vimsottari
365 Vs 360 Days Year in Vimsottari
Vimsottari Dasha
1. Referring the statement in Phala Deepika (page 196) for
mahadasa calculation
to take the Solar year, which is the time taken by the Sun to
one round of the Zodiac from any reference position, Guruji KSK
has guided
to adopt the Solar year of 365.25 days alone for calculating the
Dasa system, and to take 360 days a year for easy calculation of
sub sub
(DBAS) dasa periods. (KP Reader I pp 96-97)
2. This length of the Solar year is in line with the following
1) According to the present universally used Gregorian calendar,
the average
year is 365.2425 days, which is applied in the SWs like KPAstro
3.0, JHora.
2) The moderns take the mean length of the sidereal Solar year to
be of
365.2564 days (365d-6h-9m-9.50 sec).
3) In Surya Siddhanta, the length of the sideral Solar year is
365.2587 days
(365. gh 15.31.30), which is longer than the above mean length
by about 3m19sec only.
4) In Siddhanta Siromani, a Solar year consists of 365.2584 days
(365. gh
15.30.22), which is longer than the above mean length
(365.2564) by about
2m53sec only.