Highlights Demographic Survey of American Jewish College Students 2014
Highlights Demographic Survey of American Jewish College Students 2014
Highlights Demographic Survey of American Jewish College Students 2014
Sixty-two percent of the Jewish college students surveyed have visited Israel; 21% have
participated in a Taglit Birthright Israel trip. These students connections to Israel are stronger
than those of adult American Jews in general, of whom only 43% have visited Israel (Pew,
2013). In addition 52 % of the students reported that they had close friends or family in Israel.
We have shown in previous research that attachment to Israel is a visible marker of other,
sometimes less visible aspects of Jewish identity, religious and cultural. The Wordle diagram of
the most frequently cited items illustrates that Judaism and Identity follow Israel as top
concerns for the students.
Chart 2
How important is each of the following to what BEING JEWISH means to you personally?
Notice the differences between Chart 1 (self-identified crucial issues for young people) and
Chart 2 (what being Jewish means to them). Note also that these college students are remarkably
similar to American Jews in general in the way they perceive their Jewish identity, as seen in the
Pew results in Chart 2. Being Jewish for them personally means mostly, remembering the
Holocaust, leading an ethical and moral life, and being intellectually curious. Belief in God
and religious observance score very low. The Pew Survey of U.S. Jews discovered
approximately the same patterns.
The students also emphasize the importance of having Jewish children. This is revealing since
only about two-thirds of the students had four Jewish grandparents.
One of the unique contributions of the 2014 Jewish college student survey is a series of questions
pertaining to grandparents. As seen in the pie chart below, one-third of the students were raised
in interfaith families with one, two or even three non-Jewish grandparents. A fraction (1%) of
students had no Jewish grandparents. Apparently they were adopted. A special report will be
dedicated to intergenerational relationships covering three generations: the students, their parents
and their grandparents.
Chart 3
Thinking about your grandparents, how many are/were Jewish?
A. Religion
College students are more polarized than American Jewish adults in general. A higher percentage
say they attend regularly synagogue services, while at the same a higher percentage say they
never attend services.
Chart 5
Aside from special occasions like weddings, funerals and bar mitzvahs, how often do you attend
Jewish religious services at a synagogue, temple, minyan?
The low level of religiosity is not surprising given the pattern of worldviews among the Jewish
students. A plurality of 39% consider themselves to be secular, 31% said they were spiritual
and 23% said they were religious (unsure 7%). This contrasts with the overall worldviews
pattern for American university students in general which in 2013 were more evenly distributed:
religious 32%, spiritual 32%, and secular 28%.
B. Culture
College students are more engaged in cultural Jewish activities than in religious activities. They
read Jewish periodicals, visit Jewish pages on social media and visit a Jewish museum more than
they do a synagogue. On culture issues, as in dating (Chart 6 below), males and females exhibit
strongly similar behavior.
Anti-Semitism is on the radar of Jewish college students since 55% report experiencing antiSemitism on campus in the past year, mainly from an individual student. Nevertheless, more than
66% of the students are always open about their Jewish identity on campus.
Chart 6
In the last 12 months, have you visited
As we found a decade ago (Keysar and Kosmin, 2004), only a small minority of Jewish college
students limit themselves to dating only Jews. This generation might wish to have Jewish
children in the future but currently they are not worried about inter-dating.
Chart 7
Which of the following applies to you regarding your relationships?
All my previous boyfriends/girlfriends have been Jewish
My current relationship is my first one and s/he is Jewish
Some, but not all, of my previous boyfriends/girlfriends have been Jewish
My current relationship is my first one and s/he is not Jewish
None of my previous boyfriends/girlfriends have been Jewish
I have never been in a relationship
Prefer not to say
Don't know
There were no statistically significant differences between the dating patterns of male and female
Jewish college students (Chart 7). Perhaps part of the explanation is their similar Jewish
educational experiences growing up: bar/bat mitzvah, Jewish youth group activities, attendance
at Jewish summer camps, and religious school. In all, we found only minor differences between
the upbringing of males and females of this millennial generation (Chart 8). This is very much an
egalitarian generation in outlook and experiences.
Chart 8
When you were growing up, did you
This online research study interviewed 1,157 self-identified Jewish students.1 Despite its size
and wide geographical coverage (see below), it cannot claim to be a nationally representative
random sample for a number of practical reasons. Firstly, there is no known universe of the
American Jewish student population and thus there is no sampling frame available for surveying
it. Secondly, there is no available sampling frame for 4-year College and university student
population of the U.S as a whole. Furthermore, there is no consensus among scholars and the
Jewish communities concerning who is a Jew? and so the social boundaries of the Jewish
Low cooperation or response rates to surveys in general is a contemporary problem as reflected
in the Pew Research Centers 2013 telephone survey of U.S. Jews. Despite the geographic
stratification of households in residential areas of high Jewish density, Pew achieved a 16%
response rate with seven call-backs. The Trinity College on-line student surveys achieved 1012% response rates with only one reminder. Students responded to an invitation by e-mail to
participate in the survey. The sampling frame was taken from open-access databases of college
students. Students were offered an incentive for their participation, a chance to win a gift
Our Jewish student sampling frame utilized an old identification technique; Distinctive Jewish
Names (DJNs). However, the DJN list was updated to include 250 distinctively Jewish surnames
covering Israeli, Sephardi, Russian and Iranian origin in addition to the usual and obvious
Ashkenazi surnames. Yet even with a wider sampling frame our methodology inevitably resulted
in a skew among the sub-sample of children of intermarriage towards those with Jewish fathers,
since the Jewish surname is generally passed down by the father
The net was deliberately cast wide: An e-mail message to the students said: We would like you
to complete this survey if you consider yourself to be Jewish in any way, such as by religion,
culture, ethnicity, parentage or ancestry. The methodology of an online survey using emails
restricted our ability to contact and interview students at locations where privacy laws for state
university systems, such as in California, prevented us; we sampled only private colleges in those
Nevertheless, in terms of key characteristics the Jewish students seem to mirror the overall
national sample of American students, which we surveyed in 2013.i That is not surprising
because there was an overlap in coverage between the 38 colleges in the ARIS 20132 national
college survey and the 55 institutions in the 2014 Jewish survey of which 23 were private and 32
were public universities. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors as well as a few graduate
students took part. In both surveys, 59% of respondents were women and 41% men, reflecting
the larger female student presence on U.S. campuses today. The similarity of the demographic
This research project is supported by funding grants from the Pears Foundation, U.K.; Posen Foundation,
Switzerland; Zachs and Mendelson Foundations, Connecticut.
and educational characteristics allows for robust comparisons across the two national surveys of
American students.