Assignment ON Annotated Bibligraphy: Submitted To
Assignment ON Annotated Bibligraphy: Submitted To
Assignment ON Annotated Bibligraphy: Submitted To
Submitted To:
Dr.R.Lakshmi, Msc (N)., PHD.
Mrs.P.Savithri, Msc (N).,
College of Nursing,
MMC, Chennai-3
Submitted To:
P.Princy Fernando,
Msc (N) I year,
College of Nursing,
MMC, Chennai-3
Annotated bibliography
An annotated bibliography is a bibliography that gives a summary of each of the entries. The
purpose of annotations is to provide the reader with a summary and an evaluation of the
source. Each summary should be a concise exposition of the source's central idea(s) and give the
reader a general idea of the source's content.
Types of annotations
Annotations may be written with different goals in mind.
Descriptive or informative
A descriptive or informative annotated bibliography describes or summarizes a source as does
an abstract, it describes why the source is useful for researching a particular topic or question,
its distinctive features. In addition, it describes the author's main arguments and conclusions
without evaluating what the author says or concludes.
Analytical or critical
An analytical or critical annotation not only summarizes the material, it analyzes what is being
said. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of what is presented as well as describing the
applicability of the author's conclusions to the research being conducted.
Indicative annotations
This type of annotation defines the scope of the source, lists the topics and explains what the
source is about. In this type of entry, there is no attempt to give actual data such as hypotheses,
proofs,author etc.
Evaluative annotations
This type of annotation assesses the source's strengths and weaknesses, in terms of usefulness
and quality.
Combination annotations
Most annotated bibliographies contain combination annotations. This type of annotation will
summarize or describe the topic, and then evaluate the source's usefulness.
Purpose of an annotated bibliography
Depending on your specific assignment, an annotated bibliography might:
demonstrate the quality and depth of reading that you have done;
exemplify the scope of sources availablesuch as journals, books, web sites and magazine
highlight sources that may be of interest to other readers and researchers;
explore and organise sources for further research.
Each annotation should be concise. Do not write too muchremember, you are writing a
summary, not an essay. Annotations should not extend beyond one paragraph unless
otherwise stipulated in your assignment guidelines. As this is not an extended piece of
writing, only mention significant and relevant details.
Any information apparent in the title of the text or journal can be omitted from the
Background materials and references to previous work by the same author usually are not
included. As you are addressing one text at a time, there is no need to cross reference or use
in-text citations to support your annotation.
Unless otherwise stipulated, you should write in full sentences using academic vocabulary.
Sample annotation
The citation goes first and is followed by the annotation. Make sure that you follow your facultys preferred
citation style. The summary needs to be concise (please note the following example is entirely fictitious).
In the sample annotation below, each element is numbered (see Key).
(1) Trevor, C.O., Lansford, B. and Black, J.W., 2004, Employee turnover and job
performance: monitoring the influences of salary growth and promotion, Journal of
Armchair Psychology, vol 113, no.1, pp. 56-64.
(2) In this article Trevor et al. review the influences of pay and job opportunities in
respect to job performance, turnover rates and employee motivation.(3) The authors
use data gained through organisational surveys of blue-chip companies in
Vancouver, Canada to try to identify the main causes of employee turnover and
whether it is linked to salary growth.(4) Their research focuses on assessing a range
of pay structures such as pay for performance and organisational reward
schemes.(5) The article is useful to my research topic, as Trevor et al. suggest that
there are numerous reasons for employee turnover and variances in employee
motivation and performance.(6) The main limitation of the article is that the survey
sample was restricted to mid-level management,(7) thus the authors indicate that
further, more extensive, research needs to be undertaken to develop a more indepth understanding of employee turnover and job performance.(8) This article will
not form the basis of my research; however it will be useful supplementary
information for my research on pay structures.
(1) Citation
(2) Introduction
(3) Aims & Research
(4) Scope
(5) Usefulness (to
your research/ to a
particular topic)
(6) Limitations
(7) Conclusions
(8) Reflection (explain
how this work
illuminates your topic
or how it will fit in with
your research)
Sample Bibliography
Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing
1. Adelle Pillitten,(1994); Maternal and child health nursing.2nd Edition, published by
J.B.Lippincott company, Philadelphia.
2. BT Basavanthappa,(2006); Textbook of midwifery and reproductive health nursing,1st
edition, published by Jaypee brothers (P) ltd, New Delhi.
3. CP Threysamma,(2002);A guide to midwifery students, 1st edition, Jaypee Brothers
medical publishers(P)Ltd, New Delhi.
4. Churchill Livingstone,(1999); Obstetrics for post graduate and practitioner, 1st Edition,
Published by Churchill Livingstone (p)ltd.
5. Davis T.Y LIU,(2003);Labor ward management, 3rd Edition, Published by Churchill
Livingstone (p)ltd.
6. D.C Dutta, (2003);Textbook of Obstetrics including Perinatology and contraception 7th
edition, published by Jaypee brothers (P) ltd, New Delhi.
7. Dona L.Wong 7 Shannon E berry, (1997); Maternal and child nursing care published by
Mongly Inc, Missori.
8. Fergusans & Tayler, (1982); Records and curiosities in Obstertrics and Gynecology
published by Baillere Tindall, London.
9. Guy.I.Benruli, (1993); Obstetrics and Gynecologic emergencies, published by
J.B.Lippincott company, Philadelphia.
10. Harriner H.Shield, (1990); Obstetrics and Gynecology published by Pergamen press,
11. John Cook & Balu Shankar et al, (2001); Surgery at the district hospitals , obstetrics and
Gynecology, Orthopedics and Traumatology Published by WHO, Switzerland.
12. John.T.Repke, (1996); Intra Partum Obstetrics, Published by Churchill Livingstone (p)
13. Jognn, (2010); Care of Women, Child hearing families and newborn published by Wiley
black well.
14. Lippincott Williams &Wilkins, (2007); Maternal and child health nursing care of the
child hearing child rearing family, 5th edition, Published by Wolters Gluwers, New York.
15. Myles, (2009)Textbook for midwives 15th Edition, Published by Churchill Livingstone
Elesvier (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
16. Mudaliar&Menons, (2005); Clinical obstetrics 10th Edition, Published by universities
(P) Ltd, India.
17. Margaret Duncan Jansen &Ralph C.Benson et al, (1981); Maternity care The nurse and
the family 2nd Edition, Published by C.V Mosby company, London.
18. Neville F.Hacker &J.George Moore (1998); Essentials of Obstetrics and gynecology 3rd
Edition, Published by Harcourt Brace and Company Asia (Pvt) Ltd.
19. Stephan D. Ractclieffe, Elizabeth et al (2001); Family practice Obstetrics 2nd Edition,
Harley & Belfus Medical Publishers, Philadelphia.
20. Susan Mattson & Judy E.Smith (2001); Core Curriculum for maternal and newborn
nursing, 3rd Edition, Published by Elesver Sounders U.S.A.
21. Shashank & V.Panclekar (2003); Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics, 3rd Edition,
published by Vere Medical publications, Mumbai.
22. Thankam R Varma (2004); management of Obstetrics and its related problems, 1st
edition, Jaypee brothers (P)Ltd, New Delhi.
1) Baldwin.K.A (2006); Comparison of selected outcomes of centering pregnancy
versus traditional prenatal care, Journal of midwifery & Womens health.
2) Balwin.K.Phillips.G (2011); Voices along the journay midwives perception of
implementing the centering pregnancy model of prenatal care. journal of prenatal
3) Carlson.W. Kreshaw, T.Fogle.D et al (2006); Effects of coital frequency, sexually
transmitted infections and numbers of pattern during pregnancy of length of
gestation, birth weight and intrauterine growth restriction, American Journal of
Obstetrics and Gynecology.
4) Carlson.N.S. & lowe.N.K. (2006); Centering Pregnancy; A new approach in prenatal
care, The American Journal of maternal and child nursing.
5) Gaudion.A. & Menaka.Y(2010); No decision about me without me, Centering
Pregnancy, The practicing Midwife.
6) Gould Rothbery.B.E, Margriples U.Keshew T.S et al(2011); Gestational weight gain
and subsewuent postpartum weight loss among young, low income, ethnic minority
women American journal of obstetrics and Gynecology.
7) Grady. G.A & Bloom .K.C (2004); Pregnancy outcome of enrolled in centering
pregnancy program journal of midwifery & womens health.
8) Hackley.B.Apple Baun.J, et al,(2009); Impact of two scheduling systems on early
enrollment in a group prenatal care program Journal of Midwifery and womens
9) Herman, J.Cu, Rogens et al (2012); Womens perception of centering pregnancy,
The Americal Journal of maternal and child health.
10) Lathrop.B (2013); A systematic review comparing group prenatal care to traditional
prenatal care, Nursing for womens health.